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Thanks everybody for your good wishes, Smiffy, I fully intend to follow the doctors advice, I had a colleague who despite being 6 years younger than me who suffered a diabetic coma not long after I retired, if a friend of his wasn't present he would have died. It also turned out that he had a heart condition requiring bypass surgery, he is now partially blind due to the diabetes. His doctor had been telling him for years to cut down on his eating and drinking which he just ignored.

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Great to see Jamie's tram progression, and to note the War of the Roses is alive and well with Barry O!


Hope your week winding up well

As a native of Cumberland I can only look on with amusement at these warring southern tribes.



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Completion! Excited!

Great news on the completion Sherry! I would personally classify you with the 'Saints' considering the amount of good work you've done, so I think the new church will be welcoming you with open arms! The bigot, with his own idea of what constitutes a saint or a sinner, appears to have managed to alienate quite a number of his congregation - perhaps he will learn from the experience?

Gordon, sorry to hear that your SiL has contracted one of the worst cancers possible - it is not survivable! Close to home for Joanna and I as she lost her father (73), little sister (54) and nephew (39) to that disease. The only good thing to come out of it is that Liverpool John Moores University are now asking for a series of blood tests from the rest of the family to try to isolate the 'rogue gene' which would allow early diagnosis and treatment. Our sympathies obviously go to her, but also to you and other members of your family who will now have to form a support group. With first hand experience of this, I'm always happy to take a PM to offer any help I can.

PhilJW, great news mate, if you heed the warnings!

Pete(Trisonic), like the new avatar but like Baz, I'm struggling to remember where I saw it before. As your earlier post about American religion illustrates, you can always find good in any group but it is a sad reflection on our current society that only the bad elements seem to make the news!

Bonjour Dick, look on the bright side, lunch in a good French restaurant would always tempt me to volunteer for shopping!

Neil, good luck with the bulb change, especially out in inclement weather! From memory, one side is easier than the other. Shame that manufacturers seem to leave so many sharp edges nearby - I've got marks on my hands to prove it!

John(Killybegs), hope you have a trouble free and safe drive over the next few days - the forecast doesn't look too good sadly!

Great to have you back DD, looking forward to the pics. when you have time!

Enjoy what remains of POETS day,

Kind regards,


Edited by Jock67B
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People who feel the need to belttle others they judge inferior haven't the ability to get the beam out of their own eye let alone do something useful with it thereafter.

In other words the more you know the more you know you don't know..........


'The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool' - 'As You Like It'

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Jock, It’s a Rene Magritte, one of my favorite artists.


Did I miss Gordon S.?

Obviously I didn’t read far enough back....


Best, Pete.

That's where I've seen it recently - the 'Coast' programme went abroad for a couple of episodes and visited a 'shrine' to him! More of a Rembrandt fan - BOF?

Thanks and kind regards,


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Morning All,


As usual ERs is a mixture of joys and sorrows. At least there seems to be a decent number of joys.


No golf for me today so I will never get to Gordon's handicap. Instead I'm off to play trains for two days at Folkstone exhibition. Cramdin is all packed away and awaits collection of the van then it'll be the joys of the M3, M25 and M20 on a Friday afternoon!


Have a good weekend all.




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'The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool' - 'As You Like It'

Which as I did not know that quote is proof of the saying, I think....


No news for a while from Tim DD sadly.

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As a Durham lad - from the best county in the world I am also amazed at the Yorks - Lancs discussions... its just very annoying that we can't get the Leeds Trams back to Leeds .. so we end up with a Manc tram...


Unfortunately Leeds City Council do not seem to want to let people know of the Industrial Heritage in Leeds - Jamie and the Historicals have my support in getting teh Leeds trams back to Leeds .. but we need some where safe and with easy access to do so...



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Well, the gale abated suddenly - to be replaced by vertical rain.  At least that made changing the headlamp lamp easier, and it was the easy side, Jock.  The trick is a really long screwdriver or rod with a bit of a bend at the end - like a small crowbar....ahem, previous work....and that gets the bottom clip that you can't actually see!  It's OK nearside, it just shows, the offside one is only accessible via braille.  Job done anyway.  There was light.


Had lunch with my old DI, that was a real treat, and got a touching retirement present from him - I didn't realise there was a medal for Merchant Service - well I have one now! 

OK, off down to the car-free garage to change the handlebars on Deb's BMW 800 for something more becoming of a lady that has entered her 5th decade this year (Shhh!) she has finally admitted the low bars are no longer comfortable.  Of course everything has to be changes, brake hose, choke, throttle and clutch cables, wires to switches, heated grips (BMW luxury!) and lots of fiddling about.  I may be some time, as the saying goes.


Jock, you're amazing by the way.

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Just as an update on the the "where have all the tablets gone?" topic earlier in the week. It would appear that the Tegretol famine is over but Metformin is still having "manufacturing problems". Aditi didn't get any Metformin but has enough to last until next week when supplies are expected. 

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Yet another change of plans. I discovered that I can get National Express from the end of the road to Hungerford and, what's more, I could buy my ticket from the Post Office (I don't have a printer with me!). Furthermore, there's a PO 1 mile up the road and (according to the website) it does sell tickets. So that's great, I can leave the motorhome here and have a relaxing trip on the bus, well thats the theory. Cycled up to the post office, saw the National Express sticker on the door and put in my request. 'Ooh' says the lovely lady behind the glass screen, 'i've always wanted to do one of those'. Forty minutes later with five failed attempts and five fruitless calls to the helpline (in India) we gave up, at which point the sub-postmaster came in and confirmed that the system had never worked! Back on the bike and pedal into Devizes 5 miles down the road. Here my luck changed as, just as I was about to go into the 'big' Post Office, I spotted a Travelwise shop down the road and, it turned out, they are agents for NE and have a direct line for ticket sales. Problem solved. 


Having now come into Devizes, I topped up my phone, bought something for lunch, which I ate down by the canal watching the boats go by, then had a look around the Canal Museum on Devizes Wharf. Funny the way things turn out! A lovely ride back downhill all the way pat Caen Hill Locks.


All I have to do now is remember to get up early as the bus is at 07.50am!


Have a great weekend,



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As many past generations of my dad's family might have said 'thee can't help that lad'   (in case of doubt - yes, they were from Yorkshire)

I would have Thaa can't help it lad well if I spoke to anybody foreign I would.......



For the avoidance of doubt or cries of racist anyone not born in the golden shire is foreign......

Edited by skipepsi
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Been scanning for news on Don.

Any updates?

 This was the last post from Tim . 21'st Sept . 



Good day all its Tim.

Don was discharged on Wednesday only to be readmitted on Wednesday evening as the stitches from the wound worked themselves loose. He has had it stitched up again but he is still in hospital for precautionary measures and to avoid infections. He is eating solid foods and drinking coffee and orange juice. So hopefully he will return home soonish. Lovely day here in the mother city Cape Town and they predicted 28 degrees today.


Regards Tim

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