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Early Risers.


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Morning everybody.

Dull and overcast, cool and a bit autumnal here. Likely to stay dull but get warmer.


Blondie's first day in Year 1 today - may pop round later to see how she got on.


After yesterday's efforts 'sorting' the cupboard under the stairs (which involved dismantling an IKEA Trofast unit, cutting it down in size and re-assembling it - twice - I quite fancy a modelling day today. The parrot vice should turn up, and possibly the tracing paper I ordered ten days ago. So we're all systems go.


Of course, it's not only Blondie who starts today, it's a lot of you. My admiration knows no bounds, as does my relief that I am now retired and don't have to face the start of term any more!


I hope First Contact goes well, and training days (or B-days as we called them) are not too tedious, that new heads are amenable and wise and that the 'new' curriculum (c1965) isn't too much of a burden.

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I can remember starting school on September 2nd in 1957. My mother said I didn't cry like some other children, I just went in, probably looking forward to lunch (or dinner as it was called there!).



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Good morning all,

Very best wishes to Don & Jock and hoping for a quick return.

My fingers are all thumbs this morning - I keep losing this post! :banghead: 

Today I will be trying hard to not order a certain locomotive. This may be a problem because since I gave up smoking seven years ago I seem to have exhausted all my will power. I wonder if I can buy anti-loco patches?

Problem is that my Dad's photo is on the wall, his name was Ted and when I were a lad I thought he was a King and...........................oh stop it!

Have a good one,


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Morning all, up early because Yodel might turn up with a parcel or two or three even! on the other hand using sat nav they may wake up the other family 5 miles away and try and off load them there..... At the moment I am kitten minding I am not sure I am up to this task. Looking outside there is condensation on the car so an autumnal morning but sunny, damn they have gone quiet again just like toddlers. OK investigation reveals nothing the culprits have run away.1q   They got back to the laptop first and posted for me!

Edited by skipepsi
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All the very best to you Don, for tomorrow.  Fingers crossed it all goes to plan and you're back with us soon…:-)


Off to France for a few days golf soon.  Seems I have to buy two breathalysers and a hi vis jacket that I must keep in the car, not in the boot.  I also have to disable speed camera sites from my Say Nav.


Good grief, I'm only going for a couple of days.  25 miles from Calais to a hotel, stay there for two nights and then come back another 25 miles.  Both journeys in daylight.


Is someone winding me up?….or have Euro rules finally lost the plot.


Don't worry too much. If you fail the breathalyser test in France the police carry emergency supplies of Chateauneuf du pape. 

:drink_mini:  :drink_mini:


I didn't know about the Sat Nav speed camera rule or hi vs jacket one.

The next thing they'll want is a driving licence and insurance! Quelles bureaucrats! (my formative years were spent practicing my driving round Paris in a beat up Renault 4)! 

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Morning all from the view over Borough Market Junction, where the sky is now blue with a few clouds - quite a contrast from the rain and overcast skies of first thing this morning on the "side of the hill".


First day back for the boys, elder in tear 8, younger in year 2. The lack of enthusiasm from them both was (understandably) deafening! All seemed calm when I went off to work but the younger was quite quiet. The Mrs goes back to the nursery where she is volunteering 2 days a week too. So all change in the Lurker household!


Thoughts are with Don and Jock.


Work promises to be busy, with all the rest of the department on holiday this week.

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I see that Reading General is browsing ERs.

Is that a hospital?

Dun now! but I spent a day in Reading General after a crash at a Moto Cross event at Beenham Park, they had me in stitches :no: , hahhaha.



Nice here too, even got my SHORTS back on.



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Morning All


Early on parade (for me) before going out on a number of domestic missions.


Thanks to Don for his optomistic post there - it's true that you can't keep a good ER down, and we all look forward to the daily update from Cape Town restarting again soon.


Back to School restarts here as well, for some schools, but not all - the only real significance for me now is that the bus services change when it's a schoolday, but nowadays, with them all starting on different days, it's not clear when the services change!!! (As I was educated in Scotland, back to school was always mid August).

So starting again from today will be the large upsurge in traffic as the mummies all make sure that their little darlings are transported schoolwards, and are deposited as close to the gates as possible.  Should be helped immensely in Lancaster this autumn by a proposed closure of the main road into town from the North and Morecambe and a diversion of the traffic onto a couple of back streets -  the traffic in this town is bad enough without that extra disruption.  It's been bad for a long time as they are building an underground flood defence to store the surface water during heavy rain.  One of the tanks is beneath the stands at the bus station, so you can imagine how that was for the bus services for a couple of years.


I'm off now to get on with whatever.

Regards to All


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Morning all from a dull but very happy 'Jock Towers' in Clacton. Got home home from hospital late last night after what proved to be a long and complex, but apparently successful operation. (On the table for over 4hrs apparently).Too knackered to open the iPad last night, which was a waste of time in hospital anyway as there wasn't any WiFi connection! You can buy an internet, phone and TV package for around £10 a day but luckily they give you a free trial run and it proved to be useless (I hadn't even got my password typed when the free time expired-it was that slow!) so I saved my money.

Feeling incredibly weary and swollen this morning and so I may be a day or so trawling through the posts since last Wednesday, but you can be assured that my feelings of sadness or happiness for any event that happened to ERs in my absence can be taken for granted!

I want to thank you all again for the wonderful kind and supportive wishes before I went in, and there is little question that they helped me through the roller-coaster of pain and emotion that follows such a traumatic experience. How wonderful and uplifting to see a post from Don when I first opened the thread! I don't pray but he'll certainly be in my thoughts and hopes - give it your best mate!

I'll post again soon, thanks again and kind regards,


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Back to School restarts here as well, 



Gives me a chance to get the Taser serviced.



Great to see you back and 'operational, Jock.

Hope all is well now and for the future.

Take it easy!

Edited by DDolfelin
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Morning all


Haven't posted for a day or two, but my weekend on Sherry's cabin-site in the Mayenne was pretty nice, even if the weather wasn't up to much on Saturday. The Mayor's bash on Sunday went very well, but for one annoying incident, really, which I will mention.


Don Bradley and his forthcoming ordeal will indeed be in my thoughts, although I don't pray. I do, nevertheless, support religion being freely available to those who might wish to partake of its benefits. OTOH, religious fundamentalism is a bore some of us can do without. So when Sherry and I found ourselves faced with such a person on Sunday it was really quite tedious. We were told inter alia that marriage is for life and come the Judgement Day all things will be taken into account. Crikey - so much for Forgiveness, which I always thought to be the most fundamental part of Christianity. I wonder how he copes with the two gay guys who were drinking next to him. Oh - and this wasn't some ranting Francais having a go at the wicked Anglais, but the English site negotiator, whose business practices, Sherry assures me, have been called into question by several purchasers. Ah, well, come the Judgement Day - we'll meet him by the Eternal Bonfire!


Back home in la Sarthe, the weather is looking better than for any of Sherry's previous stays here, so the garden needs my early attentions.


Hope September treats you well.


EDIT! Jock is alive and well and posting - just marvellous!

Edited by Oldddudders
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When I was shopping in Tesco's on Saturday I purchased one of their shopping bags. The one I purchased had a picture of one of their shops dating from about 1960-'65, whoever selected the photograph failed to notice that on the left hand side can be seen part of the sign for VG stores, a major Tesco rival at the time. :jester:

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On the table for over 4hrs apparently


You can buy an internet, phone and TV package for around £10 a day.... so I saved my money.



Seems our resident Jock got his money's worth and didn't splash it around either, thereafter!   :imsohappy:

Clearly no side effects from the operation, therefore! 

Good to see you back, sir.  :friends:


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Welcome back Jock and best wishes to Don for his - hopefully - short visit.


A cooler but pleasant morning over here, the birds have been fed and are merrily making their journeys back and forth across the garden - wonder if I can get them to mow the lawn whilst they are at it ?


A possible 120mile round to trip to photograph a train later - a short industrial line at Foxton (Cambs) is being brought back into use and a ballast is heading down from Shap - currently undecided as to whether I should go for it or not, the fact that I *am* undecided probably means not.


Have a good day all.

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