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Early Risers.


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Evening all,

Very short post tonight as I'm completely 'cream crackered' for some reason. Sad that AndyY has to interrupt his very busy schedule to cope with behaviour such as we have seen today - this thread is known to be friendly and supportive and there is simply no place for such 'bad blood' on here!

My uncle Tommy was a signalman on the G&SWR in the early fifties and I 'played' in the box often in the fifties but mostly didn't have the strength to cause any damage!

Have a good Tuesday all (just noticed the time!),

Kind regards,


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A few years ago, my car failed its MOT test because in the opinion of the tester; "the wipers were perished"......my protestations that the warm weather forecast for the next day would make them feel absolutely-toasty, fell on mirthless ears! :mosking:

Are you blond? :jester:

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Good Moaning,


Rather an agitated ER of late, my life is complicated enough as it is managing the Schotty-Lucy dynamics without my "tea, biscuits and a sympathetic ear" corner of RMWeb having to do the same.


A hairy dog day yesterday, in more ways than one. The dogs are slowly getting used to each other, although Schotty is still somewhat unhappy at times and can be very "macho" with Lucy. I've picked up a trick which I hope will help: every time I do something with Lucy he gets a treat and I hope that in time he'll associate Lucy with rewards. Still all this work (and aggro) is more than made up for by the joy and affection shown by Lucy.


Now I need to throw myself upon the mercies of the assembled ranks of ER. Let me explain: I am not getting any modelling done and a large part of this is down to not having any modelling deadlines to meet. When I did have a deadline for a model for another layout - such as for the BCB or Halwill - then MY modelling also got done. Ergo, I need a deadline!


Now to my plea: would anyone on ER like to "commision" a building from me (any scale)? The BCB boys and Oldudders of this parish can attest to the acceptable quality of my Heath-Robinson lash ups. The cost? Materials and postage (of course, any donation to the "iD home for the elderly distressed modeler" would not be refused). Understandably, there are certain limits: not too small (so no outhouses in N) and not too large (so no models of St Pancras in 7mm), but I'm otherwise open to suggestion. I'd also be happy to build an interior for the (un)lucky recipient to slot into their own model.


Now to snooze lightly, awaiting first light and "dog walking duties"


Have a splendiferous day.



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Morning all. Promising to be a windy day on the North Norfolk coast. The rain's already arrived and gales are due when the rain clears. Despite all that, I quite like this time of year. Another day of decorating. Ho hum. Have a good Tuesday.

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Morning all, 


Not much to report report from here, though it was good to see a brief note from Don B  yesterday morning.  Not sure what the days going to bring - but I'm not expecting any surprises.  However must stop at the store on the way back tonight as I'm down to my last tea bag!.. (PG if anyones interested) 


Make the most of your day.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!

Went to bed early as the after effects from my pneumonia injection kicked in.

Slept through the wind and rain which happened here last night according to her indoors.

Lots of packing of parcels for fleabag winners today as well as doing a bit of modelling.

Have a good Tuesday and let's hope the weather improves!


Edited by Barry O
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Ah tea. Definitely a coffee person in the mornings but by about 11am, tea takes over. Have always preferred Yorkshire Tea but discovered this a year or two ago...


Quite possibly the finest tea I've ever tasted. We had cupboards full to the brim of these tea bags in the crew room and they do make a lovely strong brew. I *accidentally* took a few boxes home with me when I quit but now I'm undecided whether to stick with this (you can get it from Lifeboat shops) or go back to Yorkshire Tea.




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  • RMweb Gold


Dark and damp outside. Forecast is for wet and windy (nothing severe here though) weather until this evening.

I didn't get to sleep until about 2 am and was then woken at 4.30 with early morning tea. 

I don't think I'll be putting up my hanging basket bracket today. Taking the old one down on Sunday looked like a 2 minute job but one screw-head had to be drilled out and then I noticed the garage gutter was full of moss so that needed clearing out.

Apart from a walk with Robbie I'm not planning much today but I may pop round to see a former neighbour who is having some problems with his PC. Sounds like one of those like he has acquired one of those browser add ons that affect home page and search functions.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, rain has stopped but alas not the wind, steady wind speed of 35mph due all day with gusts up to 60.


Lots to catch up on due to being away over the weekend.


Enjoy your day

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from north of ikea.  Breezy here and overcast but it has stopped raining for the moment.  Not a huge lot to report but it was good to see Tony last night.  His recovery continues.  He has a couple of days in hospital for tests at the weekend so I took him some bridge etches to fold.  He was working on them last night but had a bag of competed ones all folded nd tinned ready for soldering onto the main bridge girders.   It's good to see hom getting back into the swing of things.   Anyway apart from a committee meeting this morning I should be doing some modelling this afternoon.   Hope we have a quieter day here on ER.



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Morning, later start for work today as I don't need to drop off Mrs H in Douglas first, she is having an MRI scan later to try to get to the cause of numbness in her hands - carpal tunnel having being ruled out after the electric shock treatment  nerve conduction tests.


Very windy here, we had a disturbed night as our bedroom faces north-west, right into the wind.  Plenty wheelie bins and detritus blowing around the crescent.  Fraggle Rock is presumably steadily progressing towards Stewart. Ferries are cancelled so that would be the only way to get to the UK today!


iD, prepare to be drowned in requests.......

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morning all,cold and wet here,wind beginning to pick up a bit too....jacks got cold,missis too,so im next ! left him sat with mum having a drink,wouldant have take much persuading to stay!! managed to get to the club at weekend nice to see some locos run,have a good day all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Very wet and windy at 5am so I took Chris to work (seemed the gentlemanly thing to do) and then went back to bed. 

Neck & shoulders aching like mad after yesterday's gardening so I think I'll be taking it easy today.

I'm currently debating what to do about a Class 4575 I added a brass chimney to a few days ago. (And need some advice) Guess who managed to stick it on about 1.5mm further back than it should be. I was working from the front to make sure it was vertical. As I used 5 second Superglue by the time I noticed it was stuck fast. I think if I try to get it off I'll do more harm than good.

I've painted it and (to me) it doesn't look too bad from normal viewing distance - close up is a different matter.

LOCO ALERT!!!! Western Region experts and fans (and Debs)should probably look away now before they have apoplexy


Close up.




Normal viewing distance.




And the other side of the layout.






You may now laugh if you wish but.........

To cut or not to cut? That is the question.


Have a good one,

Bodger of Sutton.




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Very wet and windy here just now.  Winds typically at 60 mph, and squalls of very heavy rain.  Now at work and dont plan to leave my usual building for a few hours - for once I am pleased to have wall to wall meetings so I dont have to go out!

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 I may pop round to see a former neighbour who is having some problems with his PC. Sounds like one of those like he has acquired one of those browser add ons that affect home page and search functions.


I had that problem, Tony and it also opened the floodgates to a whole load of adverts and the like.  A friend's son came round and sorted it with Malwarebites which did identify the offending files etc on the hard drive as being malware.

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Very windy here, we had a disturbed night as our bedroom faces north-west, right into the wind.  Plenty wheelie bins and detritus blowing around the crescent.  Fraggle Rock is presumably steadily progressing towards Stewart. Ferries are cancelled so that would be the only way to get to the UK today!



The kettle's on when you get here, Neil.  It's pretty blustery here as well, and I'm four miles inland.  I do think, though, that Morecambe Bay does get a little less wind due to its location, and I sometimes think that the IOM acts as a shield to us here slowing the winds a but.

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Good morning all,

Very wet and windy at 5am so I took Chris to work (seemed the gentlemanly thing to do) and then went back to bed. 

Neck & shoulders aching like mad after yesterday's gardening so I think I'll be taking it easy today.

I'm currently debating what to do about a Class 4575 I added a brass chimney to a few days ago. (And need some advice) Guess who managed to stick it on about 1.5mm further back than it should be. I was working from the front to make sure it was vertical. As I used 5 second Superglue by the time I noticed it was stuck fast. I think if I try to get it off I'll do more harm than good.

I've painted it and (to me) it doesn't look too bad from normal viewing distance - close up is a different matter.

LOCO ALERT!!!! Western Region experts and fans (and Debs)should probably look away now before they have apoplexy


Close up.




Normal viewing distance.




And the other side of the layout.






You may now laugh if you wish but.........

To cut or not to cut? That is the question.


Have a good one,

Bodger of Sutton.


Superglue can often be softened with warm water.

You may find that a sharp tap on the chimney while the loco is cushioned will do the trick.

I can't see how it can be cut successfully.

BUT you have to do something as it will attract your eye every time.

There is also a solvent for dealing with superglue.

Good luck!

Edited by DDolfelin
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Pete (75C)'s box of Lifeboat Tea reminded me of McWilliam's old general store in Isle of Whithorn, Galloway. It was well-known for its own blend of tea, advertised thus:


McWilliam's tea's the best o' a'

It taks the shortest time to dra'

And what is mair

A teaspoon goes as far as twa

O' any ither

What knocked the pimples aff his nose

And gied him courage to propose?

McWilliam's Isle blend.



Edit: typos.

Edited by bluebottle
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I'm currently debating what to do about a Class 4575 I added a brass chimney to a few days ago. (And need some advice) Guess who managed to stick it on about 1.5mm further back than it should be. I was working from the front to make sure it was vertical. As I used 5 second Superglue by the time I noticed it was stuck fast. I think if I try to get it off I'll do more harm than good.

Bodger of Sutton.

Soapy water, and be prepared to soak for a long time.


Avoid Alcohol ( will strip the paint on the loco) or acetone which will just dissolve the loco.


Take the body off and put the chimney and top of smokebox in soapy water. Leave for hours or days.

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