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I just got my daughter’s School Schedule (timetable) in the mail. School starts on September 3rd. 1st Class is at 07:19am.  I can remember my first class starting about 09:15am!


Ian, My chopper is identical to yours - except it’s blue. My nephew got it for me for Christmas 2013 - I’d better get it out of its box....


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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...Figure the helo may need testing in the garden, although I suspect the infra-red controls provided might override the control system of the Chinooks the fly over my house each day.  :keeporder:  :jester:

Also, if it's one of the smaller variety, they aren't really well suited to anything except truly still-air. Mine even gets quite "excited" and somewhat uncontrollable when it gets close to the forced-air ventilation outlets. The slightest breeze has these smaller ones all over the place!

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  • RMweb Premium

I just got my daughter’s School Schedule (timetable) in the mail. School starts on September 3rd. 1st Class is at 07:19am.  I can remember my first class starting about 09:15am!

Thats even before her indoors starts her Music Theory teaching!     I always started at 9 but was in "Assembly" at 8.40am.



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boring bla bla bla borough bla bla no time for trains bla bla bla gardening bla bla shoulder = hip = knee = osteoarthritis bla bla work boring bla rebuilding home gigabit network and wifi to AC spec bla bla. not enough beer bla bla bla.


pretty much sums up the past 2 weeks.

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boring bla bla bla borough bla bla no time for trains bla bla bla gardening bla bla shoulder = hip = knee = osteoarthritis bla bla work boring bla rebuilding home gigabit network and wifi to AC spec bla bla. not enough beer bla bla bla.


pretty much sums up the past 2 weeks.

What an exciting life you lead!

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boring bla bla bla borough bla bla no time for trains bla bla bla gardening bla bla shoulder = hip = knee = osteoarthritis bla bla work boring bla rebuilding home gigabit network and wifi to AC spec bla bla. not enough beer bla bla bla.


pretty much sums up the past 2 weeks.


What an exciting life you lead!


Nothing wrong with boring - you know where you are with boring.

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Hi guys,


Back from Prague and Dresden.  Bit of a panic when we were held up outside Brussel Nord by a broken down train, so the ICE had to reverse back to Schaarbeek and try another line.  Not too late at the Eurostar terminal, but it helps to have a DB issued ticket because they don't work in the machines and manual check in means one can use the business class short cut to the front of the passport queue.  Then 10 mins from the back of the Eurostar to the Thameslink platform, by-passing a train load of punters in the undercroft waiting for passport control.  But, of course, it's August, the French are on holiday and so Paris Nord is in chaos and they will putting the punters on the first available train.


Cricket at Lord's tomorrow so off to bed.



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Early to bed here!

Air-show today with a couple of things I won't probably see again - two Lancasters together, what a sight and sound. Then the Vulcan in full display, I'd quite forgotten that unique induction howl when it flies in, face on with full power applied! Take Baz's point about the bomb load in his post yesterday but I suspect the Lanc may have had a problem bombing Port Stanley airfield from the UK! Lots of the usual wing walking, aerobatics etc. and then the Typhoon to close day one. It truly is an amazing device and although I'm a veteran of very many Air-shows (including several Farnboroughs), I saw the pilot perform a manoeuvre that I hadn't seen before : he tipped on to the port wing tip and started a full skidding flat circle low over the sea with after-burner on, and then, half way round the circuit, he flicked it over sharply onto the starboard wingtip and circled in the opposite direction! I've never seen anything so nimble at that kind of speed!! He also flew really slowly past the crowd with the nose so high it must have been dangerously close to stall, but the sheer power of the engine's thrust kept it in the air - superb piece of display flying skill. It is back tomorrow, along with the Arrows so I urge anyone near enough to make the trip, to do so! The forecast is reasonable, as was today's weather. Not sure if the Lancs will be back however. You might guess from the foregoing that I have been like a big kid all afternoon - the only dark cloud over the day being that I left my wonderful digital camera back in the study so no images other than those in my memory. Got loads last year but I really hate this old age forgetfulness! Few drinks with the family rounded off a memorable day, hence the timing of this post.

Hope Jason (Sandside) and Sofia had a lovely wedding today and that the only hitch was the one that now ties them together!

Ian and Sherry, I believe that there are some superb jewellers in Paris for that sort of thing?

Bill hope you enjoyed the trip and that the crowd don't have to use your expertise too much tomorrow.

Poet's day tomorrow and into a typical bank holiday weekend weather-wise if the forecast is accurate. Don't know what happened to the lovely autumn nights when we sat out drinking and chatting until way past eleven - too bl**dy cold here at the moment. Nightcap finished now so it is off to dream of 'Merlins' making music,

Kind regards,


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Thats even before her indoors starts her Music Theory teaching!     I always started at 9 but was in "Assembly" at 8.40am.





Yes I meant to add “Assembly” first but I couldn’t remember what it was called!


As you know over here in the land of weird religion absolutely no mention must be made of it at School. One of the good things that the “Founding Fathers” of this country achieved.......


By the way, thanks to all for not mentioning that my Chopper is Blue.....was it hard to resist? By By the the way way, remote control choppers are harder to fly than the real thing (no seat of the pants etc).


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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He also flew really slowly past the crowd with the nose so high it must have been dangerously close to stall, but the sheer power of the engine's thrust kept it in the air - superb piece of display flying skill.


I've seen this done where the speed was definitely below stalling speed. It was a US fighter (F15 or F16, it was many years ago). The pilot 'walked' it slowly down the runway at a couple of hundred feet up, with the nose up at about 75 degrees, using (as you say) only engine thrust to keep the aircraft in the air. The demonstration finished with a full power, afterburners-on, vertical climb!  

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Morning All,


It is a nice sunny morning here - but cold again.  The evenings are starting to draw in as well (which is not surprising given that we are two months past the longest day).




Have a good day everyone...

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Morning  all, 



Thanks for the good wishes, for some reason when I  chose any of the  "buttons" I get a pop-up message  that says "The Page at RM web says bad request" .....


That said checked in on line last night,  bags packed , and in the words of a famous song --  "my bags are packed, I'm ready to go, I'm leaving on a jet plane , dont know (if /when) I'll be back again" !  


What ever you're up to today, try and make the most of it.



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Mornin' all,


Free day today so time for more sunshine chasing....Cotswolds or Welsh borders look promising...we'll make it up as we go along...dinner in Burton-on-Trent with friends later so hadn't better stray too far.


Have a great day everybody.



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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Home alone (and therefore in bad company) today. Working from home this morning then time off in lieu this afternoon because I worked last Saturday.


Sunny and cool, and so's the weather.


BUT - there is a list of jobs to be done prior to our departure for more southerly, if not warmer, climes on the morrow.

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morning all,cool but dry here,quiet again all way to work....nice...must take jack to see the lancs and the Vulcan,allways loved that at shows,every one allways stopped and started as it did a almost vertical climb into the sky.....awesome...nearest thing ive experienced to a earthquake! went to barrowhill on way to dads,jack allways wants to see the green engine....green arrow,still stood outside....refurbished 40 bogie inside almost ready for its wheels,baby deltic outside,its getting there,its a brave project,maybe if someone has the money,get a couple of 47s that are otherwise going to the knakers yard......falcon,lion.......just a thought.have a good day all. 

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A quick snap during a sunny spell a little earlier. This is my favourite bit of the view from my bedroom window, looking westward across the Upper Don Valley. The pointy towers belonged to the old Middlewood Psychiatric Hospital, closed twenty years ago. Some of the buildings are listed and were turned into luxury flats.

Forgot to buy Weetabix yesterday, so I'll make a big bowl of porridge, with salt and demerara sugar and a little milk now.



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The Vulcan displays were always fantastic.  I remember seeing one at Boscombe Down back in the late 80s.  It must have been around 1986-1987 at a guess.  Either way, it was pre-Ramstein because the pilot executed the manoeuvre into a vertical climb right over the crowd.  Like Martin said, rather reminiscent of an Earthquake.


Concorde was rather exciting too - I saw her going around at Heathrow one afternoon.  A landing aircraft was a little slow leaving the runway, and BA001 had to go around.  Hearing the pilot throttle up, and light the after-burners was very memorable.  Pretty much every car alarm in the car park went off!

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Good morning all,

Bit dull at the moment but should be mainly dry with sunny spells although there is a chance of some showers developing later.

Boring seems to have spread to me (again)  because all I can report is that I've been rostered for domestic stuff today.

Have a good one,


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