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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Matthew's flight is over Hungary.

I'm going to have a quick breakfast and set off to Heathrow. Traffic reports indicate heading North round the M25 would be more sensible this morning.


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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry but a bit cooler at 8oC but should be sunny and warmer later.

Lazy day planned so may do something model related but will have to meet The Boss at the supermarket at lunchtime.

Tony - I see there's a thread about "Exciting new arrivals" from Hornby. Haven't seen any at Terminal 4 have you?

More tea needed so I will be back,

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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.......Sherry, glad to see that you arrived home safely and from your posts, appear to be in good spirits. How is the move to the new abode going - such events are rarely without stress. Still I understand that the love of your life is currently in Le Mans arranging tickets for his impending visit to blighty. (Correction, tomorrow as he obviously shares my abhorrence of queuing!)

John (Killybegs), I hope you have a safe journey tomorrow - as a matter of interest, what is your preferred route across the Irish Sea? When I was young, I used to use Stranraer to Larne often, my dad took me to the Ulster Grand Prix and the North West 200 regularly and because he was an engine driver, we got free passage on the ferries (run by the railway at that time I believe) and the Northern Irish railways! Remember it being very rough at times but I discovered my 'sea legs' at a young age, once being almost the only customer in the on-board restaurant for breakfast on the night ferry - the serving ladies really piled up my plate as they had loads of food cooked and few customers! I've said it before I know, but ERs and RMweb in general, awaken lost memories constantly.........

Kind regards,


Thanks, Jock, yes, I had a safe journey home with me at the wheel (ex hubby had backache) all the way from Portsmouth to Torquay. It took 3.5 hrs including a break at Winterbourne Abbas, where we always take a coffee/tea break at a rather good pub, in preference to a perfectly dreadful Little Chef nearby.


Luckily, I really enjoy driving, a trait inherited from my late father, who was from Northern Ireland (notice the clever link?!) On one occasion, we travelled from Stranraer to Larne, taking our green Vauxhall Victor saloon with us. My mother liked to be early for everything. In those days (pre RORO ferries) - 1961, I think - your car was lifted into the hold of the ferry on a network of ropes. So, much to Mum's delight, ours was the first car to be loaded. So you know what that meant? Last off at Larne!! Happy days!


As to my flat move, I'm seeing my solicitor this afternoon to go through some paperwork so exchange of contracts is imminent. Good news!


All the best for your continued recovery, Jock, and wishing everyone a good day.

Edited by Ashcombe
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Good morning all, 


Day of meeting with clients consultants  (this morning)  and   another clients HSE department this afternoon.!


As to our logistics department -  one of myex-pat team is due to go out  this weekend - except they forgot to book his ticket!  Now instead of getting him ticket to Teeside  - they decided LHR  was more suitable !  yet another challenge for me to get sorted today!.


Whatever life throws your way today - make the best of it you can.




PS for any one interested   I've put a load of photos on the US & Canadian Railroads thread. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon from not so sunny Brisbane. It has been a beautiful spring day up till now, but the wind has got up (nothing to do with diet), it has become very dark and thunder is rumbling all about....oh and it's raining!


Really getting used to how it all works down here now, very impressed with the public transport system which is cheap, effective and reliable and involves trains, buses and the City Cats on the river. I took the City Cat into, um, the city the other night simply to take photos of the Brisbane skyline..simply superb.


I've been scoping out some trainspotting sites, but so far not a sniff of a freight, sniff being the operative word as apparently you can smell the cattle trains from some distance.


I'm looking forward to the weekend, Friday it's into the city (it's not only on Neighbours they say that) with my son for a few beers and the rugby league final on a big screen, then on Saturday it's Riverfire which is a spectacular firework display centred around the river which flows through the heart of Brisbane.


That's about it, take care.

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  • RMweb Premium

Its Thursday.... Yippeee!


Had my flu jab yesterday.. Sister drac used a particularly vicious needle..I now have flu symptoms which is a bit of a pain but no problemo. My weight loss is good but blood pressure up a bit...that could be due to the return of the stupids to Leeds as my 5 minute journey too 35 minutes following people avidly gazing at their satnav. Problem is satnav isn't that effective in Leeds.


Have a good day everyone!



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Morning all


Overcast here and starting to get windy - think that gales are forecast here for the weekend.


Had a wonderful walk yesterday with my daughter along the north side of Arthur's Seat; a late summer day with sunshine, birds, butterflies and some good chat. Should have taken my camera, there were some great views across the Forth to Fife and east to Musselburgh, North Berwick and Bass Rock.


Have a good day



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Up and washed, due at the doc at 9.30. No idea what she'll say, but last time it was 'wait til it gets better'. Which could be worse.

I'm pretty certain there'll be comments about weight and blood pressure, and that I missed my last diabetic review...


Then waiting to receive and install my new hub!


Sherry - I'm happy you enjoyed your drive, but yesterday I spent four hours covering just over 30 miles!

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Good morning all,

I'm absolutely delighted that so many of you wonderful people "liked" my 'German' post/s yesterday, I'm really flattered, thank you!

I promise not to bombard you all with that kind of stuff however, I am aware that it's not everyone's cup of tea! Believe it or not, I used to not like German stuff!!! Mind, I was also the same with US outline stuff, which I've now loved for over twenty years!

Anyway, my stomach is still churning after a quick look through that spider link, thanks PhilJ W!!! (not being sarcastic mate, as it is useful!). Before I met my wife Bev, I didn't 'like' spiders but I could tolerate them however Bev freaks so much whenever there is any sign of one, she screams, that makes me jump so much that I now hate them nearly as much as Bev does!

Well, today is looking rather overcast high above, very still though so who knows, the sun may appear later.

Have a nice day wherever you are and bless you all,


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  • RMweb Gold

I actually like spiders because they get rid of all sorts of other bugs. However Her Lady Bossness Who Must Be Obeyed At All Times Immediately does not so I frequently hear the scream of "BOOOOOOOOOB - WILL YOU GET THAT BL##DY THING AWAY FROM ME AND OUT OF HERE......NOW!!!!!!!!!!" 

Naturally I comply with her wishes - eventually. :whistle: 


Edit for spelling!

Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Premium


I actually like spiders because they get rid of all sorts of other bugs. However Her Lady Bossness Who Must be Obeyed At All Times Immediately does not so I frequently here the scream of "BOOOOOOOOOB - WILL YOU GET THAT BL##DY THING AWAY FROM ME AND OUT OF HERE......NOW!!!!!!!!!!" 

Naturally I comply with her wishes - eventually. :whistle:


You should encourage spiders in the layout room then. :jester:

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  • RMweb Gold

When Merryn and Sam went on their honeymoon, I used flight tracker to keep tabs on their flight across the Atlantic etc to LAX.


The Obergrumpenfuhrer pointed out that since they were now married, protective father continuing to spy on their every movement would not be appreciated!


Margam start is grey and cloudy, but this should not affect our trip to St Fagans.  We are being accompanied by my mother whom we have promised a proper Welsh Cream tea.  This will be consumed for lunch, as the St Fagans cream tea is very generous and we have to leave room for the evening meal as in the evening it's dinner with my brother and his family.


As we drove down to BI yesterday, I was in the middle of my BR recital, when the Obergrumpenfuhrer, suddenly recalled the fact the Tynycaeau Signal box was burned down causing the demise of the route earlier than that planned.


Bashing her head against the dashboard screaming 'I bl**dy well knew that' is music to my ears!


It seems we are finally making progress.


No doubt we can now build on her knowledge base by a quick descriptor of the Peterston East to Drope junction chord!

Edited by Happy Hippo
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, cloudy with a slight breeze and colder than of late, Thursday that means shopping this morning oh well one has to eat!


Had my physio and massage yesterday, felt wrecked at the time but this morning feel really good and virtually back to normal. I occasionally seem to suffer from Piraformis syndrome which basically suppresses my sciatic nerve. Extremely painful, the physio is not pleasant but its after effects are! One more physio session to be sure then hopefully thats it for another 6 months or longer. Nothing compared to what people are enduring on here though.


Enjoy your day folks

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning all from a sunny and realtivly cloud free Algarve. SWMBO is about to depart for the beach. I think I'm going to drive up to Loule, the local station and have an hour there watching trains. Though it's only a sigle track line I hope to see 1 loco hauled intercity train, 2DMU's 1 Alpha Pendualr and hopefully an electric freight loco that will have brought the daily trai of aviation fuel for Faro Airport to the goods yard. It comes down in tnk containers and each day two lorries shuttle a trainload to the airport.


Then back to theapartment and hopefully fresh grilled sardines for lunch, (caught last night and bought at the quayside fishmarket.)





Edited by jamie92208
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  • RMweb Gold

For those of you with a vulgar disposition: Read on!


Last Sunday morning, I was inspecting the targets at the Midland Game Fair  air rifle range, to ensure they were working properly. (Yes, before the range opened  for business.................I'm not into dodge the pellets at my advanced age!)


Some kind soul had repainted them the previos evening, but had used oil based paint from a pot rather than the more usual, and very much quicker drying, cellulose from a can.


Having freed up the targets that were stuck, due to the overgenerous application of red paint, I found that quite a bit of the stuff was all over my hands.


Obviously I had to clean this of, otherwise is would get all over the guns!


Enroute to the car where I had some cellulose thinners (excellent for removing all sorts from the hands) I decided a trip to the loo was in order.


Unfortunately, when I had finished, I looked down to see a red ring around a certain part of my anatomy.


To be quite honest it looked like scarlet lipstick.


I wasn't prepared to scrub it down with cellulose in the car park, but had to be rather discreet on further visits to the loo.


When I got home, the Obergrumpenfuhrer saw the funny side of it, and just remarked that she was glad it wasn't green, because then I'd really be in trouble!

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  • RMweb Premium

Last night when I came home from the club meeting I espied a fly apparently sitting on the back door so it was out with the flyspray and ZAP! only to find that it was trapped in a spiders web. I would now like to apologize to that spider for depriving her of her supper.

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For those of you with a vulgar disposition: Read on!


Last Sunday morning, I was inspecting the targets at the Midland Game Fair  air rifle range, to ensure they were working properly. (Yes, before the range opened  for business.................I'm not into dodge the pellets at my advanced age!)


Some kind soul had repainted them the previos evening, but had used oil based paint from a pot rather than the more usual, and very much quicker drying, cellulose from a can.


Having freed up the targets that were stuck, due to the overgenerous application of red paint, I found that quite a bit of the stuff was all over my hands.


Obviously I had to clean this of, otherwise is would get all over the guns!


Enroute to the car where I had some cellulose thinners (excellent for removing all sorts from the hands) I decided a trip to the loo was in order.


Unfortunately, when I had finished, I looked down to see a red ring around a certain part of my anatomy.


To be quite honest it looked like scarlet lipstick.


I wasn't prepared to scrub it down with cellulose in the car park, but had to be rather discreet on further visits to the loo.


When I got home, the Obergrumpenfuhrer saw the funny side of it, and just remarked that she was glad it wasn't green, because then I'd really be in trouble!

A lot worse if you'd just been preparing chillies instead!

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Reasonable weather out there but I'll no doubt be stuck in with the water softener, fingers crossed I can actually make sense of teh instructions to rebuild it or find an excuse to go to Tesco instead - it sounds quite a daunting task.


If Phil wants to see some freights there are several options if motor transport is available - container trains (probably not too frequent on the north mainline line, Landsborough is quite a good station for photography angles and there's a nice bakery in town) coal trains might be running on the route out through  Laidley but i think you'd need to be a fairway out for decent phot spots, and finally there's the standard gauge 'South mainline' towards the NSW border which should be good for container trains and has some quite attractive phot spots out in the country; car essential, preferably with aircon and don't forget your hat, best of luck.


Have a  good day folks

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