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  • RMweb Gold

Bought a new TV today, nothing wrong with the old one except that not being 'wide screen' the picture disappears either side. Now I've got to interpret the destructions if I can then call a man in to do it for me.

Deb bought a 42" tv a decade ago, and it cost a bomb - £3k+. Despite being very cute with technology she never did get it to be broadcast full-screen, so, for example, half the on-screen data on the left is missing when I watch a Grand Prix. Pigs will dance on the moon before I manage to make the necessary adjustment, I'm sure! 

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Got out of work tonight - started driving home to the sound of clicking from a wheel - thought it was a stone - but was a large plastic headed pin of some type. Change to donut tyre in the rain.


Working at home tomorrow while it gets fixed.


Was a bit of a bu99er of a day as well.

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  • RMweb Premium

Deb bought a 42" tv a decade ago, and it cost a bomb - £3k+. Despite being very cute with technology she never did get it to be broadcast full-screen, so, for example, half the on-screen data on the left is missing when I watch a Grand Prix. Pigs will dance on the moon before I manage to make the necessary adjustment, I'm sure! 

I also bought a combined CD and video player at the same time as the TV that is going to be replaced and it has sat on the shelf doing nothing for the past 4 years as I can't get my head around the instructions. As I want to get that up and running as well it would be better to call someone in to do it. As my TV is on cable (Virgin) I could call them to do it though it might be expensive.

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  • RMweb Gold

I also bought a combined CD and video player at the same time as the TV that is going to be replaced and it has sat on the shelf doing nothing for the past 4 years as I can't get my head around the instructions. As I want to get that up and running as well it would be better to call someone in to do it. As my TV is on cable (Virgin) I could call them to do it though it might be expensive.

If you don't have anyone nearer I could  have a go for you though I'm more familiar with the Sky box than the Virgin box. 


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  • RMweb Premium

I also bought a combined CD and video player at the same time as the TV that is going to be replaced and it has sat on the shelf doing nothing for the past 4 years as I can't get my head around the instructions. As I want to get that up and running as well it would be better to call someone in to do it. As my TV is on cable (Virgin) I could call them to do it though it might be expensive.

I got one of these - a Toshiba, and the instructions are totally indecipherable, and I struggle to do anything with it other than to play DVDs and VHS - have never managed to get it to record onto a DVD - and the menus are also very hard to find and navigate - now had it for four years, and STILL need to sit there with the remote in one hand, and the user guide in the other.  I wish I'd not sold my little Phillips DVD player when I got this one, as it was plug and play.

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When Sky installed my box, the kind gentleman not only loaded all the non-sky channels (mostly the ITV channels that aren't part of the Irish package and BBC3 & 4 before they were) but also hooked it up the amplifier on my hi-fi system into the bargain, so that I can watch TV with good high quality surround sound, complete with sub-woofer, through studio quality speakers. I don't know what happens elsewhere, but here Sky installation is contracted out to a local guy - that probably helps.



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Good evening all, 


my mood has brightened a bit during the day, I got up feeling morose this morning and quite down in the dumps...not really sure why.  


I did have a look at the Wishlist poll - hmmm .As there is nothing there that not being a smallscale modeler I'm likely to buy  - but.....



Anyway  couple of photos of a garden railway at a Garden Center that also has a small model shop. (Usefully stocking Evergreen Styrene!) Not far from GF's (my future?)  home.



Be good 










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  • RMweb Premium

Anyway  couple of photos of a garden railway at a Garden Center that also has a small model shop. (Usefully stocking Evergreen Styrene!) Not far from GF's (my future?)  home. Get on with it Trev you know you want to  seize  the day.

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  • RMweb Gold

Anyway  couple of photos of a garden railway at a Garden Center that also has a small model shop. (Usefully stocking Evergreen Styrene!) Not far from GF's (my future?)  home. Get on with it Trev you know you want to  seize  the day.

Trev, you have driven across Canada together, she sends you pictures of trains, it does sound as if she quite likes you!

Edited by Tony_S
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Further to the insulin saga.


They told me in the pharmacy that they couldn't supply me before today because they are only allowed a certain quota (either from the supplier or the NHS, stories varied) and they had used it up by last week. They couldn't fill any more prescriptions until a new quota came in today.


Does anyone know if that is true, because if it is it's a major scandal, unless there's some hidden shortage of insulin that I don't know anything about.

Edited by Smiffy2
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  • RMweb Gold

Further to the insulin saga.


They told me in the pharmacy that they couldn't supply me before today because they are only allowed a certain quota (either from the supplier or the NHS, stories varied) and they had used it up by last week. They couldn't fill any more prescriptions until a new quota came in today.


Does anyone know if that is true, because if it is it's a major scandal, unless there's some hidden shortage of insulin that I don't know anything about.

I don't know about insulin but one of my medications has been on somewhat erratic supply for a year now. The manufacturer of the non-generic version stopped producing it. The generic manufacturers did too. This pushed the price up from pence per tablet to many £s per tablet. The veterinary  version disappeared completely!  Supplies were rationed. My pharmacy found a source of the generic version and had to get a specific prescription with the brand name on for me. The situation has now stabilised but I suspect at a higher price than before! I went down to collect Matthew's epilepsy medication on Friday and was given an incomplete order due to shortage of supply. They should be in the wholesaler today. If one of the more common variations of Tegretol that Matthew takes is allegedly in short supply and  so is your insulin I do get somewhat concerned. My medication shortage isn't going to kill me just make life less easy but I do wonder what is going on with the important end of the market.

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  • RMweb Premium

Have a similar issue with my BP medication, the dosage I need isn't available and I have to double up on weake rones - my GP is unable to work out why these are not available.  Typical, after I find one that works with not too many side effects.

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  • RMweb Gold

I don't know about insulin but one of my medications has been on somewhat erratic supply for a year now. The manufacturer of the non-generic version stopped producing it. The generic manufacturers did too. This pushed the price up from pence per tablet to many £s per tablet. The veterinary  version disappeared completely!  Supplies were rationed. My pharmacy found a source of the generic version and had to get a specific prescription with the brand name on for me. The situation has now stabilised but I suspect at a higher price than before! I went down to collect Matthew's epilepsy medication on Friday and was given an incomplete order due to shortage of supply. They should be in the wholesaler today. If one of the more common variations of Tegretol that Matthew takes is allegedly in short supply and  so is your insulin I do get somewhat concerned. My medication shortage isn't going to kill me just make life less easy but I do wonder what is going on with the important end of the market.

I have had supply problems in the not too distant past with tegretol and at present we are waiting - hopefully only a week late - for the complete filling of both our prescriptions for metformin as Tesco pharmacy couldn't get any more when we received a part prescription last week.


There was a story about back last year that drugs were being sold out of orders reserved for NHS chemists to foreign buyers because they would pay more than the NHS contract price but it was unclear if it was manufacturers or wholesalers who were involved (but it was implied that it was probably the latter).

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  • RMweb Premium

I got one of these - a Toshiba, and the instructions are totally indecipherable, and I struggle to do anything with it other than to play DVDs and VHS - have never managed to get it to record onto a DVD - and the menus are also very hard to find and navigate - now had it for four years, and STILL need to sit there with the remote in one hand, and the user guide in the other.  I wish I'd not sold my little Phillips DVD player when I got this one, as it was plug and play.

I'm not sure what the make of mine is, it doesn't seem to have a manufacturers name anywhere. What worries me slightly is my new TV set is a Toshiba! Thanks for the offer Tony but someone has already offered to do it for me in exchange for the old set. Many years ago I purchased a Casio pocket calculator, one with all the flutes and whistles, the instructions were gibberish and I was never able to use it properly. Although I can sometimes speak gibberish I am unable to understand it.

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  • RMweb Gold

Loco photo!



When I made the 0-4-4 sometime in the early 1980s I was so pleased with it. It looks rather lumpy compared to a modern RTR locomotive (my newly unboxed Midland Compound).



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Evening/Morning all,

Phil, most new TVs actually set themselves up so that shouldn't be a problem but I'm considering a Toshiba DVD/Video combi to transfer the kids and Joanna's videos to discs so it would be useful to hear how you got on!

The medicine issuing situation is extremely worrying as I currently take 19 tablets as well as liquid morphine, special mouth wash, laxatives and two other tablets for when the chemo gives me di****** or nausea. Not moaning because the cocktail is keeping me alive, but as others have found, I rarely receive a full order each month. Strange too that I've noticed the different manufacturers that are used - these often change month on month!

If Pete(Trisonic) happens to be looking in, another Peter Green fan says : G'night Pete!

Kind regards,


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Morning All,

A bit of a rough night. The HM started to lick at his groin (irritation?) and we were concerned that the body stocking wouldn't be sufficient protection for his sutures. So to make a long story short, Schotty spent the night wearing an old pair of Mrs iD's undies (the stretchy sort) and was shoehorned between us in the bed. Both very effective at distracting/preventing him from worrying the surgical site. Being invited onto the bed is a VERY rare treat for him, so I suppose it was a "reward" for being a good patient. He is now snoozing on the sofa opposite me, awaiting his vet sanctioned "light stroll" (no running around for 7 days for him)


I am surprised that the technologically inept amongst us (as evidenced by the posts above) have not turned to THE most perfect technology support service known to man: a 10 year old niece/nephew/grandchild. Such sproglets seem to have been born technologically "ept" and are easily able to fix any adult's techno problems (often whilst simultaneously texting or playing Angry Birds).


I have to break rank with fellow ERs over FM, yes it was a great blues based band with Peter Green (an amazing guitarist), but so were a lot of other bands at the time. It was only when they went "Hollywood" did they produce an amazing, classic album - the eponymous "Fleetwod Mac" (Rhiannon, The Chain, etc. etc.).


I am surprised that Jock and others are having a hard time getting hold of their medication. Certainly some older drugs are no longer being produced (usually because there are newer drugs that do the same job better/faster/with fewer adverse events), but to "run out of drugs"? It seems a bit odd. Drug production and distribution is not an area I've really worked in, but I know that there is a lot of effort spent in estimating drug usage so that production slots and batch quantities provide sufficient material for the market. The only thing I can assume is either the NHS did not buy enough of the drug (is this done regionally?) or that the distributor (middleman?) is selling on the drug to the best payers. Although, to be fair, it is possible that demand exceeds what manufacturers can supply (but unlikely)


Anyway, coffee and a hot shower await and then I walk the dog and then go to Liestal for my passport appointment: today I get my photo and biometric details recorded and in 10 working days I'll have a brand new Swiss passport.


Have a good one



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Morning All,


It looks like it is going to be a bright day, once it gets light.  At least it is relatively cloud free, so the chances are good.


Interestingly enough, there was a Fleetwood Mac concert on the radio the other night.  Lindsey Buckingham is 65 tomorrow, and so they broadcast a Fleetwood Mac concert from Burbank, and a solo concert from Fort Worth - very good it was too.


Last night, I was reading an article on the plane crash that killed a large proportion of Lynyrd Skynyrd.  That's another story from a similar era.


Have a good day everyone...

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When Robbie had the same op he also had so much abnormal tissue removed there were quite a lot of stitches along his abdomen. When he came home from the vets he clearly wanted a second (and third) opinion from Dr Rajan and Dr Emma who were visiting for the weekend. They both approved the stitching and Rajan commented on the bill saying the drugs used during the procedure and those supplied to bring home were identical to those used in similar abdominal ops in humans but that the NHS clearly managed to obtain them at a considerably lower price!

When Robbie had the stitches removed the vet used a device that held a blade and made slicing movements with it. As Robbie was sitting on my lap (he wriggled a lot) while I sat on the floor and the nurse held his legs I was slightly concerned about the vet missing the dog. She thought it was funny!


Tony, a question. When Robbie was done, did the vet leave his scrotal sack in situ?. I've just had to adjust Schotty's body stocking, as he is lying on his back and the body stocking is exposing the surgical site. I've noticed that the s c r o t u m is still present (but empty) and the incision site and sutures are further up the penile shaft, away from the sack.

Still, the sutures look clean and dry and appear to be healing nicely.

Thank goodness the human equivelant (a vasectomy), only involves a few snips and one or two sutures!

p.s. I had to edit the post as the stupid censoring software wouldn't allow me to use the "S" word!

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Morning all, 


strange feelings this morning - guess midweek "sundays"  (which is what yesterday felt like) does that to you? 


Tonys Midland locos reminded me of a couple of  0 gauge ones I built (and sold ) many moons ago - the 0-4-4t  and a "Spinner" .


Oh well back to the grind,  - Tomorrows POETS day!  


Be good 



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Morning all. I'M ON A TRAIN. He says, shouting like most people do on their mobiles. No emoticons or likes available with the crappy mobile version of the forum's software. Happy likes and friendlies to all.


It's a long week on a course that requires a 5 hour round trip commute. Throw in the track problems @ Lewisham and it hasn't been pleasant. If Network Rail hadn't had to go all P4 they could have just called Hattons and had a replacement PECO delivered in a day. We've now got 4 weeks of no evening service and no trains to Victoria at all.

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