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I have a milk float on my layout. It isn't from a kit but I did carefully remove it from its packaging. I'm not sure where to place it but crossing the bridge near the station with a bus and police car might look nice.

I hope its clean!!

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Morning all,

We haven't had milk delivered for years simply because the co-op,who had the local monopoly, couldn't deliver until after we went to work! I remember as a kid, the Hurlford and Ayrshire Co-operative Society (great great grandmother was one of the founders) still had a stables and a yard,where the horse-drawn carts which delivered to outlying districts were parked, which backed on to my grand fathers garden. I used to love climbing up into the drivers seat and pretending to drive the 'Pony Express' in the Wild West!

I personally love any images that involve steam whether produced by Cuneo, Rob or photo-shop. I simply can't understand how so many toys have been thrown from prams over the issue. As adults with many differing tastes, we should be able to simply skip past items we don't like. Nothing is worth the amount of vitriol and personal insult that has been thrown about over the subject, especially by self confessed 'experts'. Perhaps, as I have suggested in the past, Rob should restrict his posts to Lunester Lounge where they seem to be well liked. I hate to remind people that he is terribly disabled, being wheelchair bound and having the use of only one hand and so 'conventional' modelling is denied to him!

I also am in awe of Baz's weathering skills and would aspire to copy them with his permission. When I first joined RMweb, I found AndyP's thread on the subject and copied it into the favourites on my PC. IMHO, Baz should consider a book on the subject going by the many favourable comments about his recent demonstration!

Off to get ready for hospital now, have a great Thursday all,

Kind regards,


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Morning all from the boring borough. Back got its stress test last night with having to stand for nearly 4 hours and a mad dash for the train up Villier's St at 23:30. Kate Bush in concert last night. I'm still floating on air. Absolutely amazing.


Dave (Danemouth) you missed a golden opportunity. The hipsters are all over vinyl at the moment. Its selling better now than at anytime in the past 25 years. You could have flogged the lot to a second hand record store and got yourself enough train tokens for a couple of locos.


On the subject of Diverticulitis. According to the NHS about 50% of the adult population have diverticula by the time they reach 50. Some never have any problems. Some do. I do. Flare ups can be caused by all sorts of things and it seems that no 2 people have the same trigger. Mine seems to trigger from certain medications. (Napraxen)  Like Grandad Bob, for me when it comes it comes in a rush. Last week from the first twinge around 6pm on Friday night to full blown serious pain, was about 4 hours with no warnings.


Ian (A): watching consists of paying attention to what your body is saying. Look out for changes in your bowel movements. Signs of blood for example. Also, the first sign of a flare up for most people is a nasty bloated feeling along with the first shivers of a fever setting in. If your lower left abdomen starts to feel tender that is another sign. Constipation is another trigger for many people, so keep an eye on that.


Baz: I say they can go F themselves sideways with a large saguaro cactus. Its a great thread and your knowledge is very appreciated and respected. Remember the first rule of the internet, don't feed the trolls. The second rule is don't give in to the trolls. They're just a bunch of sh!t nibbling bottom feeders anyway.


Photoshop done in moderation to clean up an image is one thing, massive fakery is another. Never been a fan of the phoney smoke effects or digitally added sky.


We've got a delivery service in the area called Milk & More which is a fancy name for Dairy Crest. Haven't tried them out yet but considering it. Milk, cereal, and even cat litter. Just don't want to mix them up. "Wow, this granola is really crunchy this week".


Well. that's enough idiotic babbling from me. Have a great day all.


Peace, Love, and Gravy

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Well it is beautiful here, we know it end up over the pond.

Todays forecast for New York Metroplex:


Mostly Sunny, 75f. Tonight Clear 50f.


The weekend has a warming trend up to 80f then chance of T-Storms Sunday evening. Back to Sunny and 72f on Monday.


Humidity very low. Humility totally lacking.


Best, Pete.

PS My forecast say London may reach 78f today!

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Gold

Well it is beautiful here, we know it end up over the pond.

Todays forecast for New York Metroplex:


Mostly Sunny, 75f. Tonight Clear 50f.


The weekend has a warming trend up to 80f then chance of T-Storms Sunday evening. Back to Sunny and 72f on Monday.


Humidity very low. Humility totally lacking.


Best, Pete.

PS My forecast say London may reach 78f today!

Your forecast might be right Pete, the Met Office are forecasting 22/24 C for Londinium today.

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The Stationmaster, on 18 Sept 2014 - 10:55, said:The Stationmaster, on 18 Sept 2014 - 10:55, said:

Your forecast might be right Pete, the Met Office are forecasting 22/24 C for Londinium today.

Current readings in the boring borough are 20.3c with a 26.0c humidex. It does feel sticky. Time to perhaps decamp from the office and take the laptop(s) onto the patio for a few hours.


edit: syntax boo boo

Edited by AndrewC
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I'm with Jock on the photographs. I think that Rob's work is excellent, but I'd like to see some variation in the composition (challenge issued!), however I can't see why people get so riled about it. I've not been a member of this forum for long, but I early realised that there are some posters and some t hreads it's best to skip over. That's a personal thing, and I can't see why others don't do it when they come to the pictures.


After the abject failures that were Photoplank 1 and Photoplank 2, I'm thinking of a way of setting up a backdrop for recording locos in a realistic setting. At the moment I'm loving lots of pictures from the 1880s of men elegantly draped over baroque locos on the LBSCR in various settings. I just lack the skills needed...



And in other news my order from Squires has arrived - which I phoned in at 11am yesterday, Good service!

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  • RMweb Gold

I think, if you did decide to dirty them up a smidgen, we may know a man who could help...

I'm sure everything was clean shiny and generally lovely in the 1960s when my trainset is based! Actually it wasn't and I think I'm trying to create a myth.

I never took my US locos and wagons to the club without some weathering. However I suspect it was so subtle no-one noticed. Usually just enough dust to take the shine off the metal and plastic. As I've been making boards, laying track and doing scenic stuff the only UK stuff that is weathered is as done by the manufacturer. 

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  • RMweb Gold

I'm with Jock on the photographs. I think that Rob's work is excellent, but I'd like to see some variation in the composition (challenge issued!), however I can't see why people get so riled about it. I've not been a member of this forum for long, but I early realised that there are some posters and some t hreads it's best to skip over. That's a personal thing, and I can't see why others don't do it when they come to the pictures.


I see that Ed has started a specific thread on this subject and I think it would be best discussed there lest acrimony should break out in this rather special part of the forum.  I've already said my piece there and (unless it gets locked) others can freely do the same.


I have incidentally reported one of the images this morning to draw the Mods attention to the fact that it has been posted in a thread of the type where Andy has already specifically, and publicly, ruled that such images should not be posted.  Like the images or not, be they good or bad, if they are posted where they shouldn't be that is a rather different matter in my view.

I'll be keeping my eyes open for zombies!



And Jamie Lee Curtis?

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Apart from my other health problems my arthritic hip decided to remind me that it was still there this morning.

You have my sincerest sympathy.

Both my thumb (arthritis) and ankle (injury) have flared up again in the last couple of days. And I think I've just had a bout of gout - or 'the goat' as a friend of mine refers to it.


It's very frustrating, not being able to do things because you are in pain...

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  • RMweb Gold

Hot dog and a cuppa anyone?



I see your milk float and raise you another one, two ice cream vans, an  escaped pig  and a bus and ... and,,




I have taken my medication this morning....


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  • RMweb Gold

Update: Elder Lurker son's games bag and kit retrieved by the Mrs from Bexleyheath bus garage loss property.

Aditi dropped her carrier bag with her lunch at Benfleet Station and it rolled onto the track. She told the nice chap at the ticket barrier and he said they would attempt to retrieve it after the rush hour. She was concerned it may derail the train. Once she said it only contained a sandwich box and a flask he reassured her the train  would be OK. I went down later to collect the flask and they assured me I wouldn't want the food back!

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