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morning all,good luck with the move sherry,cool but drylleft jack and mum sat watching a bit of c bbces,28yrs ago just started at a restoration company doing morris minors,got made redundant,got involved with the modern car industry and its all been down hill from there !!    what happened to cars you could mend ? have a good day all.

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Morning all from north of Ikea.   Order has now been restored, 2 loads have gone through the dishwasher and things ahve been tidied away and no sore head.


46 years ago I was getting stuck into A levels and at this time of the day would have been climbing up the 200 climb from the main school up to the chapel for morning prayers.  At that time the chapel dome was still oxidised green copper and stood out for miles around.  It's since been refurbished in copper that doesn't discolour and is a shiny coppery brown which isn't as visible.  The path up the steep footpath was horendous in winter.   However we did get some very good science teaching.



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A bit of a shock to the system this morning. Before I went off to the mainland 3 weeks ago, it was still light in the morning. Today I was walking the dogs in the dark! No rain yet but overcast. Gales and heavy rain forecast for the south half of the country.


29 years ago. Back from Saudi and three months into my new job setting up a new division in a small firm of consulting engineers in Bath, staff - about 30. Now the staff number in thousands and they are one of the country's leading firms. I think that was probably despite me  ....!!


46 years ago. Young enthusiastic quantity surveyor, burning the candle at both ends and enjoying my last year as a bachelor!



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Morning all from the not currently boring borough. Woke this morning to hear the news of a fatal stabbing in Thamesmead. I really wish they'd filter out the few decent humans from there and flatten the whole failed sh!thole including the scumbag population. Think of it as pest control. Gang related by the sound of it. What joy.


In better news, for the first time in around 40 years Bexley has its own brewery. Tonight they organise a roaming pissup in several pubs across the borough to launch their beers. Their logo is the Ring Necked Parakeet. Very apt for this part of London as there are several flocks of them all over the borough. So tonight I've been invited to watch them "release the parakeet" on unsuspecting drinkers of this parish.


You guys make me feel so young. 46 years ago I was 6 weeks into the second grade at school. So my 10 year timeline: 10 years ago, working for an IT consultancy in Blackfriars and travelling all over the UK. 20 years ago, IT management specialist for the Alberta Court Services (babysitting judges and their laptops), travelling all over Southern Alberta. 30 years ago, relief supervisor Directory Assistance office (babysitting 120 women aged between 18-65).


Back to work for me. Where ever you are and what ever you are doing, enjoy the day.


carpet diem: seize the rug.

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No point in doing it if you don't do it accurately.  


A good few years back there was a .22 range at Navy Days at Portsmouth so not having done any shooting for a long time (not since leaving school) I duly paid for my 5 rounds and had a little go.  Back came the target with most of the bull missing although one of them had been more in the inner than the bull - grizzled Petty Officer sort hands me the target and says 'I think you've done this before'.  I  couldn't resist replying, completely truthfully as it happened, that I was always rubbish on the .22 range at school but I used to be quite handy with a .303 Lee Enfield and had had the badge on my CCF uniform sleeve to prove it.



But can you still fit into your CCF uniform?


I can still get into my No 1 Dress toga.............When I was in the army, Centurion was a rank, not a tank!

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I seem to have been up for quite a while without logging on.

Lots of recycling bags out.

I'm waiting for a call from my neighbours to collect them from the cruise terminal at Tilbury. I know their ship has arrived but they aren't going to ring until they have found their luggage.

 My phone has just received a text, my neighbours are disembarking in 10 minutes.



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Morning all = the rain has cleared from Borough Market Junction, but it's grey and gloomy. The great and the good of the company are in the office this morning, from all around the world, having been away on a 2 day offsite. I'd better behave!


46 years ago I was about 15 months old, only one memory of a memory from anything before about 2 1/2....


10 years ago we had moved into the current house 6 months previously and were considering changing the master bedroom decor. Guess whether we've been able to agree...

20 years ago, I was nearing the end of an unhappy employment in Birmingham and nearing the end of an even unhappier marriage, and living in Northampton. 1 train an hour, the commute was a pig too.

30 years ago I had just started my upper 6th, studying History,Geography and Biology A levels and getting round to finishing off the cartilages in my knees through cross country running

40 years ago I was living in Singapore attending Tanglin Prep and was in 1 Red.

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Good morning all,

Dryish at the moment - should be some bright periods to start with but heavy rain forecast this afternoon.

46 years ago Chris & I were 19 and got engaged. Next year we'll have known each other 50 years. :friends: 

66 years ago I wasn't quite here. (At times Chris thinks I'm still not here but on another planet)

Today I'm expecting a visit from an estate agent to value the house. (Just a tentative toe in the water) Apparently we live in a very popular road (Obviously because I live here :boast: ) so that should add a bit to the price. :yes:

Have a good one,


When I took out equity release they undervalued my property by about 20%. The guy who surveyed it did not take in to account the 'location'. within easy walking distance of the town centre, station, hospital and with both a primary and secondary schools with very good reputations. It didn't worry me too much as I was still able to release the funds that I required. The 'surveyor' was no more qualified than an estate agent, he decided that the 6' brick wall surrounding part of the back garden was unsafe because it was 'propped up' by a fence post that the water company workers had left leaning up against it!

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Morning all,


First a link for PhilJW (and the Tesco  looks to be a 50% discount on the cost of the card) -




Timeline - oh dear difficult to remember some of it,

10 years ago on this date I was in Sydney NSW working for Lloyds Register carryng out a timetable risk assessment for CityRail (the Sydney based passenger train network),

20 years ago I went through three jobs in about 6 months, made redundant when Trainload Freight was broken up, duly shafted by the Trainload Coal mafia as they put their own people into 'South East Freight' in an organisation which a working team of us had written but none of us got the jobs we were in line for, offered the safety & standards job in Regional Railways so jumped, with big smile on face, from the job I'd been slotted into in SE Freight then got the job at Eurostar which I'd previously been interviewed for so went there.

30 years ago, RHQ Paddington weaving dastardly schemes for a certain Mr Serpell and devising my first version of Worcester resignalling (I have done Worcester resignalling at least twice since then in at least two different jobs - the only physical work on any of them was a bit on my original one but it was eventually cancelled due to lack of funds; Worcester still hasn't been resignalled)

40 years ago, my first year as Asst Area Manager at Westbury - my earnings that year, following promotion to MS range, were £1,500 less than they had been the previous year, a feeling with which I suspect Ian might also be familiar (as a former member of Control staff).

46 years ago definitely in the DMO at Reading (I'm not sure which post) but I know I was doing a lot of station relief work for part of that year.


Talk about all our yesterdays!


Have a good day folks.

Edited by The Stationmaster
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But as I've been saying to my fresher students these past two weeks - 46 years ago I was sitting where you're sitting.


Under university by-laws it is permissible, nay encouraged, to beat any smart@rse student commenting: "Well, doesn't that prove that education doesn't get you far?"   :butcher:



I didn't know that about the pensioners rail pass. I think that Tesco's vouchers are due shortly. Where do you apply for the railcard?


Nectar has a similar scheme, although apparently cashing in your points now only gets you a single ticket, not a return.  :O



Final TIB before Moving Day begins.........................!


Good luck in your new home. Wish you and Ian every happiness in your life together. x :sungum:  

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15 years ago I had just started a new job having been made redundant very shortly after arriving in Germany.


20 years ago I was studying electronics at Middlesex University.


30 years ago I had just started secondary school.




I make that 65 years.

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Morning all, 


Mrs B was very touched to get a "Happy birthday" wish from so many of you. :heart_mini:

She's now sitting at her computer doing staff appraisals so that her team get a decent pay rise. 

I shall put some fizz in the fridge shortly so she can have a tipple for eleven-ses. 


29 years ago? Was getting my first experience of hypothermia. A few weeks later I got my first taste of hyperthermia. I think the former was more relaxing; or as they say today, "chilled".  

46 years ago? Sitting in an infants school classroom feeling somewhat lost and wishing I was back home with my box of Lego. You know where you stand with Lego.   :senile:


The station platform and canopy that I scratchbuilt doesn't look nearly dingy enough for my tastes.

Here's a thought. Instead of RailMatch and Phoenix paints advertising their colour shades as "BR Blue", GWR Carriage Roof, Sleeper Grime, Frame Dirt, why doesn't someone do what the big shed purveyors do and advertise their wares by "mood". We could have "Abandoned Station brown", "Industrial unrest" brazier orange, 1930s Sunshine gold, Mugging-zone brickwork, Schoolboy with spotter's notebook leaning over a railway fence eating a jam sandwich red..., Signal just gone to 'Green' express coming excitement...  :telephone:  

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Just now remembered to fetch the milk in (I still have it delivered). About to put it in the fridge when I noticed a small snail on the side of the bottle. Did you know that snails can fly? :jester:

So can slugs when I find them in the rabbits feeding bowl...... if they live long enough.

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The rain has arrived!


Self assessment tax return completed. 


Irish Water Application form completed - so that they can install a meter and start charging us for water from next year. Strangely they are not making a corresponding reduction in income tax (when water charges were abolished they put up income tax to cover the cost)! A new state owned company has been set up (costing billions so far, of which a large portion is 'consultants' fees!) to take over water services in this country. These are currently provided by County Councils. I haven't heard of any plans to make any local authority workers in this sector redundant!


Hey ho.



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I forgot to set the alarm last night so woke at 8.58 instead of 7.30. Total panic ensued but the lad proved that he can get up, dressed and out in under 10 minutes. Had to ring the school to let them know his lateness was down to me. I'd had a rough night and not got to sleep until after 4; if I'd slept better my body clock would have kicked in at about 7.30 even without the alarm.


46 years ago I was in my first term at Southampton Uni, after 2 years in the Civil Service. For my first week at Uni I'd actually still been on paid leave. The first words of the first lecture were "Archaeology is the science of rubbish".


29 years ago I was working at Southampton Archaeology Unit supervising a team of Manpower Services Scheme (job creation) employees. My pay was only slightly more than they were getting. Pay scales in archaeology were only dragged kicking and screaming into the realms of reality in the late '80s. The concept that ordinary workers (diggers etc) in field archaeology were volunteers had led to subsistence level pay, and the rates didn't change when the boom in 'rescue' (as in development-driven) archaeology created a full-time workforce from about 1970 onwards.


Sherry, I hope all goes well with your move, and the future.


Have a good day all.



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John, we had a water meter installed in early September. A drought followed. It's a conspiracy I tell you! 

It's now raining every day so I can revert to my earlier money-saving plan by giving (well, obviously not giving!) each family member some soap and shoving them out of the front door.  

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Morning all,

As many above have said, good luck with the move Sherry, and I fully endorse AndyBs comment and hope that you and Ian now have the many happy years together that IMHO you both deserve. (Goodness, I've just used text-speak, what will the grandchildren think?)

Pete(trisonic), missed your post again due to sleep, a requirement that often interferes! Love the Italian family meals - in the eighties Joanna and I took youngest daughter and boyfriend, with our son and my brothers adopted son from Boston Mass. on a grand tour of Europe. We visited all the major capitals but spent ten days in a rented villa in the Tuscan mountains. The owners, who lived on the upper floor, had all their family to al-fresco Sunday lunch with their daughter attending from as far away as Milan university. This happened every week and they all seemed to enjoy the experience. Ever since I've thoroughly enjoyed putting on such meals when I can although work and distance to where they live sometimes makes it awkward for all of us to get together at the same time. We insist on Boxing Day meetings though and every third year (duties shared with both daughters!), we lay on a feast and always have a lovely day. Until my illness struck, we also had at least one summer barbecue based bash where all attended, which was always such fun that I'm determined to attempt to hold one again if we have a summer next year. Guess that we are truly lucky that all of our family, including nieces and nephews, get on so well when I hear of the troubles some endure on this thread!

Dave(TG), your timeline post explains how you manage to cycle almost every day - you're a mere lad!

Martin1, liked your comment about cars you could mend. I was MD of the family Renault dealership when the Renault 25 was introduced - a fine car indeed but only a handful of mechanics in the UK could handle the 'solid state' electronics. A Renault engineer from their head office told me that they were inundated with requests for parts of wiring harnesses where the average workshop hadn't realised how delicate computer cable connecting blocks were! Now you need a very expensive master computer in the workshop to be able to do even a standard service. I suppose that on the plus side, the technology has produced cleaner, more efficient cars. A lot of my older clients at the Citroen garage locally, were convinced that it was all a plot by the manufacturers to ensure that the vehicle had to go back to the dealer for work! They didn't realise that the technology was developed to abide by the ever more stringent requirements demanded by the EU.

Mike(stationmaster), your post on guns reminded me of my silver award when in the ATC, I managed to get five in or clipping the 'Bull' with an ancient Lee-Enfield 303. Surprising accuracy for an ancient and often mis-used firearm. My prize was to get to play with a Bren (on single shot setting!) which in return reminds me of one clown who managed to knock it Into rapid fire mode whereupon the target disappeared in a cloud of fragments. Seem to recall it was some time before the scorer appeared from his pit with quite a white face! This all occurred at the butts in Old Harlow which I believe were for the use of the local TA. Once again, ERs brings back to mind experiences long forgotten -great!

Enjoy the 'hump' to the best of your ability,

Kind regards,


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Morning all from the not currently boring borough. Woke this morning to hear the news of a fatal stabbing in Thamesmead. I really wish they'd filter out the few decent humans from there and flatten the whole failed sh!thole including the scumbag population. Think of it as pest control. Gang related by the sound of it. What joy.


In better news, for the first time in around 40 years Bexley has its own brewery. Tonight they organise a roaming pissup in several pubs across the borough to launch their beers. Their logo is the Ring Necked Parakeet. Very apt for this part of London as there are several flocks of them all over the borough. So tonight I've been invited to watch them "release the parakeet" on unsuspecting drinkers of this parish.



Looking forward to discovering the new beer. I see they've been chatting to the local Wetherspoons pubs. Maybe I'll find it there.


And as for Thamesmead, my only exposure has been sitting with my mrs while she did driving practice. As you say, what a hole!

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