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Early Risers.


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morning all,cool and dry in chesterfield,busy to work though,just awaiting the first costomers ,jack had one of those nothings right days yesterday,unless its s secret ploy to test mum and dads sanity.....got a e mail from the nrm,they have managed to find some drawings ive been after,so will make a visit as soon as I can,have a good day all.

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Mornin' all,


Breezy & cool for the constitutional this morning....reservoir starting to recover with the recent rainfall. Most of the prunings harvested whilst preparing the garden for winter have taken their turn in filling the wheelie bin and there are just a couple of tip trips left to make with bags of heavier stuff. The gas fire has started to feature in the evenings now...it must be the end of summer.


Enjoy whatever you do



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Good morning all from the lost city of Atlantis.


A grand day out was had hindering Mr Roundhouse on Banbury yesterday @ Farnham. Didn't get a lot of opportunity to wander & watch the other layouts though. What I did see was very good. To quote Bill & Ted " a most excellent show, dudes."


SWMBO managed to harvest the remaining tomatoes, courgettes, and cucumbers yesterday before the monsoon hit. If the weather doesn't get too cold we should also have some nice winter carrots ready for Christmas dinner.


A care package from mother in law arrived this morning. Full of all things maple and various household products that don't have a suitable UK substitute. Perfect timing. On that note a Happy Thanksgiving to all the Canadian ERs.


Have a good day all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Lots of rain about and more to come.

Beer x several + G & T x a few + St.Emilion x a couple + more beer + more G & T = slight muzziness between the ears at the moment.

More coffee needed.

Have a good one,


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 Anyway - I wanted to explain to fellow ER's my short comment the other night and I shall now put the matter to bed and not hold grudges. I am just the sort of person who does not suffer fools gladly.



Nor does AndyY apparently.

We don't really do arguments on ERs.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Up and out early for my flu jab. The appointment was for 0800, so I turned up at 0755 and was 5th in the queue for nursey's attentions. Francine was on duty, who had seen a lot of Deb during her incapacity and then the cancer. I knew she was divorced, hadn't appreciated she then had a new chap - who died of cancer. Nearly my age, lots of charisma - she really would make the right chap a smashing wife. She says her work keeps her going.


Amused by Grandadbob's Chris and her "cockporn". As it happens, a lady posted this on my Facebook page yesterday (and it wasn't Sherry!) "That`s a rather imposing Cock!" Will she now own up, I wonder?


Andyram - as you know, the chances that we enjoy the company of all our virtual friends on a website are pretty slim. The name you mention has come to my notice for some fairly odd remarks over the years. I learn which people it is wise to tiptoe around. Having said that, I found it necessary to report a member last night. He seems to delight in belittling the efforts of an entrepreneur when engineering prototypes are presented for our delectation, pouring cold water on this or that feature as inaccurate. Not long for RMweb if he carries on, I think.


With Jock 100% on the warm tale of Jamie and his disabled chum. I am not a believer either - but recognise practical Christianity when I see it. Lovely! Also glad to learn Joanna is more comfortable.


Having had my jab earlier, it's the cats' turn later - assuming I can round all three up! At least it's only once a year.


Hope your week proves bearable or better!

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Morning, dry but a breeze is making it somewhat chilly, more so compared to yesterday which was glorious, indeed sunshine, a very nice Sunday lunch at a local hostelry (more so that I wasn't driving) and a nice amble afterwards made it a good day.


Leaf gathering this morning at some point I think then a visit to the local model shop is scheduled.


Enjoy your day

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Nor does AndyY apparently.

We don't really do arguments on ERs.


....worth remembering that everyone contributing to RMWeb does so for a different reason. Many feel privilaged to share in/comment on the efforts of others, reciprocate well and build mutual respect amongst other modellers....this usually leaves little time or desire for negativity. There are also those frequenting this site who often do little modelling themselves but feel free to criticise the efforts/views of others in a far from constructive manner. As Ian says above....they are best ignored and classed as someone elses problem.



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  • RMweb Gold

Amused by Grandadbob's Chris and her "cockporn". As it happens, a lady posted this on my Facebook page yesterday (and it wasn't Sherry!) "That`s a rather imposing Cock!" Will she now own up, I wonder?


Well I must admit I'd never seen one quite like it either.

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Morning all, from a view of the rain over Borough Market Junction.


Sorry to hear about Joanna's travails, Jock, and here's hoping she continues to progress in the right direction. And hopefully the blood tests go well too.


Andyram, you have my sympathy; it can be hard to be edited as the villain on here; or in my case, to be described as some idiot. But at the same time, Andy does have to draw a line somewhere; think of him as some kind of teacher with a squabbling class .....  you may not get perfect justice every time but you do need to keep some kind of order!


And Granddad Bob, we have had "cockporn" in our family too - although it was the Mrs' then three year old nephew!


Quietish weekend, swimming lessons on Saturday, and a visit to my parents on Sunday. Travelling there took longer than usual as we got stuck behind a traction engine on Seven Mile Lane. But my Mum's cooking was up to its usual high standards and we played board games so the boys behaved....


Now it's into the throes of year end, various reports are in the system and we can start to look at initial numbers. The usual mix of confusion and delays (and that's just the trains into London Bridge this morning - apparently Higham Tunnel is flooding.

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I haven't (yet) had any breakfast but the second cuppa is going down rather better than the first for some reason.  However the throat soreness and cough is still with me - strangely coincident that it developed less than 24 hours after my flu injection.


Not much else to report - herself and the good Doctor departed at some hour with which I am nowadays totally unfamiliar in the direction of LHR to take aeroplane to Venice and laddo seems to have managed to get himself of to work after returning yesterday from a hydraulic tour of Brussels and Aachen (hydraulic in terms of consumption not traction).


Have a good day one & all.

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Don a cage/crate is the only reliable answer as John has already suggested. When our terrier, Archie, was hit by a car and broke both back legs he had to be caged whenever unsupervised for a fortnight. He also had restricted walks on a lead for 3 months. He was only 6 months old at the time but doesn't seem to have suffered any longterm problems. He will even put up with being caged now although it is rarely necessary.






That's a pretty impressive Force-Field.

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I had cornflakes. Second cup of coffee coming up. I'm letting Julie sleep in as her legs have been bad just lately and she needs a rest. Bayeux has been postponed - too much walking - and a shopping trip to Vire is postulated for pm.


Best wishes to all the ailing, I hope the day brings improvement.

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  • RMweb Premium

morning all, late on parade as I had a lie in!


Weekend was great .. Lincoln is a fascinating place and has 2 model railway shops.


As its Monday apparently lets all try and stay calm and enjoy the week. I have a committee  meeting tonight (in a pub- darn good idea that!) but a quiet day beckons as it is heavily persisting in this neck of the woods!


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  • RMweb Premium

Not a very good night last night, the wet weather aggravated the arthritis in both hips not helped by the amount of walking I did yesterday at the Castle Point transport museum show. However I managed to pot a couple of bargains at the swap meet held in the museum. An unopened Airfix RAF recovery set for a fiver and a made Hornby house (plastic kit) for two pounds.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


I find ER is useful on occasion to let off a bit of steam - as long as the discussion in here doesn't go beyond the tyre kicking stage, we don't want to bring squabbles into a pleasant area although many have tried - and failed.


A miserable morning today - heavy rain is still falling, started last night around 22:00 and it's still coming down, so bad that I ignored a couple of interesting trains around the area (first RHTT move and a light engine for renaming (same name being reapplied after a short absence - I guess it's a renaming) but the lure of the stone train will drag me out for a while however the roads will need to be watched as there will no doubt be a lot of puddling (with a U not an I) !


Have a good day all.

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Turning into a nice day here, blue sky with fluffy clouds.

Plans have changed. Today is to be a slobbing about day, apparently. Suits me.


Oh, and if anyone knows where I left my reading glasses...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,

Apple and a banana. 


Continuing to use up bits in my "spares" boxes to make progress on the layout. Slight confession - I had to buy a spray can of primer, but apart from that it's been a "free" project so far. 

I'm taking the attitude that "it may not be prototypical or perfect, but neither is it a dream".

So, for that reason I made the platform and canopy last night.

The pizza boxes from Aldi are a good source of cardboard, so I'll be converting the children to a more Italian diet for the next few weeks.  :laugh:


It's SWMBO's birthday this week and I've been handed a wish list. Bless her, it's not a long list and the main items are a chocolate orange. a ball point pen and some bird food. 


Well done Jamie for your good deeds. 

Thanks AndrewC for helping demo Banbury at the weekend - the show is getting some good feedback, much of which is down to the folk that donate their time.  :good:

Wouldn't want to be one of GrandadBob's brain cells this morning - sounds like quite a session. :swoon:  

1216025, I'm not sure that loco would win any beauty contests, but would make a very unusual looking addition to a layout! Looks a bit like a crocodile, IMHO.


Anyway, busy day here with dropping cars off for servicing, dropping people at their respective places of employment, retrieving cars, and people later. Squeezing in some study time in between, and, perhaps, priming my latest model railway creation. :)



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Morning all from a dull and damp Clacton,

Breakfast for me is normally cereal of choice, topped with fruit (defrosted frozen raspberries, blackberries and cherries) and a good squirt of 'Manuka' honey. This is part of Joanna's attempt to keep me healthy!

Dave(TG), I fully agree with your comment above. It is truly sad when someone as kind and supportive as Ian (Oldddudders) is driven to report someone like that. Whoever it was would certainly not be welcome in the ER community!

Mick, have you found out what caused your banging noise yet? Surprised we haven't had a few suggestions to date!

Pete75C, hope your rear is not too bruised! Quite dangerous to be unable to exit in case of fire etc. so I assume the repair has become number one chore of the day?

Ian(Oldddudders), strange how it seems that once you are affected by the big 'C', you discover that lots of those around you have had similar experiences. Working, as I did, with the disabled in this predominantly retirement area, I met a great many sufferers of the disease - didn't occur to me that it was growing inside me! Don't know many families who haven't been affected by it. Truly hope that your nurse friend Francine finds further happiness and it is useful that she has her job to occupy her meanwhile. Sorry to hear of the experience you mentioned above, luckily the 'bad egg' percentage on RMweb is very small. Perhaps because it is populated by so many genuinely nice members, the nasty ones stand out more and generate more outrage? AndyY and his team seem to act swiftly and to the best of their ability to stamp out these elements.

Enjoy the start to your week folks and hope that everyone with ailments is on the road to recovery. I'm off to get ready to drop great grandson Freddie at nursery en-route to blood tests, and Joanna wants to fit in a little shopping before going to the doctors!

Kind regards,


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Amused by Grandadbob's Chris and her "cockporn". As it happens, a lady posted this on my Facebook page yesterday (and it wasn't Sherry!) "That`s a rather imposing Cock!" Will she now own up, I wonder?


Perhaps she`d be too chicken to crow about such a fowl deed. :rolleyes:

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