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It may not be fraud. The London Mint is a company which works on the old Reader's Digest business model of selling you a cheapo commemorative coin, and then you find that they can se nd you lots more. And charge for them. Nothing to do with the Royal Mint, in fact they're in Wales. Just ignore them, don't reply as then they'll know your email is active.

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Evening all,

Got my iOS8 update from iOS7 automatically when I switched my iPod Air on Friday - didn't seem to take too long. The three and four finger 'scrunch' takes a bit of getting used to but the keyboard update is a real plus! Can't really discern any change in speed so far but I do tend to use my desk-top PC for photography, and that had 'cloud' built in when I bought it. The big screen is a great help as the eyes get older!

Neil, sounds like you had a great day and as Polly said, it's good to hear you are getting back in to modelling - that from one who hasn't even started yet, although I've got reams of plans! Post operative feeling for me is mainly one of frustration, an example being in Tesco today when I bent to pick up a six-pack of 1.5l bottles of spring water only to hear Joanna's strident 'leave that'. Used my engineering nous and split the pack, lifting one at a time just to show off. Hoping for an all clear from the surgeon on the sixth, can't come soon enough.

Tomorrow, we'll be preparing the spare bedroom for the 'Blonde Bombshell' as our Clacton grand daughter is known. Her parents fly off for a once in a lifetime holiday together on Tuesday to celebrate their silver anniversary - Mexico, followed by a few days in NY on the way back with a show and dinner on the actual day! We're very proud of their achievements and having the lass stay is always a pleasure (special relationship with grandad!) not a chore.

Ian (Oldddudders), I suspect any road that had Sherry waiting at the end of it would be a pleasure to drive?

Good luck to those who have to go to work on a Monday,

Kind regards,


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Good morning all,  


tiz Moanday again ......modeling mojo gone here too.......never mind I guess it will return?  


Good news regarding Don, lets hope he's back on here soon, 


What ever the day throws at you -remember to find something to smile about.



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Morning all. Good to hear things are looking up for Don – saw Tim's message only now. Slowly turning autumnal out here…


Yup. I noticed yesterday that a tree on the street in full view of the living room window was turning an autumnal orangey-red and mentioned this to my daughter. She then told me that it was that colour all year round!

That proves two things... I know nothing about trees and that 11 yr-olds are smarter than 47 yr-olds.

Have a good Monday if that's humanly possible.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Clear and cool here. Red sky over Southend.

Aditi is waiting for a text message to find out if she has to work from home. Due to the flooding on Friday, some college buildings are shut but a decision will be made at about 7 about the rest of the college. The main entrance had water in it on Friday.


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Morning All,


It is a rather grey Morning here in this part of the world. 


My weekend was somewhat busy, as I spent another large chunk of it on the road.  This time, I was at Church House in Lübbecke for a meeting.


Church House has a fascinating history.  It was originally built as a Hitler Youth Hostel and SS training centre, but has been used since 1983 by the Royal Army Chaplains Department to run courses for soldiers on welfare and development with the aim (among other things) of helping soldiers to think ethically and morally.


We were made very welcome, had an excellent meeting, and the food was fantastic!


It is good to hear that Don is on the mend.


Have a good day everyone...

Edited by Robert
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, got out of the shower this morning and decided it was Autumn! Kittens are now 5 months old so will need to be neutered in a month they still seem an amenable bunch, they like to adopt a human when they are tired. Work is continuing to be stressful as is the lack of cash but nothing more than normal. Neil I suspect that your memory is slowly dropping work related matters and allowing other thoughts in, give another 6 months and you will feel years younger. Trev when you are knee deep in alligators or wheel re-inventors in your case........Have a good day all.

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Not as cold as forecast (chance of frost) this morning, just into single figures at 6.30am. Must have been first to the beach this morning as we startled a curlew and a heron, both of which made very loud objections to being disturbed! We didn't see a cloud all day yesterday although, later on, numerous vapour trails did their best to replace them! This morning's early cloud is already burning off and it looks like being another fine day although there is talk of rain this evening. Hurrah cries the garden!



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  • RMweb Premium

Cotton wool clouds and sun waking up. Nice bright room, just the job for finishing the grass job.


First day of the rest of our lives.  No more going to work for Ray.  Just so long as he doesn't stop me playing trains my way and that includes popping in here. :mosking:


Have a good day.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, it was a bit nippy around 6am this morning, got up to run eldest to train station for his return to London after a weekend at home. Didn't post on my return home, went back to bed for an hour.


16c and sunshine forecast for today, with  rain due tomorrow which the garden needs, more so as I will be putting autumn feed on the lawns today so rain please tomorrow for a couple of hours.


Re apple both sons use macbook air and very happy.



Enjoy your day

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I listened to a truly dreadful piece on BBC World Service last night. It was an interview with a former guard of “Punishment Camps” in PRNK.


He had seen the light and escaped to the south but the story he told of one female prisoner was “Smike” to the power of ten with no Dickensian light at the end whatsoever. It’s was a story of casual cynicism and cruelty, perpetuated by a system that has no hope, compassion or conscience whatsoever. Appalling.

What highlighted it to me why that he felt very little about the situation until he began to realize that he was becoming a victim himself and eventually lost his entire family. The program me was “Outlook” about the life of Ahn Myung-chul.

Worthwhile radio.


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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I took Höchstädt to Eurotrack at Southampton over the weekend, leaving at 5:30pm yesterday. The M27 and M3 were snarled , with speeds yo-yoing between 10 and 40mph. We came off onto the A31 and poodled on a quiet road up to Guildford at my usual cruising speed of 60mph. Are people lemmings?



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