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  • RMweb Gold

I don't think I have ever used Vaseline on my car or motorbike battery terminals. When I first had vehicles I just used to use Castrol LM like Dad did on his cars. Later on I used copper grease. The Land Rover battery appears to have some white grease on the terminals but I haven't needed to do anything to the battery.

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Apparently cricketers have been known to use it on their balls.



Played a lot of cricket, but never used Vaseline!  John Lever was a left arm seam bowler who did rely heavily on the ball swinging to get his wickets.


We did use industrial floor polish to fettle up a slightly used cricket ball between matches for the next game, as the club couldn't afford new balls every week!

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I don't think I have ever used Vaseline on my car or motorbike battery terminals. When I first had vehicles I just used to use Castrol LM like Dad did on his cars. Later on I used copper grease. The Land Rover battery appears to have some white grease on the terminals but I haven't needed to do anything to the battery.

Any grease will have pretty much the same effect as Vaseline in protecting the battery terminals  - just by keeping air off them.

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Glad to be back from Chicago, and free of the micro-breweries and Jazz/Blues clubs.......................................


Actually glad to be free of trying to post via my phone with its tiny keyboard and 'presumptive ticks'.  Jeez!  How do they get Oyster out of starting to say Australia!

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Isn't life grand?  Currently sitting here with a G&T (not my normal tipple - should be on cognac now but have run out) after a fantastic day with the family. Lots of food & drink - too much probably- but who cares - we've had a great time.

One of the funniest things earlier was Chris trying to say popcorn (for some reason or other) but every time she did it came out as cockporn - again & again. As she is someone who doesn't swear and struggles to even say bloody this (to us) was hilarious. She was (and still is) mortified.

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Evening all. The anger has gradually started to die down!! But is still there! I really should have known better to be fair, but I had been browsing RMWeb after a relaxing pint when I happened across a comment on another forum page from a member by the name of Clive Mortimore. This gentleman has, on several occasions, had the proverbial "go" at me on various different forums to the point that my blood boils just at the sight of his name. I shouldn't have done it, but I made some smart a*** response to his comment. Ok, ok I fired the first shot on this occasion your honour and, as I expected, he bit and I commented back. Now none of my comments were attacking him, or abusive in any way shape or form. Condescending maybe, patronising most definitely, but not abusive and were made simply to make a point.

 On Friday night our leader on here, a man I have plenty of time and respect for decided to delete all comments, as is his right. However he left my final comment which nicely painted me as the bad guy. When I wrote to protest I got a short and curt response about not wanting to police arguments on a Friday night.  I promptly replied about the lack of editing / censoring that had gone on when the gentleman was abusing me and got....no reply!


 Anyway - I wanted to explain to fellow ER's my short comment the other night and I shall now put the matter to bed and not hold grudges. I am just the sort of person who does not suffer fools gladly. British Gas will back that up ha ha!!


 I hope you have all had a fun weekend. Mine has been rather changeable. Yesterday was good, to a point. Sarah, Amber and I went out for the day - shopping for house stuff and then back to Masson Mill so my beloved could look at the Christmas decorations. Whilst there one of the dealers came across to my wife and asked if our daughter would like a doll. He then presented them both with a boxed porcelain doll for free. He said it was a little broken, but if repaired would be worth a lot of money. Mmmm. The box stated a sales price of £25. Maybe I feel bad but I spent the rest of the day questioning the guy's motives. Am I really becoming an old cynic before I am even 40???


We then went out for a pub lunch. Nice food and Hobgoblin Ale on tap. Well mainly! Sarah's burger was missing the piri piri sauce and was too dry and then they brought me a poor imitation bitter to the table for the second drink! Once home Amber decided to not sleep, causing plenty of stress and arguments. I had needed the evening to crack on with school planning, but got nowhere. Our daughter spent the evening in bed watching "Through the Keyhole" and then "Homes Under the Hammer" on some dodgy Sky channel (I did not choose either programme).  Maybe the latter was an inspired choice as Amber finally drifted off about midnight!


 This morning it was an early start for football. Despite my ankle and groin problems I did play. We hit the post four times, forced four more brilliant saves from their keeper and lost 6-1. I ended the game with a blazing row with the referee for his inconsistent performance. Even the opposition admitted he was dreadful. Hang on there is a pattern forming here!!! I am quite a placid person...honest.


Right back to the whisky!!!

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Well it's a bit late in the day north of Ikea but It's been a good one.  After a good morning at church with SWMBO having acquired a new guitarist/singer partner to lead the music, the two of them sounded great together.   After a quick lunch it was time for operation Tony.  Tony is one of the Green Ayre team and before that was one of the conspirators on Long Preston and before that helped on Eastgate Wharf.   He's a very skilled model builder but in his late 70's has had a run of ill health over the last two years which culminated in him having a leg amputated in June.   The months since then haven't been easy for him and several of us from the Club have been calling on him to try and keep his spirits up.   I managed to get him to Scaelforum north but things were touch and go for a while and he went downhill rapidly.  


The good news is that he seems to have turned the corner and is not only gaining weight but is actively modelling again, bending and tinning bridge parts for Green Ayre on his dining room table.  


Anyway today was the Keighley O Guage meet so two of us conspired to get him there.  I'm the only one capable of getting him out of the house in his wheelchair but he also wanted us to buy 2 50litre bags of compost as he is a keen gardener and wants to get some potting up done.  Paul went to the garden centre this morning and bought the compost and after lunch I drove over and picked Tony up and took him to Keighley.  Their clubroom is on the 3rd floor of an old mill but there is a lift so we spent a very good two hours looking round.  Paul also attended and afterwards the compost was put in my car along with the wheelchair and I then took Tony home and deposited him safely along with the compost.  He had thoroughly enjoyed the trip out.   It was well worth the effort to see him so much more positive and cheerful.  On Monday his new stairlift will be comissioned and he will be able to reach his modelling room for the first time for over a year.  His breaking in project is to do the cattle dock for Green Ayre in time for Warley.



Edited by jamie92208
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Evening all,

Joanna's eyes have reacted quickly to the ointment and are less painful already - I have counselled going to see our GP and friend tomorrow though. You've only got one pair and she does love reading and watching TV! She has asked me to convey her thanks for the kind comments which I obviously passed on, I would like to add mine as well.

Today, which I thought would be restful, with a Morrocan style vegetable tagine seved on cous-cous and topped with grilled lamb, as my only chore this evening. It didn't turn out that way, as it is Nursie daughters birthday today and her elder sister thought she would visit with her two daughters (the family recently returned to Epping from Somerset) to check me out first, and then go on to Nursie's to surprise her with a present. Joanna leaked the intelligence to Nursie, knowing that having just returned from holiday, her house would be in turmoil. Net result, the meeting of the clan was re-convened at our house. Luckily, eldest had thought to buy half of Waitrose's grocery stock to bring with her so we ended up with thirteen to lunch and as often happens with such spontaneous affairs, we had a great time! Archie thoroughly enjoyed it too, he is intelligent enough to pick out the guest most likely to drop some food! We are so lucky that all our family get on so well and I was able to sit back with a cider and watch it all going on - they are all so sympathetic over my condition, that I was not allowed to lift a finger!

Ian(Abel), lovely images, happy anniversary and many more of them. I have to say that you both look very contented.

Flávio, I'm delighted that you and Mrs iD are going to take 'Lucy' and give her a good home - I don't think the language barrier will be an issue because the one word that she'll pick up quickest is the one you use to describe 'food'! She is a lovely looking creature and I hope she and Schotty settle down quickly. I look forward to future posts to discover who is 'the boss'.

Blood tests tomorrow for my next chemo visit Thursday when I hope to get permission from the oncologist to go back on to my favourite single malt nightcap! Hope your week starts well,

Kind regards,


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You and Paul have shown true Christian spirit in looking after Tony so well. I may be an atheist but I do have a well developed social conscience! I firmly believe that there is a dearth of such good deeds these days, and the world is a poorer place for it. We are very lucky to have many supportive people within the RMweb, and particularly ERs. Your kindness deserves a 'very well done' ratings button!

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. I admit I skipped stopping by here yesterday due to a dog-sitting session at FiL's. Weather looking all right today and SWMBO will be off to the dentist's later this morning.


Currently mulling over whether I should get me this:




What do you think?


Have a good one…

Edited by 1216 025
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Morning All,


Hmmm - Where did the weekend go?!?


Saturday was spent putting the Winter Tyres on my Wife's car, and putting up a new lamp in the living room. The lamp itself was easy, but given that it uses LEDs, I had to change the existing dimmer over to a standard switch (LEDs and Dimmers don't mix). That turned out to be a lot more difficult than I thought it would be as the previous owner of the house had installed the double switch box crooked. What should have taken ten minutes ended up taking three hours!


Yesterday was a fairly quiet day. I picked up Thomas who was away for the weekend in Erfurt with the THW, and did some reading, while my Wife set about building a 1:24 London Bus. It should be an RML when it's finished - but it is taking shape quite nicely.








Have a good day everyone...

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Ugh. Mondays. I changed the lock on our front door a year or two ago and now for some reason we can't lock it from the inside, only from the outside. So, part of the morning routine involves walking round from the back of the house to unlock the front. Totally pitch black at 6.30am and piddling down/blowing a gale. My journey from back to front is only around 25 yards. I managed to get smacked round the head by several wet leaves, nearly poked my eye out on an overhanging branch, walked straight into the world's biggest spider's web (face first) and then dropped the keys right by the front door. Trying to find them in the dark, I managed to slip over and end up on my a*se... I've only been awake 40 minutes. Seriously considering going back to bed!

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Morning all, 


For ome strange reasonI forgot to set my alarm this morning  (even though I had reminded my self to do so yesterday)...result - overslept by 10 minutes!


Never mind it's not catastrophic !


lets hope all  our weeks go well?



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

As Robbie was damp when he came back in after his dawn patrol I assume it was raining. It doesn't  seem too cold though.

I don't have any special plans for today. Aditi is off to work soon. 

If I can't find six similar point motors today I may go shopping for some more. This is a certain way to find the others (if they exist anywhere other than my imagination).


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, 


For ome strange reasonI forgot to set my alarm this morning  (even though I had reminded my self to do so yesterday)...result - overslept by 10 minutes!


Never mind it's not catastrophic !


lets hope all  our weeks go well?



Our alarm radio came on at the usual weekday time of 6am. Aditi didn't wake up as she seemed to think it was Sunday.

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It seems I'm not the only one whose Monday got off to a bad start. Eldest has just returned from his paper round and has been issued with a lime green hi-viz vest and a flashing strap-on head light as the mornings are now darker. It's all part of some local "safer streets" campaign. "I'm not wearing THAT" he moaned. My comment that he looked like a walking Christmas tree probably didn't help... :mosking:

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