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  • RMweb Gold


Which got me to thinking - in many engineering shops there's often a "Big Bertha" - I've seen and used sledgehammers, saws and spanners given that name. So a question - if you have a Big Bertha, what is it? (And looking forward to Debs' answer)

I had a rather large Taylor Hobson pantograph milling machine which I eventually gave away to Telford Steam Railway


My son and I got it from the van to the workshop, by using some cut down scaffolding poles.


Getting it up the step into the workshop was fun. and there it sat for about 5 years!


When they came to take it away It took six burly men to get it out to the transport!


I'm glad I refused the offer of the Tom Senior milling machine:  When I measured it it was too tall to fit into the workshop, and too wide to go through the door!

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Like Don Bradley I have also had bad news this morning


I've been heavily involved in one of the local Catholic churches for over 50 years. Our parish priest for the last twenty eight years has been poorly for the past couple of weeks but collapsed last Saturday. He passed away in the early hours of this morning. May he rest in peace.


The sun is out at the moment but the sky looks threatening.





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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Sun is shining, but a few clouds, after a nice downpour during the night - water butts duly refilled, excellent.


Good to hear you're back home Ed, I suggest you encourage the 'young adults' to leave by setting them gardening tasks - today.  Whichever way their reaction goes you get a result.


Have a nice day one & all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


A wet day so far - and more to come, evidently, over the next few days. Indoor entertainment is the key today, I feel.


Really glad Ed is back home. I would need very little excuse to stuff the gardening - so should you pro-tem.


The Ecclebum thing is interesting. Evidently German law allows for this sort of bargain, but Ecclebum seems to be claiming that it was the prosecutors who approached him, not vice versa. The case against him has looked thinner and thinner as the months have gone by, and nothing incriminating has emerged that hadn't been known for ages. Now he can get the monkey off his back and go back to bending F1 to his - and the shareholders' - vision of making more money. My usual F1 website has the customary insight. http://www.pitpass.com/52218/Ecclestone-says-prosecutors-approached-him-about-settling-bribery-trial Their sleuth Christian Sylt generally has more insider knowledge of F1 matters than all of the rest of (what used to be called) Fleet St put together. Oh, and it was Sherry, some years back, who put me onto this site as a valuable info source.


Sorry Don Bradley has lost a friend, but great that his widow has maintained contact. Maybe she can rebuild her own life a bit now.


Midweek - good news for those at the coal-face!

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  • RMweb Gold

Re the nuns....'Two mules for sister Sarah' with Clint Eastwood at the weekend also had a few racey nun scenes.



I don't "do" films - i.e. v seldom watch them - but ISTR one called "Nuns on the Run" which sounds quite racey, too.

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  • RMweb Gold

Rather enjoyed Purley Oaks's notes about Sarajevo, since I can, most unusually for anyone's travelogue, say I've been to all the locations he mentioned, except Srebrenica. The railway from Sarajevo to Mostar in those days was narrow-gauge steam, and went on to Dubrovnik, I think, as it would. I watched a train heading for Mostar from across a wide river gorge in the early morning, as we had camped under the stars after dinner in Mostar, but my Instamatic was not up to the task.


That 1966 holiday - 3 weeks in Europe in a Hillman Imp - kinda formed the watershed between being a schoolboy and starting work. Thanks for stirring good memories, Mal!

Edited by Oldddudders
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  • RMweb Gold

I don't "do" films - i.e. v seldom watch them - but ISTR one called "Nuns on the Run" which sounds quite racey, too.

However the 'nuns' in question were played by Robbie Coltrane and Eric Idle so perhaps not quite so racey as you might have thought :O


Edit - thanks Jock!

Edited by The Stationmaster
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Morning all,

Ian, it's wet here for a change! Agree on the 'Shortie Ecclebum' thing - Pitpass certainly don't pull any punches! Always found him a nasty little sh*t - perhaps I would be wealthy with a heart of flint like his!

Don, terribly sorry to hear of your loss. Although it sounds like a long distance and sometimes contentious relationship, you must still feel a great sense of loss. As we get older, we are more frequently reminded of our own mortality!

Like wise Dave, although not of a religious persuasion myself, any relationship spanning 28 years is going to hurt when it ends. The closer the friendship, the deeper the hurt.

Great news Ed, I'd certainly take Mike(SM)'s advice and project manage the young adults in the art of garden clear up! Perhaps they should have done it in your absence anyway?

Mal, I'm glad you enjoyed your Bosnian trip and thanks for the travelogue on one of the few places I wish I had visited. It would appear that, just like Joanna and I, history is more important to you than a sun-tan! Extremely interesting.

Pete75C, that picture reminded me of university rag week and the great pram race from pub to pub - I recall a pair of contestants dressed as nuns! The only rules were that the 'Mum' downed a pint before setting off, and the 'baby' drank a light ale through a bottle teat between pubs with a change of roles at each hostelry! Known as throwing up frequently for charity and then winning a prize of more beer!!

John(CB), my 'Big Bertha' has to be the Bosch 'gut-buster' drill I acquired some years ago and haven't used bar a test run! The chuck holds a drill over 1.5 inches in diameter and I reckon it would now take two of me to hold it!

That brings me to my good news (at least I think so!), just had a phone call from my urology specialist nurse at Colchester General to inform me about the results of yesterday's meeting. Apparently the whole group agreed that I was fit enough to withstand the rigours of an operation and so I've been booked for one! They have a target of 31 days from booking so hopefully it won't be long - having decided to have the op. I just want to get it over with ASAP! My next chemo appointment is tomorrow so I'll probably hear more about it from my oncologist who attended! I'll post updates as and when.

Hope you all manage to get over the hump successfully,

Kind regards,


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However the 'nuns' in question were layed by Robbie Coltrane and Eric Idle so perhaps not quite so racey as you might have thought :O

Did you mean played there Mike, if not, can't say I remembered that bit HaHaHa!


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Morning all from the boring borough.


Ahh Dartford crossing. Bane of my life if I ever need to get anywhere in Essex. Usually a log jam from Junction 2 to the tunnel. I've got a Dart tag attached to the windscreen behind the mirror. Works well through the barriers and easier than faffing about for coins. Once the free flow starts the tag will be converted to a pre-pay account with the same discount as I get now. Just top up online as I already do. Simples.


I do think they'll lose a lot of money through foreign plates. The Congestion charge does, as do council parking tickets. The big bonus though will be the throughput increase without the toll booths. Hopefully it will reduce the northbound traffic to East London that currently rat runs through the A2 and Blackwall tunnel.


Have a good one all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Rather enjoyed Purley Oaks's notes about Sarajevo, since I can, most unusually for anyone's travelogue, say I've been to all the locations he mentioned, except Srebrenica.  

I've been to a couple of resorts in Croatia very briefly and have been driven right up to the Bosnian border. I suspect it could be somewhere we could visit one day. Matthew would have gone some time this summer for some geography student get-together if he hadn't got the intern job in Melbourne.

What happened at Srebrenica got Matthew into trouble at junior school. School had special assemblies where religious youth workers came in, sang some jolly songs and ranted about the evil things that happened to their co-religionists around the world. Matthew (then about 10) seemed a bit concerned so I told him that there were evil people of all (and no) religious persuasion and told him about what had happened in Srebrenica. What I didn't realise is that at the next lecture by "Chris and Sue" Matthew would challenge them in the "have you any questions?", get ejected from the classroom and be labelled as disruptive on his report.



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Rather enjoyed Purley Oaks's notes about Sarajevo, since I can, most unusually for anyone's travelogue, say I've been to all the locations he mentioned, except Srebrenica. The railway from Sarajevo to Mostar in those days was narrow-gauge steam, and went on to Dubrovnik, I think, as it would. I watched a train heading for Mostar from across a wide river gorge in the early morning, as we had camped under the stars after dinner in Mostar, but my Instamatic was not up to the task.


That 1966 holiday - 3 weeks in Europe in a Hillman Imp - kinda formed the watershed between being a schoolboy and starting work. Thanks for stirring good memories, Mal!



Where's the 'jealous' icon?


Thanks for the report Mal, sounds very interesting and has definitely whetted my appetite.


Welcome home Ed, i'd just leave the garden and congratulate myself on providing a haven for wildlife and wild flowers.

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Working for the “Man” last night.


So many vehicles out I had my very own between 5:00pm and 10:00pm (nominally it’s a Ford Excursion)


This thing was sitting there for 4 hours with all it’s lights going - I went to sit on the front bumper about 9:00pm and nearly burnt my ass






Best, Pete.




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  • RMweb Gold

The Independent confirms the case against Ecclebum has been dropped. £60m into Bavaria's state coffers.


'Court spokesman, Andrea Titz, said that the evidence thus far meant that “the court did not consider a conviction overwhelmingly likely from the present point of view.”

“There was no conclusion on guilt or innocence of the defendant. He is leaving this courtroom a free man,” she added.'


But no woman should go through life with a surname like that.

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`Looking forward to another "Railways of the Great War" tv. programme this evening (BBC2 18.30 BST) presented by Señor Portillo.......they`ve been very interesting; tonight`s topic is narrow gauge on the battlefield. :ok:

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  • RMweb Gold

The Independent confirms the case against Ecclebum has been dropped. £60m into Bavaria's state coffers.


'Court spokesman, Andrea Titz, said that the evidence thus far meant that “the court did not consider a conviction overwhelmingly likely from the present point of view.”

“There was no conclusion on guilt or innocence of the defendant. He is leaving this courtroom a free man,” she added.'


But no woman should go through life with a surname like that.

Thank you for keeping me abreast of the news story.

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This post is aimed at Debs, but of course someone else may be able to help.  A friend has a thirty year old Myford ML10 lathe.  The ½ horse power motor has just about given up the ghost and Nick has to resource a replacement.  It's an imperial lathe and he can reduce the power to say a third of a horsepower.  Anyone got any ideas?



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Ed - welcome home, relax and let the garden grow some ;)


Don and Dave, condolences, consider (as Ian so eloquently put it yesterday) and reflect on the joys of the friendships as you grieve.


Far as bribing the courts to avoid a bribery trial - as I said in the related thread, does that mean killing the judge & jury can get you off a murder charge?!?!?! :jester:  :jester:


Lovely day here, 17 and sunny, may reach 27, clear skies again but supposedly the humidity may start to rise somewhat.


It's HUMP day - working with the "new" client is fast becoming high-gear, also adding somewhat to my length-of-day as I one client is on Eastern time the other Pacific - fun,fun,fun - enjoy the day...

Edited by Ian Abel
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  • RMweb Premium

Phil, Glad a degree of normalcy has been restored. I have been experimenting with quantities of liquid drunk after supper with the result that I have come to the conclusion that it makes very little difference to the number or frequency of night visits. Even limiting to one cup of cocoa after supper  (soup with and coffee after as part of) nevertheless results in two hourly visits right through until 6:00 am.

Thanks Don, up till now I've usually been able to go all night without stirring, but in the mornings I could pee for England. No sign of blood now fortunately but the antibiotic instructions warn that the urine may 'turn a strange colour' but does not say what colour.

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`Looking forward to another "Railways of the Great War" tv. programme this evening (BBC2 18.30 BST) presented by Señor Portillo.......they`ve been very interesting; tonight`s topic is narrow gauge on the battlefield. :ok:

It is so annoying that I cannot access this program on the BBC citing “Copyright issues” yet no one (so far as I can find out) has signed them up for the US market not even the BBC America channel (yes, the one that seems to show nothing but endless Star Trek and Dr. Who reruns).


I may have to ask Andrea Titz to look into it - she seems on top of her game.


Best, Pete.


PS Amazingly I’ve found a photo of Frau Titz’s Bumz :http://www.welt.de/wirtschaft/article127521191/Diese-Frau-kombiniert-Justiz-und-High-Heels.html

Edited by trisonic
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It is so annoying that I cannot access this program on the BBC citing “Copyright issues” yet no one (so far as I can find out) has signed them up for the US market not even the BBC America channel (yes, the one that seems to show nothing but endless Star Trek and Dr. Who reruns).


I may have to ask Andrea Titz to look into it - she seems on top of her game.


Best, Pete.


PS AmazinglyI’ve found a photo of Frau Titz’s Bumz :http://www.welt.de/wirtschaft/article127521191/Diese-Frau-kombiniert-Justiz-und-High-Heels.html


  Have you tried using an IP Proxy? Pretty common practise, but I confess I've not bothered to date - I'm fast deciding to try it though as there is becoming far too much content that is inaccessible...

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