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Morning all, off shortly for more pin cushion duty. My blood glucose on the last blood test was on the high side so I have to undergo a double test (1 test then given a glucose drink and then another test 2 hours later.) Worst part is I am only allowed to drink water so not even a cup of tea this morning let alone breakfast! :cry:  

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Bright and sunny, but Autumnal as others have said.


The Dyson is at work next door - Alison is back! Not that I'm allowed to tell anyone, mind, especially Sheena, with whom I will be having coffee shortly. I move from one cloak-and-dagger situation (Sherry before the daughter spilled the beans) to another!


Macmillan morning? Sherry and Pete are attending one such at TOADS in Torquay today, selling more of Deb's DVDs for charity - hooray! Sherry has now raised more than £200 for the hospice where her friend had her last care, and Macmillan is a worthy cause in anyone's book. Talking of books, Deb had a collection of Anthony Trollope's Complete Works, which a friend on Sherry's French cabin-site has taken with relish. More space here, more things gone to someone who appreciates them.


Hope your week winds up on a high note.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


The battle of the water softener was quite interesting, to say the least.  The instructions recommended having a helper to detach the valve section from the resin chamber but you could hold the latter between your feet and then twist the former to separate them.  Two 'helpers holding the resin chamber and no twisting of the valve' later it was on teh 'phone to deepest Devon to see if there happens to be a'knack' to it.


'Yes, have you got a rubber mallet (seemed an odd starting point, I thought everybody with a selection of tools had one).

'Good, hit it - well tap it but make sure you do that on the brass union and not on the body of the valve and that should break up any lime etc holding the thread'


So I duly gave it a few (quite a few I think) taps with the rubber mallet and it duly loosened the thread enabling me to unscrew the valve from the resin chamber and then empty the latter - which also took two of us, a pic of that will follow.  All components then duly washed and threads treated with lubricant ('No, we don't supply that any more, we use vaseline') and then refill the resin chamber - without getting any resin into the brine tube (which stands in the centre of the hole through which you have to pour the resin - amazing what uses can be found for a wine bottle closer).  Then push the valve unit onto the top of the brine tube far enough to be able to screw it up - rather a tight fit, won't budge, ah - use  the rubber mallet, success, I hope.


So it's back together and today comes the big test - trying to get it back into the plumbing system and hoping my attentions with the rubber mallet haven't broken anything.


And after all that exertion I'm not even sure f we're on a Waitrose day.


Have a good one folks.  And HH, I wonder if the arsonist at Tynycaeau 51 years ago had been smoking Drope?  Hat, coat ........

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  • RMweb Premium

 It's her birthday on Monday 


Bob... SNAP.. my her indoors has her birthday on Monday... Flowers bought and presented card and presents ready to go...I am away this weekend playing with a big trainset so I need to be back for Sunday tea as we ar "going out"... and it won't be a quick (cheapish) curry I fear!


It would appear my weathering methods of using ink particularly upset a RMWebber (lurket now?)  who happens to vent his spleen on another forum to which he is a "founding member".   If he wants to say something perhaps he could do it .. either .. to my face .. or ... in some form of PM...... 


rant over




PS shopping completed despite the best efforts of the stupids students getting in the way

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And before anyone asks, Anusol, has no effect on 'Friday Pilies'.



I once asked my Dad "why did the pharmacist get upset when I asked for “anus ‘ole”? I mean why market a product like that and expect it to be pronounced “a new sol”? Daft.


Best, Pete.

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Good morning all.

Overcast here, as Bob said earlier.


Ankle OK if I don't walk on it, which is an improvement.


#3 son phoned - had we still got bags in the back of the car after the clinic run - yes we have... make arrangements to take to a friend's so that he can pick them up, Julie and I end up having 'words'. Then she's out all day, so not good. Perhaps a lamb tagine will help?


Managed a few minutes doing personal development - new tank sides to overlay on a Hornby E2. We'll see if it works, all I've done so far is cut the blanks and solder them together. I'm getting stuff ready to do in France, especially if I can't walk much, I can't cut the grass, can I?


Also - phoned an order to Alan Gibson Workshop (Colin Seymour). He was loading his van for Scaleforum, but we had a brief chat, and he will mill me some frames and send them out to France. He's very helpful, and knowledgeable, and yet took a bit of a beating on another thread for not answering the phone. Always found him great, even if his wagon chassis are fiddly. Can only speak as I find!


Selfish post today, but best wishes to all - Ian you do live a complicated life! - Jock - take it easy...


Lurker - one of the things I have promised I'll do when we get back to England is go the length of the LBSCR South London line from Victoria to London Bridge, the original territory of the Rooters. I'be never done the whole line, the Elevated Electric. Does that go through Borough Junction (I could look it up but I'm comfortable where I am!) - if so I'll wave as I go past, imagining I'm behind an A1.


Have a good day all, enjoy the end of the week. Don't fall down any slippery steps, eh?

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Sadly you can't take the Rooter route any more. The central portion has been adsorbed onto the Overground line from Dalston to Clapham Junction, which is worth doing as well. You will need to leave Victoria from the Chatham side and change at Peckham Rye for London Bridge. And Borough Market Junction is t'other side of London Bridge, being the bifurcation of the lines towards Cannon Street and Charing Cross.


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Afternoon all,

On this auspicious day when back in 1955, Birds Eye introduced us to the frozen fish finger! Back from the surgery where the nurse tells me things are progressing well.

Ian (Oddd), I fully agree that Macmillan is a worthwhile charity to support and appreciate the efforts of Sherry and Ex. Joanna and I have had a modest standing order running to them and cancer research for many years now. We started these when she lost her sister to pancreatic cancer, little knowing that I would be thankful for their help now! Good luck with the cloak and dagger stuff, I'm afraid I should almost certainly 'put my foot in it' at some point!

'Lurker', you picked on one of my favourite wines in the Marques de Murieta. I recall finding the last eight bottles of Gran Reserva '89 in the cellar of a big department store where the coaches park in Barcelona so I bought them at a really good price - lots of grief from Joanna on the excess baggage front so my solution was to drink as much as I could before coming home! Nectar, the closest I can get to it is Marques de Riscal, but both are ludicrously over-priced in the UK.

AndrewC, good news about the back - try not to do too much to start it off again.

Dick, the same goes for you - it must be good to have a proper diagnosis as now at least you know what you're up against. Have a safe journey to France and as enjoyable a time as you can manage in the circumstances.

Nidge (Rugd1022), did XH558 exhibit that awesome induction roar in the climb? I can still feel it from the Clacton air show weeks ago!

Taking things quietly today, hope it passes sweetly for you all,

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all,

On this auspicious day when back in 1955, Birds Eye introduced us to the frozen fish finger! Back from the surgery where the nurse tells me things are progressing well.



ooh err .. so that date links with her indoors who also had a summer job at Birds Eye in Grimsby as a codblockknockerout! in the fish finger line....



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Did you ever meet Glenn Cornick, the original bassist with Jethro Tull? He died in Hawaii of congestive heart failure at only 67 years old!  Apparently the band sacked him for an 'excessive party lifestyle' as the rumour mill has it, but he appeared on the first three albums as well as their big hit 'Living in the Past'.

Kind regards,


Edited by Jock67B
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Departing Margam for Telfland as soon as I have deposited my nephews at their primary school.

For some unfathomable reason, they refer to me as 'Uncle Biscuit' which is a tad unusual.

I could understand either U Bara Brith, or U Welsh Cake, but I don't make biscuits!

All fixing tasks requested by my mother have been accomplished, although the piano stool is going to require a

'Heavy Intermediate' at Horton Lane works, in order to make it operational again.

Typically, my mother has caused more damage by her attempt at 'repair' than what originally caused it to go unserviceable. (Being dragged by one leg whilst a six year old is sitting on it (( The stool that is, not my mother!))

It will be returned next week when I have to go to Senghenydd (near Caerphilly).

Question is Richard, do they think of you as a 'Rich Tea' or a 'Jammie Dodger'?

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, off shortly for more pin cushion duty. My blood glucose on the last blood test was on the high side so I have to undergo a double test (1 test then given a glucose drink and then another test 2 hours later.) Worst part is I am only allowed to drink water so not even a cup of tea this morning let alone breakfast!

Ah - the dreaded glucose tolerance test - I went for one, and when I arrived they wouldn't do the test as my blood sugar was already too high, and as a result, I was diagnosed as diabetic - which is not the end of the world, as I've now been in that condition for upwards of 20 years, and I have, so far (touch wood) shown very few signs of complications.  If you are diagnosed, Phil, remember that the treatment should be a partnership between patient and GP - not a dictatorship.  My GP at the time of diagnosis was of the latter type, and immediately banned all sugar, but I moved soon after and have been with the same GP ever since except for a few years when I moved out of his catchment area, and he has very progressive views on diabetes and its management (in fact he's the lead GP on diabetes management in the area so knows his stuff) -  so if you are diabetic, then hopefully your GP will be of the helpful/supportive variety.


Afternoon All


Had to post the above for Phil before I finished having a catch up, so now able to add a quick catch up of my own.


Had my flu jab this morning, and that's the 20th I've had, so was pretty slick sitting the the waiting room with my jacket off and my sleeve rolled up before I even went in to be stabbed.  I was due at 12.32 but I had to go down to the garage so I called up and they said I could come early, "provided you are quick" - hence the partial disrobement. 


30747 has gone to art class, and I was told to have a look around for jobs that needed doing around the house - apparently my eye for these is not yet fully developed, as I can miss some of the mess that needs to be addressed with things like cleaning materials and the hoover - still there's time to learn.  So with this retirement lark, when does the putting your feet up and taking it easy start?


Jock - take it easy - you've had major surgery, and it does take time to pick up afterwards, as I can testify.  In my case, as I was not allowed to walk for some weeks it was fairly simple to force myself not to do too much as I couldn't stand up anyway, but I agree that the boredom does set in.  In your case it's probably worse, as you're on your feet, and you think that you can do things, then the exhaustion kicks in, and you have no real choice but to discontinue whatever you'fe doing.


Lily's walk, dinner, and sorting out the washing seem to be next, so

Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold

For some unfathomable reason, they refer to me as 'Uncle Biscuit' which is a tad unusual.


I could understand either U Bara Brith, or U Welsh Cake, but I don't make biscuits!



Had there been a minor family contretemps, following which their mother said "Well, your uncle really takes the biscuit!"?

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I once asked my Dad "why did the pharmacist get upset when I asked for “anus ‘ole”? I mean why market a product like that and expect it to be pronounced “a new sol”? Daft.


Best, Pete.


Yes, I was informed some time ago by my son that schools have replaced Uranus (your ######) with Uranus (oo-ra-nus) to avoid much sniggering at the back.

Late today but have a good one even though it's half over. Saturday tomorrow... hurrah! Mind you, that probably means shopping. B*gger!


Edit: RMWeb's profanity prevention device won't let me say . What a bummer.

Edited by Pete 75C
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POETS day but I'm not sure any respectable poet would capture the current view with poetic aplomb, it's 14 overcast and rather dreary. Expected to change to 27 and sunny later!


Had our "pot-luck dinner" last night to welcome new choir members to the fray, and a vigorous rehersal for the lead-up to our first performances this Sunday - good stuff, but simple.


Forging ahead with work now as I think I may be lucky enough (unlike Trev) to engage the POE portion of the day for once, at least going to try for it :)

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Yes, I was informed some time ago by my son that schools have replaced Uranus (your ######) with Uranus (oo-ra-nus) to avoid much sniggering at the back.

Late today but have a good one even though it's half over. Saturday tomorrow... hurrah! Mind you, that probably means shopping. B*gger!


Edit: RMWeb's profanity prevention device won't let me say ######. What a bummer.

Pun intended??? Odd that you can't say the one, but bum and arse is acceptable, as in arseclown etc... :jester: what a strange editing table we have here :)

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  • RMweb Gold

Pun intended??? Odd that you can't say the one, but bum and arse is acceptable, as in arseclown etc... :jester: what a strange editing table we have here :)

The profanity checker is based on US English so it is more noticeable on words that are considered naughty in US English. It doesn't like the words dong  (as in bell or Vietnamese currency) or pecker (as in keep your ...up). Bum is probably accepted as it is required for the US usage which doesn't involve bottoms.

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Nidge (Rugd1022), did XH558 exhibit that awesome induction roar in the climb? I can still feel it from the Clacton air show weeks ago!

Taking things quietly today, hope it passes sweetly for you all,

Kind regards,



Yes Jock - and then some! It was a genuine 'lump in the throat' moment I can assure you!


Hope all is well at Jock Towers...

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Personal development going well. Today we have accomplished:


- cutting blanks in 10 thou nickel-silver

- soldering them together and only burning ourself once

- tracing the shape and sticking it to the metal

- cutting out the profile and filing it, with only one major dimensional error

- corrected a dimensional error

- desoldered the pieces, only burning ourself once.


We have discovered that we lack a small round file.

We have only broken one piercing saw blade

We have discovered that getting pieces of hot metal out from the bars on the cooker is tricky, so best not to drop them.


Next steps

Soldering on fine detail

Making tank tops etc and soldering them in place

Remembering not to solder the tanks to the plastic body.


And I cooked a lamb tagine and saucisses-frîtes.


I am now going for a lie down as my ankle is giving me gyp.

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