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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Rained last night, but not the night before,

sunny now, but it's becoming a bore.


Environmental Health duly informed about suspect food handling in the new bakery unit in Tesco - and will visit, result.  Nothing else to report however Mrs Stationmaster and the good Doctor will also be heading towards Venice in a couple of weeks time - I shall be at home in sole charge of the cat wrangling activities.


Have a nice day.

Edited by The Stationmaster
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Morning all,

Apologies to Pete(Trisonic), I must have dozed off as you posted your line from the Walton's last night!

Aching this morning because, like a fool, I overdid things yesterday. When I got home from having my heel dressing changed, the sun was shining and the lawn (weed patch) was looking awful so I got out the strimmer and mower. Trouble was that the grass was so long, it was still damp underneath and the lightweight 'Flymo' got heavier by the minute, which meant regular cleaning stops. Suppose I should have waited until after Monday's appointment with the surgeon but impatience got the better of me!

Ian(Oldddudders), was it 'Blanc ou Noir', I've tried both without the effect you mentioned but as usual it depends on the butcher and of course proper cooking. Our white and black puddings in Scotland obviously mimic the French versions - another feature of the 'entente cordiale'?

Bob and Dick, hope your respective journeys are trouble free and safe - enjoy your respective breaks!

Plans for a quiet day have just changed, Joanna requires me to accompany her to into town (might sneak in a bag of chips whilst she is in the clothes shop!).

Hope the day delivers for you all,

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Gold

 He is currently lying in his basket, which I have placed next to me - just in case he gets the idea to worry at his stitches. The stitches are to come out in 9 days time and the vet said that I could take them out. I have no objections beyond not having a pair of Littauer Scissors for cutting the sutures and the total inability of Mrs iD to even assist at anything vaguely medical.... (and I'd need her to restrain Schotty for the minute or so it would take for me to remove the sutures).


When Robbie had the same op he also had so much abnormal tissue removed there were quite a lot of stitches along his abdomen. When he came home from the vets he clearly wanted a second (and third) opinion from Dr Rajan and Dr Emma who were visiting for the weekend. They both approved the stitching and Rajan commented  on the bill saying the drugs used during the procedure and those supplied to bring home were identical to those used in similar abdominal ops in humans but that the NHS clearly managed to obtain them at a considerably lower price!

When Robbie had the stitches removed the vet used a device that held a blade and made slicing movements with it. As Robbie was sitting on my lap (he wriggled a lot) while I sat on the floor and the nurse held his legs I was slightly concerned about the vet missing the dog. She thought it was funny!


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


No word that my "artistic" class is again postponed, so have looked out all my stuff - 30747 has more or less forbidden an attempt at a train related subject.  Shame that there's no baseboard building class available.  I'm not sure about this one, as I'm not really the artistic type, compared to 30747.


Has anybody else got the diabolical BT Mail - I've spent hours today trying to get logged in, and keep getting one of three errors - not logging in at all, and going back to the BT home page, getting in, then getting a loading data message which won't clear, or getting the loading data, then a system busy message followed by an unable to load your account.  I tried getting logged on via Chrome instead, which cured the first problem, but so far today, I've not cured the other one.  I've got to say, I'm far from happy with this service since it was "improved".


Flavio, hope your pooch recovers quickly from his operation - our first Sussex Spaniel was done at about 9 months, which was quite early, but was to try to curb some anti-social traits.  He recovered very quickly indeed afterwards.


Other than that, I'll just offer my usual generic greetings to everybody.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Premium

Ooooh - Makes your eyes water...


Tell you what, IlD - I'd be subdued too!

Many years ago I had to visit a small country police station and in the incident book was the following entry.


"Lost in Bardsey, 1 large angry bull that escaped from xxxxx farm when it was being castrated"    In the comments column was this "No wonder it's angry".



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  • RMweb Gold


Has anybody else got the diabolical BT Mail - I've spent hours today trying to get logged in, and keep getting one of three errors - not logging in at all, and going back to the BT home page, getting in, then getting a loading data message which won't clear, or getting the loading data, then a system busy message followed by an unable to load your account.  I tried getting logged on via Chrome instead, which cured the first problem, but so far today, I've not cured the other one.  I've got to say, I'm far from happy with this service since it was "improved".



My BT email is still the Yahoo based service. However after many years of satisfactory use it too has become unreliable, working on one browser then only working on another, or just hanging. I know the emails are there as they get through to my Blackberry phone. I've given up with the web based BTYahoo and just use Thunderbird to get my emails. Strangely enough the Windows 8 email program on my "big" computer works too, though it is the bit of Win 8 I like least. BT have been warning me for over a year to expect a transition to new improved BTMail!

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Has anybody else got the diabolical BT Mail - I've spent hours today trying to get logged in, and keep getting one of three errors - not logging in at all, and going back to the BT home page, getting in, then getting a loading data message which won't clear, or getting the loading data, then a system busy message followed by an unable to load your account.  I tried getting logged on via Chrome instead, which cured the first problem, but so far today, I've not cured the other one.  I've got to say, I'm far from happy with this service since it was "improved".



Yes, diabolical is the only word to describe it.  Even after 16 years out of the business, I can describe the process: Committee decides to divorce Yahoo; glib young salesman describes his whizz-bang cheapo system; Chairman likes the whizz-bangs; Finance likes the cheapo; decision not to consider alternatives; BT lumbered with diabolical system.   


I can log in, but it links new e-mails with one's months old so that they "disappear", and I get logged out every ten minutes, even if I'm composing an e-mail.  I'd be gone if it weren't for the hassle of advising all my contacts.  BT Yahoo was the gold standard, this one needs the eloquence of Andrew C to describe it.  I fear for my pension, I still have a couple of years before it is bomb-proof.



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I too, am extremely annoyed with Yahoo.  I have had an e-mail account with them since 1999, and therefore am reluctant to change because of the associated hassle with informing everyone. (as Bill mentioned)


I have e-mailed Yahoo several times about it, and most times I get ignored - the one time I did get a reply, they told me that it was what the "majority of users wanted" and rather patronisingly told me I would "get used to it" - which is strange given that most of the comments you read complain about exactly the same things.


The new version of their software is nothing short of diabolical - these bl00dy "threads" that group e-mails together annoy the heck out of me.  If I wanted Social Media, then I would go to a social media site - but I don't - I want a plain, simple, e-mail package without any bells and whistles.

Edited by Robert
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Morning all,


Rained last night, but not the night before,

sunny now, but it's becoming a bore.


Environmental Health duly informed about suspect food handling in the new bakery unit in Tesco - and will visit, result.  Nothing else to report however Mrs Stationmaster and the good Doctor will also be heading towards Venice in a couple of weeks time - I shall be at home in sole charge of the cat wrangling activities.


Have a nice day.


Does this mean some modelling time Mike? :) :) :)


Are you hoping to visit the Cardiff show on the 18th & 19th October?





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I have BT Mail on the new service but have experienced no issues - I normally use Thunderbird to read my mail - I stuck with POP3 rather than switching to IMAP.


Tille had her operation about 14 days ago and the stitches came out last Monday.



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  • RMweb Gold

I'm feeling exceptionally wrung out today, coupled with a lack of appetite. Weather has been unsteady since about yesterday, so I wonder if there may be any connection. Oh well...

I wish I could blame how I feel on the weather!

I did manage some playing with trains today. I had wanted one of the NRM Midland Compounds but although they are still available I never did get one, as I purchased a black BR one as it was more appropriate for my current layout. Well thanks to the new trainset from Bachmann I did get one (from a well known supplier somewhere between England and Ireland ) and set up the trainset track on the dining table. As this was DC I thought I would also extract my other old ex Midland locos from the loft. My Tilbury Tank appeared to be dead but the little Midland 0-4-4 trundled nicely. I don't think it can have had electricity applied to it for 25 years!

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I've now got the latest version of BT mail and it seems to be working very well. It is certainly more secure and to me appears easier than the old Yahoo version. A lot of confusion has arisen because Yahoo naturally had a go at keeping the customers on the database, and at the same time there were a number of clever attacks by hackers trying to exploit the confusion! I found the BT help desk very helpful, even though it was in Mumbai, a clever young lady talked me through the steps live on my desk top and I've had no issues since. Just lucky perhaps and I don't know if it makes any difference that we are BT internet users?

Kind regards,


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I’m fixing a hole........


Best, Pete.

I can't  ..stop my mind from wandering... then again I'm working, and the spreadsheet/reporting duties are taking their toll, there's only so much Excel I can manage without going a little berserk! :jester:


10 and raining here, the seaweed twirlers say that's a good thing so as to get plenty of moisture into the ground before....the winter freeze... <sigh>


HUMP day and pinch-punch together as one, I remember pinch-punch far back as I "can remember", which is starting to be a bloody long time! Of course, I should be grateful, as some folks are already starting to not remember, and that's not good...


Fleetwood Mac COMPLETE with the returning Christine McVie played here last night, sadly I wasn't about to pay the extortionate high cost for tickets from the second-tier market, but by all accounts on the radio reports this morning, it was a great show, I always liked their music...

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Fleetwood Mac changed a lot when Peter Green left.............I watched him whilst he recorded “Albertross” - the last time I saw Pete with the band, alas.

As usual I have a story.


I had to drop off a Master Tape (or something equally important with Mike Vernon, the producer and owner of Blue Horizon, with his brother Richard). He was working at the then CBS Studios in Bond Street. I had no idea what Mike was working on until I arrived in the control room.


There was Fleetwood Mac through the window performing a run through of it.


Mike invited me to stick around because it was going to be interesting for me. I couldn’t because I had a really hot date!


Now I can’t for the life of me remember the girl’s name.......let that be a lesson to everyone! Don’t let opportunities slip by in exchange for a quick f@#$!


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Premium

Just been moved to the "new" BT email system... the system is OK apart from the odd glitch and hiccup...


Survived 3 games of Indoors 6 a side cricket today..




Leeds University Ladies beat Leeds Metropolitan Beckett University Ladies

Leeds Metropolitan Beckett University Mens 2nd Team beat Leeds University Mens 2nd Team




Leeds University Mens 1st Team annihilated beat Leeds Metropolitan Beckett University Mens 1st Team


Shame that the change in name at the Met has seen coaching funding in sport reduced by a considerable amount .....  to me the sports teams will always be Carnegie...



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A late posting today as I was up early to catch the bus into Bath. Beautiful sunny start but clouds on the horizon so I took my brolly. A little drizzle for about five minutes but still tee shirt weather.


We spent a couple of days in Venice on our way from Istanbul to Cheltenham by train, taking in as many countries as possible. We had quite a few frightening experiences on the wrong side of the iron curtain! How long ago was it? Charles & Di decided to visit Venice at the same time and were still talking to each other!


Personally, I don't think Fleetwood Mac were as good after the departure of Peter Green, when they dumped the blues and went 'Glam'. Duck for cover.



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Back from course, and have been advised that my technique with a glass cutter is suspect - well, I did learn from a glazier, who mainly cut large pieces in straight lines.  Apparenltly for art glass, you push the cutter, not pull, so you work from the bottom of the sheet.  Like a lot of other things recently, I am unlearning.


Thanks for the feedback on BT Mail - shortly after I moaned, I logged in - may have been a system capacity issue with the servers.


Now then, where's the doghouse - I'm in it again, having been tasked to do a number of tasks including making dinner, and I forgot that one, and swanned off to the course leaving the ingredients in the fridge - large clanger dropped there.

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  • RMweb Premium

Bought a new TV today, nothing wrong with the old one except that not being 'wide screen' the picture disappears either side. Now I've got to interpret the destructions if I can, then call a man in to do it for me.

Edited by PhilJ W
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  • RMweb Premium

Thankfully, my appetite returned for dinner, as fried fish with bacon, onions and baked potatoes was on. Yum!


Currently mulling over a layout idea I first had four years or so ago and which would be a suitable stomping ground for the E.432 I'm pondering over as well...

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