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Woke up to news of a reference, found in the National Railway Museum, to a 14 year old girl  :D  writing down the numbers of engines heading in and out of Paddington Station from 1841. 






Hope you hear news to cheer you up.

Have a good day.




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  • RMweb Premium

Woke up to news of a reference, found in the National Railway Museum, to a 14 year old girl  :D  writing down the numbers of engines heading in and out of Paddington Station from 1841. 




Hope you hear news to cheer you up.

Have a good day.




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This was all in this months Railway Magazine 3 weeks ago, a very good article about the development of the hobby. 



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  • RMweb Premium

This was all in this months Railway Magazine 3 weeks ago, a very good article about the development of the hobby. 




And it seems to have been up on the NRMs website some time, as well.

With no plans to visit the NRM in the immediate future I wasn't up to date on here.

I'll have to check out the Mag, though.  Thanks, Jamie.

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Morning all from the boring boring borough.


Ian A: I think the Swiss address is the publisher using a central point for international printing and shipping. Its logical to assume that Europe would be the bulk of their enquiries so it makes some sort of sense. We get Montana Magazine quarterly and it has a return address in Germany. Again probably bulk shipped there to reduce postage costs then distributed to the European subscribers. No doubt someone will correct me if I'm wrong but I seem to remember the NMRA Scale Rails magazine was bulk shipped from Sweden or one of the Nordic countries.


Ian D: "Bonk holiday weekend"? Freud must be doing overtime.


Trev: hope you enjoy living with the mossbacks. (Alberta derogatory reference to residents of BC, who move slowly enough to grow moss.)


More issues with our assclown douchebag neighbours. 3 police vehicles and 6 officers visited them on Sunday. Much shouting and yelling was heard. Sadly they weren't dragged off in chains. That's the third visit in the past month. Everyone in the terrace is hoping the landlord finally sees sense and turfs them out when their tenancy ends in a few months.


Their latest scummy trick is to play swapsies with the bins. Since we have fortnightly collection they run out of space in their own bin after a week as they are too chavy and lazy to separate the recycling and compost. Last week the morons blocked their bin in with one of their cars, leading to what will be a 4 week cycle without pickup. They've swapped our bin for theirs which is full to the brim leaving us with no space and 8 days to the next collection. This morning I've noticed they've now swapped our bin for the neighbour's on the other side. No doubt they've filled that one now as well. The council just say to recover ours (numbered) after the next pickup and move it to the back garden or store it in a locking bin chest. Sadly they don't offer locking bins and they frown upon modifying a bin to take a lock in case it gets jammed in the truck's dumping mechanism. Apart from actually catching the pr**ks in the act and on video there is little the council can do.



Short week of work which should be quiet as everyone is on leave. Time to catch up on a few things and just try to chillax until the weekend. Have a good one all.

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Woke up to news of a reference, found in the National Railway Museum, to a 14 year old girl  :D  writing down the numbers of engines heading in and out of Paddington Station from 1841. 



That must be some Observers' Book by now.

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I have received a letter from the local NHS trust asking me to go in for an Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm test. I have no idea what it is or even what they are going to do. :O

Edited by PhilJ W
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I think it is a weakened 'bulge' in the wall of the aorta in the area of the stomach.

However, it could just be one of those batch tests where everyone of your age group is invited.


IDoc will know.

Thats what it appears to be.

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Thanks Pete!!  Radio 2 listeners have decided a certain Led Zep tune is the best guitar riff ....  http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-28929167


drying out well now..



Deservedly so. “Whole lotta Love” is iconic (although it was really written by Willie Dixon, of course).

“Layla” should have been 2nd. What happened to “Sunshine of your Love”?????????


31C today and Sunny. Humidity still very tolerable at 56%. Another glorious day after a rather cool Summer.


Best, Pete.

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I have received a letter from the local NHS trust asking me to go in for an Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm test. I have no idea what it is or even what they are going to do. :O


I had one a couple of years ago - some gel on the abdomen, quick run round of an 'ultrasound' scanner and shirt back on! They apparently check for abnormal bulges which would show a weakness in the artery. Stupidly, I joked that 'it won't be that that kills me then' when given the all clear!

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  • RMweb Premium

More issues with our assclown douchebag neighbours. 3 police vehicles and 6 officers visited them on Sunday. Much shouting and yelling was heard. Sadly they weren't dragged off in chains. That's the third visit in the past month. Everyone in the terrace is hoping the landlord finally sees sense and turfs them out when their tenancy ends in a few months.


AndrewC.. my brother in law had similar neighbours. They were visited a lot by the local police but no change. Then a family moved in from what had been part of the communist block.. Neighbours decided a bit of abuse was fun.... a visit by some of the family evened it all out.... all quiet now and the street is kept neat and tidy and there is no trouble ta all in the street... job done...

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  • RMweb Premium

And it seems to have been up on the NRMs website some time, as well.

With no plans to visit the NRM in the immediate future I wasn't up to date on here.

I'll have to check out the Mag, though.  Thanks, Jamie.

I will be checking out the mag as well today. As family history is also one of my interests I wonder if anyone has investigated the young lady in question as to if she has any living descendants.

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Well, I was going to post that the rain had abated in the South Hams, but it's now tanking it down.


Plans for later involve Buckfastleigh, Buckfast Abbey and Haytor. The rain is forecast to stop later. If it doesn't we'll be looking for a load of gopher wood. Wonder if the local B&Q have stocks?

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  • RMweb Premium

I will be checking out the mag as well today. As family history is also one of my interests I wonder if anyone has investigated the young lady in question as to if she has any living descendants.


Are you volunteering?

Er's own investigator on the job....?

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I felt very sorry for the organisers of the village show I mentioned.

(The localish one - not the one in Australia).

Left home in the dry, got soaked, returned home to dry weather - for about ten minutes then the heavens opened again.


They'd spared no effort to provide the entertainment etc., but most of it didn't stand a chance.


Picked up a large pristine china Victorian teapot for £2 to give to a friend (who'd run out of large pristine china Victorian teapots).

There was a RC car about a metre long, boxed and mint for £25 but I didn't take the plunge.

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  • RMweb Premium

Are you volunteering?

Er's own investigator on the job....?

I could investigate it but it won't be easy without more biographical details and other such details as where she lived. As the trainspotting was written up in her journal there might be such information there. A few years ago out of curiosity I looked up the manager of the Brill Tramway, a gentleman named Ralph Evans and found quite a bit of information but was unable to research any descendants as he only had one daughter and the name Evans is quite common.

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Morning all,

No post last night, some friends took me out for 'pre-op' drinks and I got home very late and too 'tired and emotional' to attempt the key-board. Tonight, We are going to my daughters, with all the local family, for dinner tonight and then home for an early night as they want me at the hospital for 7am tomorrow! Quite handy really, as daughter being a nursing sister, I'll let her do the 'self applied' pre-op drug they send you home with! Just hope they don't look on it as a last supper. Not sure if WiFi is available in hospital (Jaz kindly informed me of a way she thinks will work.) but I'm likely to be 'out of it' for a while which will mean lots of catching up on here!

I would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone for their kind messages, your support really does bolster my resolve and once again I'm moved to mention the fantastic number of kind and supportive members we have on this thread and all over RMweb.

AndyB, good luck my friend, if it's something you really want.

Aditi too, best of luck, the first day in a new post is always daunting while you sort out your environment and get to know the limits of your responsibility. I truly hope it turns out to be a good move after all your recent trials and tribulations!

Hope we get to hear from Don again soon - I miss the snippets of weather reports from the Cape and the ongoing soap that is the dinner table!

Pete(trisonic), I would have thought Gilmour's 'Comfortably Numb' from The Wall' would have managed a place, or Knopfler's 'Brothers in Arms' and what about 'Samba Pati' (Spelling?) by the great Carlos. It is truly all so bl**dy subjective!

Hump day already tomorrow. Proud that I remembered that Bin Bag and Recycling Day is one day late following a bank holiday so that job needs doing directly. Off to pack my bag soon,

Kind regards,


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It is not going to rain.

Wherever you look, newspaper, BBC (national and local), ITV, Met office....... the forecast says it is not going to rain.

The skies are blue with high white cloud.

I do some exterior paintwork and guess what ......

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Hope it all goes well Jock.


And it's stopped raining leaving all pour water gathering whatevers full to the brim and overflowing (really must sort that garage gutter for the nth time as it leaked at least 12 gallons but the good thing is that we caught it instead of it simply overflowing from the water butt and the tank and going to waste).


Today we are off, again, to see our Graham at Jewson in order to get our fourth green paint sample for the living room - however at least the green has some sort of potential scenic use unlike the 4 red samples that we had before getting the right colour for the dining room.  At this rate I can see the redecorating finishing up in a mad rush before the new furniture arrives, ah well - mostly not my worry (I think, where's the 'fingers crossed' symbol on here).


Have a good day one & all especially those returning to their labours.

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