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Morning All


Now I've caught up, I can start with my daily drivel.


It's very windy here at the moment, but for all the hoo-haa on the radio (Chrins Evans in particular) it's not as bad as some other windy days that we've had.  Hope it does improve as promised as I've got to turn out to go to Kirlby Lonsdale this morning, and am still debating whether to use public transport or to take the car.  After today, ERs will be a 45156 free zone for a couple of days but I'll be back at the weekend.


I've now got a date for surgery and it's been arranged for next Thursday as a day patient - I've got to be at the hospital by 7.15 am which should be fun.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold

You may find that a sharp tap on the chimney while the loco is cushioned will do the trick.


This should do the trick - be brave and give it a very sharp tap with a toffee hammer, it should come off.

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  • RMweb Premium

GB, as Beast says, give it a sharp whack with a hammer and then pop out and buy a nice diesel. 


In between swatting I'm planning on painting the viaduct and retaining walls on the layout today. No particular deadline, apart from wanting to use every minute I have to best effect. 

iD, my layout is N gauge, otherwise I'd certainly consider commissioning! 


AndyRam, have a good half-term break. Hobgoblin is a good choice! When we volunteer in class the first thing we ask the teachers is "Where do you lot keep the gin?"  


SimonG, To future proof my car against MoT failure I've taken my windscreen and doors off the car and it is now full of rainwater. What am I doing wrong? 


Think we're getting the tail end of the weather that hit the western part of the country earlier.


Haven't seen Pete Trisonic around for a day or two? Has he done a "Dorothy" on us and been swept off in Hurricane Gonzalo? NHN? Have you spotted him swirling past Fraggle Rock?


Yes, indeed, Beast. Looks like a positive therapy. 


Have a nice day, everyone. 

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  • RMweb Gold

GB, as Beast says, give it a sharp whack with a hammer and then pop out and buy a nice diesel. 


Haven't seen Pete Trisonic around for a day or two? Has he done a "Dorothy" on us and been swept off in Hurricane Gonzalo? NHN? Have you spotted him swirling past Fraggle Rock?


Yes, indeed, Beast. Looks like a positive therapy. 


Have a nice day, everyone. 


It was DD who suggested it - I was emphasising the technique I've used in previous mistakes of mine !


Pete is active on other threads so he's around.


PS - The rain has just hit here, VERY hard !

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.....iD, my layout is N gauge, otherwise I'd certainly consider commissioning! 

Andy, You misread my missive :nono:


When I gave the example of something being "too small" e.g. an outhouse in N, it was meant to imply that very tiny things would not be do-able, but a reasonably sized building (say detached house or bigger) in N is certainly "do-able"



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  • RMweb Gold

You may find that a sharp tap on the chimney while the loco is cushioned will do the trick.



This should do the trick - be brave and give it a very sharp tap with a toffee hammer, it should come off.


GB, as Beast says, give it a sharp whack with a hammer and then pop out and buy a nice diesel. 



Brilliant guys and thank you. Not having a toffee hammer and discarding the 14lb sledge, 4lb club, a couple of claw hammers and a pick axe I eventually found a pin hammer. 

And .......


"Then imitate the action of the tiger;

Stiffen the sinews,  summon up the blood,

Disguise fair nature with hard-favour'd rage;" ..........and one hard blow for Bob. England & St.George!

It worked.......now to put it together again but I think I'll wait until I've calmed down after all that excitement! :imsohappy: 

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  • RMweb Premium

In amongst the drudgery of the news is a headline which grabs attention because of it's "Wow" factor




I hope the trials are successful and this leads to something which can be used (i.e. not a one-off)

Seeing as they use material from the persons nose what happens when they sneeze? :jester:

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Seems I missed some silliness last night about signalboxes, presumably a bit like the ones I used to occasionally work back in my school days and that sort of thing - good way to learn useful stuff about the railway I always thought but it was a different world back then of course and not full of some of today's back-coverers who confuse the art of protecting their back with safety.


Anyway to better things and firstly GDB's dilemma - well you could shorten the smokebox but then the side tanks would be wrong so best to give a tap with a small hammer (unless the chimney is whitemetal).  Now iD's little problem - well my putative commission mentioned a good while back still stands Flavio but I have still not found the opportunity to go and take any measurements/stay in the B&B/restaurant next door.


Now the truly important subject of the day - tea.  My own preference, and it has to be leaf tea, is Yorkshire Gold although it is extremely difficult (i.e. impossible) to get locally so we have to go about 12 miles to get it and in view of that we are now trialling the Hard water version of Yorkshire tea, which we can buy locally (my reaction thus far is that it's not as good but Mrs Stationmaster seems quite happy with it).


Meanwhile there's an occasional rain shower outside plus a bit of wind - seems like fairly normal autumnal weather to me.  So have a nice day one & all.


Edited a trypo ;)

Edited by The Stationmaster
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You can imagine the puns:


Dr: I don't want to be nosey buy how are you feeling this morning?

You'll need to wash you socks more often now your leg can smell your feet...

Did they bandage him up with a handkerchief in true boy scout tradition?

If his nose was running when they did the op, will he make the Team GB athletics squad?


Best I get back to my text books, I think.  

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In amongst the drudgery of the news is a headline which grabs attention because of it's "Wow" factor




I hope the trials are successful and this leads to something which can be used (i.e. not a one-off)


Sounds like the kind of thing Doctor Bashir would do on Deep Space Nine. Marvellous!

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Haven't seen Pete Trisonic around for a day or two? Has he done a "Dorothy" on us and been swept off in Hurricane Gonzalo? NHN? Have you spotted him swirling past Fraggle Rock?



Sorry my drivel content has been rather low - i.e. I’ve been busy......


The house next door caught fire yesterday.  Of course we were the last to know - when I happened to go to my Studio window and saw a stretcher on wheels outside the house and a collection of local boys opposite in lawn chairs watching the “operation”.


Regards to all!



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Morning all,

Rough weather here too! I'm off to the surgery shortly to have my heel dressed again by the lovely Nicky.

Jamie, great news about your friend Tony, the model railway therapy appears to be working well and I imagine he is very happy to have such good friends around him.

Stewart, glad to hear that you have an appointment for your operation, we'll be thinking of you next Thursday.

Beast, is it possible to explain from all your timetables, why the RHTT train appears to be running down to Clacton almost daily at the moment? It doesn't appear to stay long enough to be re-filling here and I don't remember such treatment of the lines in previous years.

Glad that Henry the Fifth (GDB for non Shakespeare fans!) got his funnel problem solved, thanks once again to the tremendous amount of advice available on RMweb, and ERs in particular. Sorry Andy, but I'm still trying to find a 'nice diesel'!

The grass/weed patch is still growing at a fair rate and so will need cutting again when the weather improves!

Have a good Tuesday,

Kind regards,


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Meanwhile there's an occasional rail shower outside plus a bit of wind - seems like fairly normal autumnal weather to me.  


Those rail showers play havoc with the roof tiles.


I will have to be careful what I write now. Large quantities of water falling from the sky here combined with strong winds, just as forecast really. Stay safe folks and try to enjoy the day.


Edited for spelling mistakes!

Edited by Ohmisterporter
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  • RMweb Gold

Well things are looking up around here in GB land.

We have a new post person who is a very attractive blonde young lady and she has just delivered my new hard drive. (Stop it!)

I better not try and fit it until Steve can get round just in case I use the wrong Superglue.

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  • RMweb Gold

Beast, is it possible to explain from all your timetables, why the RHTT train appears to be running down to Clacton almost daily at the moment? It doesn't appear to stay long enough to be re-filling here and I don't remember such treatment of the lines in previous years.


Hi Jock,


It doesn't refill anywhere on route, they go out loaded with enough material for their working, refreshing the load is done at Stowmarket.


It's (3S60 04:54 Stowmarket. - Stowmarket (booked to arrive 17:55) ) booked to sit in Clacton from 14:40 - 15:15 but it quite often runs early and arrives around 14:25 and then does a quick turn around and leaves as soon as the crew can get to the other end ! It will run daily (M-F) until the leaf fall tails off, then it will run occasionally for a few weeks and then finally stop for this season around the end of November / early December.

Todays working is currently approaching Southend and has 37604 and 57306 on it.

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I must press on with sorting out some photos of the Brandon frame removal last week - some for the NNR and some for here.


Is the frame destined for the NNR box that was recently moved from the far end of the platform to a site overlooking the crossing at Sheringham?

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Rain, blowing a gale and dark..................so stayed in bed! 


Still  blowing but blue skies and little cloud.  Too windy for cycling today, or going to the allotment, so I may be forced to (re) start my layout planning.............


Late breakfast beckons, so I think bacon, scrambled eggs with toast, mushrooms and tomatoes will do (especially as Jane isn't here to do the Oberdietfuhrer on me..........!)

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Morning all.  Just back from a quick buzz down the M4 to Lechlade to drop off Mrs S and her two friends who are walking the Thames path for the next couple of days.  I told them to watch out for Somali Pirates, Sunami's, Avalanches and any other dangers, but needn't have been concerned.  They are dressed for far worse and have enough stuff in their bags to cover every eventuality.


I did see all the nonsense last night.  I have no idea what possesses these guys to think it is of interest to anyone else, so why post on a public forum, particularly this haven of peace and tranquility.  Like most, I take people as I find them and to use the modern idiom, 'am I bovvered'?


The easiest way to deal with this nonsense is just ignore it and press the 'report' button.  Andy Y will come galloping over the horizon to deal with it.  


Don't feed the trolls….;-)


On the upside, I now have the whole place to myself for a couple of days, so ET here I come….

Edited by gordon s
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Brilliant guys and thank you. Not having a toffee hammer and discarding the 14lb sledge, 4lb club, a couple of claw hammers and a pick axe I eventually found a pin hammer. 

And .......


"Then imitate the action of the tiger;

Stiffen the sinews,  summon up the blood,

Disguise fair nature with hard-favour'd rage;" ..........and one hard blow for Bob. England & St.George!

It worked.......now to put it together again but I think I'll wait until I've calmed down after all that excitement! :imsohappy: 

Hell's teeth!


If you go through that just to remove one bit off a plastic loco, never try to build a Malcolm Mitchell etched brass 44xx!


'I opened the box, and unwrapped the tissue.

I read the instructions, it was no big issue.

Then I decided to make a start

All those bits, it broke my heart..................................'


I'll leave it there as the complete works is longer than 'War and Peace................................. and not nearly as entertaining!

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Jock,


It doesn't refill anywhere on route, they go out loaded with enough material for their working, refreshing the load is done at Stowmarket.


It's (3S60 04:54 Stowmarket. - Stowmarket (booked to arrive 17:55) ) booked to sit in Clacton from 14:40 - 15:15 but it quite often runs early and arrives around 14:25 and then does a quick turn around and leaves as soon as the crew can get to the other end ! It will run daily (M-F) until the leaf fall tails off, then it will run occasionally for a few weeks and then finally stop for this season around the end of November / early December.

Todays working is currently approaching Southend and has 37604 and 57306 on it.

Always nice to hear of one of my old locos out earning a crust ;)

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