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Actually Gustav’s daughter Imogen was the biggest of all - she stopped King Crimson from performing their version of “Mars”.....and Wally/Wendy Carlos from releasing the whole Suite by synth.


Hi Pete

Tomita's Holst Planets Suite LP was withdrawn because of similar; managed to buy one just before. Tomita is very marmite - really like his Debussy LP Snowflakes Are dancing, but Gabe (Mrs PO) would much rather listen to the original on piano.


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Morning All


From a very knackered 45156 - Lily decided to get us up about 2.30 this morning as she needed to wee - normally if she needs this, it's much earlier, so I was prepared to forgive her, but when we got down to the garden, duly wrapped up in wet weather gear, and she found our resident hedgehog, and that was enough to make sure that she didn't settle for about an hour afterwards.  It is now absolutely chucking it down with strong winds and her first walk this morning was a real ordeal as she HATES wearing her waxed coat and seems to prefer to get soaked.  Heating is now on for about an hour to get us all dried out a bit before I need to turn out at about 11 to get the bus to town, as I've got a hospital pre-op appointment for my hernia, and the traffic and parking is currently nightmarish in Lancaster, and given the variable times of these appointments, I don't want to buy too little time, then get hit with a ticket, as the parking is very strictly enforced, and I've seem tickets issued ten minutes after the expiry of the paid-for time and I've been told by some that an over-running hospital appointment is not considered to be a good enough reason!


I'd best get on now, as lots to do before I go.


Regards to All


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At the Leipzig game reserve yesterday:







Oh deer!












European bison, aka wisent. Not what you should stumble across haplessly, I suppose:





Eagle owl:








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Up late. Cold and wet here in Rainy Normandy. Foot bad, may well be gout, so I'm glad I didn't buy the oysters at the supermarket.


Later today we are going to Avranches to visit a shop called Foire Fouille. Julie gets a lot of her stock there. I may get in a visit to Jouet Club for some plastic card - but it's extremely expensive here. We used to have a local version of Hobbycraft but it priced itself out of business. There used to be a good model shop in Caen, but that was 25 years ago that I last visited!


Started on the Rooter yesterday (661 Sutton) but not going hugely well. I can see why most people didn't fit the detail pack condensing tubes...


So a good day to all - I sympathise with the wheelbarrows of wood, Ian. Julie and Blondie moved a whole tree in August! And fortune in all endeavours to everybody.

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Morning all,


Precipitating - as seems to be the fashion elsewhere in this country - but we are promised sunshine for Friday, and rain until then., ah well it might give the last remaining runner beans a chance although temperatures have also dropped.


Promise of a proper job brunch today so my fingers remain crossed.


Have a good day all.

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Morning all from autumnal Hampshire. I'll assume that above the clouds it is lovely and sunny.


Well, after just a few days of having his first wobbly tooth my youngest came home from school with it in a small plastic bag, which was duly placed under his pillow for the "Tooth Fairy" to find. A request was made that the TF might leave the tooth behind for him to keep, but leave the money.  A note was written to this effect.


So, dad masquerading as the TF deposited a couple of coins and tried to find the tooth + bag. It was around this time that the sanity of leaving a plastic bag in my son's bed started to dawn. The hunt was on!!! No luck, I just couldn't find it and woke swmbo up to help in the search. Nothing. By this time we were lifting the lad up and searching underneath him now determined not to leave a plastic bag in bed with him. After about twenty minutes of searching his bedding and around his room we still couldn't find it. We both retired to bed figuring that if we couldn't find it then it was unlikely to find it's way into his mouth and choke him. That feeling lasted about 5 minutes before I was back up again and the search was resumed. Eventually I carried him in to my sleep in our bed away from the "Danger Zone"! Of course he's not as small as he used to be and the amount of bed left over for me was about 6 inches wide. About 02:30 he woke swmbo up complaining about my snoring and announced that he wasn't putting up with it a moment longer. He de-camped back to his own room whilst I slumbered on.


Where was the tooth and plastic bag? It'd dropped into one of his slippers when the TF moved his pillow to put the money underneath.  


Mal, I checked out the Tomita (Tocatta & Fugue and Planets); and interesting sound he's got there. Not sure whether I like it or not yet though. 


Now listening to Genesis albums on Youtube - that'd be the effect of a long documentary on Saturday night about the band. Very interesting. 


Anyway, better dash. Andy

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Having loaded and shifted 11 bags of logs, as well as stowing them in the back of the stable - which has never seen a horse in the 9 years since it was created - I was feeling rather pleased with my first hour's work when I think I got a wasp sting on the nape of the neck. There is an underground nest close to the site of the logs. Came indoors and applied vinegar and then some sort of cream, and it's just a bit sore and itchy, really, with little swelling. Excuse for more coffee!


But on logging in to RMweb I found a most unusual PM, from a new lady member, offering her private email address and suggesting it would be to my advantage to contact her directly. I have reported it.....

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But on logging in to RMweb I found a most unusual PM, from a new lady member, offering her private email address and suggesting it would be to my advantage to contact her directly. I have reported it.....

And there was me thinking I was the lucky one! lol! Reported it too!

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Morning all,

Off shortly to get ready for my post-operative consultation with the surgeon who did what appears to have been a superb job of removing my right kidney complete with tumour and at the same time repairing the rather large 'scrotal' hernia I'd managed to give myself.

Stewart, good luck with your hospital visit today - I have no option but to take the car as I can't walk far these days. Colchester General Hospital is also a nightmare for parking as they've extended the number of departments over the years whilst the car park has, if anything, shrunk! Saw lots of rebuilt Scots at Kilmarnock and have ticked 46113 and 46117 but not your nemesis which I understand was a regular visitor!

Pete(Trisonic), sorry I missed your 'Waltons' post last night, just gone to sleep after such a good evening of romantic memories!

Mal, I can't say that I like to listen to my classical favourites when they've been experimented with - the love of music is so subjective that the phrase that 'one man's meat is another man's poison' springs to mind! I suppose when it becomes a case of plagiarism it's a far more serious issue. Remember Sir Andrew L. W.'s well publicised case?

Today in 1847, Charlotte Bronte's 'Jane Eyre' was published and still sells well. I wonder if most of them go to schools or the ever shrinking library service?

AndyB, don't know if you caught my last night's post but it was listening to that same programme that prompted Joanna and I to have our romantic evening with lots of the sounds we enjoyed when courting! Genesi figured high on the play list.

Horrid wet day to be driving in, hope to report back this evening,

Monday has almost half gone for you 'Boomtown Rats' sympathisers!

Kind regards,


PS I also failed to get a PM! Nice to see the Cathcart circling again! J.

Edited by Jock67B
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Feeling neglected. I didn't get any suggestive message. :banghead:


....I've just spent the last hour with her and seem to have dealt with any suggestions....who wants the next go??



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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Andy B - seems your household is in need of a special 'tooth fairy pillow'.   Mrs Stationmaster used to make them for sale at school Christmas fairs and such like, a nicely embroidered little pillow with a pocket on it for the tooth and the fairy's gift.  They used to sell like hot cakes - very popular with grandmas as a gift for their grandchildren.

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Afternoon all from north of Ikea.   The morning was spent at Dewsbury hospital while SWMBO had some injections in her back to try and provide long term pain relief.  She hates needles and yesterday was not pleasant for the rest of the family.  She had to starve from midnight so the drive in was torment for her as the radio kept doing adverts about breakfast deals.   Anyway everything seems to have gone well adn she's back home safely, only time will tell how it worked.  


I spent the two and a hal;f hours in the waiting room.  I'd taken some etches to bend and got 15 awkward ones done out of a set of 45.  It caused some amusement as I had a pair of piers and a pair of tin snips.  It was also the childrens dental clinic for extractions under anaesthetic.  The 7 yr old next to me had to have 9 teeth out!   I managed not to say anything about dental hygene, but he practised his counting skills on the etches as I bent them which helped keep him quiet though he was actually very well behaved.  

At least the tin snips came in useful when beth came out as they made short work of cutting the hospital wrist band off.


Now it's home and time to be instructed as to how to make yesterdays left over veg into soup.  Tonight it's the pre exhibition briefing so I suppose I ought to attend as I'm down to do the briefing.



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 Made the obligatory purchase of pie. Wet and cold outside.



Are you talking about the weather or the pie?


Reminds me of my first visit 'up North' to a 7mmNGA Members' Day in Bradford where we were promised "Pie'n'peas" which turned out to be a hot Pork Pie rather than the Steak and Kidney or Chicken and Mushroom etc that I was expecting. The organiser has now seen the error of his ways and now offers 'Snake and Pigmy' as an alternative . . . .





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Greetings from a wet and grey Borough Market Junction.


Busy at work so no chance to catch up and post immediately. The office is noticeably colder and my feet are cold


Good to see Andyram back and posting.


Quiet weekend with the usual swimming lessons. Youngest went to a birthday party at the Krispy Kreme place in Bluewater. He had a good time doing blind tastings and decorating a doughnut. By the end of yesterday he'd eaten three! The elder had to get a new gum shield for Rugby at school, having lost the previous one. Mind you, given his cleaning regime of the old one (ie not at all) it was probably just as well.....and for some reason he wanted to buy a world cup football so that they could play at school. Quite why it was his duty to supply the ball he couldn't explain......


Awoken by the foxes at it at about 3 this morning.


But on the commuting front, the 7.51 has been reinstated - a seat in the morning. Not sure whether this means they've made better progress on the crossover at Lewisham or whether they've decided that as AndrewC doesn't commute very often they can safely disrupt his trains further instead! 

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Having loaded and shifted 11 bags of logs, as well as stowing them in the back of the stable - which has never seen a horse in the 9 years since it was created - I was feeling rather pleased with my first hour's work when I think I got a wasp sting on the nape of the neck. There is an underground nest close to the site of the logs. Came indoors and applied vinegar and then some sort of cream, and it's just a bit sore and itchy, really, with little swelling. Excuse for more coffee!


But on logging in to RMweb I found a most unusual PM, from a new lady member, offering her private email address and suggesting it would be to my advantage to contact her directly. I have reported it.....


Just as well - you don't want to get stung twice.

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Mike, I'm embarrassed now. Seems we actually have one of those type of cushions!  :swoon:

The boy is currently trying to loosen up his next tooth as he's saving up for some more Dr Who episodes on dvd.  :banghead:

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I am bereft!


Making 30 cinnamon and apple Welsh cakes yesterday as a treat, I thought I would have one with my coffee.


They are not there!


They have all gone!


I will readily admit to having a few (less than 6), but pray what has happened to the rest?


My cake box has been burgled!


Never mind................ I can make some more, perhaps spiced sultana this time?


Perhaps lacing them with laxative will identify the culprit?


Although come to think of it, I did that last time


Must go.....need the loo again.....must be something I ate!

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