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Flu shot update. No ill effects so far. At our surgery after an injection, you are required to sit down for ten minutes before leaving and so the local ladies guild sell for charity tea, coffee and cake. I got a wonderful piece of toffee cake and a coffee, paid for by my better three quarters. Result!!  :stinker:

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After the interest in yesterdays post here are a few pictures of what the tram was brought to Leeds for.

During the day the interior was filled with 8 projectors and associated computers and tracing paper was taped inside the windows to make projection screens. 


As night fell they were turned on.


There were some 50 light themed events on adn the streets were full of well behaved crowds.  Here some passers by take an interest in the first tram to Briggate in 55 years.  the old rails are believed to be still buried under the paving.


A close up of two of the inhabitants of The Ghost Tram


And the whole side.  Not easy to photograph.


Leeds Civic Hall another of the installations.


Anna Politikop the delightful youlg Latvian who dreamed the whole idea up.




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In our flu jab (we both went to get stabbed) they were getting through people at a rate of knots. Line along the corridor in the GP's surgery with 'come on down' being called, a bit like a game show :) . The one who did me was the district nurse who on more than one occasion had attended to my catheter. 


However when you're recognised when you get to the surgery you know that you're having to spend a little too much time there :(

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Just back from visiting son and family. The rain stopped just in time for a picnic lunch. Biggest discovery of the day - the Paddington South West of England Line runs right past his back door. Saw lots of trains today! 


Very impressed with National Express. The driver knows who he is picking up where and if they are not there he calls them on their mobile. The Mop Fair was on in Devizes today so the bus was not stopping in the usual place. The driver made a call and a few minutes later the passenger turned up. I was the last pick-up this evening, so after that we didn't have to stick to the timetable and I was back here nice and early.


Dick, I am paranoid about wasps as I am extremely allergic to wasp stings. We had a nest appear above our front door a couple of years ago, I think Rentokil charged about 100 euro to shift it. Conversely, bee stings have virtually no affect at all. I was once attacked by a swarm of bees while driving a tractor. My MiL spent a couple of hours removing all the stings from my head (it was FiL's tractor!).



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We have a neighbour here who is the same with stings, John, but I seem to get over them reasonably quickly, which is a bonus. Once, when taking a school party to London Zoo I had a wasp get behind the lens of my glasses and sting me just under the eye. That was nasty. But no really nasty reactions, other than feeling tired and floppy, thanks be. Bees take a little longer, and get very sore, but nothing too bad.


Whereas other insect bites can last for weeks...

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However when you're recognised when you get to the surgery you know that you're having to spend a little too much time there :(


 A bit like  the dental receptionists welcoming you by name as you walk in . :O

Edited by Sidecar Racer
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Evenin' all,


Just back from a few days on the 'Isle of Wight'. Here are a few clips of D2059, No24 'Calbourne' & 'Waggoner' in service during our stay



D2059 worked the first trip on Sunday morning before handing over to No24 at Haven Street.


On Thursday 'Waggoner' was on duty and is seen at Wooton, Haven Street and Smallbrook jnc.



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Back on parade. Did you miss me? I have managed to read some of what has been posted since I was last on here, but not all. I hope all are well and that those who were ill / hospitalised are on the mend or showing improvement.

  It has been a busy few weeks back at work especially since the new head teacher has strong armed me into taking a national leadership qualification! I have also been working on plans for our model railway exhibition, after suddenly realising how close the date actually is.


 During the last few weeks I have been embroiled in something of a war with British Gas in a bid to get back money I am owed. It all stems from a "Home Care" agreement I had with them. I called in February, prior to moving into the bungalow to ask for the agreement to be switched from one address to another. When we finally moved into the new house I called again to cancel the agreement. This took some time as they could not find our policy, before realising it was still allocated to our previous house. Seemingly we had paid for someone else's cover for 6 months.

 British Gas promised us a refund for those months, some £152. The refund, to be sent by cheque, should be received within 28 days. Six weeks later there was nothing. This has led to several phone calls to chase this up. During this time, I have been passed from department to department and promised a further cheque. Initially this was supposed to be within 5 to 10 days. When this did not happen, I was told it would be another 28 days. Still nothing!

 Two weeks ago I had had enough, and warned them that if the money was not in my account by the end of September I would take legal action and contact BBC Watchdog. After repeating this threat three times they were stung into action three days before the end of the month a manager contacted me to promise a new cheque would be sent, complete with £50 compensation. This should have been received this week. Guess what? Still nothing. The manager is due to call again on Monday. I won't hold my breath considering all the calls I have been previously promised.


Now who has Anne Robinson's number???

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Back on parade. Did you miss me? I have managed to read some of what has been posted since I was last on here, but not all. I hope all are well and that those who were ill / hospitalised are on the mend or showing improvement.

  It has been a busy few weeks back at work especially since the new head teacher has strong armed me into taking a national leadership qualification! I have also been working on plans for our model railway exhibition, after suddenly realising how close the date actually is.


 During the last few weeks I have been embroiled in something of a war with British Gas in a bid to get back money I am owed. It all stems from a "Home Care" agreement I had with them. I called in February, prior to moving into the bungalow to ask for the agreement to be switched from one address to another. When we finally moved into the new house I called again to cancel the agreement. This took some time as they could not find our policy, before realising it was still allocated to our previous house. Seemingly we had paid for someone else's cover for 6 months.

 British Gas promised us a refund for those months, some £152. The refund, to be sent by cheque, should be received within 28 days. Six weeks later there was nothing. This has led to several phone calls to chase this up. During this time, I have been passed from department to department and promised a further cheque. Initially this was supposed to be within 5 to 10 days. When this did not happen, I was told it would be another 28 days. Still nothing!

 Two weeks ago I had had enough, and warned them that if the money was not in my account by the end of September I would take legal action and contact BBC Watchdog. After repeating this threat three times they were stung into action three days before the end of the month a manager contacted me to promise a new cheque would be sent, complete with £50 compensation. This should have been received this week. Guess what? Still nothing. The manager is due to call again on Monday. I won't hold my breath considering all the calls I have been previously promised.


Now who has Anne Robinson's number???

Start posting a story line on Facebook and twitter and record every conversation you have plus the names on facebook.  I had similar problems with Virgin Media and got no sense until I started the social media campaign then suddenley things started to happen.  I did tell the call centre what I was going to do.



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Andy, The magic word I use in such circumstances is 'solicitor' such as in 'If I do not receive the money owing to me by (date) I will place the matter in the hands of my solicitor.'. It worked wonders when I last used it, with British Gas.

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Rain at beginning and end of the day.  In between, autumnal sunshine so we went off to the Welsh Highland Heritage Railway in Porthmadog.  When we arrived we wondered if the Main Line alongside was back in business after flood damage earlier in the year and, just as we arrived outside the Cafe, lo and behold, a train came into view on its way to Pwllheli.  Of course, I could have thought about it before we left and found out on Realtime Trains and then be ready for a photo of the train going across the level crossing but as it was, it was just pure luck seeing it at all.










After that, we went to the cafe which had on offer pancakes with maple syrup  :nyam:  before braving the railway shop...er...hum...just a wagon, today.  :yes:   It turns out to be a bit out of Era, but bears the name of one of our exhibition locations next year, so it'll get a right dose of weathering for the end of a siding, as if it's been there for quite some time, desperately waiting for a manufacturer to.come along and make a model of it.  As if.  :laugh:


Well, after sorting that lot out, and other bits and pieces, it's now tomorrow today and that was yesterday.

Ah well. 


Hope you have a comfortable night after flu jabs and wasp stings.  Yes, I even managed a bit of a catch up. :mosking:


Everyone else, have a good night / early morning / other time.








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Andy, The magic word I use in such circumstances is 'solicitor' such as in 'If I do not receive the money owing to me by (date) I will place the matter in the hands of my solicitor.'. It worked wonders when I last used it, with British Gas.

That is exactly what I did. If I didn't receive the money by the end of September I was taking legal action. I extended the deadline to Monday in response to their compensation offer.

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My GP has a new receptionist, well I haven't seen her before. A very attractive and pleasant young lady, helps take your mind off needles etc.

Did she tell you that you’ll only feel a little pr!ck?


Mine does...


Best, Pete.

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Did she tell you that you’ll only feel a little pr!ck?


Mine does...


Best, Pete.


A Scots anaesthetist I used to work with used to warn patients about to receive the Pentothal: "Small prick". I lived in hope that somebody would reply: "Speak for yourself, Jimmy."

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Morning all. Slightly foggy but with sunrise visible. Drowsy, so coffee brewed.



My GP has a new receptionist, well I haven't seen her before. A very attractive and pleasant young lady, helps take your mind off needles etc.


When I was a kid and had to have allergen immunotherapy, which involved weekly jabs for weeks and weeks on end, the pretty young practice nurse who always gave me these was the only thing which made the procedure bearable! I wish…er, forget it… 

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Just thinking about getting up to make the tea. The sun is peeping through the curtains and one of the cats wants some attention.
Off to Wolverhampton later to disgorge "stuff (university time). We're staying nearby and will have a lazy drive home on Monday. Maybe there'll be some railway related place to visit on the way.
Life can be good (but always be ready for it to kick you in the behind when you least expect it.)
Have a good Sunday

Edited by The Bigbee Line
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Morning all,  


No idea why I'm up this early on a Sunday morning  - but I am!   


Suns up. Birds chirping away.....temps over 25c already... 



What ever you're up to today -  try and find some thing to smile at.



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Nice and sunny here north of Ikea.   The temperature has ceertainly dropped but after 3 failry hectic days moving trams it's nice to have a quiet morning.  Family are all still in bed, cats are fed so i can relax and trawl the web for a short time.  More family coming for dinner after church so it should be a good day.  I might even get some modelling done.



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Morning all.

Clear and sunny here on the Thames Riviera. Not quite double digit Celsius yet but forecast to be so soon. 

We will be off to Enfield later to take MiL and her visitor (Aditi's cousin) out to lunch. Matthew may join us if he has finished his reading in preparation for tomorrow's first lecture.


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Sun shine has appeared this morning. A bit parky last night coming back from the pub but we had a nice meal and some nice York Blonde.

I had my flu jab which gave me little discomfort. The steroid into shoulder with elephant syringe was a bit painful..now they want to give me a free pneumococcal injection which sounds fun!(not).

Last two sets of baseboard legs to be fitted then just need to add some cork sheet and do a bit of sanding and painting.

Have a great day!

Edited by Barry O
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Lovely morning here in Sunny Normandy.


Especially after the weather naffness that was Saturday.


Been up since 6 watching the Japanese GP, killing wasps and eating toast. Which is pretty much what today has to offer, apart from making a definite decision about what version of Terrier I'm going for (Dapol body & Alan Gibson chassis & wheels). Something from the South London line, I think. It may (or may not) be as accurate as  Kernow 02, where I believe one of the smokebox rivets has been misplaced by 0.03mm, but I like it.


(How do people get so worked up when, scaled up, they can accept cabsides that are 3 inches thick?)

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Another case of boat theft on Skye:



Great video apart from the quality. Saw it yesterday as a friend sent it to me from Scotland.


Brrrrr  frost this morning. Motorhome readied for the road, heading off into no wi-fi territory. Back on line in a couple of days, inshallah.



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