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I was a scraper. Scraped 'O' levels, scraped 'A' levels, scraped a degree. Then decided that was enough edukashun, get out and enjoy life.


Sherry, as a fellow Christian, might I give you a biblical quotation: Matthew 10 : 14.



Quite an interesting difference between the NIV and the KJB versions of this - the more recent translation is effectively a command to leave, the older a command to shake the dust of your feet when you leave.


(a google search of the verse brought up numerous versions)


NIV "if anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet."


KJB "And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet"


Not sure which you meant - but given Sherry's decision perhaps a moot point!



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Good morning ER's, no POETS day here, Friday not being part of my working week now! :no:


My best wishes to those bringing sad news to the day.  What more can one say, but to be supportive from a remote location is the best I can offer.  I'm a touch maudlin today perhaps.


It's blowing a hoolie here, and of course I have a job to do on my car - headlamp bulb, which are a mighty pain to do, and with the bonnet flapping in a gale.....hmmm.  Yes, I have a garage...you may recall it's for more interesting modes of transport (to us) and trains, it doesn't even have a driveway leading to it! :no:   ooh, another negative emoticon.


Something positive....I'm pleased Tony is enjoying  his Midland Compound - it's fair to say that set is selling well from a supplier somewhere in between the UK and Ireland.  I'm waiting for the Railway Children train pack, there's something about that Pannier in 'GS&WR' improved engine green!  One for the display case not the layout though. :sungum:

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Morning all from a beautifully sunny and blue-skied Borough Market Junction. WEnjoy it while it lasts as rain and lots of it is due tomorrow


Another day of sardines on the train, my usual is one of a select band of three that start at Sidcup to be cancelled while they sort Lewisham out. As all the trains seem to be standing only by the time they get to Sidcup, it seems a strange choice (and i'm glad I'm not further down the line at, say, Lee)


Meeting the auditors today. They sent me an agenda yesterday - but the date was 5 September 2013. Not sure whether they laughed when I asked by e-mail if I could borrow one of their time machines.


I've missed some of the back - posts after straying into bible translations above, so will review later - but in the meanwhol have a good day all!

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Morning all, and it's a misty start to the day here. 


SWMBO was up at 04:30 working away at her supposedly part-time job that now takes 7 days each week to fulfill along with having to work around 12 hours each day without time for lunch.

I'd like to think her boss would realise that driving staff that hard means his business will fall to pieces about 5 minutes after the staff keel over. But somehow I suspect he'll not address the problem.    


Reading AndrewC and Roundhouse's travelling woes I'm rather glad I don't do the trek up to London anymore. Hoping that future career plans will avoid that possibility but "never say never"!


Hope to do a bit of backscene work this weekend - assuming that I can do this without feeling guilty about SWMBO having to work through the weekend. Being urban grundge and decay the layout would suit an autumnal, misty backscene. Sticking to the "Do what you can with what you've got" mantra for the layout may prove tricky on this bit as I may need to purchase some paper! Hold on, do I see a ream of printer paper before me? 


Have a nice day everyone. Andy

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Snip< They sent me an agenda yesterday - but the date was 5 September 2013. Not sure whether they laughed when I asked by e-mail if I could borrow one of their time machines.




I noticed that isle of Man Railways were advertising on Manx Radio earlier this week for special trains...LAST weekend!  TARDIS time, I think!

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Morning all, I could do with a tardis couldn't we all, mistakes I have made would fill several books. Some weak sunshine so hopefully a dry day and rain tonight so I don't need to water the containers of plants..... Have a good day y'all.

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Evening all,

Pete(Trisonic), don't you find the American religions just a little odd or do we see the worst of them on TV here?


Kind regards,


Er, yes but still the oddest one is based in a southern European city........Though their new chief seems to be OK, to a point.


I was bought up as a C of E member, then when my Mother was 70 she advised me that I’d never been baptized.


Officially I’d say I was agnostic. Typical wishy washy way of hedging my bets...  Amazing how many people I have known who  have “discovered” religion on their death beds.


A lot of the Southern Baptists are actually very charming. When I first moved to Greensboro NC I enjoyed the first Sunday there out and about taking photos of the remaining antebellum Mansions.


At one of the largest and most beautiful a lady emerged from the front door after I had taken the picture. Huh,oh - I thought she’s going to “chew me out”.

Not so. Although ancient you could tell that  she had been, still was, a very attractive woman - she was just curious. After finding out my name and London origin she promptly invited me to church with her and then for lunch at her place with her family!


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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Another morning dawns with light cloud cover and the wind is starting to pick up.


My plans for today have been scrapped! I was due to meet up with friends who I haven't seen in more years than I care to remember and who have been living in France for a long time. Contact was actually made as a result of him thinking that he recognised me from a posting I made on RMWeb, searching the web and then finding my website which has a facility for contacting me. Three cheers for RMWeb! However, due to a family crisis here in the UK that they need to sort out urgently, understandably our lunch date has had to be cancelled. It's just as well that we have the ability to be so accessible (if we so wish) these days. The email was sent from a cross channel ferry and picked up on a caravan site in Wiltshire! So I think it's time for a bit more modelling - back to slating the warehouse!


Hope all goes well for you all today. I'm off on the road again tomorrow to visit my son and his family in Hungerford, after which I will be staying with my brother for a couple of days in East Devon, so I may be quiet until next week. Who said Hurrah?!



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Morning All,


It is a nice sunny morning here.  I am late on parade given that it is a bank holiday here in Germany.


Robert, I've done 11 years on all 3,of the North Kent "metro" lines. Too much working from home has spoilt me. Southeastern seem to taken all the worst bits of BR and Connex as their service and "management" style. There are a lot of people in SE London and Kent that despair at the thought of 4 more years of these Sh1tweasels.


Once again, you have my sympathies!  I really do wonder how long it will be before the whole of the rail network in the South East of England grinds to a complete and utter standstill.  When I was spotting in my teens, lots of the "old school" were predicting that the network would collapse and that is a good many years ago now.  Admittedly, they do have new rolling stock but it is already starting to look shabby.  Plus, a lot of the infrastructure seems to be much the same as it was.


I wonder what the answer is, to be honest.  The network is clearly in need of massive investment after years of "make do" maintenance by all parties (BR, Connex and now Southeastern) and I don't really see the light at the end of the tunnel.


As my Dad once said, you don't need to travel far with Southeastern to understand why I retired!


Have a good day everyone...

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Quite an interesting difference between the NIV and the KJB versions of this - the more recent translation is effectively a command to leave, the older a command to shake the dust of your feet when you leave.


(a google search of the verse brought up numerous versions)




Not sure which you meant - but given Sherry's decision perhaps a moot point!

I actually checked the reference before a meeting in the Southwark Diocesan Office, and the only Bible to hand was Revised Standard Version.


And now off to a half day course on SORP 2015 for small charities.


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Morning all,


A morning of fist & mog but it seems to be clearing away - getting ready for the weekend rain which is bound to happen after Mrs Stationmaster hosed down much of the garden yesterday (which regrettably meant I couldn't mow the lawn - oh dear, what a pity).  Today we are going shopping but in an earth shaking change of plans it will be at Tesco instead of Waitrose however a trip to the bank also beckons with my PPE compensation cheque (although I have been reminded whose account it came out of in the first place so i won't see it for long).


Have a good day one and all and commiserations to all those suffering bad news and and various ills.  (BTW Sherry I doubt you would receive any sort of censure from our parish vicar as he is himself a divorcee, he's also into model railways).

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Another day of sardines on the train, my usual is one of a select band of three that start at Sidcup to be cancelled while they sort Lewisham out. As all the trains seem to be standing only by the time they get to Sidcup, it seems a strange choice (and i'm glad I'm not further down the line at, say, Lee)

Well, the bike and I are about to travel from Lee to Charing Cross. Am I not glad to be retired.


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Sherry has had a bit of a personal reverse, with the vicar suddenly clamping down on some of her (voluntary) church and school activities - because she is becoming divorced. Apparently if we marry she will be kosher again. Bless. So much for tolerance and forgiveness, the basic tenets of Christianity, I naively thought..... Sherry will seek an alternative place to worship. At least her flat really is going to complete tomorrow - woohoo!



Just got back as far as this!

What utter bounders.

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Morning All and I didn't sleep in.   I met the hauliers lorry at 6.40am and escorted it into Leeds.  This went well apart from some impatient fool who insisted on slotting in between us then honked his horn loudly when we were only doing 20mph.  He had previously tried to undertake the low loader on a bend and had to go on the pavement.  Anyway the tram was safely in Leeds by 7.05 and then parked up outside Harvey Nicks whilst we waited for a council employee to come and unlock some bollards that should have been unlocked at 6.30.  Anyway for Jock's benefit here are a few pictures of the move.  


Here is is being towed down from the depot to the loading site which provided the rather nice view of 3 Manchester liveried trams together.


The temporary ramp was quickly assembled and we started the tricky job of loading up.


It spent the night in the hauliers yard and then came over to Leeds this morning.  The new route in worked well and shortly after 7am the first tram entered Briggate since mid 1959 when the Leeds tram routes to Roundhay closed.


You could then take  a tram to Harvey Nicks, though I don't know whther they allow people in boiler suits to shop there.



Finally it was parked in the 'event space' and barriered off. 


During the day projection equipment will be fitted inside it and screen material put inside the saloon windows.  Tonight as part of Light Night Leeds, images of passengers from days gone by will be projected onto the 'screens'  All the brainchild of a Latvian artist who grew up with trams in Riga.


Hope this is of interest.






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Good morning all from the urine and BO perfumed 06:55 Southeastern service to London Charing Cross. 

A disclaimer I have not been perfuming/appearing or being anywhere near this servce!



PS Short term memory is a problem in this thread..


Pete I recognise your new Avatar but my short and long term memory can't remember where I have seen it before!



During the day projection equipment will be fitted inside it and screen material put inside the saloon windows.  Tonight as part of Light Night Leeds, images of passengers from days gone by will be projected onto the 'screens'  All the brainchild of a Latvian artist who grew up with trams in Riga.


Hope this is of interest.





why not a Leeds tram instead of a Mancunian one?... or are they all locked up in Crich? If they are bring them back home! Or is this the future for the Next Next Generation of Transport.?. third hand trams from Manchester????  Bad enough with Pilchers......

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Back from the docs, not bad news. I am not diabetic as such but my blood glucose is a bit on the high side so I will have to cut out the cakes and biscuits  :cry:.  I am under strict orders to diet as I have a fatty liver, something that surprises me as I am virtually teetotal. What I thought was worsening arthritis turns out to be sciatica. It can't be all bad as the doctor has told me to come back in 6 months time. 

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Now now Barry, no need to be disagreeable.   I would loved to have had Leeds 107 there instead of 173 but for a lot of reasons that I can't air publicly that wasn't possible.  there aren't that many trams of the right vintage around.   Anyway hopefully there will be some low tac vinyl stickers showing a different name on the side by this evening.  


Just as a taster, this is what Briggate used to look like, photo courtesy of and copyright the Leeds Transport Historical Society and used with permission. 


The livery isn't so different.





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Morning all


Lovely day here - and great that Sherry now has the keys to her/our flat.


Gordon - sadly nothing anyone can say or do is gonna hold back the inevitable. I hope your SiL is able to enjoy some of the time she has left, and feels the warmth of her family - as we do so well here with the ER Virtual Family. Your recommendation to grab what you can of life today is fully accepted here!


Glad Phil is not suffering from anything too ghastly. Such news can put a spring in anyone's step for a day or two.


Breakfast was interrupted by Anita telling me husband Richard would be on my doorstep shortly with two bales of hay. They were our hosts for the chateau lunch a few weeks back. So I was thrown into headless-chicken mode sorting out the barn to make space. One day I will do this before I have the nod that he is on his way! Or probably not. So my old Skoda duly arrived with the Ivor Williams trailer and the hay - they love the car and use it for everything, it seems! The colour of the diesel in the tank does not bear close examination, I suspect....


Great to see Jamie's tram progression, and to note the War of the Roses is alive and well with Barry O!


Hope your week winding up well

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Pete I recognise your new Avatar but my short and long term memory can't remember where I have seen it before!


Do you have any Rene Magritte paintings at home? Men in bowler hats appear in a few of his paintings. We went to an exhibition of his work on our trip to Brussels earlier this summer.

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Back from the docs, not bad news. I am not diabetic as such but my blood glucose is a bit on the high side so I will have to cut out the cakes and biscuits  :cry:.  I am under strict orders to diet as I have a fatty liver, something that surprises me as I am virtually teetotal. What I thought was worsening arthritis turns out to be sciatica. It can't be all bad as the doctor has told me to come back in 6 months time.


Take that advice! I didn't and now I'm fully diabetic. I wish someone had spelled it out to me.

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