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Reminds me of one Adrian Barnard who ran a model railway club at my school in the seventies. He ended up with a periphery track round the classroom, and even a trapdoor for entry by the kids. Quite how much running trains went on in lessons I'm not sure, but knowing Adrian a lot.

Lovely guy, great anarchic sense of humour, if anyone knows him.

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A grand day out on the KWVR yesterday, a belated birthday treat c/o daughter Helen and her intended, Richard.  Visits have been rare for me since Helen's mum died, as memories were sometimes too painful, but this was a wonderful day, reminiscing with loving irreverence about past family days out.

This was the Autumn "Steam Spectacular", with a good selection of the railway's best locos on show, the return to service of unrebuilt WC class "Wells" being the highlight for Richard (more a fan of F1 racing than railways, but mightily impressed by "The Big Green One") and myself. For Helen, it was the station cat at Oxenhope, patrolling its territory and exchanging greetings with all and sundry (apologies to its Feline Excellency for failing to ascertain its name).

Lunch was a success, too, at the Changegate Fisheries - well worth the steep plod up through Haworth from the station. Good food and friendly service. I'm sure that the waitress must have heard me grousing to the others that if one asks for tea in a cafe one usually gets a pot, where coffee is usually just a cup. Minutes later a three-cup pot of fresh coffee appeared at my elbow, with an offer of refills. Such a temptation, these days, to take advantage of my snowy pow!

The finale was the run back up to Oxenhope, with "Wells" piloted by Austerity No. 90733 ("We've got the Big Black Engine as well!"). 90733 was taken off at Haworth, so it was heads (cautiously!) out of the window to watch it returning to the shed, then enjoying the brisk final stretch up to Oxenhope. The first time Richard visited the KWVR, he'd been disappointed to find that the trains didn't run at 126 m.p.h. This time he experienced the greater impression of speed and power of steam, even at a modest pace.

Best birthday I've had for a long time!


Station cat walking the fence at Oxenhope.

attachicon.gifstation cat.jpg

Photo by miss bb


Unrebuilt WC class No.34092 at Oxenhope, KWVR.

attachicon.gifwest country class 'wells'.jpg

Snap by bluebottle


Changegate Fisheries, Haworth.

attachicon.gifchangegate fisheries.jpg

Picture from Google Streetview


P.S. I was asked how the driving was co-ordinated on a double-header, but had difficulty in providing a coherent answer. Can anyone with footplate experience provide a brief explanation suitable for the layman? 


Fabulous pix, Gordon.  We had hoped to "do" this one this weekend but with family commitments it didn't quite pan out that way, so many thanks for posting.  And Happy (belated) Birthday and glad you enjoyed your special day.


We were on a taxi/removal service with offspring (just started a new job) on a West-East run to Cambridge on Sunday but managed to grab a few pics from the passenger seat.


A55, the early morning sun picking out the never ending windfarm in the distance.



A5 down to Shrewsbury and visibility not that good.



A14, the afternoon sun trying to break through on the way back for an overnight stop in Kettering before returning home, today.



Then a lorry disturbed this lot.



M6. The only trains I saw were on the sidings at Wednesbury and a few Class 66s but I didn't have the phone (camera) out. 




PS I'll have to catch up tomorrow.

Edited by southern42
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Saw a class 66, which for me is the first time I have seen one working - seemed odd to hear US sounds (EMD 645?) from a British loco - as a US modeller I know the US diesel exhaust sounds well.


It's actually a 710 prime mover, Neil.

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After yesterday's jaunts along the M6 and M42 yesterday, to and from Stoneleigh, it was back to the drudge of commuter traffic.


What took me 85 minutes on Sunday morning took me 135 mins this morning.


Coming back the traffic was even worse, and not wanting to get home really late, I opted for the relative calm of the M6 toll road.


I'm so glad I rarely travel east from Shropshire.


Nobody shot at me during the range times, and it wasn't too busy, and we got comfy seats to sit on, which makes a change from the usual straw bale.


This afternoon I was chatting to a chap whom had been shooting with us, and it turned out he was a photographer for Bauer media, and he very much enjoyed photographing model railways, having done a lot of work on Model Rail.


So if there are any of the editorial team reading this.............. Jacques says hi!


Back onto building the scenic box for Stokesay tomorrow, and this epic piece of woodwork should (will) get it's premier at the Festival of Model Railways at Peterborough next weekend.  Whether my cardboard scenery concepts get there, is another matter!  Please note that I am only responsible for woodwork, not for painting!!


I shall be conspicuous by my absence at P'boro, as I have a prior engagement promoting target shooting as an activity to the Girlguiding fraternity in Shropshire.

I'm not entirely sure if it's a good idea to teach accurate shooting of firearms to females of the species :scratchhead:

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Evening all,

Careful Mike, wouldn't surprise me if our Debs already had a gun and with her eye for engineering, I'd lay odds on her being a good shot too! Perhaps Sherry would benefit when awkward daughter and family give her grief?

Gordon, sounds like you had a great time on the KWVR! Lovely pictures, even if it's a Southern loco - the main thing is that it's steam!

Neil, sounds like you had a great time up in Mike's 'Dent Station' land. Good time to go as I believe it gets a bit rough up there any time soon! Look forward to your pictures soon!

Accomplished all the chores today and managed to cook a large pot of chilli (there's one portion less tonight!) to freeze in portions. I am therefore knackered and so I will bid you all the best for the rest of the week,

Kind regards,


Not forgetting - G'night Pete,

Kind regards,


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:triniti:  There was a time - a long, long time ago -  when I was a good Shooter

but only on the netball court.  :warning: :hunter:


And on that bit of really useful information, a  G'night to all from me.




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Good Morning All,


A few posts ago, I promised (threatened?) to provide the fourth part of Schotty - The Real Story, which I had begun (and posted on ER [search for Hidalgo]) soon after we got the mutt, last year. Anyway, the fourth part is turning out to be longer than I anticipated. Furthermore, I got "stuck" on Thursday (don't worry, all will be revealed in due course).


So, to break up the read (and prolong your misery, heh, heh, heh) I present...


Schotty – The Real Story:



As Hidalgo paced up and down his kennel, newly manicured paws clicking on the hard floor, he reflected on the strange week he’d had...


On Monday, one of the screws from the feline wing dropped off a small box at the infirmary. Curious as to who might have sent him something, and what that something could be, Hidalgo carefully opened the parcel. To his immense surprise, there was a bloody mouse’s tail and a note, which read: Tanquam ex ungue leonem! Acta est fibula; plaudite.* B.  “What the hell is that all about”, thought Hidalgo, certain only that the note came from the top cat in the Feline enclosure: Blofeld.


That Tuesday, was another strange day by Hidalgo’s reckoning. As he was having breakfast he overheard two warders, Fat Harry and Scottish Jock, talking as they had a crafty fag under his window.

You know that nasty bastard, Albert?” asked Fat Harry, “well he was killed, yesterday

No? Really? What happened?” replied Scottish Jock.

“Well, you know how tight fisted he was”? Scottish Jock grunted assent.

Well, the cheap rope he was using to lift the car engine he was fixing, well it snapped. And splat, one ex-Albert” Fat Harry laughed.

Looks like an accident”, continued the warder “the plod said that the rope had been gnawed badly by mice, so it wasn’t strong enough to hold the engine’s weight”,

Hold on a minute”, ventured Scottish Jock, “didn’t he get a cat from the cat enclosure here for that mouse infestation in his garage”?

Yeah, he took Ms Polly, champion mouser she was”. Fat Harry took one last drag on his ciggie and stubbed it out, “funny thing though, the plod couldn’t find her. Just a few tailless mice”.

I don’t blame her for bu99ering off” Scottish Jock ground out his fag-end, “You know how he was, the evil sod. I’d have done the same. Still it couldn’t have happened to a nicer bloke”.

As Fat Harry and Scottish Jock walked off, Hidalgo wuffed to himself in amazement as the meaning of his strange present became clear. Blofeld had certainly repaid his debt. What was it Blofeld once said? “revenge is a dish best served cold”. Hidalgo shuddered and thanked Anubis he was in Blofeld’s good books.


Wednesday, Hidalgo reflected, gave him one hell of a big surprise. As Hidalgo was relaxing in his basket, Lucky the Lab’s messenger boy turned up. A large Afghan Hound everyone called “Plank”.

Hidalgo looked at the Afghan Hound, flanked by two Argentine Dogos. “Hired muscle”, he thought contemptuously and dismissed them from consideration. He turned his attention to the long haired dog.

What do you want, Plank?” Hidalgo asked, warily.

M’name’s Taži Spay”, the hound placidly replied without rancour, “I’ve got a message for you from Lucky”.

Hidalgo eyed the Afghan dog, Plank might well be as thick as the proverbial, but he was a reliable messenger.

Go on” he wuffed.

The Afghan furrowed his brow, concentrating: “Lucky would like to say that the business with the saveloys was a de-plor-able mis-app-pre-hension and he...” The Afghan Hound paused, “and he’s giving you this small gift of a kilo of prime sausages to show his boners fido

Hidalgo smiled inwardly, “I think you mean Bona Fides

Yeah, I meant Bona Fide” Plank continued, looking puzzled, “What’s a Bona Fide?

Hidalgo couldn’t resist: “Like a regular bone, but meatier

Oh!” Plank gave a baffled shrug.


As Plank and the two goons ambled away, Hidalgo whistled inwardly, Lucky cut no-one, but no-one, any slack and for him to back off, well this iL Dottore bloke must be a really serious player. A sudden wave of panic enveloped him, what if he didn’t make the grade? What if he failed the audition? Whining softly to himself, Hidalgo turned around and around in his basket, trying to get comfortable.


(*We know the lion by his claw! The play has been performed; applaud!)


To Be Continued...


And now back to your regular programming, Enjoy the day.



Edited by iL Dottore
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Good morning Doc, (and the rest of you when you get here)

Trying to rain, more to come but may be brighter periods later.

Well it had to happen - I have succumbed and the heating went on for a couple of hours last night. Must be getting old!

Nothing else to report so......

have a good one,


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Morning all. Dark outside, coffee and sweets inside. Something of a rough dream last night, it seems, so trying to turn my mind to something else…





Cool, word game! Flash flood.

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Morning All,


Autumn is definitely here now!  It is still rather warm for the time of year - which means the central heating hasn't been switched on at home - but this morning is very dark and very foggy.


I seem to have a rather large pile of paperwork waiting for me this morning, so I guess I had better get on!


Have a good day everyone...

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Mornin' all,


Sitting waiting for enough daylight for the constitutional, there are lights on the bike but enjoying the scenery is important.

We're in the midst of arranging our Christmas get togethers just now.....it takes a bit of planning to get several shiftworkers available at the same time.

A trip to the Chatsworth farm shop is a normal feature of late October, to gather in a few rarer treats.

Managed to mow the lawn for what may be the last time this year yesterday before the heavy rain which fell throughout the afternoon & evening arrived..

Our last fund raising coach trip for 2014 is in November....Christmas shopping in the Cotswolds is the theme and most of the seats are already booked.


Enjoy whatever you do



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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Morning all, 


Beat the alarm this morning! Trouble is it's very humid here this morning - more so than normal.  I was last night going to have a look one my new books (gifts from GF) but work got in the  way!   Still I guess thats a sign of something returning? 


Still trying to play catch-up with my boss being away and leaving lots of things not quite finished which need to be sorted out, and get in three site visits today! 


Whatever you're up to - try to make the best of it,



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Morning all, moving slowly this morning must sleep more, weather is cold wet and windy not filling me with enthusiasm. Only a week and a bit to go to the holiday and the kittens being neutered which could be interesting.... Bye for now.

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Morning all

Successful day yesterday at Blackpool's Pleasure Beach. We all had a great time, daughter and grand-daughter especially. Gabe (Mrs PO) and the two 'girls' have better stomachs than me - I wimped off the fast corkscrew ride - they love it. For the more sedate, the Wallace and Gromit ride is fun, likewise the Ghost train. But we all had a good time - for those thinking of going, buy the family wristband in advance online, you'll save ££. Much cheaper than if you were to pay individually for the rides (which you can't anyway if that makes sense).

Trains to and from BPB - Virgin Voyager Edinburgh to Preston, wonderful, clean and quiet; Northern Pacer 142 to BPB poor (and this Dutch company has just won the Scotrail franchise promising new trains - hope it doesn't shift these up here); return on Trans Pennine 350 which was rammed - basically a commuter train, too long for 2 1/2 hour journeys imo, and, as ever, the trolley service is blocked by luggage (no matter, Mrs PO has a bottle of cava!)



PS In case anyone's wondering (such as school teacher Andyram, ahem) why we took our grand daughter out of school to visit Blackpool, this is half-term week in Scotland... :)


edited for spelling...

Edited by Purley Oaks
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I too feel rather slow this morning and the weather is dull and damp.

Yesterday's railway modelling was unsuccessful as a search for turnout motors but I did find lots of things I wanted last week/month/year.


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Morning, chaos in the household at 6.30 youngest "cant find my wallet Dad" hunt high and low no sign, Bank of Dad gives him some money to have with him. Then he thinks oh I might have left in my girlfriends car.


Text at 08.02 yep its in her car, hmm was left in her car on Sunday night, what happened yesterday? No idea of putting things in the same place or checking keys,phone, wallet or even getting this stuff together on Sunday night when its disappearance would have been noted. Same for last night, whilst he might have a first class degree it is not in common sense!

Other half who is very systematic not amused lol!


Oh well one way to start a day which is dry and windy, more leaves down but will leave it today. Decorator arriving tomorrow so a few things to move for him, he has the grand job of doing the hall,landing and stairs plus 14 doors( which is why I am not doing it) I will evacuate to the shed methinks.

Some serious modeling time beckons!


Enjoy your day

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Morning all,


Still rather wet outside but not actually raining at present, that will no doubt start when I have to leave for the surgery and town.  All quiet otherwise - Mrs Stationmaster and teh good Doctor are duly ensconced in Venice arriving yesterday to find the piazza flooded but not sure if it was due to a high tide or past rain.


Have a  good day one and all.

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Morning all from the Mariana trench. Bit wet around here. Very little going on. Yawn. Running on half speed it seems. Time to crawl down the stairs and refill the iv drip with more coffee.


Bit pointless post but whatever.



Have a good day everybody.

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Morning all - the view is grey and cloudy over Borough Market Junction, the threat of rain in the air.


All fairly quiet, we've started to juggle the" who sees who" at Christmas equation. At least my parents didn't start it in August this year (it has been known). The in-laws live 300 miles away, so it needs planning. Espeically as the younger Lurker has a birthday just over a week before Christmas, and we have usually done a family party for him. This year we won't as we have realised that he doesn't like too many people in the house and having people to stay can really stress him. After all, it's his birthday! This year a trip into town to see the lights and have a meal is likely (subject to Southeastern actually running any trains on the appropriate weekend). Mind you, he'll still have to put up with visitors over Christmas itself.


It seems odd to be thinking about Christmas already but there you go!

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Morning all.

Sunny, bit of a breeze.


Lots of modelling lined up - painting and gluing. How exciting it will be will depend on progress and end result but  let's hope there are no explosive episodes, :bomb_mini: losing my rag :search: or devilish moments . :diablo_mini: :mosking:


Have a productive day and / or a good 'un.



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....refreshing but dry ride this morning.

This is the state of play with the Autumn shades in the garden today...to be fair we deliberately have 'windows' through the shrubbery to take advantage of lovely trees in the further landscape...but hey...thats gardening!




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