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Evening All


Back for a second visit - and fully caught up (again).


Well it all went off well today - sweep has done the chimney, and just as he was leaving, the logs arrived - took two of us a couple of hours to stack them, but they're in now, and that's a great lump of my winter fuel allowance gone before it's been paid - the balance will go on the coal and kindling.  And then, just as we finished the logging, the delivery of the fence panels that we'd ordered came (thanks Geoff for suggesting the supplier - they are MUCH better quality than those from the majors and exactly the same price, but with much cheaper delivery).


Nighty night


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  • RMweb Premium

Crikey - that's a bit restricting. My late FiL was all surnames - Elliott Stirling Miller! Elliott and Stirling were the maiden names of his mother and grandmother.

That used to be common practice until about 100 years ago. A boon to the family history research.

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I’ve watched it a couple of times (it’s on Sundays before “Masterpiece” in New York.

What struck me about it (in the ones that I saw) that its your typical Soap but it is most beautifully filmed.


Very evocative of the area. One of those series where I would have liked to have done the music soundtrack.


Best, Pete.

Indeed it's on here also on Sunday, but we'd missed an episode due to being in Grand Forks and ended up playing catch-up with the internet, so we together decided to watch the last of the series tonight! Love the filming and locations for sure.

I can't say I actually watch any "soaps" but from those I've caught snippets of, or subjected to seeing in hospital/ER waiting rooms etc., this one just strikes me as far more over-the-top than most, the intertwined totally implausible circumstances just boggle my mind! :) :jester:

The fact that any time "...let me tell you a secret..." is uttered and the very next scene the entire bloody PLANET find out is just too outrageously ludicrous, but at least consistent!!


EDIT: Managing a read/post in RMWeb whilst taking a 30 minute break between training sessions <sigh> I like to talk (ask the Mrs) but non-stop doing training gets a little old...

Edited by Ian Abel
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...I was once on Derby station when an announcement for Mike Hunt came over the tannoy...the announcer was about to repeat the name when the penny dropped and much coughing ensued as the microphone was switched off. Needless to say much tittering broke out on the platforms.



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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We once attended a quiz organised by a high school PTA and the staff from the Modern Languages Dept. chose to call themselves The Cunning Linguists!

Also the name of the 3 Sqn, 9 Sig Regt volleyball team............back in 1979.


I was at the cutting edge of bad taste humour even then...........


Bad taste? Perhaps not.........

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Evening, only slightly knackered tonight!  Spent the day doing 'engineery' things which are far less mentally taxing for me than learning the business processes!  Well that is the end of my new working week, I didn't get sacked so I will consider it a success, and a whole day off to myself tomorrow.


Well, myself after I see the tax man, investigate a rattle on my car, complete the honey-do list etc etc!  I am determined to spend some time actually railway modelling too....we'll see.....

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I'm quite tired this evening but that is a great improvement on totally exhausted which usually precedes holiday departures. Robbie was totally disloyal and seemed to prefer to go off with the kennel girl rather than stay with me (actually I'm pleased he likes the kennels!). We don't want to mess around with launderettes on board so we haven't exactly gone for minimal packing for this holiday, which is a great advantage of not flying! I'm not going to take advantage of the on board wifi as it is terrible but those of you who know where I am on Facebook may get an update if we find a bar ashore or at least ashore in the EU!



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Her indoors likes yellow engines.. may be a trip to Fraggle Rock beckons!!!


That's the one we haven't got Baz, it's at Amberley, but we may paint our replica (well under way) 'improved engine green', but it is still undecided.

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I'm quite tired this evening but that is a great improvement on totally exhausted which usually precedes holiday departures. Robbie was totally disloyal and seemed to prefer to go off with the kennel girl rather than stay with me (actually I'm pleased he likes the kennels!). We don't want to mess around with launderettes on board so we haven't exactly gone for minimal packing for this holiday, which is a great advantage of not flying! I'm not going to take advantage of the on board wifi as it is terrible but those of you who know where I am on Facebook may get an update if we find a bar ashore or at least ashore in the EU!




:good: Have a wonderful holiday, Tony...........update us when you can. :friends:

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And I went to school with Richard Bird.


One of my cousins was lumbered with the name Wilfred - he’s only a couple of years older than me, it sounds so Victorian some how. He made the decision to use his second given name which is Roger. Lot’s of Rogers at my school including Roger Loxley - now almost unknown amongst children, I think?


Best, Pete.

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Aditi had quite a few older female relatives called Shakuntala. It isn't at all popular as a name now in India as the abbreviation commonly used is a word that would generate a series # symbols if the censor software on this board is phonetic.

Edited by Tony_S
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