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Morning all dull damp and meh day in the boring borough.


Looks like the assclown circus is going to be pulling into town for me for the next 6 months or so. Be prepared for more unusual euphemisms and colourful language. I wish I'd had Barry O's bingo card yesterday. I think I probably could have filled it by 10am. The only upside was I got to play with Windows 10. Better than 8, still not as nice to use as 7.


SWMBO had been playing Hipster bingo on her commute last week. One trip to Borough Market on a Saturday and that was filled in. :locomotive:


Quiet weekend planned. May just unplug everything and hide in the shed. Where ever you are and what ever you are doing, enjoy.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all dull damp and meh day in the boring borough.


Looks like the assclown circus is going to be pulling into town for me for the next 6 months or so. Be prepared for more unusual euphemisms and colourful language. I wish I'd had Barry O's bingo card yesterday. I think I probably could have filled it by 10am. The only upside was I got to play with Windows 10. Better than 8, still not as nice to use as 7.


SWMBO had been playing Hipster bingo on her commute last week. One trip to Borough Market on a Saturday and that was filled in. :locomotive:


Quiet weekend planned. May just unplug everything and hide in the shed. Where ever you are and what ever you are doing, enjoy.

A weekend off exhibiting for us so its down to Tunbridge Wells and the beer fest in the engine shed at the Spa Valley tomorrow plus a trip on the railway and maybe visit the Huntsman next to Eridge station.

Edited by roundhouse
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SWMBO had been playing Hipster bingo on her commute last week. One trip to Borough Market on a Saturday and that was filled in. :locomotive:


Is this just a game with fashion/style categories or do hipsters have a vocabulary to check off too?

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Grey here in Norfolk. If not too wet there's some garden work, also some track to lay in the shed, contact the VAT help desk, and some other paperwork to do. Plus the bath has started squeaking (when you stand in it). So I'm spoilt for choice. Ha Ha


Breakfast and coffee first though.

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Morning, Friday is my new Saturday!


Ah, bullsh*t bingo - much loved in my old team.  A few years ago we were inspected by her Majesty's Inspectorate of Probation (by invitation - they have no jurisdiction over us), in my Administration Procedure Note file there was a very nice fancy page of said game, that I put in a while ago and completely forgot was in there.  When the HMIP Head Inspector was interviewing me, he asked for the desk instructions, and flicked through it all.  He stopped at the bullsh*t bingo page, paused and moved on - no reaction, not a flicker, nothing!  It wasn't mentioned in the report.....which was as favourable as these things ever are by the way! 


Ok, the rest of my day has been signposted by Mrs H, the heating boiler is on the b*m again so engineer is on his way (may be terminal - gulp) and new guest bed is alleged to arrive this morning.  Then, who knows....modelling????


Edit to remove potentially unintentional racist slur

Edited by New Haven Neil
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Mornin' all,


Damp & dreary for the constitutional...no hanging about, just a straightforward calorie burn. Last of the Autumn prunings to be piled into the wheelie bin then its time for some modelling.


Enjoy whatever you do



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Up early as we're going shopping at 7.00. My stupid idea!


 I knew it was a brilliant idea really! Only took about an hour, no road, car park, trolley or checkout rage. This could become a habit although the Boss doesn't particularly like getting up early on her day off.

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....I took the weekly shop on at one point Bob cos' blokes are much quicker at it....the proviso was that her indoors prepared the list and I called in on the way from work on the quietest day of the week. All done in 30mins or so and no whining from the opposition, oops I mean fairer sex!



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Ian: if you get the chance in TW visit the Fuggles beer café. You won't regret it but your liver might.


Tony: just fashion on the bingo card sadly. Ironic glasses, single speed bicycles, mountain man beards, etc. Loads of fun for the whole family. However, just 90 seconds in Hoxton or Shoreditch and you will fill several cards. Too easy there.

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Regrettably I'm not trusted to do it on my own Dave - 'cos I always add "nice" things to the list!

I'm not allowed to go round the store with SWMBO, apparently things fall into the trolley and I put her off her train of thought.  So I now take her there, set her off then sit and read the paper by the checkouts till it's time for me to pack and pay.   If I get well into the SuDoku before I get summonsed, I know that she ahs met some friend and has been chatting.



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Morning all,


I am only trusted to do little bits of shopping - big weekly type shops  have long been excluded 'because you only buy what's on the list'; what an earth could I do in the face of such brilliant logic?


Fortunately as I'm out of the regular employment loop I don't have too much bother with ###### bingo although I used to enjoy some parts of it - my most hated expression of all was 'grow the business', a term which I usually greeted with such fond words as 'why are we going to bury it?' or 'well there's plenty of sh!t round here so we won't need any manure'.  For some strange reason folk stopped using the expression when around me.


And a very strange Friday here - no Waitrose (done earlier in the week) and Mrs Stationmaster has gone to a local hospital appointment (having misread the calendar and gone a week early, oops).


So have a nice day everyone and hoping you don't get the weather we're promised.


PS  I s'pose I really ought to add the fact that the good Doctor and I, and her brother if present, often run a model exhibition version of a bingo card - that can be good fun especially at Warley and Ally Pally.

Edited by The Stationmaster
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Playing catch up.  We worked on Empingham yesterday, preparing it for the Beckenham show on Saturday.  As it has basically been packed away since Peter died in the spring, it was a bitter-sweet day.  The other guys were 4mm modellers, so I rather left the maintenance to them, and I concentrated on assembling the boards.  We will spend today packing it up, transporting it to Beckenham, then setting it up, ready for Saturday.  Then I'm off to Borough Green on Sunday, to paint the back scene on Ashbury.  At least it is 7mm!


So more catch up on Monday. 



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Since they started rebuilding Sainsbury's at North Cheam I've been ordering the shopping for delivery. Brilliant.


You never need to shower, or even change out of your pyjamas...

You don't wear an enormous backpack at exhibitions as well do you?

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Morning all,

School dinners: I used to pray for them - I think I mentioned previously my mother's work on cooking had been honoured at the Civil Engineers Awards ceremony of innovation in resilient materials. My favourite was the rectangular meet pie with pastry topping. Simmmplyyyyy,....edible. 


Yosemite: I'm thinking of creating my own operating system. I shall call it the "South Downs National Park OS for 'puters". It'll be less rugged than Yosemite and have less bugs n bears to complain about. The licensing agreement whereby you get to use the South Downs National Park OS for your 'puters will mean you may not initiate a de-frack as this implies you may already have tried to frack the heart of the South Downs National Park OS for 'puters for your own benefit. Peripherals may be fracked and de-fracked to your hearts content and entirely for your benefit. Re-booting will be known as "Down time". Finally, updates to the South Downs National Park OS for 'puters will be at your leisure (not the innovator's) and will be indicated by a pleasant message saying "Gone Phishing".   

Have a pleasant day everyone. Andy
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Phew, c/h boiler lives for another day.  Well experienced engineer although initially puzzled had a thought, called the manufacturers who said he was wrong and it couldn't be that because... blah blah.  So he stripped it down anyway and proved himself right and the manufacturer wrong.....there is no substitute for experience.  Saved several hundred Manx quid over the manufacturers suggested replacement parts!


It didn't half make a mess though, despite our best attempts to catch the particularly ugly coloured water that had to go somewhere!  When the house was built they put the boiler in a position without thought as to maintenance.


I was just thinking about going out on the bike now above water has been cleaned up (with the engineers help - he's a good lad) and of course it has started peeing it down.  Bah.

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As Aditi goes out to work it would be silly for her to do the shopping but she does like to generate a list. The cryptic nature (though done with very neat handwriting) of the list is also designed to add to the experience.

Andrew. How does one identify the female Hipster? 

My nephew, Josh has recently moved to Brighton (he lives in a flat nearthe Marina). He said he hasn't spotted any hipsters, but there are a lot of hippies.


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School dinners: I used to pray for them - I think I mentioned previously my mother's work on cooking had been honoured at the Civil Engineers Awards ceremony of innovation in resilient materials. 


Home cooking was the reason I liked school dinners (except for the pilchard/sardine salad). Bill Bryson in one of his books called his mother's kitchen "The Burns Unit". My Dad said Mum was a religious cook producing burnt offerings or bloody sacrifices. We used to like Christmas lunch (or dinner as we called it then) as Dad cooked it. When we went camping Dad did the cooking and produced nice meals using a couple of Primus stoves.

When I went to university the food was lovely!


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Home cooking was the reason I liked school dinners (except for the pilchard/sardine salad). Bill Bryson in one of his books called his mother's kitchen "The Burns Unit". My Dad said Mum was a religious cook producing burnt offerings or bloody sacrifices. We used to like Christmas lunch (or dinner as we called it then) as Dad cooked it. When we went camping Dad did the cooking and produced nice meals using a couple of Primus stoves.

When I went to university the food was lovely!



Over here in Wessex-land we have a statue to King Alfred the Great, patron saint of burnt offerings (sub-category cakes).

Thinking Essex should raise a statue to our respective mums! :)


In fairness to mine, she did a really tasty Quiche Lorraine later in life. She knew it was appreciated as it used to shrink in the fridge as hungry children went and surreptitiously helped themselves to a slice at a time. Of course the empty flan dish would be replaced in the fridge by the last gourmand with just a few crumbs left on it to prove that it hadn't all been swiped! 

Edited by AndyB
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