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Morning all,

Dull start from a Clacton still reeling from the media row caused by the defection of our tw*t of a local MP from the Tories to UKIP! There's even a rumour in the Telegraph that some top Tories are trying to get Boris to stand against him! Guess he's got his eyes on a much bigger prize.

Pete(Trisonic), thanks for the super link on the Argy railways. I remember seeing locos being shipped from Glasgow to Argentina, probably pictures in the NBL history 'The Springburn Story', which showed Scotland to be producing locos for all the countries of the world over many years. It isn't a particularly edifying tale as, like the greed shown at home, British companies became heavily involved in amassing vast profits by developing the railways there from the 1850s till the 1940s. They changed the economic and political face of the country, owning two thirds of the railway infrastructure by the 1930s. It was no surprise that Mr Peron's nationalisation move in 1948 was seen as a popular move against imperial capitalists, not just a move forced on him in the same way as circumstances here in the UK pushed our government to a similar conclusion. Like you Pete, I find it very odd that the signalling and other aspects are in marked contrast to the modern looking locos and surroundings!

Trev, really good to hear that you are enjoying your break to the full - do you intend to return to the 'dark continent' any time soon?

Tony-S, really good to hear that Matthew appears to be making the most of his 'grand tour'. He will cherish and hopefully pass on these memories for the rest of his life. It must have been awful years ago for parents whose offspring went off on their adventures without even a telephone connection - now with Skype, Face Time, etc.........

GDB, at least they are much easier to clean than the Venetian style blinds that Joanna has chosen!

Have a good weekend all, three qualifying sessions to fit in this afternoon!

Kind regards,


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I see NHN has been living dangerously and got caught. 

So, bearing in mind that she's about....

I spotted an AA sign suggesting that there was some form of event themed around a form of transport that uses fossil fuel in a compressive energy extraction manner causing movement of said transport along long parallel metal beams, in the Alton area this weekend. I shall see if I can get along to take some photos for you all. 


I don't think you will get away with trying to hide "diesel event" from Debs. I must be a real railway modeller now as I got a "warning" yesterday!

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Aditi has found out that the college is closing at 1 o'clock and she will have a few hours to spare before her hairdressing appointment in Brentwood so I will be reporting to Lakeside (shopping centre near Dartford Crossing) for lunch. If I go with Matthew we usually compromise on Ed's Diner (a burger place). If I go by myself I don't bother eating. Matthew when alone goes to Yo Sushi or Wagamama. Aditi would normally have a salad in the M&S restaurant. So I wonder where we will end up this afternoon?

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Morning all,


Smashing picture links Pete - there must be more Stevens' pattern lattice posts and finials there than now exist on the whole of Notwork Rail, tremendous stuff and they look quite well cared for - nice way to start the day ta!


And that's about it - no orders yet issued (apart from 'make the tea' - job done) and reasonable weather so I might get chased out into the garden.


Have a good day folks

Re:being harried into the garden.....I'll lend you my t-shirt. On duty 9:00 am cutting front hedge & surrounding growth & foliage.I have already made a load for the recycling "facility" & duly delivered it .I am "persuaded" that there is more to come. The words "are we going out there or not?" have just floated up the stairs as I post this.....watch this space...

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Re:being harried into the garden.....I'll lend you my t-shirt. On duty 9:00 am cutting front hedge & surrounding growth & foliage.I have already made a load for the recycling "facility" & duly delivered it .I am "persuaded" that there is more to come. The words "are we going out there or not?" have just floated up the stairs as I post this.....watch this space...

I take it that 'not' is an unacceptable answer :jester:

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It's turning out to be quite warm today, so the shower I had this morning didn't last all that long. Thankfully, I got my lesson for Monday 95% planned. For the next few weeks, I'll be discussing the "Storm and Stress" period in German 18th century literature with one of our 10th classes, and eventually focus on Schiller's play "Intrigue and Love." I met the class this week already and found them to be well behaved and eager to work, so I suppose there'll be a solid basis to build on.

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Having spent the last three hours or so excavating the car of dog hair prior to being transport to take us to a weeding I'm knackered. Not one we're really looking forward to as it'll probably be the most pretentious one we've ever attended. Probably the nicest one was a Quaker ceremony in Leek (nearly 25 years ago) where we all took eats. It had been the first wedding in that meeting house for 153 years (or so). And the last one we attended was five years ago for the daughter of a colleague - we were there to take pix and video. Exhausting - three thousand pix and three hours of video.


So tomorrow it's hacking down the growth from the gardens which haven't been touched for about eight weeks. Back to work for a rest on Monday.

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Having spent the last three hours or so excavating the car of dog hair prior to being transport to take us to a weeding I'm knackered. Not one we're really looking forward to as it'll probably be the most pretentious one we've ever attended. Probably the nicest one was a Quaker ceremony in Leek (nearly 25 years ago) where we all took eats. It had been the first wedding in that meeting house for 153 years (or so). And the last one we attended was five years ago for the daughter of a colleague - we were there to take pix and video. Exhausting - three thousand pix and three hours of video.


So tomorrow it's hacking down the growth from the gardens which haven't been touched for about eight weeks. Back to work for a rest on Monday.


Why bother cleaning the car if you are going weeding?



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I notice there is some form of dance competition headed for our screens. I also, cannily, insulated my garage. 

So, that's my evenings sorted for the next few months. Reckon I may be able to build something that may not be alluded to hereabouts.  ;)


Noticed that of my pieces of trellis has fallen into the waste ground next door. Headed over there and was unable to retrieve it without potentially impaling myself on bits of broken glass, twisted metal, etc. At least I discovered that it is recoverable from my side of the fence if I put a ladder up and lean over. Spent some time pulling arm fulls of weeds up from behind the next door office block. During the recession maintenance was one of the things the owners knocked on the head. Neat gravel has been over-run, which makes it's way into my garden, I pulled up loads of the stuff and helpfully placed it up against their building. No wonder the blinds at the rear of the building are kept closed!  

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Somebody's just been sick and is now half asleep on the sofa feeling under the weather. Cause unknown but probably a 24hr bug or something he ate though the latter is unlikely.

I will have to go out for supplies later but not for long. I may strim the grass at the back. The ground's so uneven that mowing it takes all the grass off the lumpy bits, roots and all. It doesn't need any more bald bits.



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Afternoon all from the leafy town of Horsham. Suffering from cabin fever We've decided an easy trip out to the Seaboard Southern exhibition was a good plan. Driving not bad with the Landy's lumbar support cranked to max. Managed 20 mins of wandering before a rest and lunch break was called for.


If you are in the area today, it's well worth checking out the show. Details in the exhibitions section.

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Did you look at the second photo?


Buffers on an ALCO.


More signal detail.

Signal Box.

Apparently strange small check rails.


Sorry! This one: http://www.railpictures.net/viewphoto.php?id=382236&nseq=3


Best, Pete.

The check rails do look a bit short but that might be camera angle and they are clearly in the right place to do their job (which is over a fairly short distance when you think about it - maybe they have a very logical PWay engineer?).


Oh and as we're talking behind Debs' back at the moment I wonder how the workshop upgrade is getting on with the 'Debsquares' - will they appear in some sort of grand unveiling at the Ricoh next weekend (thus saving us postage) or does talking about trains take me off her mailing list I wonder?  Hope she realises I'm only joking and I did like the look of Burt Rutan's aeroplanes, the Varieze was something truly original.

Edited by The Stationmaster
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Afternoon all,


Dull day and so I've elected to stay in and catch up on posting some videos.


Mike - StationMaster - is now known as "the one who must be obeyed" (except by his Mrs of course) - so please pay due respect when he posts. Yes, the nemesis is up to his tricks again and Mike has joined me in the list of the popular posters !


Not much else to report for now, the birds are fed and watered and I will be soon - then perhaps a wander around the fields and lanes to clear some cobwebs from my mind.


Have a good day all.

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OK. This has got to stop. You have a day and a half away from ERs and there must be a hundred new posts. Anyone would think I have nothing better to do than read through them all... Oh wait, I don't!  ;)

I'll pre-empt my afternoon reading with a promise of "likes", "agrees", "funnys" and a smattering of commiserations where due.

I'm currently waiting for a chap to arrive with a view to purchasing my wife's 2003 Fiat. I have a bit of a moral dilemma... do I confess that it would be more electrically reliable if it had actual spaghetti coming out of the wiring loom or do I get all misty-eyed at the sight of used £20s and promise him it'll never let him down...? It would be nice to get that space on the drive back...

I must be bored waiting for him because I've just purchased a Hornby Class 101 in Strathclyde orange from greedybay and I have absolutely no idea why...

I hope he turns up soon before I buy something really useless like a...

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Doggy has been taken for a walk. I have changed into clothing respectable enough to visit the shops and eat. Now awaiting instructions to set off.

I can understand how Andrew felt able to go for a drive out in his Freelander. The seats in mine are so good I can get  in with backache and it disappears while driving along. The seating must be just right for my back! Someone I know reckons his bad back was due to sitting for long times in body armour in "traditional" Land Rovers. He said when they were replaced with Freelanders his back was fine!



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I take it that 'not' is an unacceptable answer :jester:

History has proven that supposition to be entirely correct.Second part of front hedge now tamed,along with much vegetation from around our front entry.Two commodious and heavy tip bags transported to recycling facility for the second time todayJob done.Minor hold up at entrance due to "compaction" taking place with a skip..i.e.JCB squashing contents to make more room. Quietly reflected that I have another interpretation for the word...Job done.....until....

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The check rails do look a bit short but that might be camera angle and they are clearly in the right place to do their job (which is over a fairly short distance when you think about it - maybe they have a very logical PWay engineer?).


Oh and as we're talking behind Debs' back at the moment I wonder how the workshop upgrade is getting on with the 'Debsquares' - will they appear in some sort of grand unveiling at the Ricoh next weekend (thus saving us postage) or does talking about trains take me off her mailing list I wonder?  Hope she realises I'm only joking and I did like the look of Burt Rutan's aeroplanes, the Varieze was something truly original.

Yes, they appear very short from any angle - they also appear small across any dimension (except height) and very dirty. I wondered whether is was something to do with the geometry of the wider 5’ 6" gauge? Dunno really.

Thanks for taking a look - I’m becoming infatuated with this line, the actual passenger trains are very attractive and surprisingly graffiti free too.




Best, Pete.

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It's also interesting that those passenger sets (also visible in the background of the station overview you posted earlier) seem to be fixed formations and, like the associated SDD7 locos, have Scharfenberg couplers for quick loco changes. Make me wonder why they didn't go for actual push-pull sets, but I don't know much about railway operating rules in Argentina, so there may be a reason there…

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Morning all... the weekend bekons and we've a weeding (sorry couldn't resist continuing the typo) to attend also. :jester:


Funeral service last evening was a wonderful celebration, and the honored guest will have enjoyed his favourite music - musicians and choir in excellent form.


Dilemma - is it best to ask permission or forgiveness??? I'm needing (well, not really, there's no NEED) to purchase a second 2-BIL unit, and Hornby STILL have one for sale and it's such a good deal!!! Do I buy it and ask forgiveness, or ask if I can/should first?? What do most of ER do? I do note that Pete (75C) probably charges off and gets things  :senile: , and I often do too, especially when my PayPal is overflowiing from sales income - this time it's hard cash that the CFO will see directly/immediately if I purchase :O  :nono:  <sigh>


Woke up to 13 sunny and low humidity, day is expected to be "perfect" if you like low 20s and fall-like delight... which I do, and will make the wedding all the more enjoyable.


Expecting some modelling time too, unless I'm lynched for the 2-BIL proposal :butcher: so should be a good start to the weekend - enjoy it everyone.

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