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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, another wet and windy night watching the trees whip back and forth I estimate 50mph to 60 it is still windy now but nothing like last night. Kittens are quite giddy but will hopefully calm as they have been fed... some hope and Bob Hope!  Sat on top of the fish tank trying to fish... I hope your week is as good as it can be.

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Anyone bought one of those Chinese Rangefinders?

I feel the urge to model our village church and it would be easier than my steel tape.

Looks like I can buy one for about a tenner instead of x7 for a domestic product.

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Anyone bought one of those Chinese Rangefinders?

I feel the urge to model our village church and it would be easier than my steel tape.

Looks like I can buy one for about a tenner instead of x7 for a domestic product.

I used a cheap rangefinder a few years ago for measuring the LOA of yachts so I could get an accurate square meterage for surface area. Worked perfectly well and was accurate enough for what we wanted it for.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


A bright, sunny morning, although cloud is now building up, and we are promised showers by nightfall.


Pete (NY) here is a page of pics. This model has been supplanted by a more eco-friendly version in most markets, especially yours. https://www.google.fr/search?q=stihl+FS85&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=6YToU93QJei80QW4vIFY&ved=0CCgQsAQ&biw=1280&bih=627


On Facebook today, there is an awful piece of video. On a dirt-oval (primeval motor racing with very strange cars) race-track in the US, we see one car apparently cut another up and force it to spin. The driver of the spun car gets out, stands in the middle of the track and gesticulates to the "guilty" driver as he approaches on the next lap. Whereupon the driver apparently accelerates into the man, killing him. So much for sport.


Some gardening will be done while the sun shines.


Hope your week gets off to a good start.

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Interesting start to the day.


Daughter opens the cupboard under the stairs where she keeps her working shoes and says to me there's a strong smell of gas - the gas and electric meters are in the cupboard. I am not sure but turn the mains off and call the emergency number. My call was answered in two rings! They will send an engineer within two hours.


He arrives in just over an hour and identifies very quickly a very slight leak on the regulator. Regulator gets changed and the installation test again for soundness - absolutely  no leaks anywhere. He then relights the boiler and checks  all the appliances and is back on the street before 9:30 - less than two hours after I called them.


We hear so much about indifferent service these days - I am happy to report excellent service in this case.


Now waiting for the delivery of a new tumble drier this afternoon - I've had to partially empty the garage including the fiddle yard for Danemouth so that they can get it in and take the old one - Tumble drier lives and works in the garage,


Regards to you all,



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Thanks, Mark - I'll give it a go as there's not much to lose.




Do you know hot to measure in Chinese?


By the way, What happened about the Welch male voice choir?


Hopefully nothing has happened to them - they are performing on 18th October.


Measuring in Chinese is simple if approximate: One Chinese equals 5'6"

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Well the sunny afternoon yesterday included a torrential cloudburst but we seem to have missed any of Bertha's wind although we had veg washed out of the ground by that cloudburst - but very nice fresh carrots for dinner as a result, just right with toad-in-the-hole.


When AndrewC has solved his gutter problem perhaps he could come and work a miracle on mine.  I have a  joint in the garage gutter which keeps parting, seemingly because a section is too short.  So the bit that seemed too short has been replaced with a longer piece, twice - with each new piece being longer than the piece it replaced.  We have been collecting water from the gap in recent days - I think about 18 gallons so far but that excludes the spillover when the collecting trug is full.  A major rebuild seems teh best answer but guess what - Jewsons no longer sell matching components!


That apart the sun is occasionally shining and some of next door's intruding shrubbery needs to be attacked.  Have a nice day.

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Good morning all, happy Monday.


My good friend and his band have released their album today, after a very long wait for those of us who enjoy his music. Feel free to check out The Cape Race on youtube if you're into indie music, or just fancy a change.


I've decided to have another go at quitting smoking. I quit last year and managed over 6 months without a problem, but one night in Malta with alcohol flowing and good times on the beach and I'd gone back to my old smoky habits. So I've purchased a new e-cig and some flavoured juice and I will go again. I know there are still doubts about e-cigs but for me it's simple - an e-cig is less poisonous to you and those around you than a proper cigarette, and is the best aid to giving up smoking that I've found available. And at around £10 per month for juice it's a damn sight cheaper! Here goes day one.....


Wishing you all a happy and productive day




A friend of ours, who had smoked heavily since the age of 14, has coped well with the transition to e-cigs and has been using them successfully for more than two years now.


Good luck!

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A friend of ours, who had smoked heavily since the age of 14, has coped well with the transition to e-cigs and has been using them successfully for more than two years now.


A friend of mine wanted to take up smoking and started with patches.

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  • RMweb Gold

A friend of ours, who had smoked heavily since the age of 14, has coped well with the transition to e-cigs and has been using them successfully for more than two years now.


Good luck!

I think cold turkey is more effective - one of the officers on Patricia went onto E-cigs in order to quit smoking and is still on them over a year later!


However giving up the weed is also something where you need to avoid habit and ritual - thing like lighting up after a meal or after the first cuppa in the morning or, probably worst of all, when you're having a nice convivial session in a pub (which was how I succumbed on the first two occasions when I gave up cigarettes).


In the end I went cold turkey while off work on the sick - I wasn't ill because of the smoking but stopping suddenly from a 'professional level' of cigarette smoking very nearly killed me, literally (according to the Practice Nurse - the impact on the lungs of drastically reduced inhalation of noxious gases can upset things in a nasty way, I suffered a collapsed lung and a big clot, fortunately I coughed up the clot).  Anyway having no habit or ritual occasions to smoke helped a lot and I last smoked a cigarette, or indeed tobacco or anything else in any form, on 14 December 1998.


Oh, and a PS - in thinking about gutters etc I completely forgot I have an invite to visit my pals new auction business base and I need to check some lots before his sale later this week.

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Morning all - the heavy rain has given away to sunshine and high winds. Our garden is littered with plant pots (fortunately empty) and toys from Amber''s sand tray. The lid of said tray decided to blow off and onto the flower bed I dug out last week so I hope it has not damaged the plants.

 The wind disturbed the youngster and she decided to join us in bed shortly after 1am so it was a night lacking in sleep. The body clock again decided that a 6am start was needed even though I am not at work. Mind you the work related emails have started even though we are not half way through yet. I do object to that. Why can't people wait until the end of the summer break to  negotiate when they can have the hall for P.E - would a few weeks off really be too much to ask?? Mind you the staff member in question never has had any tact anyway!!

 Sarah and Amber are off at the mother and toddler group again this morning so I have got a couple of hours peace although I do have to wait for the burglar alarm salesman who is due to visit just after 11.00 so there is no chance of getting stuck into any modelling.

Have a good day.

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  • RMweb Gold

Mind you the work related emails have started even though we are not half way through yet. I do object to that. Why can't people wait until the end of the summer break to  negotiate when they can have the hall for P.E - would a few weeks off really be too much to ask?? Mind you the staff member in question never has had any tact anyway!!



Total lack of forward planning!


This should really have been sorted out prior to school finishing the summer term.


One has to wonder how all this last minute planning was carried out prior to the advent of emails etc?

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Morning all,

Sunny and a lovely clear blue sky on show following last night's beautiful full moon - the weather does seem mixed up at the moment!

Ian, they call them 'Good Ol' Boys' don't they. The NASCAR site which I follow,mainly because I am astounded by the amount of money these guys earn, mentions that a full enquiry is in progress! Tony Stewart is a four time champion and so you would expect more from him. I suppose we should await the results of the official enquiry but the video evidence does look pretty damning! By the way, that machine you showed Pete looks pretty impressive, I guess it needs careful handling? Still - not long till the VIP visit now!

From the above posts on smoking, and having watched Joanna attempting to give up on very many occasions (PMT effect daily!), I'm glad I never took to the weed that Sir Walter kindly introduced in 1586! I agree with Mike about 'cold turkey', as friends who took that path seem to have been more successful than others. Joanna feels that the 'Nicorette' tabs work for her, and the heart surgeon felt that they were harmless in terms of her health. Incidentally, they are also harmless to others (apart from me and my wallet of course!).

Dave, it is really good to hear of your experience with the gas - we recently had a gas explosion in a semi in Clacton which completely destroyed the two houses and badly damaged several others! Thank goodness your daughter noticed the leak in time as something as simple as the flick of a light switch can act as an ignition source. We are lucky that our meter and regulator are located in a box on the outside of the house and my friend who does the annual boiler check, also checks in the box and kitchen while he's at it!

Hope those at work get through the day, especially John(CB) after that awful run home!

Kind regards,


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Dave, it is really good to hear of your experience with the gas - we recently had a gas explosion in a semi in Clacton which completely destroyed the two houses and badly damaged several others! Thank goodness your daughter noticed the leak in time as something as simple as the flick of a light switch can act as an ignition source.


Thanks Jock,


It was leaking  via the tiny breather hole on the regulator, apparently that's common.


The smell wasn't strong and the cupboard is very small so she was able to notice it - also apparently it only leaks when gas is being used. The pressure drop was still within standard tolerances even with the leak.


I worked on the accounting side of Wales Gas for over 30 years and heard some horrendous stories  from my engineering colleagues. One of the worst was a chip shop being refitted - its seems the gas was turned off at the meter and the range disconnected and removed in readiness for the delivery of the new range. Unfortunately nobody capped the open supply pipe as required. Later the meter stop tap was opened and you can guess what happened next! I should mention that the failure to cap the supply was not down the the Gas Board or one of it's contractors.


Kindest regards,



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So much for the gutters. For some reason the third segment to the ladder is missing in action. No idea where its vanished to. Then again we haven't used the whole thing since we moved in 6 1/2 years ago. The base unit is in the shed but the attachable third extension segment is nowhere to be seen. Most likely it's still in the loft of the old house. Methinks discretion is the better part of valour and will call in someone to clean and check the gutters rather than cough up £150+ for a new 6m ladder and risk of a personal duel with gravity. I think the rest of the afternoon will be spend cutting a new edge to one of the flower beds.


As for smoking, I can be smug and say never have, never will. My dad quit the day he was rushed to hospital after this 2nd heart attack. Mum finally quit 16 years later, the day she was diagnosed with lung cancer. Not sure the e-cigs are totally benign. When I'm around others who use them, I get the same pounding headaches that I haven't had since the smoking ban. Obviously there is enough residual nicotine in the exhaled vapour to trigger my sensitivity.

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Mind you the work related emails have started even though we are not half way through yet. I do object to that. Why can't people wait until the end of the summer break to  negotiate when they can have the hall for P.E - would a few weeks off really be too much to ask?? Mind you the staff member in question never has had any tact anyway!!



Total lack of forward planning!


This should really have been sorted out prior to school finishing the summer term.


One has to wonder how all this last minute planning was carried out prior to the advent of emails etc?

I totally agree. Could have a little to do with the fact there is to be a change of head this year of course which resulted in us getting the staff timetables unusually late. Was not happy to gave to deal with it this morning though!

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all,

Well it was lashing down with rain last night and quite windy. 

Braemar is cut off with 3 feet of flooding. 

Time to pick up a sketch book and doodle! 


Don't envy anyone trying to kick the habit - I'm forever glad that I never, ever took a drag. Even once, never. Mind you the number of other people's that I must have inhaled when in the pub....that's another matter entirely!

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Afternoon all, 


Net less this morning,  then several hours spent on container hunting----out of 14 got ten & tracked the others down --  all should be were  they're supposed to be by tomorrow (Maybe!)  Had to redirect a couple.......oh the joys of working in West Africa ! 


No chance in going back to see what every ones been up too,  just wish you all what you'd wish for yourself this week! 


Having limited net yesterday did some serious thinking about my future.....once I've got it in some semblance of order  - I'll be coming here for advice?


Be  good, (or if you cant be good be careful!)



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I've got to the stage in life where I only enjoy a ciggie with a drink or after a good (or bad) meal. Every other one is just lit as a result of habit and that annoys me. I remember starting smoking the very day that I began on the railway. It was unusual if you didn't smoke. I well remember the little ashtrays in the driving cab with the BR logo! Times change and I have given up a couple of times. The hardest part (for me) is not stopping, it's having the willpower not to start again. I don't get the shakes, I don't lie awake at night wishing I had a cigarette. In fact the last time I re-started smoking after almost a year off was when I was upside down in a hedge waiting for an ambulance after I was catapulted off my Suzuki at 2am by an off-duty policeman driving a Mondeo. It seemed like a good idea at the time. Very kind of him to offer me one. I've never had an e-cig experience but never say never. Sympathy to those trying to kick it.

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I use V2 EFags. The highest nicotine content from V2 is 2.4% (which I think is about a third of a very mild tobacco cigarette). What you DON”T get is burnt smoke, tar and all the other crap. I don’t smell of fags any more and I can smell and taste food, properly. 


People complain of the carrier fluid, well, I dunno, but when I checked it’s the same liquid used in eyedrops such as “No more Tears”.


I’ve found that it’s the mere action of “going through the motions” of having a cigarette in my hand that’s half the battle which seems to be borne out by V2 that sell as many completely nicotine free fluids flavoured with things like Cherry and other crap - No I don’t understand this either.


I am certain I’m better off.


Cheers, Pete.


PS I dunno, Ian, but I think Stewart should at least be charged with vehicular homicide.

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My one temptation to smoke is that the smokers amongst my colleagues tend to be the more interesting conversationalists. But not having particularly enjoyed the couple of cigarettes I have smoked I don't find it much of a temptation.


Best of luck to those trying to kick the habit.

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