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  • RMweb Premium

I did admit I had remembered eventually. I think it may be easier to get away with this after 33 years!


Don't you believe it, Tony - if I forgot the date, there'd be a hard time in store, even though we don't actually celebrate in any big way (31 years, me, married in 1979) and Mrs 45156 would have my bits on a plate - so this year, I made sure that I had an anniversary to remember, spending most of the evening in A&E after falling on the ice and seriously fracturing my shoulder, resulting in a romantic drive home with Mrs 45156 at the wheel (for the first time in 8 years) and my arm in a sling!

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  • RMweb Gold

You could always take her to Paris for a romantic model exhibition!!


I'm sure my wife would quite like a trip to Paris and she has occasionally been to model railway exhibitions but it does look as if that Paris exhibition is being held in a multi-storey car park which may not be her idea of romantic!




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Morning all,


14C and not many oktas by the seem of things!


Up extra early today to go to the exhibition in Paris (5:00 train from here!)


I'm sure my wife would quite like a trip to Paris and she has occasionally been to model railway exhibitions but it does look as if that Paris exhibition is being held in a multi-storey car park which may not be her idea of romantic!

It's more than just railways, with a large (at least 10m square by 1m deep) pool for r/c boats (yachts included) and a live area for flying model aircraft, slot and r/c cars, figures, tools, etc.


Happy POETS Day!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


So there goes another week... As the ancient Romans might have said: "Tempus fugit." :lol: Got an appointment later today and will then need to try and give some computer-related first aid - well, somebody in the family has to be the IT expert, no? :D



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Happy Anniversary Tony & Mrs. Tony!

My 'specialty' dish is Beef Wellington!

I took my Scout Patrol Leaders to a beach house for a thank you weekend, where the Scouters did all the work and beforehand asked what they wanted for the main dinner. The answer was Beef Wellington. So after consulting various cook books, that's what they had. It was so successful that I adopted it thereafter as a 'special'. At the price beef fillet is nowadays, it remains a very special.

I was awoken by the alarm clock this morning from a very deep sleep.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


It looks as if it could rain here soon. Dinner for tonight has been simplified! My wife has requested fish and chips so that she can watch the England football match.

Don, thank you for the suggestion of Beef Wellington. I don't think I have ever cooked that . When Matthew was at Junior school one of the meals consisted of a battered burger and baked beans.



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Your wife sounds like a real star, Tony!


Fish and chips and the England game. I'd feel I'd died and gone to heaven....biggrin.gif


Happy anniversary to you both.


Must be great in France this morning... Tee hee!


Interviewed three estate agents over at my Mums place yesterday as she will shortly be putting the house on the market. An interesting experience to say the least....cool.gif

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One of my Assistant Scouters was a chef. On camp he produced battered bully beef for lunch one day. It was actually quite palatable. (or maybe we were just hungry after a hectic morning's acttivities)

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Wishing ENGLAND every success tonight! On Sky this morning they were going on about the scenery etc.

One of my colleagues is Italian, married to a Greek. He was discussing the probability of a divorce ensuing if ever Greece should play Italy.

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Morning All,


Happy Anniversary Tony - My wife was never a big fan of fish and chips. I suppose she didn't grow up with them! Fish and chips in front of the telly on a Friday night is one of those things that I really miss.


Oops - should say ex-wife (as of yesterday) - that's going to take some getting used to! 33 years is quite an achievement - we managed a rather pitiful seven before she left me.


Around here, the weather is quite reasonable. I think it is going to be a pretty warm day, but they have forecast thunderstorms and heavy rain for later on. If it rains over the weekend, maybe I might make an attempt to get some modelling done (Shock horror!)


All in all, I'm in a pretty good mood!


Have a good day everyone.

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Robert you could always nip back to Britain and pick up a rebuilt or short block engine or a ridiculously tuned 1600cc beastie 100 bhp at the wheels thing.


I did think about that Mick - I want to keep her original, so won't be putting in anything other than a standard 63bhp A+, but I did look to see if getting a short block in the UK would be any cheaper. As it turns out, there isn't enough difference in the price to make it worth while. My local Mini-expert is going to get a reconditioned short block which at the end of the day will be cheaper than reaming the bearings, skimming the crankshaft and doing a rebuild on what is a very sick engine at the moment.


You'll have to cough up, otherwise Thomas will be most upset! :(

But OUCH! I do feel for you. :wacko:


Funny you should say that Don - When I picked him up from Kindergarten yesterday I introduced him to the idea that the Mini might have to go purely from a cost point of view. He put his hands on his hips, gave an exasperated sigh and said;


"Daddy, you've been going on about having a Mini for ages, now you've got one you're talking about getting rid of it - I just don't understand you!"


The jury is still out, but at the moment I am tending towards getting her rebuilt.

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  • RMweb Premium

Don the dog arrives tomorrow giving him plenty of time to settle in over the weekend, his name is zen which he responds to so i see no reason to change. Congratulations Tony on 33 years not long until your ruby wedding! Gordon you remind me of what I have said before I have had 10 good years of married life shame we are nearing our 23rd anniversary.

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Will Thomas be with you to 'help'?


Unfortunately not this weekend - but as it will probably be ballasting that's probably a good thing. I am not 100% sure he'll have the patience for it (because I am not 100% sure I'VE got the patience for it :lol:)

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Strongly recommended; Don't spend all your modeling time ballasting. Do an hour's worth, take a break doing something else (paint roads, build a building, platform or do some landscaping) and then return to ballasting. Coffee inbetween stints helps. :D

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  • RMweb Gold

I think one of the reasons my wife likes fish & chips (and football) is due to her happy childhood memories. Most of the time her family ate Indian food but on Saturday after her father finished work she would accompany him to the chip shop to collect their lunch. Then of course there were the results on Grandstand and Match of the Day to watch with her Dad who loved anything sports related.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Full set of oktas threatening to leak at the moment. Another "working at home" day today. No meetings or phone calls to disrupt things. SWMBO and I have only managed 28 years so far. They said it would be a life sentence but I assumed there would be time off for good behaviour. Ah, just realised that's for "good" behaviour...


Happy "Whatever Anniversary you happen to be celebrating" to all. Have a good one.




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