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  • RMweb Gold

I'm not sure if puppy photos are suitable for ER ...




I'm sure Aditi's uncle said he wanted a spaniel originally but perhaps reading about Robbie made him consider something smaller. Though as Laila is part Yorkie, she will probably have the breed characteristic of believing themselves to be as big as any other dog.


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Thanks all. Colin's PM'ed me a link to the online manual after I spent an hour or so fruitlessly searching for it indoors! I'll check it out tomorrow, too late now - need beer. I did scroll through the menu options but it's all Greek to me...  Thanks again, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Evennninnggg each,

Had a nice three hours or so at the Farnham show in the company of Bob 81C and would agree with Mike that there were some good 2mm layouts there. Much too small for me unfortunately - I have enough trouble with OO. As I got there early I parked easily.

I must be sickening for something as I resisted temptation and did not buy any locos, coaches or wagons. All I came away with was a decoder and some tweezers. Chris still doesn't believe me......I just said don't worry - I'll make up for it when I go to High Wycombe and Tolworth and...........etc.

Nice peaceful evening ahead with a couple or three pints of Pride while she watches people dancing - I might go and run some trains.

Edited by grandadbob
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Farnham looked interesting - I’d have attended if I had been in the country - just to see in the flesh old pal Ian’s BANBURY. He’s such a prolific builder of high quality exhibition layouts with no less than three on the go at present..... including Santa Barbara and the unpronounceable Czech one!

I understand that Banbury is featured in the latest edition of RM just gone to press.


Conceptually the USA layout Andy mentioned is very interesting consisting as it seems of a roundy round but with different scenes depending on where the viewer is standing. It's the way my own thoughts are going - but instead with a long sinuous layout, the viewing areas determined by lighting.



Thanks for the reports, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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...I do hope that Flavio does decide to adopt, as I think that a two-dog family is better than one, as one tends to get a little spoiled and too much attention.  We have only been a one-dog family ourselves,  but a member of our breed club does things in a much bigger way, as this image proves.  I'd love another Sussex or two, but space etc do dictate against that at present...Stewart

Well it's pretty much decided we WILL get her. Although the lady who organises the adoptions has said they know little about her, so things like obedience, house-training etc. are unknowns. Oh well, I never expected it to be easy. She seems well socialized, likes people, good with other dogs, so the rest is do-able, one way or another  

...ID take that dog home with you.

That looks like happening :-) 

I'm not sure if puppy photos are suitable for ER ......]Laila. I'm sure Aditi's uncle said he wanted a spaniel originally but perhaps reading about Robbie made him consider something smaller. Though as Laila is part Yorkie, she will probably have the breed characteristic of believing themselves to be as big as any other dog.

What a beautiful puppy, adorable (with a hint of potential naughtiness).

Well, Alia iacta est I suppose (the die are cast), keep your fingers crossed for Schotty, Lucy, Mrs iD and Me

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Evening all,


Home after a very long day, coaching a CFR course.  I'm a patient for the assessments, which involve being pushed, pulled, picked up, dropped and ending up with a cardiac arrest.  Or rather, seven of them.  Strange thing happened whilst driving home from Epping.  I changed the car radio from Radio 4 to Classic FM, but the radio duplicated the two services.  Nothing that I did could get rid of the echo, off, on, off, on, CD, radio, still the Radio 4 echo.  Home, switch off the car, still the echo.  Lock the car from the inside, still the echo.  Ok, so I needs to find a way of disabling the radio, to avoid draining the battery.  So, out of the car to find the radio manual; to be followed by the echo.  Yup, the pressure of the seat belt had switched on the mobile phone in my pocket. 


The worlds' cleverest dog breed?  Load of hooey.  They have barred the obvious winner.  Just because the breed has the wit not to be recognised by the Kennel Club, thereby avoiding having its intelligence inbred away.  I am, of course, writing about the Jack Russell Terrier.  The only breed, when faced by a four foot fence, has the option of over, under or through.  With 20 pound of bone and muscle hitting the fence at 20mph, normally the latter.


My bath beckons,  Bill

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No problems with the 'flu shot - and, to quote, adapt and riff on the words of that great American, Linus Van Pelt -

We shot the 'flu, and the pneumonia!

Sheffield MRS show enjoyable this afternoon - but where was Mickey?

Hooray for the KWVR Autumn Spectacular tomorrow!

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  • RMweb Gold

I'm not sure where Robbie would come in a league table of intelligence. He is exceptionally good at catching biscuits and can find me if I hide from him in the woods but he doesn't know 50 different objects by name (unlike a Yorkie we used to know). He does come back if you call him but not if he has caught a scent of something disgusting or deceased to roll in hundreds of yards away. He has a cunning streak. He knows he can outrun most dogs but he will head for water if necessary. I have also seen him on more than one occasion run a chasing greyhound into a tree trunk by jinking at the last minute. There are a few retired sheepdogs round here that seem keen on rounding him up. This can be very amusing to watch as he isn't a sheep.

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Evening all,

Very short post tonight, just as I'm a touch unwell with something like sinusitis (could be man flu?), Joanna has been taken ill. Lovely lunch and all well this afternoon, when her eyes started to feel like there was something in them, then some discharge, blood shot whites and redness round the eyelids. Nurse daughter said wash only with water because she has glaucoma. It got worse and instead of an A&E, Clacton has a health-call manned by GPs - the only appointment offered was 11.30pm or go to Colchester! This was four hours ago. My chemo and morphine have been taken and so shouldn't drive but luckily Son in Law can't get to sleep with jet lag so has volunteered. Archie and I await results so I'll update in the morning.

Hope Sunday is good for you,

Kind regards,


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Mornin' all,


Stunning blue sky misty Autumn morn again in the Staffs Moorlands.


Plenty of planning, organising and navigating narrow roads through highly scenic areas with a full size coach went into our fund raising outing to the Nene Valley Railway yesterday but the good fortune of mainly sunny weather and fabulous Autumn shades made it all worthwhile. This added to the fellowship value of sharing such an experience and the money raised for the churches. S160 6046 was our steed for the railway aspect of the day...ironic as it is a Cheddleton loco, which is just 5 mins from home...here are a few views




Several of the participants commented on the friendliness & helpfulness of the NVR staff.


Serving duties beckon in church today, followed by the Crewe area group S4 Soc. meeting.


Have a great day.



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning from a slightly foggy Lincoln.


Visited the cathedral yesterday. A service for the readers was going on.lovely singing and organ music.


Today's plan is to have breakfast, check out and head off into the wilds of north Lincolnshire to see some relatives/friends.


Her indoors has recovered from the shock of being told about a "Lincolnshire" flag which is flying from a lot of buildings here. "We didn't have one while I was born here!"


Food last night was nice but not cheap. Managed a couple of pints of JHB from Oakham Brewery.very nice!


Hope all is OK for Jock and please stop the dog photos as I want one but can't have one....mutter,mutter......


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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry at the moment and should be a fairly bright morning but rain coming this afternoon.

Up early for a Sunday as Herself brought me tea at 6.20! I thought I must have been "a  good boy" but apparently the only reason she did it is because she couldn't sleep and there's "lots to do today!"

Family all coming as the grandkids are doing "Uncles Day" for Steve after missing it earlier in the year. As there's "lots to do" guess who's been delegated to be the general dogsbody for the day. Perhaps I'll get a treat for being  "a good boy" later. (Stop sniggering at the back)

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Dull out.

Not sure what we are doing today. Aditi did think about going to London for lunch with Matthew but he was a bit doubtful yesterday (study plans) and now Aditi has a sore throat as well so will probably benefit from a quiet day drinking tea.


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for the churches. S160 6046 was our steed for the trip...ironic as it is a Cheddleton loco which is just 5 mins from home...here are a few views



When I was a toddler, I thought the 'clock' handles on the front of the boiler (excuse being technical) told the time of the train.

6046 looks a little naked to me without them.

Good pictures!

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Looks like being a nice sunny day here, so some gardening planned to fill the 'brown bin' before the collection service ceases for winter.  I will be cutting hedging back to a more manageable height - bigger bits will go for the woodburner, green bits into the compost and the middle bits in the brown bin.

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Duly attended the Farnham show but missed seeing any ERs probably because we had walked the dogs on Crooksbury Common first. Then having got their I went first to the 2mmSA shop for some bits and pieces (for some wagons). I did find myself standing next to someone, both admiring Hemyock (S7), we recognised each other and after a few minutes discussion realised it was 2 years ago at Pett village hall where I had admired his LSWR layout based on the Calstock area at the East Sussex G0G open day. However a large part of my viit was taken up with the 2mm AGM. Not seen by the exhibition visitors was the competition entries. Very impressed with Ian's 1854 class and some 4 wheelers in GWR livery. Both have featured in RMweb threads.


Have now returned home we have a sad problem Dog wise Holly has torn her cruciate ligament in the left rear knee. The vet is confident he can fix it (not cheap) but the real concern is the issue of how do you keep a lively terrier from damaging it before it heals properly at least two weeks before she can go for a decent walk. This for a dog who if the walk is only for an hour will charge around at home to use up the unspent energy. The operation is planned for tuesday.


Elswher comment about dogs. Holly has quite a good vocabulary cannot say a single word but understands qute a few. I said to Marion oh look! seeing something out of the window. Holly was up on the seat looking out of the window before Marion had moved! I cannot prove it was the word she understood but....

Regards to all.


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Good morning all,  


Bright and sunny at the moment  (the weather - not me).  One thing I forgot to mention in my travel woes of Friday - while I was being re-booked for the flight they tried to charge the lady stood next to me $20 for re-booking .  At this point I chipped in - and pointed out the error of their way -result oops sorry madam!  This lady (about 6 months pregnant) then asked if she could blag a lift with us?  Well what could I say?  The driver had a bit of a grumble , told him that  he should hope some one would help his Mother/Wife/Girl friend /Sister / daughter if they were caught in the same situation.


Also looks like my modelling  Mojo might be returning as I picked up a book  GF  bought for me about a narrow gauge "Portage Railway" in Canada..full of modelling inspiration.

Hope your day goes well, 



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Seems to be the season for cold type things,  I've had 'thick' throat and sore chest since the day after the flu jab - wonder if it was a bit too 'active'?


And as half expected it seems GDB is paying the price for his 'day release' yesterday - but then it could be useful to build up some credit for Wycrail in 3 weeks time ;)  And not much else to report, Sammy still like the flower bowl and was duly ensconced at bedtime last night.


Have a good day y'all.

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Have now returned home we have a sad problem Dog wise Holly has torn her cruciate ligament in the left rear knee. The vet is confident he can fix it (not cheap) but the real concern is the issue of how do you keep a lively terrier from damaging it before it heals properly at least two weeks before she can go for a decent walk. This for a dog who if the walk is only for an hour will charge around at home to use up the unspent energy. The operation is planned for tuesday.


We've had a couple of dogs had to have this done, one a lively terrier. For both we had to have them sit with us quite a bit, and when we had to leave the terrier had to confine her a bit (not something we normally do. So maybe just a cage during recovery if you can't arrange something. We managed it by putting a gate underneath my desk (which is in a corner) so she could move but not much and was in a familiar place. Water and a few toys kept her relatively happy while the injury healed. She lived for four more years after her injury, eventually going at age eighteen of something totally unrelated.


The larger dog, a couple of years ago, is my son's and his fiancee was with him the whole time while he recovered - he's great now.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Grey with a good chance of real rain today, so watching the F1 later may not seem naughty. In all the years I have watched F1, I cannot recall a driver whose general "everything" appealed more than Hamilton as he is now. Let's hope he gets the car going as Mercedes intend - by no means a given in recent races for either driver.


I dropped in on Alison yesterday afternoon to return her cheese (unused!). Also managed to sort out the difficult issue of getting photos out of the Nikon I'd given her last year. It's called "taking the card out and putting it in the reader you have sitting there"! 300+ pics of the kids etc later, she was well-pleased. I hadn't seen the upstairs of her house before (her bedroom is on the ground floor before you ask) but it is all neatly plasterboarded & Veluxed, yet with the beams visible to add charm. It just needs finishing. It is to be hoped that the legal side of things enables her to maintain ownership. She has a court hearing on 17th November re her partner's claim for custody of the bambini. His claim is reasonable, but it seems that if he fails to take up his rights in full (every other weekend, when the kids are in France and he is in West Wales?) that he may lose his rights altogether.


Hope Jock has better news re Joanna - that sounded very frightening.


Have a good Sunday, everyone.

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