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  • RMweb Premium


Secondly why do you associate a car with a domestic garage?  Very odd idea and the last time I put one of my cars in a garage was a couple of decades back into the last century (before we accumulated all that junk) in fact I couldn't even get a car into the present garage if I tried because the approach ramp isn't there, let alone several hundredweight of building materials and logs between the drive and the garage. 

I obtained the tenancy of a garage almost 2 years ago, the garage actually adjoins my property. I made enquiries with my insurers about reducing my insurance, the answer was yes, about £10 per annum but I had to keep the car in the garage and if I left it on the drive and it was stolen the insurance would not cover it. Now the garage is used for storage and the car stays on the drive.

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  • RMweb Gold

Rugen's Racing Roland




The courier's assistant came round after we had boarded and mentioned that if we needed the lavatory it was through the door marked "Abort".




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Evening all, as they used to say at old work.


A windy but dry day after a wet night, but racing ended badly with a 3 bike crash, suspect not good outcome for some.


Garages, ah yes, whoever would want to put a car in one?  Ref my photo the other evening of the bikes - they are on the narrow pathway that leads to my double garage!  No way to get a car down there, 2 cars and campervan stay on the dirveway.


Tony, nice photo of you both, but neither of you look as I had imagined, except Aditi's height!  Funny how we build up images which have no basis.  I used to play a little game when I worked in recruitment for a large NHS Trust, imagining people's appearance from a CV and then comparing the reality when I interviewed them - 30% pass rate!  So I'm not very good at it, which you have just proved once more 20 years later. Silly sod, aren't I!

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  • RMweb Premium

I have a large self planted blackcurrant bush in my front garden that I have left alone apart from the odd trim as it hides a rather ugly brick wall and provides food for birds etc. This year there is plentiful fruit on it that has just ripened. Rather unusually it is now also in flower for the second time this year. There is such an abundance of fruit and berries this year that the birds seem to be ignoring the blackcurrants so I might just pick the fruit anyway.

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Tony, nice photo of you both, but neither of you look as I had imagined, except Aditi's height!  Funny how we build up images which have no basis.  I used to play a little game when I worked in recruitment for a large NHS Trust, imagining people's appearance from a CV and then comparing the reality when I interviewed them - 30% pass rate!  So I'm not very good at it, which you have just proved once more 20 years later. Silly sod, aren't I!

What you don’t realize, Neil, is that Tony is actually 7’ 5” tall................... :drag:


Dom, your parcel came from Ishani, Turkey......


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Gold

What you don’t realize, Neil, is that Tony is actually 7’ 5” tall................... :drag:


When Aditi was ten years old she was the tallest child in her school year. Her mother bought a raincoat to for her grow into. She never did. Her sister is 2 inches shorter. 

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Morning all,  


No rail related stuff to-day,  though was allowed to buy some modelling related tools in  Walmart  (aka Asda - in UK) Nice little battery drill  / screwdriver with  set of drill bits  1/16"  - 1/4" . For  about  12 quid. .


Ferry ride tomorrow as we're off to Vancouver  Island.


So maybe some marine  type holiday snaps. 


Enjoy  your weekend the best you can.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Having to get up so early on weekends should be prohibited.


Bill, this was a preserved tram from the Möckern Tram Museum on an excursion. It's quite common for excursions to be marked for lines which were either typical for the relevant cars or which do not exist any longer. Leipzig's tram lines have been reshuffled multiple times since the system was opened, so that today, there actually isn't any route 22.

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Morning all. Having to get up so early on weekends should be prohibited.



Well, it should be outlawed Dom, I agree. When I had a steady gig I used to get Migraines on the days I when I was off. D’oh!

My doctor suggested getting up at the same time on my days off (and having a nap during the day). It worked - not perfectly but it reduced them by about 90%.


Best, Pete.

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Good morning all.


Up early, as today we are going to Wimbledon to restock Julie's craft stall (Fayre and Square in the Centre Court) and then on to see Son #3 and family in Bermondsey, so some tasty London driving today.


I started my Comeback to Brass yesterday with an Alan Gibson wagon underframe. After much trepidation I got some of it bent up and went to put in the bearings - ping! Now waiting for delivery from Mainly Trains...


Also from Axminster for a Parrot Vice, which looks a very handy bit of kit.


Won't be back on until this evening, and hoping for good news from or of Jock.


Interesting about the migraines, Pete, I suffered from exactly the same until I had kids, and sleeping late was no longer an option!


Have a good one, all.

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  • RMweb Gold


A nice sunny day has been forecast. I didn't think it was raining but Robbie was damp when he came back in after his early run round the garden.

Not a lot planned for today.


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Interesting about the migraines, Pete, I suffered from exactly the same until I had kids, and sleeping late was no longer an option!


Have a good one, all.

Yep, you swapped one kind of headache for another.................. :drag:


I really must go to bed soon...


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium


Saturday is here complete with a smidgeon of rain!


Off the Sheffield United (cricket not football) today so hope you all enjoy Saturday!


Hopefully Jock will be able to catch up on his night caps when he is allowed on his computer.



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Hello all,

               The sun is shining and so am I.

                max temps forecast for today;  London 20C

                                                                  CpT     21c


                                             Tomorrow,   London   22C 

                                                                   CpT      24c  

Which is in Winter and which in Summer?

Edited by DonBradley
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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dull start but should be a mainly dry day with sunny spells and chance of some rain this evening.

In a couple of hours I have to ferry SWMBO (who's been up since 6.45 - baking ) to our daughter's abode as she is assisting with catering for a "family day" later. (my culinary expertise and advice is not required). This means I'm a free agent until later so am weighing up my options.

I could garden....but I did some of that yesterday ....too much would be boring.

I could do some modelling......... it's about time. My problem there is I'm seriously thinking about ripping it all up and starting again so that it looks less like a train set.

I could visit a model railway exhibition. There's one at Tadworth which is only about 7 or 8 miles away.

I could sit in front of my screen wittering away here....again.

Have a good one,

Indecisive of Sutton. :scratchhead:

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  • RMweb Gold


Also from Axminster for a Parrot Vice, which looks a very handy bit of kit.


I had to Google parrot vice as I didn't know what it was but having done so I realise that I have one but never knew what it was called. Mine came from Aldi.

Edited by Tony_S
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Would a visit to the show do anything for your modelling mojo?


It might John but then again so often I see what other people achieve and think how on earth can I get anywhere near that. Mind you if it was a quarter as good as some I'd be pretty pleased!

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