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Early Risers.


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gunk........good stuff,remember getting a can given to me when me and dad did my first car up! stunk of the stuff for days !! (1968 morris 1000) the missis has one(1965 1000) know still in bits.....jack keeps pointing to it...mums car....must get it finished.....I keep getting asked why do they take so long to do....zephyr is first in the queue when pennys allow! congrats on anerversary by the way  !!!

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The Honourable MR. C has said he will retire next year (70 years old on March 31st)all good things must come to an end but the start of another for him and his family.


So rip it up with Eric and Sonny Landreth (of New Orleans) on “Promised Land”:



I hear the hint of his “Crossroads” solo from the Cream years, methinks...


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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Thanks, Jock. I don't get The Goat often enough to use the prophylactic, just Colchicene and an anti-inflammatory when it flares up - usually gone in 24 hours. It's much improved this morning. Apparently Colchicine is a wonder drug, but if you take it for more than 3 days continually it kills you...


Raining here at the moment, though may change later. Woken up by something large and loud going down the road so fast it set car alarms off. Not mine this time.


Today's plan involves - s*d all. Stripping down a loco, reading, writing a letter. Maybe putting a new black cartridge in the printer, it's that exciting.

But whatever happens today it won't be a car park in Horsham.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning all! Its Saturday and looks like it could be wet today. Day off from umpiring so a bit of modelling time available! Yippeeddoo!

Have a great day and time to enjoy the day whatever we have to do today.

Still slightly damp Baz

Edited by Barry O
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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dull damp start and showers (some heavy) forecast during the morning with possibility of thunder. May dry up this afternoon.

Looks like some more domestic stuff needs doing today. As I appear to be in the good books at the moment I better assist!

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Gold

Thank you all very much for the message s of support for Merryn's wedding to Sam yesterday.


Ian's message about good weather and a wonderful day was obviously brilliant, because it was a template for what transpired.


If he was so prophetic about that, he must have been brilliant at sorting out the railway!


We all had a great time, and I will post a few pictures up, when I get sent some as, as you can imagine, I was too busy to take any myself.

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Good \morning all,   


Not struggling to much with the new "Toy",the  link to change site  (shell) my GF had allready sent,  shes pretty smart  and has also found me a way of transferring all my Google Earth place marks.


Now site visit to day, couple of reports to do (on the old L/T as the new one only has office 2007, and all my stuff is in 2010!)  Then may be some bits on either the de-winton  a like or something else I've got on the go.


Whatever  you're up to day, try and make the most of  it.



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Only 40 minutes to catch up today!

Cloudy/misty/dull start to the day which is forecast  be only partly cloudy with Sun. Max 18.


Happy modelling those who can.


Gordon, we know you passed the two seater Jag on. What did you replace it with?

When parting with your US stock, you can't sell the triplex! After all it was a parting gift from some lasses in the US. You will have to have a "Museum"  shed somewhere on Eastwood Town and have special Annual Days when you can run it.

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  • RMweb Gold

Off to the exhbition in Minehead today. Well I had better walk the dogs first. The question is will it be sensible to walk down or do the skies plan to open up again?



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  • RMweb Premium

Absolutely Ark-ing it down here this morning, 'thick rain'.


Lot of flooding due to the dry ground, and we have to drive the length of the island to meet up for a birthday lunch with friends, Anne is, er, 60 minus one.


Groudle tomorrow, they are running today for the transport festival, they will be very, very wet.  I welshed out of today, thankfully.

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Morning all. I must go back through ERs and suitably "like", "agree" or otherwise sympathise with you all as I have no idea what you've been up to for the last few days. I've skimmed through and there's some nice pics...

My mood has improved remarkably over the last couple of days. Some of you know that my wife has been hospitalised on and off since April - she managed a brief fortnight at home last month but is back at Fawlty Towers Norfolk & Norwich. We've finally managed to get a second opinion from a specialist surgeon and Louise is also back under the care of her longstanding neuro professor who, as luck would have it, has transferred up to Norwich from UCH in London. What a happy coincidence! It pains me to be anything other than gushing with praise about the NHS, especially reading how Jock has fallen on his feet and is in the care of an excellent team. Sadly, my wife's gastro doctor to date has done little more than observe and muck around with medication in the hope of accidentally finding a solution. He also seems blessed with the ability to talk to my wife like a child and then not listen to a word she's saying. We were told months ago that a surgical option was possible, albeit risky, but gastro guy has put his foot down and refused to even consider it. We were absolutely at our wits end but now maybe there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Louise phoned an hour ago to wish me a happy birthday and sounds optimistic for the first time in months. Hopefully we can soon draw a line under what has to be the sorriest start to a year that I can remember!

So far I have received socks and pyjamas from the kids. No motorbike or train set... *sigh*...

Have a great weekend and I promise to cheer up a little. Just a little, mind...  :yes: 

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Clouding over in the Capital, so I hope they readied sufficient Arks on the Thames. Didn't find anything modelling-wise that would have captivated me so far, so will try again today.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Not able to catch up so I hope I haven't missed anything too serious, likes, friendly likes etc. to all as appropriate and if I've missed birthdays then I hope they were good, even without me.


The sun is beaming here in Dusseldorf (Germany), about to have breakfast and then off for a stroll along the Rhine to photograph a few ships / barges.


Here's the Metropolis devouring the Esslingen



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Morning all from the boring borough. Last night's promised precipitation failed to materialise. SWMBO is now frantically watering her multitude of tomato plants. Today's plans of Epping & Ongar have been scuttled. George the cat isn't doing well again so my day will be spent fretting at the vet.


On the work front it looks like a few days more of peace and quiet as the client where I'm supposed to be spending the next 3 months has stalled and delayed due to other issues. If you knew the client then to say "delayed" would be very ironic. No doubt they'll get their finger out just in time for me to go off on leave later this month. Typical.


That's about it from me. Time to spray the cat carrier with Felliway again.


Happy Birthday Pete.


Have a great weekend everyone.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

I think it may have rained all night but it looks somewhat overcast at the moment.

After breakfast my first task will be to go to the Post Office to collect an undelivered certificate, hopefully Matthew's degree certificate.

I then have to contact Leicester University for him to confirm his grades for the LSE now that the degree has been awarded. I think that may be a Monday rather than Saturday task though.

Then I will collect Robbie.


Happy Birthday Pete.



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