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Early Risers.


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Not a bad day, blue sky, fleecy white clouds scudding past in the breeze. I hope the showers stay away as the dogs blankets have been washed and put out on the line!


Managed to pretty much finish weathering the warehouse on Worseter yesterday, fitted the downpipes and painted the gutters. Start the slating next week.


Must go, got to get the vacuum cleaner out and have a quick whip round the house before Steph gets back!


Enjoy your weekend.



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Morning all


Like quite a few these days I haven't really had time to pop in and keep up to date. Perhaps when I join the ranks of Early retirees rather than early risers.......



Not sure about others thoughts but I find there is always something to do! retirement can be very busy.


Residents of a picturesque Ribble Valley village were today celebrating keeping their mantle as the official centre of the UK.

Officials at the Ordnance Survey regard Dunsop Bridge in Lancashire’s Forest of Bowland as the exact centre of England, Scotland and Wales.

But if Scotland had voted to leave the Union, the UK mainland’s central point would have switched to Walmley, near Sutton Coldfield.


Nice home made ice cream shop if one ever goes through the village, didn't realise it was the centre of the UK.

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Anyway on a more light haearted note I once went into the Moorcock Inn at Garsdale with an old aunt and as I paid for the lunch I asked the barmaid how old it was.  Her reply was "It is mentioned in the Doomsday Book.".  I ws fair gobsmacked as they say oop north.



I think I'd be a bit more than gobsmacked if my pub lunch was mentioned in The Doomsday Book  :O

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Back from watching a bit of cricket.. yes its raining here but,, ST Chad Broomfield are fighting on against the League Champions Wetherby.


In his fifth game of the season youngest Herbert scored 50+ before I came home.


I needed.. a) some fresh air and b) to get a break from regauging wagons..




PS Big problem with writing anything down in the UK is that it will cost the earth, be twisted by the consultants writing it, will take ages to complete and will be written in some form of English only understood by lawyers, accountants and consultants......   Just look at out tax laws!

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Yes we do forgtsometimes howmuch history is all around us in the UK. I grew up in a village with a 900 year old chrch and a 450 year old grammar school and took them for granted. When I spent some timein El Salvador they ahd no idea that we had had our share of Civil Wars and tht our curent system of peaceful changes of government had taken over 700 years to evolve. They were particularly interested in the NI peace process such that one of the family I stayed with came over and spent a year working in a reconciliation community in NI.


Anyway on a more light haearted note I once went into the Moorcock Inn at Garsdale with an old aunt and as I paid for the lunch I asked the barmaid how old it was. Her reply was "It is mentioned in the Doomsday Book.". I ws fair gobsmacked as they say oop north.



Interestingly enough the town I grew up in is similarly mentioned - I use that factoid when trying to put a frame of reference on the age/history of things "UK" for US friends and acquaintances.


Duh, Duh, Duuuhh...... Did you know that many Guitar Stores put up signs banning the playing of “Smoke on the Water?


Somehow I don’t think we are going to get good “Fall” colors this year. A lot of my trees are getting brown leaves already due to the lack of rain coupled with the infestation of new 17 year Cicada’s last year. Further north in Vermont the picture looks better as they had a lot more rain up there.


Best, Pete.

Pity about that Pete, I love the fall colours. Here, everything is turning quite nicely given we had so much wet weather all summer, with still the right amount of temperature changes apparently.


For apparently understated historical sites, the discussion should include "Battle", the true site of the Battle of Hastings- another little more than a field with a small array of maps/story boards alone the fence line adjacent to a public path!!

I for one prefer that to the inevitable 6 lane freeway and brand named concessions.


Weather here a delightful 19 sunny and light breeze but expecting rain later.

Modelling curtailed somewhat due to overriding finishing projects in kitchen - announcement made this AM that in two weekends Mrs is having some friends over to view, and indicated it'd be "nice" to have the finishing touches done -meaning I'm dead if I don't get on with it!!!

Family dinner later, roast beef, Yorkshire pud and some veg...yum.


Have a good Saturday.

Edited by Ian Abel
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What's worrying me is that we are committed to take Grandson #2 to see his specialist on Wednesday (he's 9 months, and had a very difficult birth and there are serious after effects) at Peckham at 9am, then take him to his nursery in Waterloo. For me, walking/public transport is out of the question, and Carshalton-Bermondsey-Peckham-Waterloo isn't a feasible drive, so I'm planning to get child-seat equipped cabs. No idea how I do that...



Dick - I don't think cabs come equipped with child seats. See this link to Addison Lee FAQs. (5th one down)




PS When our grandchildren were younger we took our own seat with us.

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Good evening one & all,  


been 'net-less most of the day so got a lot of catching up to do. But times not being wasted,now sorted most of the photos from my recent trip - will be posting the rail related ones in the relevant thread later ('net permitting) . 


Not much else to report,  


Hopefully back in the morning



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Morning all


There are times when I read ERs and realise just how lucky I am - at nearly 66 - to have reasonable health and fitness. Smiffy's latest missive indicates just how challenging things can be. You are right, Dick, others may have it worse, but on the day life can be pretty miserable, I'm sure. Tomorrow, of course, my luck may change, but in the meantime I wish comfort for all those suffering with conditions and finding themselves as NHS pin-cushions.


My GP retires - a year late - this month. She is slightly older than me, and there is no replacement likely. No doubt I can find another doctor somewhere fairly close, although he/she will be more than 3 km away, that's certain. Mind you, there was a note in one of the regular bulletins we get about life here saying that the average age of GPs hereabouts is very high. But my immediate concern was my flu-jab, which serves me well due to my tendency towards asthma. No problem! In the post arrived a voucher for the chemist, another for the nurse who administers the injection. And all paid for ultimately by the UK NHS.


Some weeks ago I borrowed Sheena's brush-cutter. Worked really well, but I didn't make much use because Sherry arrived and other priorities took over! I have a cheap one from some years back, but it suffers terrible vibrations and so does the operator! Did that trigger my vertigo, maybe? Anyway, yesterday I bit the bullet and bought a pukka Stihl version. It seems to be a bargain, too, with a harness, safety specs, both strimmer and blade heads - and at a price rather less than some UK sellers offer, even though you still have to collect from their shop. My usual supplier - and a full demo meaning it's already full of fuel, too. If  I cut the ditch now it should stay quite short for the Winter.


Alison is now frantically cleaning her house before all the furniture gets brought back, so I've lent her my Dyson. When she brings it back she can use it here!


Lovely morning, and all the talk of storms over recent days has been false. We may suffer later!


Hope your weekend is as good as you expect!


Our brush cutter is a Stihl. It does vibrate but not too awfully

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Back from Enfield.

Had a nice day. Good lunch. the vegetarians liked my lasagne. Both my nephews were there, the elder has just moved to Brighton and has started working at the hospital there. I think he has got over the shock of being away from London and has started exploring "whats on". He is very musical and I assume will be looking for opportunities to play bluegrass/jazz fusion banjo somewhere. The younger nephew has just finished a masters at Cambridge and isn't happy as it was too easy and was concerned about the PhD opportunities there so has started another Masters in London at UCL. He has only had one week and is already unhappy and I can see him heading off to the US for postgraduate work. Much more on my level was puppetry for Maya (age2 and a few months) and then Megablocks (make a castle seemed popular).

Matthew sent a message to say he was now in Singapore and had spent the day with his friend (lived in same hall of residence when at University of Calgary). He will be there until Wednesday when he flies home via Kuala Lumpur arriving Thursday am at Heathrow.



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Matthew can watch the Grands Prix tomorrow - if he has a spare couple of hundred quid.

As for Brighton “what’s on” - “Cottaging” is a sport down there......


Ian, I’m not sure it depends on how big the the tool is? You should suffer nothing more than “White Finger” - unless you’re sitting on it (ooh, er, Mother)...


Best, Pete.

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Matthew can watch the Grands Prix tomorrow - if he has a spare couple of hundred quid.

As for Brighton “what’s on” - “Cottaging” is a sport down there......


Ian, I’m not sure it depends on how big the the tool is? You should suffer nothing more than “White Finger” - unless you’re sitting on it (ooh, er, Mother)...


Best, Pete.


errrr........no, I'll leave it!!!!!!!!!!


Evening folks, nice day ish here, not so warm (16c) as yesterday and overcast on and off, but we had a few hours out together on the bikes which was nice.  Not going to Grumble Glen tomorrow, need a break from that for a while, and as it;s dry and sunny forecast, more biking calls while the weather lasts.  It's a long wet winter....


As for Stihl, there's no other to consider IMHO, our garden devices are simply hassle free, even after being ignored for months.  Wish I could say the same about old motorbikes!

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Evening all, 3 pages of ER's since I posted this morning! On the subject of the Scottish referendum, I am thankful for the outcome as I thought that a yes vote would be a step into the unknown. Its a very uncomfortable feeling when something happens that can profoundly affect your country in so many ways and you have no say in the matter. As someone once said every five years we have an elected dictatorship but at least we have a say in that dictatorship. Most, if not all of us have never lived under a dictatorship but this, despite being a democratic process gave me a feeling of what it could be like under a dictatorship.

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Evening all,


Well Stage 1B of the great pea gravel spreading has been completed although now it's done I must say I almost yearn for the semi-untended mess which preceded it, had a bit of character as well as the weeds.  The good Doctor and I have agreed to defer the rest of the second phase until Monday (weather permitting) as it really needs the two of us working together to join sections of geotex rather than me using more amateur family members (and even more bad language).  However all the ground prep for Stage 2 is complete so it really is down to getting doe the geotex but one side has to go round a curved flower bed and the wall on the other side comes out in a bay so it won't all be plain sailing.


So I might get a visit to Chinnor in tomorrow and hopefully get some cab detail pics for that nice Mr Spams chap - fingers are crossed.

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Evening all,

Managed to stay awake tonight, so far! Had a visit from a couple of friends this evening, bearing a couple of bottles of chilled bubbly to celebrate my good news. We felt it would be rude not to share! I was reminded of a trip we all made to the champagne caves of Epernay when, during a visit to Rheims cathedral, the lass innocently asked why the bibles always seemed to rest on the backs of Eagles - naturally I had to answer 'because they're birds of pray', definitely a get my coat hat and exit comment!

Alan (Shedman5), apologies for not responding sooner to your earlier post which mentioned the probate completion for your father in laws estate. Having had to do that when mother in law passed away a while ago, I can sympathise! It's hard to believe that the beaurocrats can throw up so many hurdles, making what should be a simple process complicated. Hope the good lady is handling the situation well - no matter how expected an event, it still hurts.

Neil, I'm extremely jealous about your weekend plans! I can think of nothing better than being out on two wheels on the Island in good weather! Bad enough that I've just read an article in 'Bikesport News' on the races at 'Oliver's Mount , Scarborough, where I rode a few times one or two(?) years ago - the place is almost as dangerous as the TT course. Google it if you don't know it. Be safe tomorrow.

Mike, I sympathise as a few years ago I laid membrane on our irregular shape borders but on my own on a breezy day. I utilised lots of holding down pegs from a couple of gazebos to hold it in place until I got the edges fixed. Sadly Joanna wasn't happy with shingle and instead chose green tinted granite clippings - lots of sterling later, I had to admit it did look nice, and still does. If she gets her way and we do move to a smaller place soon, I've warned her that I'll expect her to bag it all up again! The good news is that we have been relatively weed free for several years, and Archie the Westie has failed to dig his way out so far.

Have a good Sunday all, and tempting 'commentator's curse' - c'mon Lewis!!

Kind regards,


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It looks damp out but isn't raining at the moment. The alarm clock-radio is programmed to come on later at weekends but Robbie isn't, so he " woofed" at 6am to be let out for a run round the garden.

I don't know what we are doing today, nothing too exciting I hope.


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Morning all, 


Dunno why I'm up this early on a Sunday?   But had a restless night with lots of weird dreams....


Still lets see what today brings- I might just get some train pics posted.


Whatever you're up to try & make the best of the day you can.



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Afternoon from sunny-ish Brisbane. Just about keeping my eyes open after the flight, which is not something I'd like to undertake on a regular basis (the flight, not keeping my eyes open....) Just been over the road to the park playing AFL with my grandson, who is now a complete Aussie.


Strange game that AFL, for a nation where winning in sport is everything there's a goal bit, and then a bit either side for the 'hard luck, you didn't get a goal but have a point for trying' efforts.....

Edited by PhilH
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Morning! Have not had a chance to catch up since about Friday afternoon(ish). Suitable "Likes", "Funnys" will be clicked in due course and if anyone's going through a bad patch, you have my sympathies and support.

I need to drive eldest into Dereham for some Air Cadet parade thing. He's busy shining shoes as I type this. He doesn't believe me when I tell him about spit and heating the back of a teaspoon which was a time-served trick back when I (briefly) served HM. Youngest needs to be picked up from Weybourne later after a sleepover. As Weybourne is at the heart of the North Norfolk Railway's 1940s Weekend, I shall no doubt get stuck in traffic behind a Sherman tank and a couple of Jeeps. A brief lunch and then back to Dereham to collect eldest. A multitude of mundane household chores to be fitted into the day as well.

Day of rest? Day of rest, my ar*e...

Have a great day folks.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


The weather did indeed catch up with the forecasters, and we had thunder mid-evening, lasting maybe an hour. A little rain since, I suspect, so it's gloomy and a bit damp, but still v mild.


Battle? I had a boss - and friend - who lived in Battle Gates, Battle. It seemed every time a relative popped them and left him a few bob, he'd get the Divisional Civil Engineer's chap to prepare drawings for another extension to the house. The plans were done out of working hours - but the chap was a qualified engineer, that's all.


Brighton does indeed have a colony of gays, as well as many other persons of what used to be known as "Bohemian" outlook. One year on my annual visit to the Modelworld exhibition - organised by another railway civil engineer - I patronised a public loo en route from the station. The urinal had a row of chaps standing there - all wearing rucksacks of a type far too small for railway exhibition-goers - and I quickly realised that this was not the place for me.....


I'm sure size of tool, be it Stihl or another brand, is unimportant - but clearly Sherry now regrets marrying a man from Littlehampton! Yes, really. Oh, the innocence of youth.....


And, in a late alteration to today's expected programme, I am off to Bagnoles de l'Orne for lunch with Sherry!


Enjoy your Sunday. I'm with Jock in hoping Lewis can bring it home again.

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