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Morning all,


Few more holiday "snaps" for you.  I'm  cream crackered, walk to bus stop,  bus  & train into center of Vancouver.  Walk around Granville  Island, were I did find  the SS Master (1922 built steam tug),  and just too many people for my comfort!.   Short ferry ride to  the Roundhouse area. Where we found the 1886 built No. 374.  (Managed to "Cab" it too).  Marilyn seems to have an uncanny knack of "finding"  these bits of railway history!. (Mind you theres a photo of the UP Big Boy on her PC's  wallpaper!)


Now I 'm going to be allowed a bit of modelling time this evening .  


Hope that Jocks  OK. 


Be good 






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Morning All,


It is rather gloomy here this morning - with overcast skies and rain threatening, but it is a lot warmer than it has been over the past couple of days.


We had an interesting discussion on the pros and cons of Amazon (other on-line retailers are available) last night.  My wife wanted to buy a new camera, and so we went to the local electronics store and they had the one she wanted on display, but 50€ more expensive than on Amazon.


I hate bargaining on prices, but 50€ is a lot of money - we asked if they could do anything on the price and were treated to a spectacular tirade about "on-line shops killing businesses, slave labour by Amazon and so on".  However, they did cut the price by 30€:


"Ok, we'll take it"

"Oh - We don't have any in stock"


It is a bit of a dilemma isn't it?  Amazon are cheaper, because they don't have the overheads, and if it is on the site, you have a pretty good idea you are going to get it - but they are killing businesses.


Have a good day everyone...

Edited by Robert
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Rather a pleasant autumnal morning here. (More positive than saying a sunny but cool summer morning).

I have a sore head this morning. I walked into a door yesterday. As it was the tailgate of the car it was the well known "blunt instrument" so no blood but it was hard enough to set off tinnitus (which in my case sounds like crickets or scratching noises made by small rodents).

I've been told not to go shopping today even though I have assured Aditi I'm no longer feeling unsteady or nauseous. I don't even need to stay in, my charger and battery parcel has left Austria and has now made it to Germany.


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Morning all


A rather annoying fly is spoiling the tea-in-bed ceremony this morning. Sherry has a sore throat, so has just been to make a second cup. The weather came out yesterday, so a quick mowing session ensued, leaving the place a fraction more kempt. We are off to Lassay les Chateaux for the weekend, staying in Sherry's cabin. Sunday sees us at the mayor's annual bash in the village.


Watches don't "do it" for me, although NHN's Danish styling is certainly pleasing. Both my best friends from skool had Omega something watches for their 21st birthday - I had a slide projector! I always wear a watch, currently a £22 Casio analogue. Deb had bought me a nice Swiss railway watch in 2011, and it's been a high-days-&-holidays item ever since, but the battery packed up after a couple of years. Sherry took it to a shop in Torquay, where the manager himself had to inspect it to change the battery, and said what a lovely movement it has.


The ice-bucket challenge is a social media phenomenon, of course, but the charity it supports may not be top of your list of worthy causes. Nevertheless, an eye-opener in its impact. Someone has done a Facebook analysis of leading US health charities, showing the annual income and number of deaths from each disease/condition, and this charity is a very long way down the list on mortality rates. Oh - and anyone nominating me can whistle!


Hope your week is finishing on a high note, and the weekend sees you having a real break.

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What you need, Ian, is an electronic fly swatter.


Mind you, the smell of "frying fly" probably isn't conducive to the ceremonial atmosphere either.


It has just occurred to me, that the circuit from an electronic fly swatter is very similar to that in a "Grass Master" - Aaaragh!  Another project!

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Hmm, Windy with a mixture of rain and showers, heavy at times, especially over higher ground in the west with hill fog. Feeling cool in the wind and rain.


They got it right this morning, absolutely chucking it down.


Breakfast beckons, enjoy your day folks

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Good morning all,.

Blue skies & sunshine at the moment but there might be the odd shower later.

Visited the new Wickes yesterday and it was a pleasure! (This is from someone who spent his whole working life employed by a traditional builders merchant!) I suppose as it's brand new everybody is making an effort but it was nice to be acknowledged by all the staff and asked if we needed any help . Long may it last.

I will certainly be using them again.

New decoder arrived, fitted and performing faultlessly.  I'm (slowly) trying various makes. I've read lots on here about "the best decoder for xxxxx" but it seems to me it is very subjective and even emotive so will plod along and learn by my own mistakes. (whilst taking note of others experiences)

Have a good one,


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Morning all. Robotic vacuum cleaner is moving around the room – it does take some of the burden off the standard vacuum cleaner, especially when you have pets!


Looking forward to the Plan V set which I assume I should take delivery of by Monday at the latest.


Another phone call related to the charlie-fox at work later this morning, followed up by a conversation with our head teacher on Monday and with my lawyer (it does take some getting used to expressing it like that) on Wednesday. I could well do without all that crapola, I can tell you.

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Mornin' all,


Mostly overcast in the Staffs Moorlands just now...just finished a run of night shifts and don't need to consider work again until next weekend...couple of days out planned to coincide with any available sunshine...have managed a couple of demanding outings on the pushbike this week which has offset those nice bottles of real ale.


Bed calls


Have a great day all.



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The ice-bucket challenge is a social media phenomenon, of course, but the charity it supports may not be top of your list of worthy causes. Nevertheless, an eye-opener in its impact. Someone has done a Facebook analysis of leading US health charities, showing the annual income and number of deaths from each disease/condition, and this charity is a very long way down the list on mortality rates. Oh - and anyone nominating me can whistle!




I agree Ian that the ice bucket challenge is becoming the latest social craze. I wonder how many who partake actually do donate. One thing it has definitely done is actually let me know there is a charity for motor-neuron disease. I have never realised that before. The illness is a terrible one and a charity supporting it deserves lots of support. As a Derby County supporter, I am aware one of our most influential players of the 1980's, Rob Hindmarch, was taken by the illness. He was a giant of a man, a rock in our defence who sadly wasted away at too young an age.

 I see that the ice bucket challenge is now also being linked to a cancer charity too.


  Anyway I hope that you Sherry's sore throat improves.


 Here in Derby we have woken up to bright sunshine. After yesterday's early start and long day there is now chance of a lie in. We have ADT coming to fit our burglar alarm some time between 10am and 1pm whilst Argos could deliver the new dishwasher any time between 7am and 1pm so guess who is up early as a result!


 I hope your day goes well

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Morning all from a sunny but slightly hazy boring borough. Last day of work before a week off with SWMBO and a DIY staycation. Not much chance of any modelling but I hope to get some cleaning done in the shed with all the camping gear, etc relocated to the loft. This should help free up enough space for me to start working on some modules as well as the rest of the layout. Providing of course I ever get some actual modelling time. Tomorrow I will be mostly pouring concrete for the flower bed edging wall. The robotic vacuum will be released on the house this afternoon when he returns from his day job @ Waitrose. :sungum:


Internal network upgrade almost finished. All wired connections now on 1Gbit and cat6 wiring. Dedicated 2.4ghz n wifi in place for the primitive devices and a separate 5ghz n for the more modern stuff. Old 804.11g routers still in place as a relay to the shed and for the wifi operation of the layout. Once I have a few spare pennies these will be replaced with faster routers. Sure has made a difference. Too many devices on one router and the slowest one dragging down the wifi to 56Mbit when we've got a 152Mbit internet connection. Enough of the geekery.


Have a great weekend all and enjoy what is left of the summer.

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Morning all. Blinding sunlight greets me as I rush to the door to meet the postman - and he hands me me G**** B******* L******** deliver several days early!


Positive spin if nothing else. Also email saying that book delivery is imminent (Amazon - ordered yesterday afternoon - I know what you mean, Robert, but they are bloody good).


Still feeling half (or more) asleep, so off for coffee, possible photo session in the garden and some toast.


Any news from Jock by the way?

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I walked into a door yesterday. As it was the tailgate of the car it was the well known "blunt instrument" so no blood but it was hard enough to set off tinnitus (which in my case sounds like crickets or scratching noises made by small rodents).


Sorry to hear that, Tony.

A good friend lost his eye last year in a collision with the corner of a car door.

As his main hobby is shooting at International level it has had a double impact.

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Morning all, Tony, I walked into a raised tailgate once and seemed to bleed forever. It depends I suppose on which part of the head comes into contact with the 'blunt instrument', even minor scalp wounds bleed profusely. According to this mornings weather forecast whats left of Hurricane Christobel is now heading for Iceland so we can look forward to a reasonable weekend. Iceland might need Christobel to put out that volcano. :jester:

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  • RMweb Gold

Sorry to hear that, Tony.

A good friend lost his eye last year in a collision with the corner of a car door.

As his main hobby is shooting at International level it has had a double impact.

I have a small dent in my forehead as a result of walking into the corner of the tailgate of our first car, a Vauxhall Chevette. I'm very glad it wasn't my eye. 


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I have a small dent in my forehead as a result of walking into the corner of the tailgate of our first car, a Vauxhall Chevette. I'm very glad it wasn't my eye. 


My nemesis is the garage door corner as it's not very high off the ground and i do all my woodwork at the bottom of the drive.  Fortunately I've never hit it hard enough to need a hospital visit but it does sting a bit sometimes.  Having a good covering of grey thatch helps though.



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Morning all... shopping done..breakfast eaten.


Odd bits of rain in the air but so long as its dry tomorrow I don't care!


My other half's Scenic rear "hatch" has an affinity for trying to scalp me - its just at the wrong height.


Heyho - its Friday so lets all have a good day!



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My tailgate collision came about because my drive has a 30 degree slope and as I always reverse in the back of the car is at the top of the slope giving more 'headroom'. On this occasion I was collecting some tiles from a local supplier and the car was parked on a level surface. Being fairly tall 6' 2", I tend to stoop a little in such circumstances hence the scalp wound.

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Ice buckets


My thoughts on the challenge.


It takes, according to an average of information found on the web, about 1kWh of power to make a kilo of ice. That's a litre of water. That's using efficient industrial ice makers. To produce that ice you release from the power plants about half a kilo of carbon dioxide. Which, stating the obvious, is a greenhouse gas.


An ice bucket challenge will use about 2kg of ice.


There's also the charge for the water and the energy required to purify and recycle it.


And there's widely reported deaths linked to this challenge.


So if you're into charity giving, and if you're accepting an invitation, why are you giving money to the big conglomerates and contributing to global warming instead of just giving to the charity?

Edited by Coombe Barton
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Morning all.


Smashing pic Tony - really brightened the place up, thanks.


On more mundane matters my favoured (??) collision point is the garage door, several times over the past 7 years.  getting even more mundane today is Friday, it's sunny, and we went to Waitrose yesterday, actually managing to get into the car park at the local branch and finding some suitable steak (although not skirt) for more pasty making.  To celebrate this marvellous achievement today we are going to Tesco to get the peppers the management forgot yesterday (our own have been abysmal this year - I blame the gardening staff weather; one of the gardening staff visits this place, oops).


So have a nice day folks and a good weekend to come and hopefully we'll be hearing some good news from Jock before too long.

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Morning all, gloomy and a bit damp here not very warm either the weather that is. Me I woke up at 7.30 set the alarm for 8.30 and got up at 9.45! I need to get on with cleaning and tidying ready for a return to work soon. A decision has been made about the shed with rotten roof it is going and a new shed will be obtained somehow. The 20 year old shed we brought with us will remain here when we move on so that will satisfiy the landlords inventory. I am hoping we hear from Jock this weekend and see that Don hasn't posted as yet today. Back later after sorting out kittens.....

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Morning all.


Smashing pic Tony - really brightened the place up, thanks.


On more mundane matters my favoured (??) collision point is the garage door, several times over the past 7 years.  getting even more mundane today is Friday, it's sunny, and we went to Waitrose yesterday, actually managing to get into the car park at the local branch and finding some suitable steak (although not skirt) for more pasty making.  To celebrate this marvellous achievement today we are going to Tesco to get the peppers the management forgot yesterday (our own have been abysmal this year - I blame the gardening staff weather; one of the gardening staff visits this place, oops).


So have a nice day folks and a good weekend to come and hopefully we'll be hearing some good news from Jock before too long.



Personally I blame poor supervision on the part of the senior garden staff :beee: but mostly the weather.


My facebook homepage is now a contest between ice bucket videos and articles about how little of its income the ALS charity actually spends on research. Meanwhile my boss will be getting doused next Thursday. Does anyone know where I can buy some sharpened ice?

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