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my btinternet service has been upgraded - seems to be working apart from on my Kobo.. I will fight with it!!




Hopefully getting to Headingley for some cricket today to see the league Div 1 Champions...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Got to spend most of today indoors, new front door and windows being fitted. Jock, I occasionally get e-mails come through for Apple updates, I'm with Microsoft. Andrew, the thundering sh*tweasels are the reason I took early retirement, unsurprisingly I don't miss them.

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Morning all. Cool, but very pretty skies...


Pain down to about 7, now it only hurts if I stand up!

It's so bloody boring. I've been here before, and I absolutely hate it. I'm even sick of reading. Mind you, Carol Kirkwood cheers me up.


Expecting deliveries today, mostly Sainsbury's and a package of test tubes to store piercing saw blades in. I think I'll make a rack for them like we used to have at school. When I can stand up...


Missed an ebay bargain yesterday (6 unused Romford wheels suitable for the Terrier I'm working on) for about £17 because I forgot. I hope someone here got them!


Good day wishes to all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Looks like a nice day, sunny later according to the forecast.

I have a little list. Just shopping to do when I collect Aditi's computer. I prefer to spend a few minutes driving to Waitrose to collect stuff purchased online from John Lewis rather than wait in for couriers. 


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  • RMweb Premium

A foggy start here in Southampton. At 7.30 I couldn't see a neighbour's England flag about 50 yards away, then it quickly thinned out to about 200yds visibility but has barely been improving since. According to the local news it's affecting I.o.W. ferries and the airport, which is just up the road from here. 


The cat has gone into winter morning mode, out into the garden, do the biz, drink of water, chew grass and straight back in for more kip.



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He heard it, but didn't see anything. 

So much for racing in the dark!


Fog in the Solent? Sherry left Caen (Ouistreham, really) a while back - let's hope the captain's been eating his carrots!


Lovely morning here again - but chilly. Off out there shortly with chainsaw and shredder. Can't believe how far I've got with clearing the mess from felling that tree. The old adage about eating an elephant one mouthful at a time is really true.


Hope the sun shines on you today.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Quite bright at present, deluge promised for tonight.


I am absolutely amazed - I posted a CD to ruralish Derbyshire yesterday afternoon and it had been delivered by 09.20 this morning.  The really amazing bit is that someone seems to get their post delivered before 11.00 - that hasn't happened here since some time back in the 20th century.


Have a good day folks.

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Here's one of our previous dogs, rescued from the RSPCA, after being tied up outside the gate overnight in the rain, Kizzie was wonderful, very obedient and loving.

The following year she won Best in Show at the RSPCA event at Burton on Trent, but died just 18Months later of a weak heart, at the age of 13, she is dearly missed.



And this is Sally with Lara (nearest the camera) which we lost last year.



We couldn't be without a dog.




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  • RMweb Gold

Dog lovers probably each have their own preferred breed or group of breeds. I have had friends with greyhounds and lurchers, both smooth and wiry, and have always found them to be delightful creatures. That said, when a grown lurcher decides to sit on your lap - you know about it!

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Morning all,

Just back from the doctors where the nurse re-dressed my heel and pronounced herself happy with the progress! Back again Friday. Bright but chilly here by the sea, I suppose it is the autumn equinox after all! Our friends in the US would have had that yesterday due to time zone differences - will anyone notice that the day is the same length as the night?

Beautiful pictures from the Emerald Isle John, I'm hoping that the surgeon signs me off on the 6th so that I can take up walking our dog again - one thing I've really missed, and I have no doubt so has he!

We had a Westie for no other reason than that is what Joanna wanted! She researched all the breeders with the kennel club and eventually bought one with a pedigree so long, I haven't got room on the wall for the chart! She ordered it before the litter was born, then had first pick  and I remember the little ball of white fluff that sat in the palm of her hand when she first collected him - she can't even pick him up now at almost 12 kilos of muscle!

Andy, I had two customers at the garage who ran greyhound rescue homes and I did find those dogs that I met to be very friendly and approachable. One lady in particular also had a disabled husband and I marvelled at the way she coped with everything. The cost of feeding the animals alone must be daunting. It gave me great pleasure to be able to remove all her motoring worries by sorting him out a Motability car.

Going to attempt some light duties today as I'm now beginning to feel a bit stir crazy!

Kind regards,


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A smooth crossing and a delicious lunch in the restaurant aboard "Normandie" has set me up for the drive from P'mouth to Torquay. Looks like I'll be driving as soon to be divorced O/H has back pain again.


Hope all well in ER land!

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A jolly day so far.


The leaflet drop was successful, especially at one school I saw a lady whom I taught to drive some years back.


She remembered me:  Which was nice!   I certainly remembered her.


The trip to see the fang farrier also went well, the only extraction was from my wallet, and he was so pleased with the state of my teeth that I didn't even require a scale and polish, so I was able to treat myself to some special cake as a special reward.


I need to go shopping again this afternoon for cleaning materiel as I'm cleaning out the club water boiler prior to the exhibition on the 4th Oct.


The thought did cross my mind that tipping the contents of my pickling bath in the workshop into the urn and giving it a quick boil would solve the problem, but dilute sulphuric acid being warmed up would produce some pretty smells to say the least.


Although I bet it'd be gleaming afterwards!


However sanity says use a commercial cleaner.  Plus, of course, I can go and buy other useful items in the shop like ingredients to make more cake.


Anything to get me out of undercoating the door of the spare (daughter's) bedroom and the floor and walls and anything else that gets in the way of my masterful brush strokes.


Margam tomorrow, which will be fun.  I've promised to take the Obergrumpenfuhrer to Barry Island, as she's never been there.  her only sighting has been on 'Gavin and Stacey' and she will not believe me when I tell her it is a downmarket Rhyl with the pretty bits removed.


Thursday ought to see us at St Fagans, so she will again be regaled with tales of the road being the ex Barry Railway main line and where the site of Tynycae Junction was.


When she can finally repeat it verbatim and with the correct amount of passion and regret that it has gone, I will not have to say it to her again.


It might be a long time coming as it took nearly 5 years to teach her the difference between various other military helicopters.


At least now my beloved can identify a Chinook when one flies over the house, but the rest are still just helicopters!


Elsa is currently supervising a learning session in the conservatory where the complete set of Pannier Papers are being pored over prior to this evenings locomotive identification test.


Jock, you will find the Stokesay thread here:  http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/forum/247-stokesay-junction-the-brm-project-layout/

Edited by Happy Hippo
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and she will not believe me when I tell her it is a downmarket Rhyl with the pretty bits removed.

Ha, ha, ha! That made me laugh though I'm not sure I believe you!!!

Is it really THAT bad!?!

Sadly, my only trip to South Wales was on one of my spotting days in the mid eighties but I've certainly been through Rhyl not too long ago! To be as kind as I can, I'd say it is a faded seaside resort with little trace remaining of it's former glory!



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Door and windows replaced in the front porch, just come down from the 'high' created by the adhesives used. :crazy:   :jester: Only joking but they do tend to linger. Hippo, your comments about cleaning the tea urn reminded me of an incident at work about 25-30 years ago. A colleague complained about the encrustation of tannin on the office teapot which was stainless steel, I mentioned that the best way to get rid of it was to place some washing soda and water in the teapot and leave it for a couple of days. This was what he did just before we all went home on Friday. Instead of getting washing soda however he got caustic soda, the type used for cleaning drains. On the Monday morning we opened the tea cupboard to find a brown foam oozing out of the teapot, it cleaned the teapot ok but it also removed the paint from the steel shelf the teapot was standing on.

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I agree I’ve got a 24” screen on my Apple - I need even bigger!


Goodnight, Jock.......


Best, Pete.

Whatever you're blessed with it seems everyone always needs bigger :jester:  :O  :senile:  :jester:


aaaayup...coat, hat...it's a bird, it's a plane, it's ME "leaving on a jet plane" (another catchy phrase for a song me thinks!!!) :)

Edited by Ian Abel
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Right then, first up, the "office for the morning"...


Inside view...



Out the window from where I'm sitting, some fall colours barely starting to show...



I'd forgotten until late last night, just as I was passing out  nodding off that we were going to lose power about 8AM (the utliity company coming to drop power to the house) as we're having some tree trimming done, and that includes one of the maples that is currently growing rapidly into and overpowering the power lines - note for those potentially confused - about 99% of non-inner-city US residents receive their power from overhead connections to power poles, the MAIN reason there are so many power outages here in inclement weather!

To date I STILL don't understand why they don't run the lines underground here like "sensible" folks do. We CAN have that done, but it's at our cost, and since that still only covers the line between the house and the utility pole there's little point other than the aesthetics, the lines still run overhead between distribution points..however I digress.


So here I am, sitting in the local grocery store at the Starbucks, where there is expensive coffee and free internet, so I can work :) Hopefully all will be done by noon and I can retreat return to the house...


Autumn did indeed arrive at 9:29PM last evening, I saw it quite clearly, there were banners, a marching band and a parade of trees dropping their leaves in spectacularly colourful fashion - oh wait, nope that was the DREAM I had about it :jester:


Andrew - I confess, I'm too much of a whimp to run the BBQ much past Thanksgiving, I prefer to watch it from inside by then :) but we have done the Thanksgiving turkey a couple of times and it's certainly a change if the weather is suitable... still not time to clean up and cover it yet though.


10 this morning and as can be seen from the picture, clear sky and very autumnal, expecting 22 later.


There may be a package arriving today, so I'll be on the lookout for that, enjoy the first day of autumn all...

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