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Wet and disgusting here, and a bit chilly as well. I contemplated a second layer but decided that would be a bit wimpish as I'm indoors. The cat came in wet and jumped on me for a fuss, then went on my duvet  with feet still wet and yucky. I had to fetch a full line of washing in, re-spin it and hang it up. I won't use the tumble dryer unless I have to.  I too received a missive from doris, sussed as spam and reported.


I've been going through my Lego photos from yesterday preparing some to post. Here's one that isn't a train:post-4634-0-42092800-1412599763_thumb.jpg


and another:post-4634-0-17554200-1412599950_thumb.jpg.


Stay dry,



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  • RMweb Gold

Mike, I'm embarrassed now. Seems we actually have one of those type of cushions!  :swoon:

The boy is currently trying to loosen up his next tooth as he's saving up for some more Dr Who episodes on dvd.  :banghead:

We never found many of Matthew's teeth. I think he must have swallowed them. We believed him when he said one was missing. I don't think Mrs Stationmaster would have had a product to retrieve them. Essex tooth fairies must be very tough!

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Thanks Jock, I do keep tabs on the place from time to time but with my job and the three hour round trip commute to Kilmarnock every day I'm normally too tired to post anything! lol! Off today however so dropped in! I'm hoping a job with Scotrail comes up soon, it's currently on hold after passing various stages the last of which was a phone interview but I suspect First are waiting to see the results of the franchise bid before taking my application to the next stage! It's for a ticket examiner position but I'm just looking for something easy go lucky to take me to the end of my working life! Fed up with management and having to make big decisions and getting people to do things! lol! A nice wee job travelling the rails will suit me nicely! Good luck to you in getting your hernia sorted, I had an incisional one corrected last December and am feeling great now! Best of luck and good thoughts to everyone else who may be going through stuff too! Now off to the shed to get that addition to the baseboard fitted! Later!

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That Doris bird seems to have been a busy one! I couldn't work out how to report a PM to a Mod - so I sent a copy to AndyY by PM instead - I sense a banning coming up - although having seen the piccie on her avatar, I didn't fancy her anyway!


just realised that there is a report button on the post - blind as well as batty!

Edited by shortliner
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My lying sack of a BiL has applied for Deputyship over his Mother from the Court of Protection.

As this is correlates exactly to putting a fox in charge of the henhouse SWMBO has objected.


The purpose of this post is to alert folk that this is a very expensive option.

Many thousands of pounds are involved in the process - and very little 'Protection' in the meantime. 

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Not much to report from the weekend, except I didn't get a chance to post, just read/scan ER quickly and post approriate (or not!!) ratings...


Most of the weekend spent with a variety of cleanup/prep activities for our living room ceiling definately in the "...fixing a hole where the rain comes in..." variety.

Punctuated with a very excellent dinner Saturday - took a curry over to friends as the lady of the couple is recovering from minor surgery - more discussions related to our holiday trip to the UK next May - finalizing canal trip, and various sighseeing venues to invade :)


Managed some brief modelling periods and almost finished the coaling tower, finished a couple of Eckon signals and started a small 7' wall for the station area, will provide pictures (and incurr the wrath of Deb) :O


In the end we didn't get any snow here just a touch of frost, though there was some in northern Minnesota, awoke today and it was 1, currently 3 and sunny, expecting to reach 12 - whoopeee :)


Enjoy the start of the week everyone...

Edited by Ian Abel
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  • RMweb Premium

Back from hospital now, and am OK for day surgery for the hernia despite my diabetes.  Bus was, for once, on time, and I was well early - so I trotted up to the hospital after getting the shopping in, and was about 40 minutes early - checked in, and the receptionist and the Sister went off to lunch and I was seen about quarter of an hour late - good job I took a book.


Weather has completely reversed now, and it is bright and sunny with hardly a cloud in the sky.


However, I've got to fend for myself for dinner, so I'd best get on and do something before I starve

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon folk!
This talk of pies is making me really hungry. Doesn't help that I work in a kitchen too. The chef has made a delicious tomato and parmesan sauce today that looks damn tasty, smells nice too.

A dismal dreary day in 'ampshire. Today marks the 2 year anniversary (if you wanna call it that) of being at this workplace. It also marks my last day... well it would if that were true! I have kindly opted to stay on (Reduced hours) for the next couple of weeks to help out during the busy shifts because we're still down one chef. I tell you what, things are going downhill fast in that place. Won't be long until they run out of staff! Usual budget cut excuse.


On a happier note, my friends' game has been launched on Kickstarter today! I'm the one who has been doing all the music for it, and loving every chance I get to make it. We need to raise £3k by a month in order to be able to release the game with as much content as we would like. It would also mean we can both do what we love for a living instead of cr*ppy jobs! Just a cheap plug, but if you wanted to find out more: It's here!


Anyway, I'm now sat on my break downing cups of tea and cooking dinner. Oh, and as for the Studio, after about 6 months of umming and ahhing I have finally come up with a (pretty much) finished design. You can view it on this forum here. So, I think it's fair to say it's an exciting week...

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Been shopping. In England I can't find 1/16" x 1" brass strip, but I found some in Avranches. Go figure. And lots of very expensive Plastruct.


Also found the Daily Mail in the newsagents, which was a nasty shock. And an English sales person in Carrefour who managed to explain how their 'new' offer on Sabatier knives works, so I got a few more at 70% off.


Julie has said she wants a Silhouette cutter for her birthday, so I'm glad to oblige on that one!


Now all I have to do is find someone to get rid of this wasp nest. I'm sure I mentioned the wasps.


Heating on (gas) so I expect to see more...

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Feeling neglected. I didn't get any suggestive message. :banghead:


Neither did I. How could she resist my avatar?


You're in good company, Andrew, as I didn't either!!


That's testimony of the gentlemanly restraint of RMwebbers in the face of such temptation.

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Highlight (?) of today was  smell in a meeting room - turned out to be dead stepped on and squished liquifying mouse under the meeting table.


From there the day attempted to get better, but failed miserably.


Must get the right numbers - must get the right numbers - must get ...

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  • RMweb Premium

We never found many of Matthew's teeth. I think he must have swallowed them. We believed him when he said one was missing. I don't think Mrs Stationmaster would have had a product to retrieve them. Essex tooth fairies must be very tough!

Well a recent tooth from my daughter ended up somewhere un-retrievable - for now, at least. She asked me to wash the micro-speck of blood off it. I should have put the plug in the washbasin first. :(  Hoping that when we re-do the bathroom the thing will be found in the U bend. Well, that's where I told her it would be, anyway. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Wet and windy overnight with 3-hour power cut from 5am and no Internet connection as I found out when I went to Post my earlier attempt on here this morning. But then the sun came out and it's still shining.


Modelling still in progress with countdown to next exhibition.  Eek.  :O


I had wished everyone a good day, so I'd better make that a good evening, unless you're the other side of the world, in which case the first greeting stands. :D


Sticky Fingers  Polly

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Got in about an hour a go and received the answer to all my prayers.  I often thought of one of these and how I could make one…..and now I have one. :-)


Having struggled for years with bolts in difficult places when adding legs to baseboards or just joining them together with a ratchet spanner and a quarter turn each time, I thought it would be great if I could have a 1/2" square adaptor to sit in my drill.  This puts in 2" long bolts in less than a second rather than much cussing and several minutes of 1/4 turns...


One very happy bunny….




A glass of wine then much reading to catch up with the backlog...



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Did you really buy a Daily Mail? I would have thought that you'd have had enough poison from the wasps!!!

Kind regards,



I made a sign to ward off the evil eye and stumped off as fast as I could peg!

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But on logging in to RMweb I found a most unusual PM, from a new lady member, offering her private email address and suggesting it would be to my advantage to contact her directly. I have reported it.....

I got that too and did the same.

Are they picking on 60-something bearded chappies?


I think we should be told...


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

I don't thnk Horsetan would appreciate that description!

Perhaps Doris thought he looked like his avatar! I wondered if they spammer went through the top posters of the day list or something.

I didn't get any strange PMs but I don't have a beard either.

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Well D Day has come and gone, no cheque, no phone call - so the knives are being sharpened in the direction of British Gas. Thanks to Jock I have emailed the CEO with a long, fairly polite email which states that even £50 compensation is no longer enough. If the money is not in my account, with adequate compensation by the end of the week I will be contacting my solicitor. Do I expect a reply? No of course not. But, having called tonight and promptly got cut off, I am now officially at the end of the tether! The mood is not helped by an ache in a rather unfortunate part of my anatomy. I believe it may have been (my young daughter) Amber's fault. She was so pleased to see me after work one day that she decided to jump on her dad and landed in the wrong place!!!


No sniggering at the back!

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