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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Insomnia struck around 5 am. Yawn.



"is that really appropriate for such as fluffy, cuddly subject such as greetings cards?"



Sounds like she was trying to make a counterpoint! :mosking:

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Good Moaning,


Clocks went back yesterday, so Lucy's obligatory wet-nose-in-the-ear "let me out, I might need to widdle" came at 04:30 and not 03:30. As Mrs iD gets up at 04:30 (60 minutes of "getting ready and having breakfast" before taking the 05:32 tram to catch the 06:04 train to Bern), I was up as well.


Very pleasant day, yesterday, despite my back playing silly bu99ers. Walked the Wolf Pack (Lucy and Schotty!) in a nearby field and let Lucy off the line, with some trepidation, fortunately there was an absence of distraction so she came when called (I am relieved to recount). Later I made a French Apple Cake and Cisca's cousin, and a dog trainer in her own right, visited and passed on some sage advice.


Those of you who manage to read the drivel I post will recall that I am quite an enthusiastic cook. Every so often, Mrs iD hosts an "Aunties' Lunch" and I cook. Next Sunday, there is another one and in the absence of my very own sous-chef, I will be spending a few days shopping and prepping. For those of you interested in such matters, the menu will be:

  • Curried pumpkin soup
  • Seared tuna with Wasabi butter
  • Autumn salade tiède (lambs lettuce, lollo rosso, chestnuts, oyster mushrooms, dried figs, lardons, croutons, topped with marinated and seared venison loin and chanterelles)
  • Pears poached in red wine and Pears poached in white wine

Not terrible difficult, but it does require some coordination and advance planning.


Well, that's all my nonsense for now, off to walk the Wolf Pack and then start home office.


Have a splendiferous Moanday



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  • RMweb Premium

Yes - Red Setters are generally loopy.

I had a friend whose red setter used to be brought home daily by the local taxi firm after escaping.

The one I shall be minding is huge for the breed - very tall - but narrow across the beam.

Loves rough and tumble.

There go the ornaments.


Yes my brother used to ahve a red setter.  We took it for a walk up Pen Y Ghent one boxing day (A tradition in Settle) .  The summit was sheet ice and the setter was racing around.  To see it doing 4 leg drifts each time it came near the edge was a sight to be seen with the legs right out to one side as it managed to turn.  It was said that it dodn't have a brain but a long streak of cartlidge from nose to tail.



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Forecast is for a fine dry sunny day. It may be a bit breezy but should still be warm.

Under orders today as management wants chauffeuring to various emporia. Great!

Have a good one - I suspect I probably won't.


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Morning all from the borough of boring. All quiet here. Managed to get some work done in the garden over the weekend. Not nearly enough though. Back has decided to down tools today in protest. BBQ prepped and meat ready for day long slow smoked pulled pork. Smoker box full of mesquite instead of my usual hickory as I ran out and haven't managed to get more yet. Other than that nothing planned apart from waiting for the other clown shoe at work to drop and to see whether or not I have a 6 month project du farce.


That's about all from here. Have a good day everyone.

Edited by AndrewC
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Lovely day here.

I have a little list of tasks to complete but none require much physical or mental effort.

Aditi is hoping that as it is half term the rush hour traffic may be reduced. It is a "normal" week at her college.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all from the borough of boring. All quiet here. Managed to get some work done in the garden over the weekend. Not nearly enough though. Back has decided to down tools today in protest. BBQ prepped and meat ready for day long slow smoked pulled pork. Smoker box full of mesquite instead of my usual hickory as I ran out and haven't managed to get more yet. Other than that nothing planned apart from waiting for the other clown shoe at work to drop and to see whether or not I have a 6 month project du farce.


That's about all from here. Have a good day everyone.

Pulled pork.... very nice!!


Didnt do myself much good trying to remove a bush with its roots entangled in an electric cable which luckily is not live ( put it in years ago but never connected it up) but armoured so coldnt cut it and the garden lights LV cable. Bush extracted and new fence post now in but arms scratched and generally a bit sore - had a rst getting back to working on the layout. - luckily the beer from Saturday didnt affect me Sunday morning!!

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  • RMweb Gold

My PC is off to the magic shop to be fixed, so I remain on the tablet thing.


Now what's all this about Ashers having two blind Roma hanging in her main bedroom.


Did she take them on as staff in what might be described as a charitable, but foolish act?


What did they do to realise that sort of justice?


Are they hanging there in some form of modern day gibbet?


Do the neighbours like the rather medieval decor?


Nosey hippopotami need to know.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Beautiful light this morning so up to get some photos before heading to school. More going in today to sort a few things out then hopefully I can relax for a couple of days before thinking about next half term.

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Morning All,


I am slightly later on parade this morning having taken the little guy to his school holiday camp.  He has been going to the same holiday club for several years, but on this occasion they had to cancel, so we went for an alternative.  He seems to be quite enjoying it.  Last week they visited two museums, and this week the theme is "Detective Work" they have got a detective from the Police coming to explain his work, and they are going to be doing some detective work of their own.


The weather is quite bright and sunny which is nice - but I am left wondering what happened to the weekend!


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Agenda today seems to include a plethora of phone calls but most of the people I need don't start until 9.  Got to pop into town - should be the usual Lancaster bus nonsense - and also have the dinner to prepare - Cottage Pie, anybody?  All to be done before 30747 gets back at half two.  So why am I on here - well, it seems like a good idea.


Back later

Regards to All


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Well, it would seem the local yoof had a cracking time on Saturday night damaging a load of parked cars on the Holway Road leading into Sheringham. Door mirrors, wiper blades, the odd broken quarterlight. I did wonder what all the fuss was about yesterday morning when what seemed like half of the Norfolk Constabulary arrived... all that was missing was sniffer dogs and a couple of marksmen.

I may, however, have a bit of a problem... Parked in the middle of this line of damaged vehicles was my little van and guess what? Not a mark on it. Apparently, this makes me a prime suspect and I have been "invited" to assist the police with their enquiries. As it's half term, wife and kids are away visiting her mother (I had a lucky escape from the dragon, by volunteering to stay behind and crack on with the decorating). So, with no alibi, if anyone fancies baking me a cake with a file in it...

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  • RMweb Gold

If there are no marks on your vehicle it couldn't have been you parking! Typical plods how likely is it someone parked where they had either witness vehicles being damaged or actually done it them selves. Chances are it was done before you parked but you didn't see it in the dark.


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Well, it would seem the local yoof had a cracking time on Saturday night damaging a load of parked cars on the Holway Road leading into Sheringham. Door mirrors, wiper blades, the odd broken quarterlight. I did wonder what all the fuss was about yesterday morning when what seemed like half of the Norfolk Constabulary arrived... all that was missing was sniffer dogs and a couple of marksmen.

I may, however, have a bit of a problem... Parked in the middle of this line of damaged vehicles was my little van and guess what? Not a mark on it. Apparently, this makes me a prime suspect and I have been "invited" to assist the police with their enquiries. As it's half term, wife and kids are away visiting her mother (I had a lucky escape from the dragon, by volunteering to stay behind and crack on with the decorating). So, with no alibi, if anyone fancies baking me a cake with a file in it...

Before making any statement, I think you should try and remember what makes the other vehicles are. If you have a innocuous Ford Transit whilst all around it are BMWs, Volvos, Mercedes, Audi, then of course the yoof will "go" for the more expensive cars, there is no street cred in trashing a Ford when there are Chelsea Tractors and the like to vandalise (as an aside, someone once observed that one difference between the UK and the US is that if you would have a very expensive car, in the US they'd nick it, in the UK they'd key [vandalise] it - make of that what you will).


Good luck

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  • RMweb Gold

Well, it would seem the local yoof had a cracking time on Saturday night damaging a load of parked cars on the Holway Road leading into Sheringham. Door mirrors, wiper blades, the odd broken quarterlight. I did wonder what all the fuss was about yesterday morning when what seemed like half of the Norfolk Constabulary arrived... all that was missing was sniffer dogs and a couple of marksmen.

I may, however, have a bit of a problem... Parked in the middle of this line of damaged vehicles was my little van and guess what? Not a mark on it. Apparently, this makes me a prime suspect and I have been "invited" to assist the police with their enquiries. As it's half term, wife and kids are away visiting her mother (I had a lucky escape from the dragon, by volunteering to stay behind and crack on with the decorating). So, with no alibi, if anyone fancies baking me a cake with a file in it...

A similar thing happend where my parents live in Surrey many years ago. My other halfs car had the rear window smashed as the rocks people put along the grass verge in the private roads make good amunition.


There turned out to be a trail of destruction from where whoever did it left the pubs in the village and took a detour via these roads then down the hill to the conurbation at the bottom. There was over a mile and a half of destruction but only every few cars or so.


Police wouldn't do any thing (werent interested in my other halfs damaged car) as there was too much for the local force to do.

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  • RMweb Premium

Interestingly the most stolen cars in the USA are the Honda Accord and Civic. It’s a capitalist society and most are broken up to be sold as spare parts! 


Best, Pete.

I was just having this thought about the symbolic value of breaking up cars named Accord and Civic...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from the borough of boring. All quiet here. Managed to get some work done in the garden over the weekend. Not nearly enough though. Back has decided to down tools today in protest. BBQ prepped and meat ready for day long slow smoked pulled pork. Smoker box full of mesquite instead of my usual hickory as I ran out and haven't managed to get more yet. Other than that nothing planned apart from waiting for the other clown shoe at work to drop and to see whether or not I have a 6 month project du farce.


That's about all from here. Have a good day everyone.

Talking of BBQ charcoal, last night on Countryfile mention was made of charcoal from rhododendrons that were being cleared. I know that wood from fruit trees gives off a scent when burned, does the same apply to charcoal?

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Just back from my little "chat" at Cromer nick which lasted all of four minutes. I was treated to the whole "good cop, bad cop" thing which I'm afraid I found rather amusing. When I suggested that they are probably looking for a couple of drunk teenagers, bad cop smugly suggested "I leave the detective work to those that are qualified" whilst good cop sensibly admitted that "they're just trying to 'eliminate the obvious' first".
Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on point of view) my van has been parked on the street since Friday afternoon so was quite obviously there when the damage occurred. The Holway Road is a busy A road leading into Sheringham and there is parking on only one side of the street. I live on the opposite side of the street which is double-yellowed. As wife and kids are away for a few days and the car's not on the drive, I thought I'd take the opportunity to move the van onto the street, so I could gather up some leaves that had accumulated on the drive and also rake the gravel to get rid of the "moon crater" look. I'm led to believe that I was grassed up by a notorious "curtain twitcher" that lives across the road a few doors down. He was moaning to anyone who'd listen that I had no right to park on "his" side of the street when I had the luxury of a double drive on "my" side. Apparently that's why the police came banging on my door yesterday. Unfortunately, there were assorted luxury cars, piles of junk and other vans in the line of 12 or so and all of them attracted some kind of attention from the vandals. All except my van. Therein lies the problem... why did my van escape attention? I've been told they'll be in touch. Ah well, I wasn't planning to leave the country anyway! I'd like to stress that I have no issue with the police who are only trying to do their job. As roundhouse pointed out, at least they're taking an interest. Quite often, car damage goes uninvestigated. What I do have an issue with is the extraordinary amount of curtain-twitchers in this town who are all too eager to point the finger. I like the community feeling of a small town but sometimes there is a downside.

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You hum it, son - I'll play it......


The BBC will not let us colonists view TV programs online.


Best, Pete.

The same rule applies here in Ireland. Only affects us if wanting to catch up on iplayer on something we missed. No problem with watching it live on the TV. Where is the logic?


Bank holiday here today so no early rising. The wind has dropped but it's very overcast. There are a lot of leaves that need raking up, so I'd better get the wellies on.



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