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29 years ago; that made me stop and think - 29 years ago I was starting at Leeds University. The day we set off from nearly as deep Kent as Ian (Paddock Wood in our case) was a very foggy day, especially where we got on to the M11 from the M25 where we couldn't see much beyond the bonnet of the car, but the weather that October in Leeds was IIRC very balmy. Bizarrely it rarely seemed to rain in Leeds for those three years....must be the Pennines rain shadow!

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Afternoon again folks,

Got back from Tesco a bit disgruntled as they had run out of my slurping wine, the Montepulciano D'Abruzzo that I keep in the kitchen for use by the cook! Might have to break in to my better quality stock soon so every little bit isn't helping me today!

Just as mentioned by The Lurker and DD, plenty Christmas stuff on sale. Thankfully they also had lots of pumpkins and witches outfits to remind me about Joanna's birthday - yes, its official, she was born on 31/10 and over the years she has suffered all the practical joke type presents. I still have the broom complete with saddle somewhere in the garage!

Ian(Oldddudders), hope your journey is safe and uneventful tomorrow. I'm sure helping Sherry to get the new home as she would like it will be a labour of love. Don't forget to switch off that fence before you move it!!

Dave(TG), lovely scenes from the garden - our season looks like being later than that. We always like the colours but not so much when I have to get the trusty leaf hoover out. The apple trees in particular are a nuisance, dropping into granite chipped beds. Have to be very careful not to suck up the chippings at the same time as the leaves as it wouldn't do the machine much good, let alone my wallet!

John(Killybegs), love the pictures. That is the ferry that dad and I took often to watch the Ulster GP and North West 200 motorcycle races. Being a BR driver, our passage was free as the railway ran the ferries in the fifties as I've no doubt mentioned before. Have to agree with you on the beauty of Dumfries and Galloway; slightly biased as I was born there!

Bill, your post ref. PayPal was funny, yet sinister. It's obviously a scam but the language is so poor that you are warned off immediately. The grammatical errors suggest a non UK site. A useful reminder to anyone with a PayPal account to be careful and any such attacks aught to be reported in the hope the miscreants can be tracked down.

DD, sounds that you have a right royal mess brewing there. Your good lady is almost certainly going to need lots of support - please wish her good luck from Joanna and I.

Hard to believe that the hump is almost upon us again?

Happy Birthday for tomorrow Mrs Andy B. Hope you have a day to remember.

Kind regards,


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Hi guys, been into London to see the poppies.  The scale of the whole thing was impressive, but somehow it wasn't moving.  888, 246 poppies, one for each British fatality in the two World Wars.  I'm guessing it was the crowds of people, continuous chatter and London traffic noise, but surprising, just the same.  Managed to grab lunch in Covent Garden and then the train home.


Now perhaps someone can let me into the secret of train fares.  Off peak return from Wokingham was around £35 and with a London travel card, £44.00.  Decided to drive to Richmond and park the car.  Quicker and cheaper, but the London travel card bit interests me.  I'm assuming it's nothing to do with South West Trains, but the same tickets from Richmond were £8 and £8.90.


How can the London travel card cost £9.00 in Wokingham and only £0.90 when bought in Richmond?  Same card, same benefits, identical in every way….


One of life's mysteries.






Edit:  My mistake, it was just the First World War...



Edited by gordon s
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Gordon, I think you may be right. Remembrance seems to need "hush", imho.


One of my proudest moments (in dad mode) was seeing my 7 y/o "Brownie" daughter place a wreath on the town's cairn; she had to walk the length of the High Street in front of thousands of onlookers. 


I can't enlighten your mystery about train tickets, but if you need the mysteries of the "Big Bang" unraveled, a perpetual motion machine designed, a junk food recipe that doesn't make you fat, or next week's lottery numbers then give me a shout.  :no:


Wrapping paper tube + kitchen unit kicker plinth holders just converted into a home-made "Nerf" gun. More like a "Naff" gun, but it's all in the imagination. Well, until the neighbour's lad starts firing at us with a real Nerf gun, that is!  :triniti:

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Afternoon All


Back from the weekly trip to the supermarket and then also dinner duty - my this retirement is fun. 

Meantime, I'm caught up, and needless to say, my generic wishes go to my fellow ERs.

While in Morecambe, I drove along the seafront, and Eric's statue has been removed for repair after the act of vandalism the other day.  Strange how it looks bare without it.

Jock - sorry about your Broadband outage - they do happen, unfortunately, and if they are widespread, usually mean an exchange or server fault - often the problem is with the backhaul rather than the local network, and in that case, both Infinity and copper broadband are affected.

Fire's lit, and seems to be working well, so far, and keeping the damp from the air out of the living room - also has a good knock on for our bedroom, as the chimney breast does heat up quite quickly.  To get the logs in early, I have anticipated my Winter Fuel Allowance, and got myself a bigger load than usual - and they are now getting just right for burning, having been felled about 18 months ago, and split about three months ago, so just about right.

Lily's asking for a walk, so

Regards to All


edit - I must just thank Gordon for posting the images of the poppies at the Tower of London, which are most impressive indeed and 30747 also said thanks.

Edited by 45156
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Hi guys, been into London to see the poppies.  The scale of the whole thing was impressive, but somehow it wasn't moving.  888, 246 poppies, one for each British fatality in the two World Wars.  I'm guessing it was the crowds of people, continuous chatter and London traffic noise, but surprising, just the same.  Managed to grab lunch in Covent Garden and then the train home.


Now perhaps someone can let me into the secret of train fares.  Off peak return from Wokingham was around £35 and with a London travel card, £44.00.  Decided to drive to Richmond and park the car.  Quicker and cheaper, but the London travel card bit interests me.  I'm assuming it's nothing to do with South West Trains, but the same tickets from Richmond were £8 and £8.90.


How can the London travel card cost £9.00 in Wokingham and only £0.90 when bought in Richmond?  Same card, same benefits, identical in every way….


One of life's mysteries.





I think the 888, 246 figure is Commonwealth War Graves Commission figure for total British fatalities including the colonies and mercantile marine in the Great War.  Figures for the Great War are quite confused and also depend on whether or not details for 1919 are included.


The revised 'final' figure for the British Army published by the War Office in 1921 covered the period from 4 August 1914 to 30 September 1919 and was 573,507 dead including died from wounds and other causes, and 254,176 missing less 154,308 released prisoners of war giving a total of 673,375 dead and missing.

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The Tower Poppies website says the artist says he got the figures from the War Grave Commission site for the total of identified burials and those commemorated on memorials.  Page 45 of the report. Whatever the number, it was a huge waste of young lives...





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29 years ago, I was a relatively newly promoted Sgt in the centre of Bradford, the Miners Strike had ended that year and my daughter would be getting on for 1 year old. 


Anyway here North of Ikea the stress levels in the kitchen are rising so I'm keeping out.  SWMBO is cooking for 5 schoolfriends who are celebrating the visit of one of them from her home in France.   Collectively they are known as the old BAGGS from the initials of their old school.  Daughter and I ahve both been cowardly and pleaded that we have to be elsewhere this evening.  I've just cooked and eaten my own tea and will then be dissappearing to the clubrooms to do some wiring work on Green Ayre which will i think be much better than enduring a houseful of 60 somethings.  Daughter is going out somewhere when she gets home from work.   All in all we think we have good plans.  If I can get all 10 roads energised and working properly at the east end of the fiddle yard it will have been an evening well spent.


Mea culpa for mentioned model railways.



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I'm not entirely sure if it's a good idea to teach accurate shooting of firearms to females of the species :scratchhead:

I never said I was going to teach them how to shoot accurately, just to shoot.


Hatred of the opposite sex when they upset aforementioned females usually is the accuracy incentive!

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29 years ago a week before October half term I was so annoyed with the Head of Science at the school I taught at I dashed off an application to be an advisory teacher in the London Borough of Havering. On the next working day he apologised for everything he had said to me. I took the job when it was offered and that was the beginning of my career in educational IT.



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Richmond is in a TfL Travel zone(4).  £8.90 would be a Zone 1-6 off peak Travelcard allowing, bus train and DLR within Zones 1-6.

The £8 is probably the fare from a SWT station to a specific destination. Out here in Essex there are similar fares and the ticket office would usually say for xx pence more you could have a travel card.

No idea about Wokingham's fare structure. I have a senior railcard, £15 worth of Tesco vouchers buys a £30 annual card!



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Found this while web trawling and thought it amusing , I wonder if if Pete ( Trisonic ) can verify it's accuracy ?




Pretty much so, except in real life some gestures cover more than one scenario - which is confusing. I only watched for two minutes though..


My favorite saying is: “mangia e statti zitto!"


Best, Pete.

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I never said I was going to teach them how to shoot accurately, just to shoot.


Hatred of the opposite sex when they upset aforementioned females usually is the accuracy incentive!

No point in doing it if you don't do it accurately.  


A good few years back there was a .22 range at Navy Days at Portsmouth so not having done any shooting for a long time (not since leaving school) I duly paid for my 5 rounds and had a little go.  Back came the target with most of the bull missing although one of them had been more in the inner than the bull - grizzled Petty Officer sort hands me the target and says 'I think you've done this before'.  I  couldn't resist replying, completely truthfully as it happened, that I was always rubbish on the .22 range at school but I used to be quite handy with a .303 Lee Enfield and had had the badge on my CCF uniform sleeve to prove it.

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Massive traffic problems in North Brum today - the underpass outside the university is flooded. Colleague was on the A34 stuck for three hours to travel a couple of miles. It's a red route so just couldn't abandon and walk.

Well, we made the national news




Took me half an hour to get the 250 yards out of the University to the next set of traffic lights.


Was kinda damp



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Evening, having trouble keeping up!


Still not downloaded the photos, so I'm safe from any threats. 


I am sure Debs is a Quaker, my not-god-daughter whom we have just visited attends a Quaker school (Ackworth) and I have to say she is turning into a very well balanced young lady at 14.  So one up to the Quakers from me, despite my atheism!  My neice of the same age in the west country is, er, not quite so well balanced. :triniti:

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Richmond is in a TfL Travel zone(4).  £8.90 would be a Zone 1-6 off peak Travelcard allowing, bus train and DLR within Zones 1-6.

The £8 is probably the fare from a SWT station to a specific destination. Out here in Essex there are similar fares and the ticket office would usually say for xx pence more you could have a travel card.

No idea about Wokingham's fare structure. I have a senior railcard, £15 worth of Tesco vouchers buys a £30 annual card!



I didn't know that about the pensioners rail pass. I think that Tesco's vouchers are due shortly. Where do you apply for the railcard?

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I didn't know that about the pensioners rail pass. I think that Tesco's vouchers are due shortly. Where do you apply for the railcard?

You go to the Tesco Clubcard website and choose the option to buy a Rail Voucher. You type in the voucher code (I found a £15 one but if you only have bigger ones they credit the difference to your next clubcard voucher).

You the get emailed a voucher code which you insert into the "redeem voucher" box on the senior railcard website. Answer all the questions (You need to quote your passport or driving licence number) and in my (and Aditi's) case a card arrives next working day. Hope this helps. I spent ages looking on the Sainsbury website for the offer initially. I was "misadvised"


The railcard is for the over sixties. There are a few conditions that apply that would affect peak morning travel in the SE particularly.

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 But as I've been saying to my fresher students these past two weeks - 46 years ago I was sitting where you're sitting.

46 years ago I was in secondary school and probably doing O level maths homework. I think that may have been when I was at my peak ability. Everything since has seemed quite an effort.

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Evening, having trouble keeping up!


Still not downloaded the photos, so I'm safe from any threats. 


I am sure Debs is a Quaker, my not-god-daughter whom we have just visited attends a Quaker school (Ackworth) and I have to say she is turning into a very well balanced young lady at 14.  So one up to the Quakers from me, despite my atheism!  My neice of the same age in the west country is, er, not quite so well balanced. :triniti:

Humanists owe their organisation to the Friends. No-one would allow atheists to use their premises, but the Friends believed enough in the individual pursuit of spiritual growth, with or without a deity, that they opened their meeting houses for them. Honourable and principled people.

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46 years ago...



I tell people I am only 12 but they laugh at me...... grow up me.....all I do is grow rounder.





edited to try and make enough sense for ER's

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