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Evening all,

Great to hear from you Gordon and pleased that I guessed correctly about the golf! My sporting interests are varied but my favourite ones all include powerful engines, rubber and tarmac - that said, I watched a lot of the Ryder Cup and even Joanna joined me for the last couple of hours! Sounds like your good lady really needs a holiday and there can be few more romantic destinations than Venice, I do hope you both thoroughly enjoy it!

Have to agree with Pete (Trisonic) however, last time we went to Venice, it cost me an 'arm and two legs'. Thought I should have left with a brewery share certificate after paying the going rate for several cooling beers!

Flávio, good to hear from you and I'm pleased for Schotty's sake that he doesn't have to wear a 'lampshade'. Archie regretfully had one after he was 'done' and, as a breed which follows scents by sniffing closely, the poor mutt couldn't understand why the thing kept digging in to the pavement! Still try's to get his 'leg over' from time to time though!

Dom, although I'm a steam fan, I would cast my vote for the E432 with the preserved carriages, simply because of the history it oozes as outlined by iL Dottore.

As to the name game, I believe that my mum and dad were instructed to follow Scottish tradition and so I carry the given name of my father's eldest brother. Probably mentioned it before, but my middle name is actually a surname from a branch of the clan which was dying out, this was added to maintain a male line apparently! (that was mum and dad's excuse anyway). I have to admit that my younger brothers being given nice Scottish names, randomly chosen, did rankle a bit.

Ian, it would be impossible to have lived with someone as long as you did Debs and not slip up a few times - luckily you have met a very kind and understanding person who will doubtless take it in her stride. We mustn't forget that the same applies to Sherry's previous entanglement of course!

Don't forget to say 'White Rabbits' in the morning if you're as daft as my wife!

Kind regards,


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Morning All,


It is another dark and rather grey looking morning today.  There were some quite thick patches of fog on my drive to work today.


I think it is time for a coffee!


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

White rabbits!

Some umpiring today..indoors six a sides, the Leeds "Varsity" games...could be fun. Ladies up first at 10:30. At least they are calmer than the lads....So will it be Leeds Uni of Leeds Becket/Carnegie who gain bragging rights?


Enjoy you day!



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dull & grey again. Cloud with light rain forecast this morning and probably brighter this afternoon possibly followed by more rain later. Ho Hum.

Off to Warwickshire later - may be absent for a few days so..........

Have a good one several,


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Rather damp outside. A sensible person probably wouldn't have walked out barefoot across the lawn to deposit recycling bags but I did.

Aditi continues to arrive home late. She is so busy dealing with student issues in the day she ends up doing everything else at 5pm. Though she did also have to do some new staff interviews yesterday. One chap got in quite a huff that he was being interviewed by Aditi. He said he expected to be interviewed by a panel of 3 and had prepared accordingly. This was for a part time (one afternoon) post.She gets home to get a phone call from her mother demanding to know why she hasn't phoned her cousin (recently arrived in Bath) yet. I think Aditi found moving coloured rectangles (timetabling and calendars) around on her laptop screen quite relaxing. I can only help by making tea.



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Morning all. Just been accused by daughter of not speaking properly after she compared me to a Del-Boy soundalike. My response of "It's not my fault I was born in Saaf Lundun" fell on deaf ears. She then announced that she had "the day from Hell" at school today. Jolly good. Snigger...

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Morning All,


"Pinch, Punch, First of The Month...."  It's been a good 40 years since I last heard that. What I dimly recall, is that on the first of the month it was usually best to "get your retaliation in first"!


As promised, we have a picture of our surgical survivor - looking both dapper and morose:




Yesterday he was doped up to the gills (as they say), as the pre-op injection contained – amongst other things – a long acting narcotic. Today he is quite comfortable, though rather subdued (as I think anyone would be if a major part of one’s anatomy was suddenly removed). He is certainly not worrying at the stitches at the incision site – as would be the case if he was experiencing pain or discomfort there.


He is currently lying in his basket, which I have placed next to me - just in case he gets the idea to worry at his stitches. The stitches are to come out in 9 days time and the vet said that I could take them out. I have no objections beyond not having a pair of Littauer Scissors for cutting the sutures and the total inability of Mrs iD to even assist at anything vaguely medical.... (and I'd need her to restrain Schotty for the minute or so it would take for me to remove the sutures).


I was last in Venice about 8 years ago, in March, and even then you couldn't move without falling over a tourist (at least if you were anywhere near the "usual" tourist sights and sites!). However, a right or left turn off the main drag and into a vicolo and you'll be in another world. Very Venetian, very authentic and very different to the tourist experience.


If you like to eat well and want to do so in Venice (or any other Italian city or town for that matter), avoid the "pizza and lasgana" places that cater to the tourist trade. Italian food is intensely regional and if you eat local you eat well (one of the best seafood meals I've ever had was in a small restaurant in a Venetian vicolo that had a sign on the door that read in Italian [more or less]  "we are too old and stupid to learn how to make pizza and lasagana, but we know a bit about cooking fish").


Well, back to work. Have a good one



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Morning everybody.

Wet, cooler, less pleasant out.

Pinch and punch a white rabbit...


Blondie's 6th birthday. Other Nana got her a doll and a princess dress. We got her a candle making kit and a flower press and some books.


Major grumpiness on my part - as we're going away tomorrow I made sure that new meds were prescribed last week. The arrangement is that the medical centre sends the prescription to MedicX. I phoned yesterday to check it was ready, and after previous experience asked if it was all there. After several minutes they informed me that the insulin wasn't in yet. Because they hadn't ordered it... That's not the first time, and I'm going back to Boots in future. They say they can get it, but not until after 5 today - when I should be with Blondie celebrating her birthday. We leave at 7am tomorrow. No explanations or apologies, of course. As it happens I've got enough in stock to last a month, but that's not really the point.


Also got the news from our neighbour that when she opened the house up it was full of flies (she called them hover flies but I think she meant Cluster Flies) and dozy wasps. Great. Last time we had cluster flies we just hoovered them. Cluster flies lay their eggs in the bodies of certain earthworms and the larvae develop inside the worm's body and devour it from the inside. They're not a health hazard, though, just a feckin' pain. We shall arm ourselves with chemical weapons of mass destruction!


Got gently told off yesterday for spending too much on ebay, so will have to work with what I've got for the next month. Ah well...


I hope you can all have a good day, even if the weather is a bit depressing and work is a bit workish. Except for the happy retired, of course. You can just enjoy yourselves.

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Morning all from a wet and grey Borough Market Junction. Avoided the rain on the way down the hill but found that emergency engineering works at Lewisham meant my usual train had been cancelled. My train starts from Sidcup and avoids Lewisham. I think it had been cancelled to provide path for a train to Victoria instead (we don't normally have any) which would have had to run via Lewisham....



Upshot of it all was that I caught a train 4 minutes earlier which I usually avoid as it is standing room only, and so was even more crowded than ever. Especially when they announced it would make additional stops...fortunately the driver had the nouse to suggest to control that one additional stop was more than enough and they agreed.


My stomach cramps/feeling ill have returned so I'm in a grump!


It's funny - I never heard "white rabbits" until this millenium. But "pinch punch" was around when I was a kid along with "Punch, kick, for being so quick"


I've never been to Venice although Mrs Lurker has - she loved it and one day we'll take the kids.


Yesterday was busy as predicted although the meeting with the CEO went very well. Today promises to be the same.


I've never managed to call Mrs Lurker by the wrong name but my Dad did call her by my ex's name. That went down well. He never even noticed!!

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Yes Pete, off for three weeks to do some stuff and get the house winterised. I was meant to cut the grass but my neighbour has done it for me! If the ankle clears up a bit I've got the brambles to look forward to. Apparently the weather has been good and looks set to be better than the UK, so that will be nice!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Misty and moisty again - but certainly yesterday delivered and it was better than 20 in the afternoon, making my ongoing war with the brambles hot work and thus a little quicker than I had intended. Progress is nonetheless being made. I have another site needing attention, but will hone my technique here.


I went to Venice for a couple of days on my Grand Tour of Europe in 1966, aged 17. We camped on the mainland, and I wasn't well so stayed in the tent on the first day. ISTR The Sunday Times had been procured, and I recall an item by Patrick Campbell about staying in France, and being given boudin (a bit like black pudding, really) to eat. He'd found this had pretty dire effects on him, but having been effusive in his praise of the dish to his host at the time, she triumphantly presented him with another the next day. When he asked his wife what he should do - she replied "Nosh it, mate!" So he noshed it, and his mouth tasted of diesel for days afterwards, as well as other - er - symptoms. Oh, yes, the next day I went to Venice, ignored the Doge's boring palace, got lost on the shuttle boats etc etc. Been there, done that.


Hope midweek serves you well.

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Morning All,


"Pinch, Punch, First of The Month...."  It's been a good 40 years since I last heard that. What I dimly recall, is that on the first of the month it was usually best to "get your retaliation in first"!


As promised, we have a picture of our surgical survivor - looking both dapper and morose:


attachicon.gifA Sad and Woeful Dog.jpg


Yesterday he was doped up to the gills (as they say), as the pre-op injection contained – amongst other things – a long acting narcotic. Today he is quite comfortable, though rather subdued (as I think anyone would be if a major part of one’s anatomy was suddenly removed). He is certainly not worrying at the stitches at the incision site – as would be the case if he was experiencing pain or discomfort there.


He is currently lying in his basket, which I have placed next to me - just in case he gets the idea to worry at his stitches. The stitches are to come out in 9 days time and the vet said that I could take them out. I have no objections beyond not having a pair of Littauer Scissors for cutting the sutures and the total inability of Mrs iD to even assist at anything vaguely medical.... (and I'd need her to restrain Schotty for the minute or so it would take for me to remove the sutures).


I was last in Venice about 8 years ago, in March, and even then you couldn't move without falling over a tourist (at least if you were anywhere near the "usual" tourist sights and sites!). However, a right or left turn off the main drag and into a vicolo and you'll be in another world. Very Venetian, very authentic and very different to the tourist experience.


If you like to eat well and want to do so in Venice (or any other Italian city or town for that matter), avoid the "pizza and lasgana" places that cater to the tourist trade. Italian food is intensely regional and if you eat local you eat well (one of the best seafood meals I've ever had was in a small restaurant in a Venetian vicolo that had a sign on the door that read in Italian [more or less]  "we are too old and stupid to learn how to make pizza and lasagana, but we know a bit about cooking fish").


Well, back to work. Have a good one




Povero cane!



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  • RMweb Gold

This one is a persons best friend - There are times I could do with him!


KLM Lost & Found Service



I liked reading all the "comments" when that first appeared. Mainly of the "how lovely" but plenty of "animal slavery", "what about phobic, allergy sufferers etc". Being a horrible grumpy sceptic I knew they don't really have a doggy retrieving lost property but I still enjoyed it.

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