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Morning all - a bit tired after watching Kate Bush until 02:00


One of Jill's sisters and her husband arrive here today, staying until Friday - Help!


Weather dry but rain approaching apparently.


Have a good day all.

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The last Monday in August and it's grey and wet, so I'm so glad we did the garden things yesterday!


Perhaps we ought to do something adventurous today, like taking all our friends and family to Asda, and spend the morning milling aimlessly around; Getting in everyone else's way, shouting, belching, f*rting and generally cluttering the place up, whilst Tyson and Witney run around totally out of control.   Meanwhile granny is still wandering around the car park in a drunken haze, trying to find the rest of the unruly mob.


At least that is my impression of what  the majority of Telfs do at weekends/bank holidays, or just when they are bored.


Alternatively we could mince around the local farm shop/deli with the Chelsea tractor brigade and coo over the handmade loaves, cakes and hyper expensive sausages, whilst whispering to Jemima and Tarquin not to play with the sugar mice..


However, I think my time would be far better occupied cutting a batch of sleepers and battens for the South Horton and getting them into the preservative tank.


It's going to be a great day, regardless of the weather.




(edit for punktuashun,,an spelin'')

Edited by Happy Hippo
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I believe that the terminal has been used recently for shipping new build multiple units to Russia from Germany, road transport to the east german port then trainferry and onRussian gauge rails onwards.



The tour guide mentioned this. The new trains for the Winter Olympics went through the Rugen port. When in Russia I expected the railway tracks to look significantly wider but they didn't. Probably because I'm used to seeing OO gauge. :jester: 

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Good morning all.

Please join me in sparing a thought for the (London) Notting Hill Carnival today as the procession will be subject to heavy rain (yellow weather warning).  Our local Batala Bangor group are drumming in it including Offspring.


Rain due here around midday.


Don't get wet and keep safe if you're out and about in this rain band.



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So far a Remarque-able shift, so I've downloaded my holiday snaps to the computer and backed up to a USB drive.  I've even tried to understand the complexities of Image Editor and (with abject apologies to Collie Towers) hope to publish a couple of photos with particular import to Roundhouse.  Or maybe not, computers now do what they want to, oh for the days of DOS, when we told the bu99ers what to do.  So here goes .....


Well that doesn't work.  Apparently I should have a paper clip on my toolbar.  There is a lot of cr4p there (what on earth is Twitter when it's at home) but no paper clip.  Gentle request for help, please, and I have printed off how to do it.



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I am really miserable about the sodden weather.

Today is the best of a number of localish village shows - but standing in the field with heavy rain and high winds is not recommended.

(Localish is a relative term - it's about 20 miles away but that is local by rural standards).

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AndyB, Joanna had a serious heart scare several months back and has been given no choice but to change her life style as well as take medication. The first big step was to stop smoking which she is managing better than I expected. She has been given a fairly mild dosage of statins (although BoD and MikeStationmaster's posts might scare anyone!) and that coupled to sensible eating and mild exercise have done the trick. Her cholesterol is half what it was and, although she has had some of the side-effects mentioned by the chaps, the alternative is not very palatable! She would like to recommend a book to you - 'Lower Blood Pressure, Lower Cholesterol' by Catherine Butterfield, in the 'WP Life Series 4'. ISBN 9781922178367. We bought hers in Tesco for only £7.99 and it is very informative. Lots of people settle for just one cholesterol reading for instance, but there are apparently good and bad elements, each with individual readings, and it is important that your doctor/nurse gives you the breakdown. It really is a must if you're serious about beating this - the topics range from diet to scientific analysis but all expressed in laymans terminology! I was most impressed by a glance through, even though I don't have that particular problem. Hope it helps.




Thanks, Jock and Joanna.

Indeed when I phoned for the result the receptionist gave me just the ratio. Five minutes later having looked up what that meant I was back on the phone asking for all the results. Why didn't she offer me those in the first place! 

My first degree was in life sciences so it's quite interesting reading up on the subject. 

I've started an Excel spreadsheet that will help me track my weight loss over the coming months. I've settled on a modest 1 - 2 lbs per week rather than a crash diet.

I'm also planning on taking badminton up again. I used to play until my first child came along. Now she's old enough to come along too! 

Well done to Joanna for getting to grips with her cholesterol. I've never smoked so it comes down entirely to diet and exercise.  


Morning all - a bit tired after watching Kate Bush until 02:00




I know he lady has asked fans not to photograph her but not sure the ban runs to setting the video recorder!  :O  :jester:

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So far a Remarque-able shift, so I've downloaded my holiday snaps to the computer and backed up to a USB drive.  I've even tried to understand the complexities of Image Editor and (with abject apologies to Collie Towers) hope to publish a couple of photos with particular import to Roundhouse.  Or maybe not, computers now do what they want to, oh for the days of DOS, when we told the bu99ers what to do.  So here goes .....


Well that doesn't work.  Apparently I should have a paper clip on my toolbar.  There is a lot of cr4p there (what on earth is Twitter when it's at home) but no paper clip.  Gentle request for help, please, and I have printed off how to do it.




I don't know if it helps but there is a good (simple) image editor on the top blue bar.

If uploading to RMW you need to have the images on your desktop (screen) and click twice on them to add to the post on here - first going to 'reply with attachments (below right).

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  • RMweb Premium

I am really miserable about the sodden weather.

Today is the best of a number of localish village shows - but standing in the field with heavy rain and high winds is not recommended.

(Localish is a relative term - it's about 20 miles away but that is local by rural standards).

By Australian standards thats next door.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Proper job rain at present, making a much better fist of it than the desultory drizzle we had earlier.  Definitely staying put today as no need to do any shopping apart from the 'paper and no good going anywhere near Reading as everything - roads, trains, beer outlets, fast food joints and so on - will be clogged while those music goers with vehicular transport will be busily engaged in being towed out of muddy fields; but no doubt they're all enjoying it (apart from queueing at the station in the rain.


Sounds like a really good trip Tony - interesting despite a few hurdles by the sound of it and I do like the entertainment of dealing with former Comecon tourist guides although they tend to be very easy targets.  One who led us round Gdansk back in the '70s pointed out the impressive restoration of the old town and a gilded church spire but suddenly lost his command of English when I asked who was paying for the work (the only damage in that area during the war was caused by the Russians).


Wonder if I could get away with some loco testing later - probably not (it takes place in the dining room, longest table we have) so no doubt it will be a day of computer warfare and poking round the 'net.


Have a good day one & all - the rain is bound to stop sometime, probably.

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Thanks DD,



One is in complete amazement that someone with complete technological incompetence can actually post a photo. But one dumb question - I used Image Editor to reduce my photos to just below 1MB, then saved them with the "_1" suffix, yet they seem to have posted themselves at about 350kB. Any reason why?



Edited by bbishop
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Grrr! I hadn't spotted Kate Bush in the TV listings and went to bed at 12. Slept OK though, ankle has settled down after wearing a support all day yesterday. It got sprained too often on urban archaeological sites, which were often also live demolition or construction sites with loose bricks etc underfoot, resulting in damaged cartilage. It's fine most of the time apart from mild aches but sometimes flares up and I can't put weight on it.  A trivial affliction compared to some, I know.


Bank Holiday and it's wet, quelle surprise. Some modelling may happen.


Have a good day,



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Absolutely chucking it down here but as I never venture out on Bank Holidays I don't care. There's selfish!

Went down to Pagham on Saturday with kids & grandkids for my friend's daughter's wedding. The weather stayed fine, the bride & bridesmaids looked gorgeous and a great time was had by all. We all stayed overnight at the wedding venue so were able to fully enjoy the reception. Yesterday we all went in to Bognor to visit Son in law's parents who Chris & I  hadn't seen for some time. His Dad is suffering from COPD and is on oxygen all the time but he doesn't let it get him down and is still keeping cheerful and trying to get out and about.

After that we all returned here for a meal and yet more food & drink was consumed.

I got on the scales this morning and I've managed to put on 4lbs in a week so will have to cut down on something. 

Have a good one,


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One is in complete amazement that someone with complete technological incompetence can actually post a photo. But one dumb question - I used Image Editor to reduce my photos to just below 1MB, then saved them with the "_1" suffix, yet they seem to have posted themselves at about 350kB. Any reason why?



I find that the same thing happens with the Microsoft image editor built into Office.  It has a compress function, but the photos always end up with a smaller file size than it says.  I wouldn't worry about it - a 350KB photo is perfectly OK for uploading onto RMweb.  You will only see any real difference between that and the original large file if you print it out as a large print, ie larger than A4.

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Morning all,

Feeling pretty weary after yesterday's efforts and the situation is probably not helped by the dreary weather. Apart from taxi service to pick up granddaughter from her holiday job, I'll probably stick to cooking. Joanna fancies a Moroccan spiced vegetable 'tagine' which I infuse with plenty of 'Harrisa paste' and topped with chicken, spiced with 'Ras al Hanout', served on cous-cous. No trouble there then - for her at least!

Mike(Stationmaster), my son has given me a book which I imagine you might find entertaining, considering your off-shore activities! It's called 'Attention All Shipping, A Journey Round The Shipping Forecast' by Charlie Connelly (ISBN 0 349 11603 2) published in 2005. The author attempts to 'journey round the forecast, unearthing the history and culture behind one of Britain's best-loved broadcasting institutions'. I found it to be a fun holiday read this year and I now understand much more about the areas mentioned, rather than just what I understood from the charts when sailing. Don't know if you've read it or are even interested but it might be worth checking if your local library stocks it.

Jamie, EDS is is a horrendous thing to endure, my daughter who is a nursing sister has just been telling me about her experience with it and it does seem incredibly complex. Beth seems to have an admirable attitude, one that I have adopted (I'm living with cancer rather than dying from it!) although my condition is terminal. I had no idea how difficult it must be for both of you in terms of pain control which is difficult enough when centred on one or two parts of the body! I fully understand the suffering the carer undergoes as I have observed the effects on Joanna, there must be times when you feel completely helpless. You can count on your ER friends to offer support as I have discovered in spadefuls, but if you'd rather, I'm happy to receive a PM to offer a sympathetic ear! Like Dom, I can only convey my hope that you manage to find the right consultant soon!

AndyB, that sounds like a sensible regime to me, little at a time and steady loss is less stressful to the body. In short, a change of habit and life-style! Good luck with it.

'petethemole', it might seem a trivial complaint as you mentioned in your post but if, as it seems to, it stops you doing things you really want to, then it is still a serious condition. Like you, I was fed up when I read the 'Beast's' post as I was still typing on here when Ms Bush was on TV - I'm not the greatest fan of her music but I really did 'fancy' her years ago!

Have a good Bank Holiday Monday afternoon all,

Kind regards,


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Here’s my forecast for your Bank Holiday:


Sunny, 29C for a high. Going down to 17C and partly cloudy this evening. Humidity quite low too. Sounds fairly idyllic to me.


Don’t shrink in the wet...


Best, Pete.

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In the absence of any racing today due to Bank Holiday weather.....


..more photos I'm afraid.  Jock, it's just a digital compact, Panasonic Lumix TZ35 or something like that, it's not handy. I gave up lugging 35mm jobs and lenses about years ago, this fits in the pocket and has a Leica lens so is reasonably competent.  The Olympus OM is in the loft somewhere, worth nothing.


The bike park...early.



A nice Indian - 1950's??



The spirit of Jurby - bikes across the years but don't forget that Suzuki is 29 years old now.



Gilera Saturno - only for the well heeled.



MV/Magni, only for the even more well heeled!



Out on the track - the hills looming in the background.



Honda 4 cylinder racer giving it the berries




I'm sure I left my bike around here somewhere.



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Hi guys. Some advice from the computer cognoscenti please. I am going to buy a new desktop as mine is 12 years old and ill and my son won't mend it any more.


Now, I don't mind shelling out for a new machine, but to get Word requires me to buy Office home and student for around a hundred quid, or to "subscribe" to Office 365 which is 50 odd quid for a year.


Now, my old copy of Office came free when I bought the machine and is still going fine.  I only want to type the odd letter, not interested in Powerpoint, databases, spreadsheets etc.


Does anyone know of a cheaper way into Word, or possibly another easy word processing program?


Thanks in advance



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While it was still dry we went out for a coffee - and piece of cake (shared to lower calorie intake)  :jester:

Before I catch up on here, a couple of pics showing what's coming our way.







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