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Morning all from a very dull Clacton on Sea,...............................

..........................Sherry, the post above seems to come from someone who is happy - can we take it that your troublesome crowd have departed? Down to 14 days now, I hope they don't drag too much for you!..........................

Kind regards,


Yes, indeed, thank you, Jock! I enjoyed seeing the grandchildren and my son was good company but it will be some time before fences are mended with DD2, if ever.

Now we are relaxing with an ex colleague of mine and her daughter. A ferry trip to Brixham where we had a pub lunch, followed by a stroll on Babbacombe Downs has been very therapeutic.


Had a bit of a scare lunchtime, went to the loo and noticed I was passing blood in my pee. Dialed 111 and they said they would make an appointment with the emergency doctor so I'm now awaiting a call back to confirm. No aches and pains other than the usual ones except a bit of soreness at the 'exit' end.


Bad luck - this sounds like a water infection; I expect by now you will have had some advice and/or treatment. Drinking plenty of water or cranberry juice will help but anti-biotics will probably be needed.


All the best!




(aka - in another life - Charmaine!!)


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Afternoon All


First off - Pete 75C - Happy birthday, and hopefully many more with Louise at home with you.


Phil JW - hope that the blood in your water is diagnosed quickly as something relatively innocuous.


Me - I've had a right pig of a day - was roused quite early with a call to "come and have a look at this" - "This" turned out to be a pool of water on the worktop, and on the top of the microwave - also the top of the washing m/c.  Checking upwards, the source was obviously the boiler, and the pressure was down, so I isolated the electrical supply, and made sure the filling taps were closed, and called Homeserve, who said I'd need to wait in all day for the emergency engineer.  So trip out was cancelled for today, and instead sat down to do the weekly paperwork, then decided to reseal the bath to replace the manky silicone which was black, pink, and every other shade except white.  Ran out of sealant halfway through the job, and had to turn out to Screwfix after being told that we could expect the engineer "about three".  Engineer duly arrived at three on the dot (!), and was the regular guy who comes from Homeserve, and his first remark was that it "looks like the float valve had gone, but I changed it quite recently".  Indeed, the float valve had gone and it was replaced less than two years ago  - apparently they're pretty rubbishy objects nowadays.  Now we've got hot water back, and can't have a bath, as the sealant has not cured yet.  Then I decided to get onto ERs, and 30747 decided that the under sink cupboard needed to be tidied and cleared out and that she'd need some help - found all sorts of stuff there that I though we'd need soon in the shopping


Well at least I'm at home now for the evening - a friend of ours has tickets for the Lytham Proms tonight, as she really likes Tom Jones - she's been told that she can't take a chair, and that umbrellas are not permitted - it's an open air gig, and the forecast is (it's not unusual) showers, heavy showers, and thunder - well, no doubt Sir Tom will stay dry as will his backing band.  T-Storm has just arrived here going North, so it's probably already soaked the audience who have to get there quite a while before the gig starts.


Regards to All



Edit - t-storm is a lulu - but appears to be heading North quite quickly - rain was exceptionally heavy so if it's the same one, that audience are going to experience some very soggy green green grass of home.

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Andrew - of course you care. A half-decent cat is a great chum. Hope he pulls through.


Phil - I echo Sherry's hope it's not too much to worry about. Water infections can be tedious, but may be easily overcome.


I gave in to a sort of temptation and went off to Mamers to buy the high-level hedge-trimmer. Malcolm had told me he'd seen one in the shop there, and although I'd found cheaper prices online I thought I'd have a look anyway. Smart move, too, as it turned out the machine on offer was the longer one - what man can resist that? That reduced the price difference, too, so when the chap offered help I let him take it off display so I could feel the weight - 6.8 kg is a bit hefty, 'tis true. But I bought it. And he insisted we went into his workshop, where he added fuel, fired it up, showed me the quirks of a Stihl motor. Charming ladies on the till, too, complimenting me on my French, which in truth is still pretty basic. And then the chap helped by carrying it to the car. Excellent service and I shall be back.


I then dived into adjacent Super U for a few bits of shopping. As I came out the sky was as back as your hat, so I hurried to the car, but had hardly started loading before there was a great gust of wind and torrential rain, thunder and lightning. I was in a tee-shirt and jeans, but plenty of others were in shorts! After waiting a minute or two there was no sign of it subsiding, so I drove off gingerly. Half-way round the bypass I had the wipers on double speed, yet 40 mph seemed too fast. Lots of standing water. Within a couple of miles the road was dry, of course, such is the nature of Summer storms. But the thunder is now here, so my broadband is a bit iffy right now.

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Sad to hear those bad news, Andrew. Keeping all my fingers crossed that the little chap will make it...


Mike, thanks for the hint! As we're flying home tomorrow, I guess it'll have to wait till our next visit. There's rather plenty left to see anyway. The British Museum alone could probably keep you busy for at least a week!


Weather warning for severe storms for Leipzig came in a while ago too, so I suppose we might well arrive in torrential rain. We'll be flying into Berlin where SiL will pick us up - no sensible flights to Leipzig had been available.

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Happy birthday, Pete. 

I have noticed it's been said quite a lot today but no harm in saying it again, eh?

And best wishes to Louise.



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Trip to the hospital this evening, most likely a water infection. Unable to leave a sample for tests as I could hold on no longer just before seeing the doctor. Its eased off a bit now very little if any blood and not as painful, just have to keep drinking plenty of fluids,

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No wonder you’re having trouble with your end.

Hope you don’t have to have an endoscopy up there - I have, it is very unpleasant....

HappY Birthday 75C.......


Best, Pete.

I had an endoscopy about 12 years ago following a similar infection. It was uncomfortable but not that painful, until the anesthetic wore off that is.

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Ah, yes, then the (apparent) broken razor blades come back out....ugh.


Thought I had something similar going on lower down a few weeks ago, until I remembered having a lot of fresh beetroot the evening before.....d'oh.


Andrew, hope the puddy tat pulls though.  After getting so attached to our last two we can't bear to have another just now. 

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Oh, as for Pete's comment earlier, yes ER's is a great place.  I came here when laid up after my hip surgery, and feeling very sorry for myself at the time.  I had been on RMWeb for quite some time but hadn't opened the door here.  I soon realised this is a place where one can wear your heart on your sleeve and only receive support, not derision.  It does the soul good to sometimes unload, and even although our sharing is virtual, it works.  Just consider the posts that appear when a poster hasn't been around for some time (Gruffalo, where are you?) and Don and debs recent absences.  A caring place, and I think we are all the richer for our relationships here, electronic or not.

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Thanks so much for the good wishes for George. He means so much to us.


A bit of history. He was a feral rescue cat in isolation at Celia Hammond 3 years ago. We'd agreed to adopt a pair of brothers to give our last remaining rescue moggie some company. George pawed out of his cage and demanded attention. He wrapped himself around my neck and that was that. At some point before we met him he'd had some sort of accident which has left his pelvis narrowed and with some neurological damage. That means he can't push and poo properly. He has had 3 procedures so far to unblock but after each one the period of normality decreases. The only long term solution is to remove most of his colon.


He normally sleeps on my pillow curled around my head. In the day at work he reminds me to take a break by curling up on the keyboard or jumping on my lap.

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The regatta boats departed Caernarfon for Port Dinorwic today.

I guess they raced when they got there but it was awfully windy.

Fortunately, the wind, and tide, was with them on the way up .

Different kettle of fish after the tide turned - it got real lumpy and there was already spray blowing off the waves.



The Stars getting ready to leave.



And from a different viewpoint.

Out of interest, the yacht in the background is from the Isle of Man.  This afternoon, together with another yacht that moored up behind, it was flying the Man burgee from the mast. You can just see that the Dock has the green light for open.  The water is held in at low water by a gate so boats are dock bound until the tide comes back in and the gate is lowered.



No. 12 under tow.



One of the support boats.  It made me think of some of you when I saw it's name.



Grand Daughter's towing a Fife into the Strait where boats put up their sails and sailed off - exit right - though the waters don't look that bad in the photo.



Monday looks good on the front weather front so hope to actually get see the races in Menai Bridge.

I've been advised to go to the end of the Pier.  Hope it's not too crowded.


After all that excitement, I went into town and found that the summer carousel had arrived.

Saw the Road Train out and about yesterday.



It looks real inviting.  A ride next time, maybe, though I said that last year.



Two attractions for the price of one?

The fountains are usually full of rather soggy boys and girls (and adults) jumping and running in and out but not this moment in time.



Hope you're able to make the most of the summer hols.



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Evening all,

Dull Clacton became 25 degree Clacton when I was at my chores this afternoon!

Phil, hope Sherry and Ian are right and it's something easily sorted - good luck with the 'scope', makes me wince to think of it!

Andrew, terribly sorry to hear about the distress you are suffering, everyone on here has their fingers crossed that the brave little cat pulls through. Above all, let's hope it doesn't suffer.

Safe journey home Dom.

AndyB, all you can do is keep at it, but I appreciate your frustration - very often perfectly suitable applicants are turned down by people like the one you got to. What is he doing in that position, giving people hope, when he doesn't have the authority to make a decision without reference to someone else?

Time for the nightcap again, amazing how quickly it comes round these days! At this rate I'll soon be having it along with breakfast!

Have a great Sunday all, I'm happy as the British Superbike Series is at Thruxton this weekend although Joanna is unimpressed that I'm recording it for over six hours and it might clash with one of her crime/baby/hospital programmes!

Kind regards,


PS Polly, lovely shots as ever, thank you, Jock.

Edited by Jock67B
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Woken up at 3.27am by fireworks...  can't get back to sleep due to some creature having what I assume is noisy sex outside. Cup of tea calls.


Andrew - I feel for you. I'm very much a cat person, and I've had similar experiences. I hope it all turns out well.

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Only 40 minutes to catch up today!

Cloudy/misty/dull start to the day which is forecast  be only partly cloudy with Sun. Max 18.


Happy modelling those who can.


Gordon, we know you passed the two seater Jag on. What did you replace it with?

When parting with your US stock, you can't sell the triplex! After all it was a parting gift from some lasses in the US. You will have to have a "Museum"  shed somewhere on Eastwood Town and have special Annual Days when you can run it.


Hi Don, apologies I'm miles behind everything.  Been in the usual place most of the time playing with my balls…:-)


The XKR was a most enjoyable car, but was always a 'bucket list' purchase to enjoy a convertible in the sun.  It was totally impractical for our lifestyle, so was sold to another petrol head in Poole, Dorset.  I'm now driving an E63 Mercedes Estate which goes well and will take four adults and all their luggage easily.  It's also great for taking stuff to the tip...


No you're right, the Triplex will certainly stay as will other retirement gifts which are in a glass cabinet on the wall.  By the way, the current clearout is not the end of ET and my modelling.  I'm just taking a break and really enjoying the exercise and getting out in the fresh air whilst I'm still fit enough to play.

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Like Smiffy, I've been awake for a good while now. I kind of draw the line at 3.27, but 5am is always a nice time. I've developed this bizarre ritual where I wander around the garden with a cup of coffee playing "spot the weed that wasn't there last time I looked". Sadly, there's always plenty to see! When the house is finished, we really must give the garden a makeover. For an old house close to the centre of a seaside town, it has a reasonably good sized garden... not huge but just enough to do something with. I may have to start watching reruns of Ground Force for inspiration.

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Spot the weed? I’ve been getting three full sized White Tailed Deer eating our tomatoes in the backyard. My Wife managed to get a photo (which I will publish); with antlers they stand about 8 feet tall and aggressive with it. I’ve taken to carrying a pick axe handle for my forays to the bottom of the garden right now.


Mike Smith who died Saturday. He used to race in the UK Touring Car Championship in the mid - ’80’s. Somewhat surprisingly for someone who entered the sport as a “Celebrity” he actually was not too bad. I was still prepared to hate him for keeping out talented drivers but he was disarming with his affability (‘cos he understood how he was “seen” by drivers). 59 is way too young to go.


Best, Pete.

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Good news Phil - but you will still see the Doctor, right?



Manchester United beat Real Madrid 3-1.

What is really interesting is that the match was played in the University of Michigan’s stadium and attracted the biggest crowd ever in the history of football in the USA of 109,318 people. Amazing!

That must be close to the biggest attendance in the UK to a single football match?


Best, Pete.

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Morning all


Hoping George is still plugging and purring away, Andrew.


Good to hear Phil has been reassured.


Having noticed Gordon's thread about disposing of US models here (well, the UK) I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised that he has a Triplex. Not really that eerie.


Mike Smith? I am a bit out of touch with his recent career, but it was he who rang my friend/colleague re the regularly-cancelled 08.14 Barnehurst to Blackfriars, circa 1980. Colleague told him - and the listening Capital Radio audience - something along the lines (sorry) of "I've not had no advice that it's cancelled this morning." Undoubtedly it was Mike Smith's fascination with this ill-starred train that led to Jackie Challoner making the record. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBPahAoVUyQ


A fairly decent night's sleep, but the weather remains unsettled, with a chance of showers over the next few days, maybe storms again this morning.


Hope your day of rest delivers!

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I agree with sentiments re Mike Smith.  I always enjoyed his banter, but had forgotten his time in Touring Cars.  Was that the time of the Volvo Estates and Alfas or earlier?  Thinking about it, that must have been the mid 90's, so much later.


I'm guessing the biggest crowds at a UK football match were pre H & S times.  Hampden Park in Glasgow had crowds of 145,000 from memory in the 30's and then there was the 1923 'White Horse' Cup Final at Wembley which I think was 125,000.  Of course those figures can't happen now with all seater stadiums.


Ian, the Triplex was a retirement gift from the girls in my Canadian Office.  It seemed much more fitting than the usual retirement gifts so has real sentimental value.  I had a couple of Fleischmann locos from Germany and the Czech Republic and they have the same sentimental value.

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A lovely sunny morning here just north of Ikea.  Hopefully a slightly less frantic day than yesterday when we brought the decorated tram to Morley and then took it back to Manchester in the evening and unloaded it. So a few aching muscles from ramp building and a sodden boiler suit to dry out but all being well it should be a relatively quiet day trying to restore my tock of brownie points after two intensive days of tram moving.



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