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Early Risers.


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Morning All,


It is another nice sunny morning in this part of the world, but I was woken at five by the bl00dy wood pigeons.  Anybody know a way to get rid of them without a 12 bore?!?


Yawn!  Coffee needed.


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning all, due to my drinking copious amounts of water yesterday I was up every twenty minutes or so last night to use the loo. It seems to have done the trick however as there is no pain or even irritation and everything looks normal. Off to make an appointment with my GP shortly although by the time I get to see him it will probably be all over. As for the scantily clad young ladies, a former GF's attitude was 'You can look but if you dare touch I'll make a pair of ear rings out of your b***s.'

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Morning All,


It is another nice sunny morning in this part of the world, but I was woken at five by the bl00dy wood pigeons.  Anybody know a way to get rid of them without a 12 bore?!?


Yawn!  Coffee needed.


Have a good day everyone...

A pair of sparrowhawks?

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Good Morning all from my vantage near Dusseldorf - nice and sunny today but I've picked up a dose of man flu so feeling somewhat rough. Yesterday Jill and I decided to walk to the next village (a couple of miles away) (which has medieval buildings) to "cure or kill" - it was the latter, but at least I got some exercise.


We are off to see an open cast mine today, a huge, ever changing sight (or site), the waste is used to back fill the hole on a rolling basis, a fascinating operation.

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fascinating old parts (back to the DOM from yesterday!!!)



260kg?  That will make your eyes water...

Perfect answer - you got there before me!




Pete, Ian, be careful what you wish for.


We should. Pete was concerned that the young lady in question might be inexperienced. She has one marriage behind her already, and that was to another girl!


Anyway, Morning all


Andrew - best wishes for George, and the state of your wallet!


Phil - sounds as if a good flushing has done the trick. Not uncommon, I believe.


A bright sort of day, but with some cloud about and a threat of showers at some stage. Week ahead is a bit unsettled, too.


Some more gardening beckons, but only after a decent dose of RMweb and whatever else takes my fancy online.


Have a good week everyone.

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Good morning all. I was definitely an early riser today. My body clock decided that, now we are back at home, I should still wake up before 6am on a Monday morning even though there was no work to get up for! With wife and daughter still happily slumbering away I got up and managed to empty and clear away the contents of some of the boxes we brought home last night. During the damp problems in the bungalow Sarah packed a load of boxes off to her mum's and these are now gradually being brought over to the house. Three boxes were emptied by 7am this morning!


 At just after 7.00 I decided on a stroll out for a morning paper. Such a nice bright sunshine, and a fresh feel to the air, made the stroll to the local superstore quite pleasant. Not quite as nice as the stroll up the sea lane from our holiday accommodation last week though. The croissants, purchased this morning, were not quite of the standard of those from the Old Hunstanton bakery. Mind you, packaged ones are never as nice as freshly baked!


 Plans for the rest of the day are a little hazy. Sarah and Amber have just left for their mother and toddler group so I have three hours peace. I could start playing around with the spare baseboard to see if my loose layout plans will actually fit. However I fear that domestic chores will take over. The washing machine has just finished and there is another load still to do. There is also two or three car loads of our stuff to move out of the old bungalow this week and there are the other boxes to unpack. Looks like a busy list. The trouble is the body is now rebelling against the early start as two recent trips to the toilet suggest! Could be a day spent close to the bathroom then!

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morning all,clear and dry here,no traffic to work,good luck debs,as for barry,sorry mate you may have spoken too soon,ive got my list from the domestic authoritys first thing as I was leaving for work !! have a good day all.



pleased to report domestic chore list FOR TODAY Only ----nil  Yippeeedddoooo!


Morning all.  Away from ERs for a few days and loads to catch up on!  Spent Friday helping a son move into new flat in Leeds, alon with his girlfriend.  New flat is a lot better than the old one, which was pretty grim!  Got lost in Leeds on Thursday night, as they closed the ring road for maintenance, and it was dark, so I couldnt find my way to his old flat! Son had to guide me there by phone - I must consider getting a Satnav!

Satnav in Leeds - don't even bother! At the moment the Highways obergruppenfuhrers here ( who obviously don't commute through the city) keep closing roads and adding incomplete diversions... the ring road closures are to replace the concrete which they replaced (about 3 years ago) the concrete which had decided to fall apart when they built the inner ring road a long time ago...



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G'day All,


Been a lovely day here... sunny and warm (16 degrees)... not bad for a mid-winter day.


Anyway things are happening round here... took delivery of this little lot... so to quote from a recently imprisioned entertainer... "Can you see what it is yet?"







Edited by Motters
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Morning all, changeable weather and two young adults out of bed before miday shock horror! Kittens are still curious about Clyde but a swift bop to the head calms them down he isn't using claws though so he is tolerating them better. One of them will we think be taller than him and until they are all spayed they may boss him about.  

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Morning all,


Strange what Andrew C should have had his attention drawn to in Soho that day,  my eye lighted an a bosomy blonde on York station last week however something about 'her' overall body shape (shoulders much broader than hips) and the Adams Apple suggested that my initial reactions were rather off course.  Far more interesting, and real, were the numerous young ladies wandering round the city in what can only be described as 'very short' shorts.


Dom - Nidge (Rugd22) is teh man to answer your question - I understand such switching provision does exist on at least soem British traction but I'm not sure on the Instructions.


No orders yet issued for today although I do need to check the trimming on one of the oil lamps for tonight for our contribution to the 'lights out' commemoration.


Have a good day one & all.

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I received a lovely present from Merryn and Sam this morning as a thank you gift.


Nyda had kept it especially to give it to me today.


A pair of brass cufflinks in the shape of poppies.


The brass is what remains of shell fuses, recovered from the WWI Western Front battlefields, melted down and recast as commemorative items.


My grandfather spent much of his service lugging such ordnance up to the gun lines, so it is nice to think that, just maybe, I now have in my possession, something he handled all those years ago.




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Morning all from a still sunny Clacton,

If this keeps up, I'll have to water the garden and tubs tonight! Still aching from yesterday's efforts, putting together some of the patio set which is now a different colour and then pressure washing the area of the patio that has to accommodate the furniture - still Joanna seems happy with the effort (probably immediately added another couple of chores to the list!).

Phil, as Ian said, good to hear that the flushing routine appears to have done the trick. Certainly prudent to keep the GP appointment though - as I know only too well, all sorts of nasty things hide within our bodies!

Andrew, I'm terribly sorry to hear of the high uninsured expense you are facing through no fault of your own. I suppose it is part of the responsibility we assume when we take on an animal. Archie the Westie is insured to the hilt and typically, in the seven and a half years we've had him, we haven't made a single claim - these insurance companies never seem to lose! Hope it is worthwhile in the end and the little fellow pulls through.

Debs, won't make any further rude references, but it does sound as if the new arrival is more in Flavio, iL Dottore's league! And I get fed up holding back a Westie who is large and muscular for his breed but still only scales just under 12 Kilos! Do they have glue on their pads for he takes some shifting if he digs in! (Await cries of 'wimp').

Ian, I'm pleased to hear that the newly acquired implements look like making life easier. On the DoM situation, I've often been told that I should wear blinkers! Always did feel that a work of art deserves critical appraisal and after all, when a lady has gone to such trouble to make herself look attractive, surely it would be very rude not to appreciate their efforts!!

Strange coincidence that the Red Cross Society should be founded on the same date as our WW1 declaration of war with Germany, albeit in 1870!

Hope the week starts well for you all, mine has several medical appointments, no doubt interspersed with bouts of shopping and chores - something to look forward to I suppose.

Kind regards,


PS Richard, that is a lovely and very touching gift! J.

Edited by Jock67B
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At my now usual later posting time.

Up until now we have had two varieties of porridge on alternating days. Oats which my table prefers or Mielie meal (to the extent of some having cold cereal on the 'other' days). We have now had oats for 8 successive days. The cereal manufacturers will be going into receivership.but we are enjoying. (I tried the cereal alternative once, but to me it was like cardboard, so I have chosen the porridge regardless of which variety is served)

Today's lunch is Bobotie with chopped tomato and onion and sliced bananas in a cream dressing as sambals. - Very popular.

It's very overcast and looks to be threatening rain. 16C max forecast


Phil, I'm glad your water works have resumed normal operation and as you say by the time your GP sees you there will be nothing left for him to do but reassure you that you are fixed (not in the pet sense!)


I hope everybody's Monday is as unstressfull as possible.

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Blimey, the shopping trip (yes it was Sutton Dick) only took a couple of hours so that wasn't too bad apart from walking all the way up the hill to find that the bank we wanted had closed that branch and relocated to the bottom of the hill. We then had to walk all the way back up the bl##dy hill to the other bank to pay in the cash we'd obtained from the former. (All because the lady loves Milk Tray refuses to do online banking!) Looks like quite a few other shops etc closed down since our last visit a couple of months ago.

Coffee now and then I'm making some burgers for later.

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Blimey, I miss a day and so many posts, so little time. Had a family 'do' for Mom's 90th birthday yesterday. I think she is in better nick than me. Then a quick detour into Brum to drop son and heir, plus girlfriend off at station. The new cladding on the side of New Street station doesn't half cause some glaring reflections when driving.  

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