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Pete, The pound deposit is usually in high crime areas where customers walk off with trolleys. Tesco at Pitsea has high tech trolleys that a brake applies if  a customer crosses the exits to the car parks. I find the £ deposit irritating as I frequently don't have cash. I now have a "trolley coin substitute" from a Christmas cracker on my key ring.




I discovered Tesco's little game when shopping at one in I think Ludlow - certainly somehwere in that neck of the woods a couple of years ago. Having the kids with us, I thought it would be sensible to use the path around teh side of the car park and not straight through the middle - keeping an eye on a 4 year old with ASD who's not "on message" can be a pain so use the path to cut the danger. Unfortunately the tescos had the brake applicators on the path. I managed to wheel it on three castors until the second sensor when a trolley recovery operative informed me - I was not amused but I managed to not be rude to him - not his fault but he wasn't exactly helpful either.


Grey here but the promise of sun later.


Reading about the Hastings DEMUs reminds me of standing on Tonbridge platform watching them hammer through (not all stopped) while I waited for my train home. They and the units on the Tunbrdige Wells West and the Edenbridge lines were all very noisy compared to the endless successions of EMUs (most of which looked the same to me then - unless they had no corridor connection).


had a quiet weekend - swimming lessons for the youngest, a trip to Greenwich and back on the bus which seemed interminable. But we had fun at the park there

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Morning all


My first morning alone for more than 4 weeks - shall I cope? Ah, well, I had Lola on the bed in place of Sherry in it, so that was company of a sort overnight. Still sleeping on my left as recommended by the vertigo doctor.


Sherry made very good time on her return trip yesterday, being back at Parc Mayenne in not much more than 90 minutes. We seem to have found 29 days together to merely underwrite what we already knew. Our next meeting will be in the UK in about a month, but only for a few days. Can't wait.


Cleaner Alison's boyfriend really did leave for Welsh Wales last week, and so she has started to move back into their pad. The kids have been brought back to their former skool as of today, so some semblance of normality has returned. I honestly do not know their feelings about their father, although Sheena, who positively seethes with indignation about what Alison has done, has it that they have had their minds poisoned. I think kids are more perceptive than that, and they will have seen the bigger picture. And, of course, I wouldn't dare tell Sheena that perhaps she has been brainwashed by Ben who has lodged with her for several months....


Anyway, Alison will be dropping by within the hour, and we may sort out an early return to work here. Sherry has left the place looking rather good, I have to say.


Great to hear Don Bradley is on the up - and slowly does it at any age after major surgery. Brilliant Tim cannot be praised enough for his bothering to keep us in that important loop.


Hope your week goes well.

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had a quiet weekend - swimming lessons for the youngest, a trip to Greenwich and back on the bus which seemed interminable. But we had fun at the park there

The 286 bus checks out every back double in South East London.



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Now enjoying a lovely mug of Barry's tea, of the really great things to come out of Ireland! 

Available in our local Tesco. There is about a quarter of an aisle dedicated to Irish and US brands.

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Sherry has left the place looking rather good, I have to say.




Morning All


Great to get an update on Don, and hopefully his recovery will be full and effective - though reading between the lines, I think it will take time to get back to anything like full strength.


Today again seems to involve a lot of domestic type tasks as the washing machine, dishwasher, and hoover all appear to be in prospect - followed by a shopping trip tomorrow - then RMWeb will be a 45156 free zone until next week, as I've a few nights away planned, and I don't plan to take the laptop with me, and my mobile phone is only good for calls and texts.  As I've not had a holiday of any sort since my work related problems and enforced retirement last October, I think that we both really need a break, and it's a shame that it's only a few nights in Travelodges, but we plan to make the most of it.


I'll probably check in a bit later, but due to potential traffic problems in Lancaster for the next 8 weeks, I've also promised to combine the home-based jobs with picking 30747 up from work, as the bus company has already set up an emergency timetable which the inspectors on the ground are saying will be "optomistic" - the journey time from here to town has already been doubled - 'nuff said.


Oh yes, and a final observation, we had another all night rave disturbing the peace over the weekend - surely the local police can to more to stop this sort of disturbance - this one went on for 12 hours and ended about 8 on Sunday morning.


Regards to All


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meant to add best wishes to Don, and glad to see Jock is making good progress. And hope Andrew doesn't have to visit QMH too often - the kids were born there and the Mrs was hospitalised there for a while a few years ago - it's a tired hospital - the nursing staff were built for long days when my wife was ill - a slow stroll to the bed, realsie they'd not got the notes and slow strolls back again. Eventually the consultant read the riot act as they were endangering the Mrs by not following instructions.


but all was well in end.



I'm always polite in the local waitrose; wouldn't want AndrewC's offspring complaining about me!

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I'm wondering about this diagnosis of vertigo and the advice to sleep on your left-hand side, Ian. 

Any chance the Dr thought you said you were "Dextro intolerant"? The treatment sounds a bit sinistro.    :dontknow:


...already wearing my coat and heading out....

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There is an interesting article in The Grauniad (all right, I know, not your usual paper) about sitting down being unhealthy.  You can probably find it on the web site.  So, guys, less time on the computer, less time building kits, more time standing up and working on the layout.



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Spiders galore today, had to remove an enormous beast before using the bath this morning, at least 4 inches across, used the card tube from a toilet roll to pick it up. A small spider that resides in my car door mirror housing managed to capture a large bluebottle yesterday so she wont be going hungry. (Its a she, only females spin webs.)

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I'm Baaaack!


Not from Wales, but from the weekend that was RMWeb live.


Regular contributors and readers to these pages will know that prior to my entry on Friday afternoon, I had been sent on an errand of mercy to collect controllers allegedly left  behind at the clubrooms.


Well we all now know that they weren't, and I'm so pleased to report that RM Webbers came to see Stokesay especialy to commiserate with me over the unnecessary velocipede excursion I'd taken, and to publicly taunt my persecutors who were left cowering behind the barriers surrounding Stokesay.  My special thanks to  the West country boyos, Sidecar Racer and Cornish Excile(his spelling!) who were particulary venomous in their derision of the myopic mob!


Of course we also had more refined visitors in the form of The Stationmaster and his posse of minders (well GW Rob actually).


The day was marred by one of my teeth deciding to lose a chunk, and although there is no pain, it is irritating and catches my tongue on occasion, but it has not stopped me from talking (more of that later).


Sunday started really well!  I was up earlier that expected and was out on the road heading for Ricoh, when it struck me that i might need some cash, so I drove to the local (Co-op) cash machine.


Having inspected the machine, I then pushed my card into the requisite slot..........................................Nothing!


Eventually, the machine decided to tell me it was not in service.........but wouldn't give me the card back.


So I rang the number that was displayed on the screen and this is a rough transcript of the conversation.


'I have put my card into the machine at xxxxx, and the machine has stopped working and will not give me back my card.'


'Do you have an account with us?'




'In that case you need to ring your bank and let them know'.


'I haven't got their number'.


'The contact number is printed on the back of your bank card'


'Do you know where my card is at the moment?'




It is in your cash machine!


I was not particularly pleased about this as I know that these machines have a habit of spitting out cards after about 15-20 minutes, and I didn't want Ebay bought out of all stock by some spotty youth from Donnington


To cut a long story short.


I rushed home and rang Natwest who immediately cancelled the card.


Then I went off to Ricoh.


This was a repeat of Saturday with me doing a lot, in fact even more than a lot, of talking to those who even took a glance at 'Stokesay'


This morning we were woken by a knock at the door.


it was the RSPCA.


Apparently they were investigating claims that I'd talked the hind leg off a donkey.


I'll get my coat, and go to the dentist

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Regards to All


Thanks for reminding me of a happy memory of performing in "Calamity Jane" in Rugeley in the Autumn of 2004!


It seems very quiet here at Parc Mayenne after four weeks of Ian's continuous company - we both talk a lot! I've thoroughly enjoyed my time there and am missing him and the three cats, who are real characters! And it's pleasing to read on here that Alison's return is likely so she can continue to work in the house and the garden.


Wishing everyone a good week, at work and play, and especially sending greetings to Don B as he recovers.

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Morning all,


Gradually recovering from the weekend (probably) as I down my second cug (it's larger than a cup but less sturdy than a mug) of Yorkshire Gold - definitely the way to start the day and recommended to all consumers of lesser brands.


Swindon and the Festival of Steam, or is it 'at Steam' was very much on usual form and much to our mutual amusement Sidecar Mike and Cornish Stu had also arrived there from the Ricoh however this tome we got down to serious business and a talked about a signal they need on their layout.  Other ERs were also in appearance but clearly under wifely guidance and financial control ;)  Our very own Baz was also in less than full flow as his voice seemed to have started heading home before the rest of him due to a busy weekend on demo duty but we did investigate a new variation on the weathering of coal wagons under his expert tutelage.


To round off my day the cheap filling station on the Faringdon Road was no longer cheap being only slightly below prices here - so I sped by.  However once beyond Faringdon 'sped' was replaced by crawl and map read as the railway bridge at Challow is closed and the diversion is not properly signed, in fact it is hardly signed at all so I was off among the lanes of Denchworth and Charney Bassett (the latter being a place name which has fascinated me since childhood  :scratchhead: ).  Anyway I duly found the bridge over the railway at Circourt and got back on track - all together an amusing diversion in retrospect and it took me somewhere I had long wondered about so maybe not a bad thing after all.


I think I might be diverted to the garden today but the management is currently cat cuddling.

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I'm reminded by various earlier posts that it is "Garage Flower Day" this week. :jester:

9 years under the thumb.  :no:


Always a date full of mantraps for the unwary.

The biggest hazards are supplementary questions:

'How many years does that make it?'

'Are we doing anything?'

'Are we buying presents this year?'

etc., etc.,.

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I hope not as I've just had  to! I had a rough night and felt sleepy again, so I did.


We made it to STEAM yesterday, which I enjoyed. Martyn got fed up and ended up sitting in the food tent with his book and a drink. I bought some books, the reprint of GWR Wagons and the new Wartime GWR, signed by the authors who were on the Ian Allan stand. Had a chat with Barry O who has inspired me to get out my assortment of drawing inks. Journeys both ways by XC and FGW were quite speedy with no wait at Reading one way  and next train off the same platform returning. Went for a pub meal when we got back.


Now I'm awake I must do stuff; I'm spoilt for choice!



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Available in our local Tesco. There is about a quarter of an aisle dedicated to Irish and US brands.

I can get Barry’s over here too - but personally I prefer Tetley’s, it’s about half the price too. Tell me people over there actually buy US Brands of tea? Are they insane?


Best, Pete.

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I can get Barry’s over here too - but personally I prefer Tetley’s, it’s about half the price too. Tell me people over there actually buy US Brands of tea? Are they insane?


Best, Pete.

Is it weathered???

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Morning all,

Fun and games this morning as my bed sore/blister has decided to burst and so its off to see the GP/friend this afternoon for advice. Got to also go to Clacton Hospital to have blood tests performed in advance of Thursdays appointment. drop some library books back en-route so what was going to be a quiet day has suddenly become busy. Top that off with Joanna's comment that she really fancies that nice Thai green chicken curry with rice noodles tonight, and I'll need to lie down!

Ian (lonely of le mans), sorry to hear that the lovely Sherry has gone for the time being, hopefully it wont seem too long with all the domestic dramas occurring around you - perhaps with this experience you could consider going in to politics?

Sherry, hope you have a safe journey back to blighty in the meantime.

Bill, I thought of you on Saturday night and wondered, as you are as seasoned 'Promenader', whether you attended the last night. The play list was not really to my liking but the Finnish conductor, Sakari Oramo, really cheered me as did the performances of the violinist, Janine Jansen, and the baritone, Roderick Williams. Joanna and I traditionally watch with some bubbly to hand which makes up for the fact that I'm no longer able to attend! By the way, the Grauniad are in line with my nurse daughter who is constantly reminding me to keep moving to avoid DVTs, all a bit 'catch 22' when the movement causes suffering from the tumours in my pelvis! Keep taking the pills.

Stewart, hope you have a great and certainly well deserved break - and good luck with catching up on here when you return.

Have a good day all,

Kind regards,Jock.

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Morning all from the boring borough. Antibiotics really starting to kick in and the abdominal pain has lessened to the point where I can feel the back pain again. :no:  Down side is it has coincided now with a bout of insomnia. Finally got to sleep around 5 this morning. Managed a whopping 3 hours. Joy unbound. They do say things come in 3s so here is hoping this is the last nasty to hit for a while.


Mr Bishop reading the Pravda Guardian. Perhaps he's been sleeping on the left as well as Ian. (for those who've experienced a humour bypass on the NHS, this is in no way an endorsement or slating of either side of the political spectrum)


Mr Dudders: I do hope you plan on eventually writing down the goings on in your neck of the woods. Just think you could be the creator of the French version of the Archers. (rumpty diddly dum de dum la la la la la la. Bet not many people know those are the actual lyrics to the theme)


Mr Hippo: I do hope you intend to extract retribution from your gang in the form of ale. At least with NatWest you can get a code that allows you to grab cash from one of their machines without a card.


Mr Lurker: I have no doubt you are a perfect gentleman in said shop. 99% of people are. However it only takes one a-hole out of a whole day to really put a downer on the people working there. Their staff turnover is tremendous. I think apart from management there are only around half a dozen still around from when it opened last August. You can't miss the offspring. 6'2" Canadian accent. I've had 4 visits to the QMH in the past couple of years. All have been very good. Great staff in the various departments. I do have to say the new(ish) out of hours care dept is wonderful. One phone call to 111, popped in, signed in with reception, seen to, prescription, and out the door in under 15 minutes. Works very much like some of the walk in facilities in Alberta, but with the added bonus of the 111 triage. I hope these catch on more as they are an excellent way to take the load off A&E. Which would have been my alternative destination.


Tim: Thanks for the updates on Don. Looking forward to his return and more tales of the gormless.


To any Scots: I've survived through 2 Quebec independence referendums. However, I've never seen such bile, vitriol, and outright lies as what is coming from Salmond and the Better Together bunch. Ignore the propaganda on both sides. Its all bulls**t. Try to find as much/any unbiased and rational information you can. What ever you decide on, good luck. Just remember it won't be the utopian paradise that Salmond is promising, and it won't be Armageddon either.  


To everyone else. Have a great day and enjoy what's left of summer.


Peace, Love, and Gravy

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Jock,  never been to the last night, not my thing.  My preferences lie towards Beethoven (of course) and then the late romantics, especially Bruckner who was sadly a no show this year.  But I went to three Mahlers, two Brahms and both Elgars.


Medically, it's all about lengthening your telomeres, so we all need to be out there, working on our layouts.



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