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  • RMweb Gold

It is getting murky here. I should have put some washing out this afternoon but never even got as far as putting it in the washing machine. Instead of stuffing the washing machine I made a lasagne suitable for vegetarians to take over to Enfield tomorrow. We weren't originally going on Saturday so this means I shall yet again miss the Shenfield exhibition.



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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all,

A great big thanks for all the posts, such support has played a big part in my mind-set!

Just been to the doctors to have the bed sore on my heel dressed - she's happy with it so far and wants to look again on Tuesday morning.

PhilJW, mixed results for you, when you mention diabetes, what level do you have? 

Kind regards,


At the moment its uncertain as to the level, I've got to have more tests as my blood glucose levels were high but not seriously so. I think its a secret plot by the NHS to turn me into a pin cushion as they've also offered me a flu jab. Problem for me is that I really hate needles, this I reckon comes from having injections at school in the 50's when they used to use about 2 needles for the whole class, when most classes were 30-40 pupils. My surname begins with a W, and as they usually went by the class register, and when my turn came those needles were very blunt indeed! :O I tend to think that a hammer would have been useful to get the needle in.

Edited by PhilJ W
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  • RMweb Gold

A lovely evening ...


It got to 17:00 and I was thinking of going out for the empty stone train but the sky was turning dark so I decided to give it a miss. For the next hour or so the sky got darker and darker and the rain started to fall, gently, then around 18:00 the heavens opened, literally, torrential rain, storm and tempest all around, we were in the middle of it, very loud bangs and flashes simultaneously - it was so bad that Jills daughter was crying her eyes out such was the ferocity of the weather - then a very loud bang and flash and the power went off, and came back on after a short pause. Someones alarm was sounding in the distance - after the surprise we realised the alarm wasn't in the distance, it was on the side of the house ! To cut the story short, I removed the main fuse and battery to reset the units (there's a master and slave) - this worked but the sounder continued, so up a ladder - in the bad weather - to the roof and discovered a broken wire so the tamper circuit was in operation. A quick fix and all was well again. To celebrate the fix we went to the chippy for tea !

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S*d of a day/week.


Modelling? What's that?

That is just how I feel today.  Away from home for half the week on work business, then back into normal work, and just didn't seem to draw breath all day.  It seems that everyone was after health & safety advice, and had saved up all their requests for today, all with the demand that theirs took priority.  They then got upset when given a polite 'No' or 'Later' answer.  Next week is likely to be as manic, but then I have a week off, which will be much needed. 


I even missed my club night last night, which is where I go to wind down and just have a good 'crack'.


On the positive side, good to see Jock back posting.  Puts all my minor work moans into perspective!

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  • RMweb Premium

At the moment its uncertain as to the level, I've got to have more tests as my blood glucose levels were high but not seriously so. I think its a secret plot by the NHS to turn me into a pin cushion as they've also offered me a flu jab. Problem for me is that I really hate needles, this I reckon comes from having injections at school in the 50's when they used to use about 2 needles for the whole class, when most classes were 30-40 pupils. My surname begins with a W, and as they usually went by the class register, and when my turn came those needles were very blunt indeed! :O I tend to think that a hammer would have been useful to get the needle in.

Yep teh flu jab comes free ... as I found out when they "diagnosed" my diabetes... once you get past the flu jab ..you get used to the tablets (if you need them!).


My visits to see Sister Drac for blood giving tests  are down to 3 monthly...and she uses a sharp set of fangs  needle!



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  • RMweb Premium

Yep teh flu jab comes free ... as I found out when they "diagnosed" my diabetes... once you get past the flu jab ..you get used to the tablets (if you need them!).


My visits to see Sister Drac for blood giving tests  are down to 3 monthly...and she uses a sharp set of fangs  needle!



Having just had one blood test I now have to have a second one. They take one sample then give you a high sugar drink then take another two hours later. At least I was able to ask my GP to add a PSA test to the things to be tested.

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I think that the laws relating to the railways have not been amended since about the 1850’s...............or the time of the “Robber-Barons”, a bit later. So long as anti-trust laws are not broken...

Locally however the Engineers on the old “Lehigh Valley” mainline are not allowed to sound their horns at grade crossings where it passes through a “Tony” neighborhood.


The locals here saw that as a “victory” - I’m not so sure having witnessed a lot of their driving...


Still at least we or rather “you” do have a formal Constitution (or Bill of Rights); a piece of paper long overdue in the UK.


Best, Pete.


Got to be careful on the 'bill of rights' issue because I believe a lot of the content was influenced by a chap from Thetford known as Thomas Payne! Perhaps a lot of our current 'politicians' would benefit from re-visiting his writings!

Kind regards,


Edited by Jock67B
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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all.  Back at the apartment after a cracking day in Lisbon riding the local trains.   I even managed to talk a day ticket out of the ticket office at Oriente station 6 Euros for a whole day of train travel in he urban area though I only had 7 hours.   It isn't advertised but comes on a Viagem card.  This is a touch card but an identical card is also used on the metro but they aren't interchangeable.   Anyway I'm glad for your good news Jock.   PhilJW, I hop[e that you get things sorted.  SWMBO, who allowed me out for the day, was diagnosed as type 2 several yers ago and keeps it under control with tablets.

Anyway back to railway related matters, the highlight of my day was, while walking from Alcantara Mar, to Alcantara Terre, 1 km, I came across a Portgese 1400 class (Class 20 Clone) taking a train of containers down to the dock nearest the railway bridge over the Tagus.  Not only was it a great sight and sound the best bit was watching the young lady who tried to ignore the flagman at the crossing and at the last minute realised that the loco was a LOT LOT bigger than her little car and had to anchor on.  Pictures to follow when I get home, then it was another 3 hours on the train back to the Algarve and a nice bit of tea left for me to microwave by SWMBO, while she went upstairs and chatted to the landlady.



Edited by jamie92208
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  • RMweb Premium


Still at least we or rather “you” do have a formal Constitution (or Bill of Rights); a piece of paper long overdue in the UK.


Best, Pete.



quote from the Magna Carta AD 1215:


No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or possessions, or outlawed or exiled . nor will we proceed with force against him . except by the lawful judgement of his equals or by the law of the land. To no one will we sell, to no one deny or delay right or justice.



There are, apparently 3 laws still in force from the grandad of all "Charters of Liberties" and the above is the third one of them. 



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Mal, I prefer not to use the disagree button but fear I should have in this instance, in the sense that (somewhat tongue-in-cheek :jester: ) I'd not necessarily expect to see the "...the best of both worlds..." as the US have both circumstances you hope for and it continues to be a cock-up here on a regular basis.

It doesn't necessarily serve as providing a much better unity or agreement as you'd hope for or expect <sigh> and they've been struggling with it for almost 250 years already!

Hi Ian

I have a pal in DC and another in Chicago who'd agree with you - but then the US constitution is, as you say, 250 years old - maybe you should have a referendum for a new one :O



edited for spelling...

Edited by Purley Oaks
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  • RMweb Gold

Having just had one blood test I now have to have a second one. They take one sample then give you a high sugar drink then take another two hours later. At least I was able to ask my GP to add a PSA test to the things to be tested.

I had the glucose tolerance test recently. That was certainly a high sugar content drink. After fasting then getting that drink I certainly felt "invigorated". I passed the test as though my fasting levels were a little high they returned to that level quite quickly. Now I'm having naughty thyroid and parathyroid investigated so more blood tests!  Though the hospital think I'm probably OK they just want to keep confirming it! Which is nice.

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Hi Ian

I have a pal in DC and another in Chicago who'd agree with you - but then the US constitution is, as you say, 250 years old - maybe you should have a referendum for a new one :O



edited for spelling...

I dunno, the Magna Carta is even older..........


Best, Pete.

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Got to be careful on the 'bill of rights' issue because I believe a lot of the content was influenced by a chap from Thetford known as Thomas Payne! Perhaps a lot of our current 'politicians' would benefit from re-visiting his writings!

Kind regards,


Let’s face it, all the head honchos of the Colonies were British - even if they were not born there!  What is a waste is that if communications were even slightly faster back then  the War of Independence would probably never had happened as both sides were bending to the other’s view point when “The shot heard around the World” happened. Shame really.


I’m still bitching about “No taxation without representation” as strictly speaking I’m not represented but am taxed rather heavily (but not as much as I would in the UK). Though, of course I understand that original row was not about Ex-Pats! In any event our local Congressman said to me only yesterday that he really does care for me and to contact him with any issues.....he did not agree that I should live here tax free - in return for his cooperation!

It is interesting though when “big issues” effect one personally.


By the way there is probably more protection of Unions over here than there is in the UK - and who was responsible for that? The former shop steward Ronald Reagan when he was President. It empowers an election paid for by the Company if a group of employees want Union representation. This happened at Capitol Records DC in North Carolina. The first election which the Union lost  was overturned by Washington because of undue “influence by Employer” it took a further two elections to get the result Washington wanted - letting the Teamsters in. Capitol closed the DC about 6 months later...


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Why am I awake so early..don't know so......


Looks a bit damp outside. Her indoors has her last outdoor cricket match of the season to go to (She is scorer for a local team)


Hope you all have a good Saturday.



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dull start and looks like there will be some rain possibly heavy and thundery at times.

On my second cuppa and rarin' to go and face whatever the world throws at me! That may actually take the form of "train stuff" as my dear wife calls it as I'm off to the Woking show this morning.

Slight hiccup last night as my secondary laptop seems to have died and mislaid its operating system which is extremely careless of it. I spent a couple of hours trying to find it last night with no luck so will have another go later. If that doesn't work I'll have to wait until my IT dept (Son Steve) returns from a short break.

Have a good one - one & all,


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Mornin' all,


Misty drizzly start in the Staffs Moorlands...Autumn shades in the garden developing nicely.... I'm taking dad for a trip out to the SVR gala but given the forecast I think that tomorrow will be more photogenic. My recently opened credit card bill, which includes the replacement laptop dictates bread & jam till next payday...might be a long walk to the SVR too!


Enjoy whatever you get up to



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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  • RMweb Gold


It seems to have rained somewhat overnight. It is just murky now,

We are off to a gathering of Aditi's family in Enfield today. I think it is at Aditi's sister's house rather than at MiL's. I suspect MiL would like me to pop round and sort out her "favourites" on her Sky receiver though.


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Morning all from the misty blue hills of the boring borough. yea right!

All quiet in this part of the universe. SWMBO's new iPhone arrived and for once the migration from the old phone wasn't fraught with difficulty. Today I shall mostly be running about like the proverbial headless poultry. Shopping, market, Wickes, maybe a pub for lunch if I'm a good boy.


I see a small segment of the Scottish community has decided to celebrate the NO result in the ancient and time honoured Scottish tradition: get pissed and start a fight. :aggressive:  <where is the face palm emoticon?>


Andrew's #1 rule of politics: vote for the guy that will screw you over the least.


Have a great weekend everyone.



Peace, Love, and Gravy.

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