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Morning All,


It is another rather dreary morning here.  Although the rain appears to have stopped for the moment.


Wishing Don all the very best.  Get well soon!  Thanks also to Tim for taking the trouble to drop in and let us know.


Not a lot is happening around here.  Apart from being rather busy (although there is nothing wrong with that!)


Have a good day everyone...


Edited to say, I have just been back over the posts that I missed yesterday.  Wishing you all the very best Jock - you (and Don) are in my thoughts and prayers today and looking forward to seeing you back soon.

Edited by Robert
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Morning all


My first visit since the bad news about Don Bradley. As he's been an ER since long before I joined, it is sad to think he's facing big problems and I sincerely hope they can make him comfy in the short term and remove the evil tissue in early course. Tim is a brick for letting us know - thankyou.


Meanwhile, as I type, Jock is checking in for his major op - everything crossed for him here.


I finally managed to see my GP yesterday. She has referred me to a specialist in Le Mans for the vertigo. I anticipate that will consist of a manoeuvre - literally - designed to tip the rogue calcium deposits in the inner ear back into place. No medication required. She seemed very pleased with my recent blood-test results & positively delighted with the low PSA count, indicating my much-enlarged prostate is healthy. Nevertheless I have asked for a scan, and will fix this up shortly. PhilJW - yes, the "full-bladder" scan is a trial, but unlike so many wait-and-see medical events I have always enjoyed being able to discuss the result on-site with the radiologist showing me the results. Instant reassurance.


We will make another determined attempt to get Sherry an engagement ring today. Ring-fingers crossed!


Hope your day goes well.

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  • RMweb Premium

Aditi's first day in her new post went well though she did find out when she arrived that she is "in charge" this week. As everybody now has to teach she has looked at the vacancies in the department and could end up teaching psychology. As she was originally a geographer who then lectured in sociology and  has a doctorate in what is basically philosophical analysis of management I'm sure she will cope. 



As psychologists seem to deploy psychometric tests at the drop of a hat these days it seems a great excuse for Aditi to get her students doing lots of numeracy tests. 

Trust me there's nothing psychology students love more than hours of mental arithmetic! ;)  :jester:

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  • RMweb Premium

Sunny morning so far. Hope all goes well for everyone with hospital/doctors appointments.


Lots of "things" to do for her indoors today..


Onwards and upwards!



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morning all,cool here,still quiet to work,although that's all to change on the 1st ! best wishes to don,and indeed to all awaiting appointments,mine got cancelled yesterday till next week.....ive got some tasks to do also barry,they await my return this evening,jack fast asleep on settee as I left.lots of new Volvos to prep for the 1st so its going to be a busy week,have a good day all. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dull start but dry at the moment.

Best wishes to Don, Jock and anybody else with health issues at the moment.

The Boss is on holiday for a couple of weeks so I'm currently waiting for " Why don't we" etc etc........ There are ominous sounds of furniture being moved upstairs as I type!

My decoder disaster has been settled promptly with a compromise agreement so I'm very happy about that  :imsohappy:but the no cake problem still exists. We went shopping & omitted to get any! :banghead:  

Have a good one,


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Good morning all, I hope the day finds you well - or feeling better. Amber has obviously remembered that we are off to the zoo today as she was awake earlier than normal - here is hoping she will find the energy to enjoy the day without resorting to the tired "two year old" moods which tiredness often causes in the afternoon. I am also hoping that the grey cloud hanging over head will give way to the dry day we were forecast.


Prayers and thoughts with Jock right now.

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Grey and dismal in the South Hams, and it's trying to rain.


Dogs walked, breakfasted and now flaked out. Don't know what we're doing yet today as driving round in the rain is not a pleasant option, although that's what we may end up doing.


Thinking of Don and Jock.

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Yes, thoughts are with our ER brothers.


A blast from the past - Kate Bush.

I didn't see her on TV but the lavish praise for her new stage show is unprecedented in my experience.


The sun has arrived here, if only for a guest appearance.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


all the best for those dealing with the medical fraternity today - trust all goes well for you all.


iD should perhaps note that there do appear to be models available (kits) of the schienenwolf (German track ripper-upper) and there are various preserved ones about including one in the UK -  I'm sure I've seen one in a  British museum (or was it at the RCT at Longmoor?).  In the meanwhile we're off to Tesco to (hopefully) exchange one of the tv sets we bought at a bargain price yesterday - the power lead had been damaged at some time but alas laddo had got part way through assembly before I noticed it,  


Reasonable weather today, re rain tonight.  And I gave an incorrect figure for the rainwater collected from the gap in the gutter on Monday - it was actually 16 gallons, you need big rain gauges round here!


Have a good day one & all.  (and a note to Sherry - I trust you won't allow any skniflinting when it comes to the matter of a ring ;) )

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iD- I've just seen a squadron of pigs flying over cloud cuckoo land!

Actually, that has happened to me.... (the appointment business, not the flying pigs...)


SURGEON: We'll need a MRI to see what's going on in that shoulder (talks to admin). Please arrange a MRI for iD

iD: Thanks

ADMIN (calls Radiology Provider): I'd like to book a MRI Right shoulder for iD. When do you have slots?

RADIOLOGY PROVIDER (via Admin): Next Tuesday at 11:00 or 13:00, next Wednesday at 14:00

iD: Anything at an earlier time?



RADIOLOGY PROVIDER (via Admin) What about Monday in two weeks at 08:00?

iD (checks smartphone calendar): OK

ADMIN: Appointment made (prints off referral letter), don't forget to take this with you.


And two weeks later I had the MRI...


In Switzerland, health care is private (although we do have various Kanton and University hospitals - but they also bill the insurance providers) and everyone must have health insurance (basic health insurance cannot be denied to anyone and if one is indigent, it is paid for by the Kanton). How much you pay for your health insurance depends upon age/coverage (extras like private rooms, spa treatments etc)/deductibles (the greater the yearly deductible, the smaller the monthly premium). But the system is affordable and - because of the lower Swiss tax burden - adding health insurance to your monthly outgoes is not a major burden. Is the system perfect, no. But it allows for high quality medical care when needed and overall standards are uniformly high throughout switzerland (no postcode lottery here).



incidentally, a friend has only the very basic coverage (so called "third class") and when she had her broken ankle rebroken and pinned, she got exactly the same treatment and care in a 4 person room as the patients in the privat and halb-privat rooms!

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning all,

Dull start but dry at the moment.

Best wishes to Don, Jock and anybody else with health issues at the moment.

The Boss is on holiday for a couple of weeks so I'm currently waiting for " Why don't we" etc etc........ There are ominous sounds of furniture being moved upstairs as I type!

My decoder disaster has been settled promptly with a compromise agreement so I'm very happy about that  :imsohappy:but the no cake problem still exists. We went shopping & omitted to get any! :banghead:  

Have a good one,



Next time, slip into the trolley (if none at home)

  • small bag of flour
  • butter / margarine
  • box of eggs
  • sugar
  • milk
  • dried fruit/pot of jam

look up a recipe on the internet if need be

and make one  :yes:


Oh, and don't forget to post the result on here, please.  :D


Sunny here, if anyone cares after drooling over the prospect of CAKE.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, less than exciting weather outside three mad kittens inside..... ladies sorting out their status only two more months to spaying and access to outside. Jobs to do and places to go. Best wishes for Jock and Don hoping for some positive news ASAP. 

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Back from hospital. Nothing apparently of concern. Change of medication from combined calcium and vitamin D supplement to just vitamin D, have more blood tests, come back in 3 months.


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“Let them bake cake!” - announces Polly.


7:00am and it’s 17C outside. Another boringly Sunny day here, I’m afraid - Sunny 32C. Chance of T-Storms during evening. Cooler tomorrow but more Sun.

Had to harvest the pumpkins yesterday. Hot and Sweet Peppers delicious. Craploads of tomatoes for the “Sauce”.


Best, Pete.

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Back from MRI scan (AAA), all clear so some years to the next one. Cheese on toast with onion for lunch to celebrate.

EDIT All this talk of cake, Danish pastry to follow.

Edited by PhilJ W
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You may have heard of Hurricane Christobal. There are some concerns that it is headed to the UK. Some models say it is. It is not a strong Hurricane (as they go) but it will be a weak hurricane until at least halfway across the Atlantic. I’ve informed CK of the possibility of it affecting the Dawlish area just to forewarn him to check with the Met Office. It is still just a possibility.


Link to track, as known so far http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/refresh/graphics_at4+shtml/083415.shtml?basin#contents


It looks like it is going straight north of the British Isles but honestly it depends on the routing on the Jet Stream. It is likely to recurve.


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Gold

You may have heard of Hurricane Christobal. There are some concerns that it is headed to the UK. Some models say it is. It is not a strong Hurricane (as they go) but it will be a weak hurricane until at least halfway across the Atlantic. I’ve informed CK of the possibility of it affecting the Dawlish area just to forewarn him to check with the Met Office. It is still just a possibility.


Link to track, as known so far http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/refresh/graphics_at4+shtml/083415.shtml?basin#contents


It looks like it is going straight north of the British Isles but honestly it depends on the routing on the Jet Stream. It is likely to recurve.


Best, Pete.

It has been mentioned in the news today and is forecast to bring lovely warm weather across the UK from the south as it passes to the north. 

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Afternoon, late on parade today, nice dry sunny day with a breeze, in the garden at 8 lawns mowed,shrubs trimmed etc etc. Two brown wheelie bins full to the top, thus Ive declared work over for today.


Shower now beckons and the off to take other half to pick her car up which was in for service and first MOT.


Then I will try and catch up on the goings on here on ERs.



Enjoy your day

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It has been mentioned in the news today and is forecast to bring lovely warm weather across the UK from the south as it passes to the north. 

I saw that forecast - they are making a lot of assumptions about the Jet Stream that I wouldn’t this far ahead. If you look at the link I gave the “Cone” shaped shading  represents anywhere it could be along it’s track.

Let’s hope that the BBC are right.


Best, Pete.

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A'noon, hip has had enough of riding and standing about watching others ride at speeds I can only dream of.


Pete, the Suzi is a T500 as Jock said, known as the 'Cobra' in the US, and increasingly so over here too.  Later became the GT500 but they were rather porky in comparison and not really very sought after as they are also detuned.  Good Cobras bring a tidy sum.  Nice engine if you like stink-wheels, I don't personally, but rather, er, less good handling.  Better with modern tyres and shocks that actually damp but not really anything to shout about.  They are also easily tuneable and can go very quick indeed in a decent frame, I think one won a TT once.

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all.


Nice and sunny here, the boss is out with the kids and her sister / b-i-l so I have some peace ! Managed to nip out to photograph a couple of trains and have just helped my son photograph a Chiltern liveried 68 at Chester.


I've ordered 45kg of food for the "bubbas" (as Jill calls them) - the birds, time to start stocking up, the cool weather will be here before we know it.


Best wishes to all,


Have a good afternoon

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