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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Rather a late start this morning, we have only just finished breakfast (waffles with fruit and maple syrup). I was up late (for me) last night as I said I'd go and collect Matthew ("late" bus is not very late here) from his friend's house-warming party on Canvey Island. His friend lives in an area where the roads seem to let you in but seem to be arranged like a maze. You can see where you want to go but traffic can't go only pedestrians. I think it is to prevent the roads being used as short cuts to avoid the town centre. I caught up on the 3 Doctor Who episodes I'd recorded while waiting for a phone call.


Yesterday afternoon I actually did some scenic work on the small HOe layout. In a while I'll go and look to see what colour the plaster actually dried to, hopefully it will be grey but it does dry a lot lighter than the black powder paint I mixed in with the plaster.



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  • RMweb Gold

Hello ERs.

As usual, apologies for not being on lately, or at least not commenting.

Seems a nice day here in sunny Hampshire at the moment, should really go out for a bike ride, but I doubt I will.

My geography teachers appear to be expecting miracles at the moment, expecting us to do a pilot study at our chosen research investigation places (my friend and I have to go to Studland, about 30miles away) this weekend. Was going to do it yesterday, but we couldn't get there.


However, at least I get some time to myself this weekend as my parents have gone out for a trip to a steam event (inc. my mum who is not into steam at all laugh.gif) Starting to feel sorry for her!


Also, I'll be taking a trip on the K&ESR at some point in the next few months - a preserved line I've always wanted to visit. Other than that, not much is happening here. Just hoping I can get on with more planning for the layout as I haven't progressed for weeks...

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Morning all! Just delivered Dad his Father's Day presents. He's got a Skaledale signal box, coal drops and covered coal shed. Not sure what I'll get from Jamie but I won't get it today!


Off to the cricket this afternoon - Durham v Notts Twenty 20.

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  • RMweb Gold
Engineer turned up yesterday morning with a new machine, so it's all systems go.




Broke out into a sweat just looking at it..


Looking forward a nice days play with my airbrush and weathering powders.


Making it look well used with an airbrush and powders is cheating.

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Guest Max Stafford

Busy digging up the nasty complex of roots from all the bushes I chopped back at the front of the house. Who needs a training machine, eh? Yesterday I was putting up some slats along the garden fence to give a little more privacy. Need another 6 bundles to do the top end now, but the side next to the path is great now. Also gave the shed a bit of a spruce up with paint too. You can tell I've been off shifts for a couple of days, I've got some energy back! Until tomorrow... :rolleyes:



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Afternoon All,


Nice to see you back Jam - I did wonder where you had got to of late.


I'd recommend a trip to the K&ESR - when I lived in the UK that was very much my "local" preserved railway. Admittedly, I am more of a diesel fan - but I can appreciate a steam locomotive and we had a very enjoyable day the summer before last (I think it was) when I was over visiting my parents.


Tony - the whole of Canvey Island is a bizarre maze! When I worked in Bas, I remember driving around there for ages looking for a tyre place someone had recommended. It was all little streets and back-doubles arranged in a most ludicrous fashion.


I didn't make any progress on my layout over the weekend. I was planning to - but never got around to it. I ended up going out to lunch with some friends, including someone I hadn't met before, and we really hit it off. We even swapped phone numbers ^_^


After lunch, I headed home and then went out on my bike. Just a little 30 mile cruise around and then headed home to sort my stuff out for work tomorrow.


Have a good evening everyone!

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Motto for today:


Fai sco il sulegl: Tarmetta tes radis che scauldan e glischan els cors dils carstgauns da tard e marvegl.




If you say so!! :( :huh:

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  • RMweb Gold

Motto for today:


Fai sco il sulegl: Tarmetta tes radis che scauldan e glischan els cors dils carstgauns da tard e marvegl.




Will I find it a useful phrase to quote on my holiday this summer?

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!


Tony - I think so, as I understand the quote may be translated like "Believe in the Sun: For she sends rays which warm and make shine the hearts of man from morning to night."


Right now it's seven oktas, however, and I'll need my usual coffee to get going!


Have a nice day all! ;)

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Good morning all,

Happy Monday. Had a visit from a friend on Saturday morning. He arrived at 9:30 and was still sitting at 12:45. I live by the clock so was getting a bit impatient. Breakfat is at 8:00, lunch at 1:00 and dinner at 7:00. Still had to prepare lunch. However he did leave eventually and I ate at 1:30. I didn't invite him to stay for lunch as he had a wife to go home to and had said her was surprised that she hadn't phoned him to find out where he was! We have a phrase to describe that sort os situation. "He had his sitting pants on".

Partly cloudy today but still cold. Max temp is forecast to be 13C.

Has Zen settled in yet Mick?

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Morning All,


Rather a strange morning here weather wise. It doesn't seem to know what it wants to do. It is a bit on the chilly side for the time of year - but the sun is shining.


Back in the office this morning - and already had quite a lot to do. We had contractors in over the weekend (what's new? This building has been undergoing a year long renovation for the past two and a half years :lol:) and they have replaced our power backup system. Which meant all servers, switches and other sundry bits of kit had to be brought back online. Fortunately, it seems that everything is up and working.


Have a good day everyone.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, nice and bright with a smidgin of high cloud. Should be a nice day. Just getting ready for a trip to the hospital, not the best way to start the week. Quite a few years ago I fell off the top of a steam loco at the MHR, took all my weight on my ankle. I hate going to doctors etc. so didn't bother to go to one, did the ostrich thing, 'it'll get better', but it hasn't so now it looks as if it will have to be chopped out and a new plastic one put in.


I had an arthroscopy some four years ago, basically a scrape and hoover of the joint, didn't do a lot - the real pain is that although I live on the eastern fringes of Southampton all this has to be done at Bournemouth for some weird reason, so a 35 mile trip.


The good news is that my printer seems to be cured so I could well be downloading some Scalescenes stuff to progress the loft roundy roundy. If plague, pestilence and flood hit the UK anywhen soon you will know that this has indeed been the case.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Bright hereabouts. I hate computer printers, they are always the weak link in the chain. Tried printing a brown brick Scalescenes sheet yesterday, one printer insisted on rendering it bright red while the other produced it as green. Arghh!!!!


Have a good one all.




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I know what you mean about folk outstaying their welcome, Don.

My unpleasant BiL once stayed for six months.


Good Heavens!


My ex-BiL is reasonably Ok, but six hours would be about the limit.

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