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Stewart, do you always have Islay with a drop of water? My (Scottish) Aunt always said that you should (but don’t ask me why)....


Yes Pete, I do, as it "opens" the whisky considerably, releasing a lot of the volatile components which are otherwise locked up in the liquid.  I prefer to use a bottled water - Highland Spring wherever possible.  Not all whiskies benefit from this - many do, but some of the Speysides don't.  A drop means just that - about one drop of water - no more than a quarter of a teaspoon at most.


I'll be back later to review what's gone on since I last visited

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Morning all,

Flavio, the web site 'master of malt.com' have an interesting 60 year old malt at a more reasonable price than most (which require a mortgage) and the ship all over the world! My own current favourite is the Macallan, but certainly not that old!

Just heard the news that an emergency(?) trip to the shops is needed and so I'll probably try to post later!

Kind regards,


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Chuckin it darn! as they say in South Yorkshire... day off.. herself off looking for an A2 sized (paper size not loco) picture frame... once in place a photo of said frame and picture will be added...


Laphroaig offer old whisky at "affordable" prices to the people who have a plot of land at the distillery every now and again. I have a small stock of 10YO so I will wait for a special occassion to buy one.


Have a great Sunday everyone!



Edited by Barry O
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Horrible weather, and last night was a bit trying. Drank a bit too much sitting in the garden and woke up with indigestion, got up at 3am for Alka Seltzer. Managed to knock my laptop off of the unstable little tripod table by my chair - it doesn't seem to be badly damaged, but it's getting on a bit. Its fall was broken by the iPad that hit the floor just before it...

For some reason the screen settings were different afterwards.


Have now agreed that I will make a little table/cabinet to go there. So more woodwork beckons.


Yesterday I did some reverse personal development when I varnished a newly-painted thing-with-wheels and got the worst surface reaction (orange peel) that I have ever seen... 400 grade sandpaper is called for.


I can't match Debs for new tools but I have just ordered a set of piercing saw blades, a piercing saw table and a jeweller's vice in order to get back to cutting and soldering brass.  It's a lot harder than the 80s, though, when I could pop into any one of four or five model shops (anyone remember 'Home of O Gauge'?) and pick materials on the way home from work! Also the eyesight isn't what it was. But I'll give it a go.


May go to see #1 later. Apparently he took about 8 hours to get home from Cyprus.

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Morning all, very wet here raining heavily for most of the night and still raining now..... so far the silicon has held. I have nearly finished my first cup of tea so better get started on todays tasks. Have a good day all.

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Raynes Park - a really friendly, old-style model shop. I can't remember the owner's name, but he was a good chap. Had a lot of missing teeth which I never asked about, looked like he'd had a bad accident. When he retired the shop closed.

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Raynes Park - a really friendly, old-style model shop. I can't remember the owner's name, but he was a good chap. Had a lot of missing teeth which I never asked about, looked like he'd had a bad accident. When he retired the shop closed.

Was it Philip Milham? not sure about surname basically he had so much stock no body could afford to buy it and make a return on the investment?

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Morning all,


Ah, Bonds o'Euston Road - the first concern to offer GW green in two [correct] different shades; and I have a Wills 2251 painted in one of them.


But I really ought to be talking about the weather I suppose - it's still precipitating slightly but it bucketed down earlier, bright sunshine promised for this afternoon.  Now to stroll round RMweb.


Have a nice day y'all.

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The shop was originally owned by Charles Covey, initially in Peckham and then Raynes Park.  When he retired to the Isle of Wight, Nick purchased the business, renamed it to Home of O Gauge and actually moved it along the Kingston Road to where the post office used to be, which was slightly annoying because it was my nearest branch.  When Nick retired, various things happened (not to be discussed on a public forum) and I was not alone in deciding not to enter the premises again.  By then I had moved.  Then it shut.




those of you who know a certain person will understand why my post has been edited

Edited by bbishop
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Afternoon folks,

Thunder and lightning along with the copious rain here at the moment. The shopping emergency was resolved, Joanna gave up the dreaded weed after a lifetime following her recent heart scare, and has replaced it on advice with some tablets! She had apparently run out this morning despite shopping yesterday! Most unusual for one who is normally very efficient. Not all bad news though, as Tesco stock these tabs and also a palatable Montepulciano dAbruzzo which is my current cooking wine of choice.(It tends to go into the chef rather than the pot!).

One of my favourite whisky anecdotes comes from the time when I managed Northern England and Scotland for Yamaha motorcycles. We ran a publicity exercise where owners were invited to bring their bikes to a main dealers,over a couple of days, and have them examined free by a team of the factory racing engineers. I had to do the logistics in terms of dealer choice, hotels, entertainment, etc. for a team of Japanese mechanics and a translator, as well as some top brass from my company. Our Aberdeen dealer thought it would be a good idea to fill a rest day with a trip to the distillery in Stonehaven and this was duly arranged. You may not know, but people working in the bonded warehouses, where thousands of wooden casks are stored during the maturing process, have to be bussed to work and back. The reason for this is the escaping vapour from the barrels (enough to lower the ABV by quite a lot over the years) is absorbed by breathing the air for any length of time. As a seasoned visitor to distilleries all over Scotland and Ireland I should have known, but it hadn't occurred to me that this might affect our honoured guests! Quite a few of the lads were obviously unaccustomed to the 'demon drink' as we ended up with half a coach load giggling like school girls on our return to the hotel!!

Baz, the Laphroaig is a very good choice and that sounds like a great deal! I prefer to try different types, as I do with wine, but I must say that I'm in awe of some of the whisky experts I've met on my travels who can recognise a particular brand and year from just a sniff and a sip! Good time to remember that all our palates are different and as the old saying goes - 'One man's meat etc..........

Dick, I am beginning to find that even an Airfix/Dapol mineral wagon is a challenge, so I think you are very brave to return to scratch building in brass!

Hope the rest of your Sunday goes well,

Kind regards,


PS, should have mentioned that the above was Fettercairn distillery, owned by 'Tomintoul' until bought by 'Whyte and McKay' in I think 1973.

Edited by Jock67B
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Morning    Afternoon all,  internet connection to day is much worse than normal.Did try getting on much earlier  but no luck.  Yesterday was spent on a fruitless container hunt..... one turned up where it shouldnt - and the drivers gone AWOL!   Three of the top boxes have turned upon one site, but the lower halves haven't -- I've got a 275 tonne crane at on site & no containers yet.....where there are containers crane (450tonne)wont reach till Tuesday!  


But that being said I should be outa here in two weeks!!! Now Ithink a Sunday afternoon snooze is called for! 



Enjoy the day as best you can, 



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Opened my LAST bottle of KWV 10yo last night. Only 18 tots left now. That's 9 weekends.

There is a special occasion later this month which falls on a Wednesday - so make that 8 weekends.


We have decided that Gormless does not suffer from an inferiority complex. He is inferior!

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Afternoon All


Only looked in earlier for a quick visit while checking e-mails, as 30747's niece is due with us at some stage tomorrow - latest news being that she has somehow managed to get the direct flight from Seattle to Heathrow, instead of the Delta from Minneapolis Sorry, Ian, if you wave it will be in vain as she will be elsewhere in the sky.  Straight from Heathrow to Euston to catch the 16.30 to Preston, then on to here by whatever connection is around - she'll be whacked, I guess.


Interesting discussion about single malts, and one which seems to turn up on ERs on occasion, and it's good to see alternative malt-related viewpoints.  As to some malt-related rarities, I used to be on a mailing list for a well known off licence chain which had a very keen whisky buyer, who was able to secure some unusual and rare parcels from some of the distilleries and other independent sources and which were bottled up from the casks so obtained.  ISTR that I was offered a cask strength 50yo Macallan, and a 60yo Bowmore.  I had tasted the former before via a contact in Edinburgh, and TBH, all I could taste was cask - it had lost all on its subtlety over the last 25 years, as the 25yo was stonking.  I never sampled the Bowmore as it was being offered at about £1500 a bottle, and the Macallan was £999. 


Great to see some sensible medical talk from ID - he does talk a lot of sense, and his pragmatic approach to matters medical does remind my a lot of my own GP.  If only more medics were like that, we'd all be much healthier individuals!


A few jobs now beckon, so

Regards to All


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And some distillery tours offer you the chance to try and blend your own, virtually, just for fun. Dewars in Aberfeldy is one such. And they have the added attraction of an old non-working steam loco in their grounds - see here, 2nd one down: http://www.steamlocomotive.info/locobrowse.cfm?bn=Andrew%20Barclay%20xxx%20Son


We recently visited Glengoyne distillery, near Loch Lomond, and had the opportunity to sample a 25 (I think) year old malt.  Very good it was too!  They did do some older ones, but we hadn't opted for that particular distillery tour.

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Model & Tool Supply was by Raynes Park station.  Home of O Gauge was along the Kingston Road, beyond the Junction Tavern.



Near the short-lived but excellent 'Trou Normand' restaurant. And a company that did 'spark erosion' work. I always wanted to go and ask if I could watch that.

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Thanks, Jock.

We're not talking Mike Sharman II here (though his work was inspirational) rather a simple superstructure or chassis (unmotorised). It's been so long that my rivet embosser had died, my jeweller's vice has disappeared completely and my Romford axles have gone rusty...

When I had a go a few years ago my eyesight just wasn't up to it, but now it is. A function of getting diabetes under control (more or less) I wonder.

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