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I might be getting Port Isaac mixed up with Port Gaverne but that was one of the first family holidays I remember. South London to North Cornwall in a Mk1 1100 Escort Estate. 5 people and luggage. Slowwwwww... I also remember that my sister and her boyfriend had a bit of a row shortly after setting off. A quick stop in a lay-by saw me sandwiched between them on the back seat to keep the peace. Happy days.

Pete - they - Port G and Port I - are a gnat's knacker apart. So you would have visited both, surely.

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Morning all, bit late on parade this morning up until 2 am last night. Just about to get in the bath this morning when the postman knocked on the door with a package from Hattons. It was a box measuring 26 X 14 X 11 centimetres containing a single Oxford 00 scale motorcycle combination measuring 3.5 X 3.5 X 6 centimetres! it would have been far easier to put it in a Jiffy bag.

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Struggling to remember Box Hill School. Is it up towards Mickleham church? If so, was the pub the Running Horses?


The Parrot Inn at Forest Green was my schoolboy stamping ground.

The school had The Old Mill as a camp site for toughening us up.

Good cider from the back door of the pub and great cricket on the Green.

Not been there for many years.


(There's an old Mill by the stream, Forest Green).

Edited by DDolfelin
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Morning all, 


bit of an adventure yesterday!  Arrive at the local airport just after 7:am to check in for an 8:45 flight. (Had my temperature taken as I walked through the entrance door) gets to check in desk only to be told that the flight time had been changed to 10:15....... "didnt you get the text message sent at 18:16 yesterday(Thursday)?" check-in clerk asks.....when asked for the number it was sent to it's not mine or any one in the company!  OK,  the return is still 17:45 ?  "Yes sir - definitely" ...so back home (only 20 minutes away). Back to the airport  9:30, temperature taken again at entrance and at security (where they write it down and make a note on your boarding card!) .......10:15 flight eventually leaves at 10:55.....OK so far?

Now the return trip was the "fun" part  Arrives at Owerri airport around 4pm -- it's closed!  No more flights today sir!  (Luckily I'd told my escort & driver to hold on) ..... eventually found some one in the airlines office who could re-book us (by this time there were half a dozen people in the same position as me none of whom had received the elusive text )  Turns out the return was cancelled on Thursday.There might be a flight today (Sat) or Sunday......or if you can get to Port Harcourt airport  theres a flight at  9:15pm.  So rather than try to find a hotel  decided that we would go to PH.   With good roads should take around  90 minutes.....well the road was like the proverbial curates egg  good in parts - very bad bush road in others....gets to PH around 7:30 pm...just as the 6:15 flight to Lagos  was leaving! (This did not bode well). Temperature taken again !  Then wait  and wait and wait (worse still NO COFFEE!) At 9:30  the incoming flight  arrives..takes off just after 10 - (theres more yet), 

Just as we land captain announces theres no place to park the plane by the terminal so we would de-plane at the maintenance hanger and be bused backed to the terminal

Twenty minutes later the bus turns up -- takes us to the terminal -  doors are locked.....!  Another 10 minutes while some one finds the key to let us in ....temperature taken again..!  (At least they use these infra-red heat guns!)  Eventually  arrives home by  11:45pm.....and  COFFEE!  


Now lets see what Saturday has in store?


Try to enjoy what ever you're up to today!



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Morning all

Beautiful day here looking across the Forth - (the Kingdom of) Fife's a wee bit hazy, though.

Trev - I feel for your travel problems. I have an American friend who would put that down to Mercury being retrograde... :)

It's half-term here in Scotland next week, so taking our daughter and grand-daughter to Blackpool on Monday for the Pleasure Beach. By train, of course. Hope we don't suffer similar delays to yours.

Have painting to do today, weeding the veg patch, and sorting out stuff for eBay. Not all will get done.

Hope everyone has a successful weekend


Edited by Purley Oaks
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Morning all,

Just back from the flu jab - I'm pleased to say that it was administered by Nicky, the rather comely practice HCA who dresses my heel twice weekly. Note - I did have Joanna the chaperone alongside!

Flávio, it now seems that you are set on having another dog and from what you have said, the one under consideration sounds great, so let's hope you all get on well. Archie has enjoyed two weeks of the company of Meg, my daughter's remaining bitch Westie but I regret that, whilst I agree with you on the company angle, we are simply no longer fit enough to cope with two on a full time basis. Good luck with your choice.

John(CB) and Tony_S, good advice that I'm sure Flávio has taken on board!

Sherry, I'm sure you ARE in Ian's dreams! Great to hear that you will soon be able to enact some sort of revenge for your French property cleaning episode! Seriously, I hope your move goes smoothly and I'm confident that you are both going to enjoy your time together. Off to get a cool sponge applied to my forehead, got to get the images of you, sans t-shirt in the model shop, out of my mind!

Ian, I've had to squeeze my belly several times in Port Isaac in the past - I can slip through now though, crowds of Doc Martin fans apart. Thanks for the link, it is quite a while since I last visited the 'All About Cornwall' site, probably year before last, when planning to take Joanna to Port Isaac (a confirmed fan of said TV series!) en-route to Porthleven. Hope you have an uneventful trip next week and don't forget to pack your 'Marigolds'!

Dick, please wish Julie a very Happy Birthday from us, I'm sure your plans will make it a memorable day.

Apparently, nurse daughter and son-in-law, just returned from their grand anniversary holiday, want to take us to lunch and it would be rude not to accommodate them. This is to thank us for accommodating grand daughter and dog in their absence, something that has actually been a pleasure!

Enjoy your weekend folks, the GP practice is on at mid-day our time!

Kind regards,


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Dampish - coolish - and wettish later.


Planning cutting the lawns over the next week or so to meet a dryish weather window and before the garden waste collection.


Other than that, weekend at home. Modelling may get a look in, but we're clearing a walk in cupboard first.


We may be gone some time.

Further to previous post have just noticed that because of the rain the lawn has turned from brown to green. Swear it's visibly longer than the last time I looked.

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the GP practice is on at mid-day our time!


Due to back pain I was up very early this morning for a drink and some pills.

Put TV on (muted) to get the news and discovered FI transmission in progress.

Three minutes later I realised it was Free Practice from yesterday - some of which I'd already seen.

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Morning all again,

Sorry to hear of your discomfort DD, where would we be without our pills!

Talking of the Grand Prix, I'm surprised that it has gone ahead as the organisers of the World Superbike series cancelled their round in view of the world view of Russia's involvement in the current Ukranian crisis. I guess that the diminutive Mr Ecclestone wears blinkers and he can only see his pile of cash increasing with every race!

Kind regards,


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Afternoon, All!

....Flavio, I hope the trip goes well, Tallia's Labrador ancestry bodes well. They are noted for their ability to transfer allegiance to whomsoever feeds them. We only have one dog but Robbie is very tolerant of other dogs. He isn't particularly bothered about being assertive but doesn't let himself get pushed about.  Will Schotty be anxious if the meeting is at his old re-homing kennels?



He did find it rather stressful, and started behaving as he normally does when under stress (e.g. going to the vets) or as we succinctly put it "playing silly bu99ers". For a while we thought it would turn into a disaster, but when Mrs iD and her friend took the two dogs to the forest and away from the tierheim he calmed down and started to enjoy playing with her.


Our dog introductions have always gone well, fortunately. Our policy has been just to let them get on with it. If a dog wants attention they get it. If more than one dog wants attention from one person, they get it simultaneously. And food and treats are equally divided and given at the same time. They get worried when apart, and we have to take them to the vets together.

Dogs are pack animals, and for the past 30+ years we've never had just one.

Good luck.

Encouraging words, thank you. Tallia (soon-to-be-Lucy?) is a very calm dog, she's already had at least one litter (she was found abandoned with one pup, early this year [were I to get my hands on the scum that abandoned her....]) and is more dominant than Schotty, who is often insecure notwithstanding his "macho" attitude. So I think that it could work out. And she's one classy, elegant, lady....

...Flávio, it now seems that you are set on having another dog and from what you have said, the one under consideration sounds great, so let's hope you all get on well. Archie has enjoyed two weeks of the company of Meg, my daughter's remaining bitch Westie but I regret that, whilst I agree with you on the company angle, we are simply no longer fit enough to cope with two on a full time basis. Good luck with your choice....Jock.

I'm going to have to be more active if we get Tallia, which - given my bu99ered up right knee - means either cycling with them or using a scooter (probably the latter). If we do get her, then we have "do right by them".


Anyway, she stole my heart, just like Schotty (would loving two dogs count as canine bigamy?) and I really think she'd be good for Schotty and for Mrs iD and I (perhaps we spoil the HM too much???) and I would love to give her (to use that cheesy expression) a "forever home".


Here is (the soon-to-be?) "Lady" Lucy



Just had to have a word with our dogs about begging. They're getting much too successful at it.

Hah! Schotty has elevated begging to an art form. He's tall enough to lay his head on the table and look at you with eyes that would melt the heart of an Ice Giant. However, we are hip to his shennanigans and it doesn't workon us. He also "tries it on" with guests - he has two party pieces: 1) I'm a poor starving doggy (and when told off for begging), 2) I'm a poor, starving, abused, doggy

Did they listen John? I know Archie goes deaf to such instruction!

Kind regards,


In one ear and out the other, probably.


Ironically, given how Schotty sometimes develops "command deafness", Collies and Labradors are considered as amongst the "brightest dogs", Cocker Spaniels amongst the "excellent working dogs". Westies, however, are alas rated only as "average" (but pity the poor Afghan Hound owner, the dimmest of all the dogs assessed for obedience intelligence by Stanley Coren's rating system: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Intelligence_of_Dogs#Brightest_Dogs)

Edited by iL Dottore
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Son's recently rehomed an unable to be kept (owner was going into hospital for an extended period and wouldn;t be active when he came out) year old female spaniel/collie cross. there's also a ten year old male in the house. They get along very well. Don;t worry or overthink - get her and it'll sort out.


Many of the people who have trouble with a second dog don't have enough time for the first dog and are just getting the second dog as company for the first as a substitute for their time.. This is from Sandy's aunt who's well up in the dog world.

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Quick question if I may aimed at the photography gurus I know are amongst us... With a compact digital camera that only allows the user to adjust settings by basic "pictogram", if I'm after maximum depth of field, do I select "Landscape" mode? Tried taking some layout pictures this morning for my Manor Rd thread and I'm constantly disappointed with the results. There's a mode on the camera entitled "Best Shot" and it always seems to default back to that...The dead centre of each image is pin sharp and everything else out of focus. The camera's not too bad or too ancient - it's a simple 5MP Casio and for all I use it, I can't justify the expense of something better. Any advice much appreciated. Pete (camera numpty).

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