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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Yes Dom - go for it!

Dry but dull start and will be mainly cloudy with some sunny periods - Generally mild with some brisk southwesterly winds.

Extra hour in bed has done me no good at all. Tea taken to Her Lady Bossness who in return has offered an unhealthy breakfast which I think will do me lots of good. Well it'll make me feel better.

Have a good one,


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Good morning all, 


Busy day yesterday so no afternoon snooze for me!   Not to hot either as we had a double dose of tropical rain for some hours  -  the fairly steady rain for most  of the rest of the day. Bit overcast at the moment  and only 25c!   (how am I going to cope with the UK in November?) 


Still what ever you are up to today  - try and make the best of it,



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  • RMweb Gold

The Romans are known to have had Nubian soldiers stationed on Hadrian's Wall. Very few Roman Soldiers came from Rome itself or for that matter even Italy.

Veni, Vidi, Velcro - I came, I saw, I stuck around


Mornin all


Apparently I was selected to make a cup of tea this morning - as there's only Jill and I here I sense a "fix"


Gutter to clean out soon - have a good day all

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Morning all.


Good night's sleep, actually acting like a grown-up and going to bed when you are tired works wonders!


Day indoors today. I'll be sorting out how to use Julie's Silhouette cutter. It looks so simple that I keep thinking I've missed something!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a grey and breezy village north of Ikea.  Woke at some stupid time (by the reset clock) so came down, read for a bit, had my breakfast and have  now finished the ironing before the rest of the house have stirred.   This afternoon the plan is to go to the Leeds show and have a look round before dismantling the LTHS stand. 



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Still wet and windy this morning but nice to have an extra hour in bed. The sea is getting really 'angry' now and is taking it out on the beach, seaweed and sand piled everywhere and lots of nasty things tossed up from the depths for the dogs to roll in/eat.


Finally finished slating the warehouse yesterday, just the ridge tiles to tidy up before it gets a coat of paint.


Breakfast next, then last night's washing up, guess who's away at the moment!



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Grey & miserable looking outside but no rain promised for today so hopefully it will turn out better than it looks.  And oddly like Dick (Smiffy) I also tried the idea of going to bed when I felt tired last night - maybe it will catch on.


So not sure what is planned for today but it's been hinted that it will involve the garden as not all the new plants were planted yesterday.


Have a nice day one and all.

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Mornin' all,


Overcast grey start in the Staffs Moorlands...server duties beckon in church this morning, wonder which priest we'll have today?...enjoyed the re-run of an early Sherlock last night...a few night shifts to negotiate this week before a week off, a little more modelling on the horizon.


Enjoy whatever you do



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Whilst not unexpected still stunned by Jack’s death.


He is receiving more kudos for his musical life over here (USA) right now than in his own country, rightly so. He’ll be truly recognized by Scotland and the UK for his contribution to our culture in the future, no doubt.



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  • RMweb Gold

Computer playing silly beggars and won't start.


Pygmy hippo departed for a week of maintenance work at Cornel scout centre near Llanrwst.


Peace reigns!


Bannister and spindle stripping concludes this morning (phrase the Lord) and I can then start on the (re)painting.


This afternoon will see the delayed onion planting take place and the tying up of the brocolli plants.


Daughter comes home tomorrow, so an excuse for cake to be made, and more importantly, consumed.


The Obergrumpenfuhrer is now planning a batch of cardamom and rose flavoured apple jelly, so I'm going to hide before I am made responsible for bringing the cardamoms down to dust.

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  • RMweb Gold

oh boy that was a great nights sleep!


premier inn wont be getting any complaints from me about their good nights sleep guarantee, after 2 weeks of sleeping in the cab of a 66 virtually every night i'm enjoying a proper comfy bed in didcot, and ive got it for a whole week too, bliss!!


just deciding what to do after breakfast, i think a trip to pendon might be in order, possibly then a trundle over to steam in swindon?


went into the west end last night and saw nevilles island starring ade edmondson, neil morrisey, robert webb and miles jupp, absolutley fantastic show and i thoroughly recommend going to see it if your in london, off to see book of mormon again on wednesday with my trainee as we have a free time between jobs, well we finish 23:30 on tuesday and not back in til 22:00 wednesday night so im not sitting in the hotel all day!!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Nothing exciting planned today. I may be required to attach a hanging basket to the bracket I put up last week. Putting the new bracket up was messy as I noticed how much moss was in the garage gutters. Previously I have removed moss when it was baked dry in the summer. This was very wet and squidgy.



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  • RMweb Gold

My favourite job, Tony.

I love the feel of cold, dirty, water running down my arm and mud in my eyes.

I have been advised to  install hedgehogs in my gutters. This may need some research on Google.

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My longest ladder just reaches the gutter so I have to work blind.

I assume the hedgehog is to prevent leaves clogging the downpipe - a problem here with all the trees.

(Some of the pine needles are very painful under fingernails!).

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  • RMweb Gold

One of our issues is that the neighbour's gutters drain into ours, so we get all their leaf and moss cr@p as well. So it'll have to be a joint effort.

Ours is the other way round so we drain into hers and it backs up and ours overflows. Guess who then sorts it out!

Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Gold

Just had a call from Steve with good and not quite so good news. He'd applied for loads of tickets for the Rugby World Cup next year and has got tickets for 3 games. Not so good is that no England games but has got Ireland v Italy , NZ v Argentina & NZ v Namibia. I'm glad to say that he has offered to take  his Aged Parent with him!

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I've been hankering to model a Zoo in 00 and keeping an eye on the Chinese toy animals that appear everywhere.

Packets are sold in which the animals are all different scales and 00 sizes are quite rare.

However, I've managed to find a few over time which then need repainting from the strange colours they provide.

From memory there are Elephants, Hippos, Rhinos, Giraffes, Crocodiles and Camels - enough to get started.


Here's five minutes with a small brush on a Giraffe:




Magnified to this size hasn't done it any favours!

Edited by DDolfelin
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