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A few posts from station cat would deter them. They'd skedaddle as soon as they tawt they taw a puddy tat.

Alas the pigeons round here don't take too much notice of our cats, and vice versa.  But a couple of weeks back one of the feathered variety obviously upset Sam and very nearly finished up as a victim of his thumbs, got away with about 2 feet to spare.  Since then the pigeons have seemed a bit more wary of the cat with thumbs.

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Evening, showery day on FR and a rather fried NHN - looked at a lot of stuff in the e-tail system today, too much for my grey cells I think!  Still, it didn't blow up....


Alan, sorry for your loss - always a hard time.


So with these pass things, what are you supposed to do if you're on holiday from 'abroad' - ie Fraggle Rock?  Stop and log in with the smart phone I haven't got to create an account?  Are they merely a device to repel tourists?

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  • RMweb Gold

Nothing...but nothing deters voracious,permanently feeding pigeons.

There are but two deadly exterminators.....fox and kestrel.The former now a rare visitor to chez nous ( The last one seen...and disposed of.....a corpse,last October). We think they are victims of two cold winters.

A kestrel flew in yesterday,complete with unidentified kill,regrettably non pigeon,in its talons. More being seen now,as land use locally has changed due to the new,ever increasing National Forest,part of which is but a field's distance away.Once saw one make a 'hit' on a pigeon on the lawn.....awesome explosion of feathers !

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That’s odd - we had a very cold winter last which resulted in an explosion of raptors including Snowy Owls (one spotted as far south as Florida).

Probably “Cold” depends on where  you are located.


Best, Pete.

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And so to page 2800!  Yesterday's prom was Mahler 9, wonderfully correct for the special day, especially as the music gently faded away into oblivion and then the Prom audience waited 30 seconds before clapping.  Tomorrow is Elgar 1, completely different kettle of fish, although the two symphonies were composed concurrently.


I've spent today repairing Höchstädt after the Tinkers Park exhibition.  Most of the damage seems to happen during break down. Ho hum!


Höchstädt was next to Bad Obing at Tinkers Park, another Spur Null layout.  Discussions were held, tape measures were wielded, and plans are afoot to connect the layouts together.  So whilst they will both be exhibited separately, a largish venue could accept a 35 foot by 16 foot "U".  Good to watch, fun to operate and the stock will get a decent run.



Edited by bbishop
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  • RMweb Premium

Baz, Do you mean “De” not “Re”?  Target practice, probably.


The bottom has dropped out of the Vintage Tank market...


Best, Pete.

I mean re as there are some guys trying to get the guns to work - they had the breech blocks blown to demilitarise them...It seems certain vehicles still make money - Chieftains were going to the scrapper here for £5K a pop .... just didn't have £5K at the time... what I really, really want is a CRARRV  - currently being scrapped by HMG as we have to reduce our stocks...bean counter term for saving money....



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Evening all and condolences to Alan and family at this difficult time.


Today has been a quiet day as we waited in for a couple of deliveries. We tried to make use of the time by sorting out some of the boxes that have been stashed in the garage since the move. We got a few done and then I added more after a trip back to the bungalow.


 The new cat has remained hidden away all day. Firstly behind the bin in the kitchen, then under the dining table before vanishing completely. After a good search of every room in the house we started to panic before we discovered him curled up under Amber's bed. He is still there!

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The Dartford Crossing is going cashless soon (allegedly October). Number plate recognition and you can either prepay (or same day) online, have an account or get fined a bit like London's congestion charge. I think I'll set up an account for each car .



I have a real aversion to ANPR cameras. It's like clocking-in periodically so people know what you are up to. More and more car-parks are using them as well, rather than barriers, which results in some very sharp practices. Whereas, with a barrier, you know exactly what the score is and what you owe, and duly pay to get out. I notice that some  motorway service areas are using them now as well. I really don't believe that anyone should be permitted to use this technology except the Police, and even with them, sparingly. Congestion zone excepted.

Edited by Steve Williams
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  • RMweb Premium

I think I will do the same as Tony and set up an account. Not that I use the crossing very much about two or three times a year. I thought the problem with ANPR cameras was that they couldn't recognise foreign licence plates, not very practical considering the amount of foreign trucks that use the crossing.

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Evening all,

Today's main chore, re-building the garden swing from the re-painted component parts, was completed with the help (?) of three year old Freddie who came to lunch today! Worse than Joanna - 'how soon before I can get on it Grumps?' at frequent intervals!.

Bill, I envy you the frequent Proms visits, particularly the Mahler - I've located the CD of the 9th to play through my wireless headphones tomorrow. That should warm them up nicely in preparation for the test match starting on Thursday!

Archie the Westie has a no fly exclusion zone stretching for some metres above our back garden. He goes from asleep to full tilt across the lawn in microseconds if a pigeon has the temerity to land in his patch. He has only ever caught one dove which managed to escape!

Funnier still was when a cat stupidly decided to walk across the conservatory roof - think barking meerkat with occasional upward leaps.

Pete (Trisonic), agree on the sensation of what is cold (apologies Don!), when I lived in Cornwall, I felt colder in winter than I had in Belhaven, a suburb of Dunbar on the North Sea coast! I can only attribute this to the dampness in the West Country, although it was as much as 10 degrees warmer than Scotland. Back there we simply put on another layer of clothing, while the damp cold in Cornwall seemed to creep into your bones!

Hope Wednesday serves you well, I have a single malt calling me,

Kind regards,


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Good morning all, guess I'm the first arrival of the new dawn (you all have my sympathies for that!)


Struggling with the transition from working nights to being awake during the day, by time my 2 week holiday is done I shall have to make the reverse change and be awake all night again! But anything is better than these patches of sleep lasting 4 hours at most! Still, it's nice to have some time away from the stresses and trying to get all the new yachts ready for the boat show season. Recently saw the first drawings of our new flagship 168ft superyacht, with Hull #1 due for delivery in 2017. She looks a beauty due to retaining the sporty lines, and if the 155 is anything to go by will look just as stunning on the inside. Really looking forward to being involved in the new build, and keeping up my habit of working on Hull #1 of as many ranges of yachts as possible.


Anyway, enough of my wittering. May the new day bring you all smiles and happiness.



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Mornin' all,


....re the pigeons, we've made it that they can only hoover up the windfalls from other birds in our garden by using post feeders and restricting the entrance hole dimensions on the bird table. Yes, we still get them in the garden but few in number and they don't hang around for many minutes.


As for relative levels of cold in the uk, we live high up in the Staffs Moorlands where there is much heavy clay soil. This means that the wind collects more moisture as it travels over the ground and we feel a more damp cold. Combine this with relatively high rainfall levels due to altitude and it means that we experience damp, wet conditions more frequently. Conversely, I've lived near the east coast for several years and found that the winds are generally much drier (soil conditions not as heavy and much better draining), therefore the cold doesn't feel as miserable. Also, the rainfall levels are much lower on the flatter land away from the uplands in the central part of the uk. 


Have a good day everybody



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Good morning one and all,  hump day again......


yesterday was interesting --- on one the "wheel re-inventors" said to me why did you not measure all the cable routes round the factories?   Because I was only asked to look at the power-house......I'm many things but not telepathic."But we're offering a complete distribution system"  . So return visit was made yesterday afternoon , the only constellation was seeing  a container train  - first I've seen here. 


Oh well best press on with  report from yesterday.....still trying to get my head around windows 8...but I have found were the "off" button is!



Be good,


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Morning all, I'm home! Finally got back around 8 last night. If they hadn't discharged me I'd have done it myself. It's good to get back to some peace and sanity, although the garden is a mess after nearly four weeks away and I'm in no state to do much about it at the moment.

The home PC ain't half slow after the iPad mini I was using in hospital. Moving the internet to the Virgins hasn't made any difference, so perhaps I'll have to bite the bullet and buy a new one. Should I buy the little Apple one?





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