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I would have Thaa can't help it lad well if I spoke to anybody foreign I would.......



For the avoidance of doubt or cries of racist anyone not born in the golden shire is foreign......

I was not born there - I learned the vernacular by reading the Penguin edition of “Lady Chatterley’s Lover”.....


Best, Pete.

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At last something Belgian for you to like!



And my Mother referred to my pe​nis as “JT” or "John Thomas” - when I was a boy - it took me that long to work out why.....


Best, Pete.

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Afternoon All


Wow what a catch-up and just too much to offer any comments on individual posts - please accept my apologies for not singling out everybody, but my support goes out to those who are ailing, my congratulations to those posting good news.  Gordon - I'll single your post out as being one which, regardless of what you've said, needs to be marked with a sympathetic mention.  It is sad when someone loved is diagnosed as terminal, and if it is that serious, then the best we can offer is a wish for a painless and dignified departure.


Killybegs, enjoy Hungerford, I spend holidays there as BiL lives there and we borrow his house every year.  Nothing much railway-wise happens there, but there is one cabinet of second hand railway items just inside the door of the Hungerford Arcade, where I obtained a reasonable Mainline Royal Scot.


As to diabetes, as I've said before I've been diagnosed now for 20 years, and with the care of my brilliant GP, Simon, have so far avoided any real complications.  A bit of a worry that there's another Metformin shortage - this happened once before after a fire in the factory where the drug itself was manufactured.  I think I've got enough in stock for a couple of months, though.


I have deliberately stayed out of any comment about Sherry's situation with her vicar, but I feel that it is his church's loss, and that of the congregation.  Different vicars seem to have totally different attitudes to divorce, and this particular one seems to be of the less acceptable types in the modern era...Good luck at All Saints (I always feel that a church so named is really hedging its bets LOL).


Bloomin' tired now, as have been out all day, and have walked round Kendal, Ambleside, Windermere, and Grange Over Sands, so

Regards to All


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Because I've been involved in the Pre School, Choir, Music Group, Messy Church and the PCC, I have accumulated a number of email addresses for church members which I used to notify them of my decision to leave and the circumstances which had precipitated it. The response has been interesting - all of the emails received in reply indicate shock, surprise, concern and puzzlement that this has happened. It seems that the Vicar can only cope with saints, not sinners!


There is a church opposite my new flat, on which I hope to complete today; it's dedicated to All Saints................!!! Imight give it a try!


And, as usual, the warm, supportive comments from many of you lovely folk have been heartening. Thank you.

Pity you're not closer to here Sherry, you'd love our choir and the church slogan is "...we welcome you wherever you are on your journey..." and it's why the congregation is so large and diverse...

Great news on finalizing the apartment.


Gordon - no words are fitting <sigh>



Late on parade as follows;


In other disasters, though only material and can therefore not even come close to matching the personal and medical issues of others - yesterday was uneventful and choir practise delightful, then I came home...


<scene of buckets and tarps on living room floor, water dripping gradually from above> :paint:


Apparently the rains of the past few days caused some water invasion, and this morning was spent working whilst the contractor bashed and tore down a large section of the ceiling. Discovered a long and slow water problem, results of seepage from around the chimney breast. Will be remediated once the joists and everything dry. For now large hole where the ceiling used to be <sigh>


In other "stupid news" it was 6 when we got up, heading for 1-2 overnight and a strong wind giving us a wind-chill already of 2C.

Expecting 80% chance of SNOW likely overnight <BAH!!!!> maybe even a 1/2 inch on the ground by morning -  You HAVE TO BE KIDDING!!!! :jester:  :O  :jester:


So much for POETS day, eh! I'm going to get some lunch before the kitchen is comsumed by fire, flood or some other armageddon! :scared:

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Pete, you missed off the 'Great'! They were once!

Kind regards,


This Pete or some other Pete?


Confused Pete.


PS I’m going to change my avatar back it’s obviously caused me to enter some surreal alternative world......

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Front lawn cut - so at least we look a little tidy. Back one is a Sunday job if the rain goes according to forecast.


Tomorrow it's flu jab, IKEA and visit to son. Then clearing up. The caravan stuff is still all over the living room. Maybe trip to charity shops beckon to get rid of surplus.

Edited by Coombe Barton
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The caravan stuff is still all over the living room. Maybe trip to charity shops beckon to get rid of surplus.

Trouble there is buying more stuff than you donate - we do

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 Tomorrow it's flu jab,...

I had forgotten I had that to look forward to tomorrow morning. The local pharmacy is also offering free NHS flu jabs to the vulnerable under 65s but I think I'll go to the GP as usual. I don't think I've ever had a nasty reaction to the flu jab but a couple of doctors (medical variety not the proper doctor who lives here) in the family seem to always need to lie down for a weekend after their flu jabs.



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see here!


if you were born in my village (Horden) people in Hartlepool were "foreign" .. Newcastle was close to Scotland and Yorkshire may as well have been on the moon!!!!  But enough said on the subject..


I have been busy prepping some baseboards to be used at the Leeds show with a Hornby trakmat on it - for the NEC it will be the "try your dcc loco here! layout! unfortunately the cork already fitted is no longer available and the nearest thickness cork I can buy is slightly thinner so a bit more work to do.. pah!



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Rabbit stew is - er - stewing on the hob, will be tasted shortly.


Hungerford? My senior aunt - i.e. Mum's eldest sister - once damaged the bridge there with her motor car.


Lady Chatterley? A rather decent RMwebber shares a surname with a key character. If people forget his surname he merely says "Think gamekeeper!"


Sherry's musical abilities & enthusiasms are not to be under-estimated, so a choir in Minnesota is not that much of a stretch, except in geographical terms. I think she might love it, Ian, actually. And, after all, her first wedding was in Michigan!

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........Sherry's musical abilities & enthusiasms are not to be under-estimated, so a choir in Minnesota is not that much of a stretch, except in geographical terms. I think she might love it, Ian, actually. And, after all, her first wedding was in Michigan!


And I sang in the Choir at a Methodist Church there in a town called Holly. We still correspond with the Minister who married us; on hearing of our plans to divorce, he wrote very supportively to say that in his own long marriage they had at times considered alternatives. A rather more realistic outlook.

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Good Evening all,


Now heading into a  very long (four day) weekend.  At least one of the wheel -reinvetors is out of my hair for a couple of weeks ! Seems I also got one of them out  of a hole (well their client) .These people been arguing about the need for lightning protection -- ( just think BIG lumps of metal sticking best part of 10 meters up in the air - highest thing around and in an area were some of the year thunder storms are a daily occurrence.  Eventually asked for my considered opinion.  That included   these immortal words  " - failures caused to generator electronics by lightning strikes are not covered by the manufactures warranty" 

Twenty minutes ago request for quote came in.  They've been arguing the toss about this for the last two months.! 


To lighten the mood, couple of pics from the GF from Quebec.  (She's now safely back "home").  There are a couple more of the covered bridge if any ones interested. 


By the way if anyone wants to set up a "Church"  - west Africa is the place to do it . One  I've had some dealings with has three services every Sunday -average attendance at each  64,000!  Minimum "donation" per head of around $5:00 .....no wonder the bishops can afford fleets of private jets. !  


Have the best evening you can, 





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I’m putting this little movie up here because many of you would not have seen it. Fellow member Tom brought it to my attention in the thread about “DroneFanning”, yes, I agree it is a dreadful word.


On the other hand this film of the Bluebell Line taken by a drone is rather beautiful.....

Btw note how the trees dominate the locomotive....

Please use the controls to maximize the fidelity.



Best, Pete.

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We don't call it "British West Hartlepool" for nothing, Baz. . .


And I knew one or two who attended grammar school there. . . .Got their passports stamped and everything!!!!!

ERM count me as another.. Trip from Horden to old Hartlepool courtesy of Kelvin coaches....en route we passed Robert de Brus's family home the Brus Arms just by the entrance to Steetley Magnesite!!


Grand days with my passport!!

Edited by Barry O
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ERM count me as another.. Trip from Horden to old Hartlepool courtesy of Kelvin coaches....en route we passed Robert de Brus's family home the Brus Arms just by the entrance to Steetley Magnesite!!


Grand days with my passport!!

Is that the Robert the Bruce who was from Essex, Witham I believe?

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