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Morning all,

A sunny start to the day here. 


Croydon had Modelzone and there was a small section of model railway related items in one of the department stores, but yes, surprisingly few model shops for such a large population. 


Don, I'm currently listening to Calon Lan sung by Katherine Jenkins. And in a slightly different setting...


Taking a walk  to our village church today with the children. They can pick some flowers for their granddad who passed away two years ago.


Have a nice day everyone. Andy  

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Bright cloudy/sunny and cooler - just right at about 19/20 degC. Don would probably call that cold.


Dog seems a bit better today, the meds are working and she's eating and drinking, and the tail is wagging.


Planning for today is heading west with a Pasty stop in St Just. Sounds good to me.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


For the avoidance of doubt - Sherry is not a big drinker! Trust me!


Victors was in Chapel Market, Islington when I first visited in the late '60s. The front of the shop sold records, mainly ska - which became reggae, in effect - to the many West Indian locals. In the back was a ridiculously exotic collection of rare imported locos and stock from overseas. They upped sticks to Pentonville Road in the '70s, I think.


Smiffy - intrigued to see one of the buses is registered in Ile et Vilaine!


A cooler day, with drizzle. Hasn't stopped the cats being busy overnight, and the drive really is like the Killing Fields, with rodent remains everywhere. A small rat on the doormat got removed to the incinerator, mind. Harvest always sends them scurrying, and the cats love it! Just stopped Cooper from bringing a very live mouse indoors last night. OTOH, I was putting something in the barn the other evening as it was getting dark, and seemed to kick something. Putting the light on I saw it was a large hedgehog. I was concerned I'd damaged him/her, but 10 mins later he/she had gone.


Hope your week is coming up to expectations. Although that may not be what you were hoping for!

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Good morning all,  fourth lie in on the trot for me  almost unknown! Raining here still.....and it's  only 26c at the moment.....Brrrrrr.


Though I do have some work to do today - but that should only take an hour or so.  


Yes remember Victors,  then there was W  & H  more cases of exotic brass........



What ever you're up to today try and find some thing to enjoy.



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Still raining. After all the dry weather, it picks today..... :scared:

Couldnt agree more!  Just over the water from you, it is the same, and our builders are hopefully sealing the external part of the house, having replaced the 'lentil' yesterday.  If they dont, we are going to have a wet inside!

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Bright cloudy/sunny and cooler - just right at about 19/20 degC. Don would probably call that cold.


Dog seems a bit better today, the meds are working and she's eating and drinking, and the tail is wagging.


Planning for today is heading west with a Pasty stop in St Just. Sounds good to me.

HI John. ST. Just my neck of the woods.I hope you buy your pasties from Warrens.Enjoy your trip.Yours Cornishexcile.

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Pasties from the original Warren's shop. They have done up the shop, have a new design of paper bag featuring the history of Warrens. Good marketing, I think.


Then go down to Carn Gloose to eat them. View from Whitesands Bay all the way round to Cape Cornwall including, if it's clear enough, the Isles of Scilly.


Our peace down there was only shattered once, some years ago, with a BBC crew and Ben Fogle doing a piece on basking sharks. They were most disappointed when none showed up 'at the very edge of Cornwall'. I think that the sharks had got wind of them and all bu99ered off to either Porthcurno or up to Strumble Head in Pembrokeshire, especially as the BBC weren't paying appearance money.

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Morning all up and about a bit earlier today and a fine morning, it is sunny again. Starting to focus on things I want to see completed by 8th September that never happened last year due to Karen's fall. A long self inflicted list beckons.......

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I was putting something in the barn the other evening as it was getting dark, and seemed to kick something. Putting the light on I saw it was a large hedgehog.


At least you didn't go back in the house wearing it!

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Cool here today -  16C going up to 26C but Sunny, little humidity. Shall wear thicker shorts today.

Summer quite mild so far but plenty of both Sun and Showers. Reservoirs “normal”.


Very easy to get an inch of rain in 20 minutes during thundershowers. I do not miss the day long rain event which is actually quite rare on the eastern side of a continent.


Later, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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Morning, Overcast here and 18.5c taking other half out for lunch today at the Inn at Whitewell in the Forest of Bowland and then  a short walk afterwards.


A list of jobs to do will be compiled over lunch more to do with in laws bank affairs etc than hard labour  jobs for me.


Enjoy the day

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Sitting here waiting for a cooker to be delivered. Then I'll have three.

Two weeks back, couple of chaps from British Gas to install smart gas meters. Turn on cooker to check job, find safety switch faulty, apologetically condemn cooker. Shrug shoulders. OK, 15 years old, must be 95 in cooker years.

Order new cooker from John Lewis online. Three days delivery from suppliers. Phone suppliers to check details. Seven days.

Walk down to Iceland, get bus back loaded down with microwaveable stuff. Ask neighbour: put kaput cooker at top of drive (still there; where're all the scrap metal scavengers when you want one?). New cooker comes, ask another neighbour to fit it (blessed with neighbours trained in pretty much full set of trades). Starts to prepare it, stops and scratches head. Did I order LPG cooker? No. Well that's what I've got. Check cooker model on website. No mention of LPG. Oh, a letter L in cryptic model number. If that's it, how the hell I am I supposed to know. Reassure apologetic neighbour - not his fault. Phone JL. No, didn't want LPG cooker. Otherwise wouldn't order one not described as such. Choose another cooker. Plus £43. Well? JL absorb. Natural gas?- Check with Tech Dept - yes. Delivery? Three days. Suppliers? Seven days. Take LPG cooker back? Different carrier - seven days.



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Good morning all from sunny Clacton,

Sorry it's raining on your steam day Neil, and Simon has a similar problem across the water - hope it changes for you both soon! Neil, your friend Jayne truly is an amazingly brave lass and I do hope the visit helps to bring closure for her.

John, pleased to hear the beast is on the mend and if anything like our Archie, will be very keen to share in Warren's finest! They are so hot when you get them, we've even driven back to Zennor and taken the path out to Zennor Head before they're cool enough to eat! The benefit of that walk is that you have the 'Tinners Arms' on the way back to wash away the crumbs with some excellent cider and last time we went, dogs were welcome too! Hope threat of your trip goes without incident.

Smiffy, the burning question is, did you get a kiss or embrace under the famous clock?

Yesterday, I had a very important consultation and I won't bore you with all the details but, because of the answers I received to my long list of questions, I've elected to go for a 'radical nephrectomy' which in laymans terms means the removal of my right kidney complete with tumour. This is now possible because of the effectiveness of the new type of chemo I've been on which has contained the cancer, but it can stop working at any time! (Most people only manage 6-8 months with the side effects and I've done 14 now)The clincher was when the consultant surgeon said he intends to use 'keyhole' surgery which reduces recovery time! My experience was the exact opposite of Neil's Debs, the consultant (a Mr Casey) is a softly spoken Irishman who explained clearly all the risks involved. He made it clear that nothing can be done about the stage 4 bone tumours in my pelvis and elsewhere but obviously he and my consultant oncologist wouldn't suggest surgery if they didn't feel it would be beneficial to remove the primary source of my problems. Both he and the specialist nursing sister treated Joanna, Karen my daughter and my self with dignity and intelligence and we came away with a feeling of complete confidence in him and his team! By the way, I don't seek sympathy with this post - I have around me a fantastic support team and when all is said and done, I've had 67 fantastic years having done so many exciting things that some less fortunate than me can only dream of! I now hope for a few more years and (Sorry Debs!) now look forward to starting the model railway which so far is still only in drawing form. I feel I must point out that the marvellous support of both ERs and others on RMweb has had a tremendous effect on me, bolstering my resolve, and for this I'm truly thankful. I will obviously update you as events unfold but perhaps you can now see why we hit the bubbly last night!

That off my chest, can't escape that the patio set renovation is not complete and so it's back to painting this afternoon,

Hope the week is progressing well and wonder if we are to see any photos of Brussels from Tony and Aditi?( Including the 'Mannequin Pee' as my son called it in a recent e-mail!),

Kind regards

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Sun shining now after early dull start.

Was waiting for a parcel when phone rang and Chris asked me to pick her up from work as they'd finished early. Collected her and got home to find "while you out card" on doormat! I would add that this was a parcel containing a Collett coach that up till then she didn't know about!  :secret: Jumped in car and caught up with postman in next road and he obligingly gave it to me and I returned a happy bunny but to the usual "haven't you bought enough train stuff?" :threaten:

Silly girl!    :whistle:  :imsohappy: 

Have a good one,


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AndyB, Thanks for the link to Katherine Jenkins. It appeared to be a BIG outdoor concert. What was the occasion? I enjoyed the orchestral setting, but still prefer male voices.

Don, I believe it was the llangollen eisteddfod back in 2006. Andy

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Almost good afternoon!


Poor visibility. Wet as in raining.

We've decided to go out.

Maybe find some sun

Maybe not.

Oh do make your mind up.


Have a good day



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Good news! I've found most of the Peco track pins I dropped the other day. Well, my daughter did. I've told her not to walk around barefoot. She's currently not speaking to me. I'm enjoying the peace.


Edit: After 3 hours she's speaking to me, but only to ask for money so she can go out for milkshakes with her friends. I can't believe the bank wrote to me and offered her a debit card last year. Yeah, right, like that's going to happen...

Edited by Pete 75C
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Jock - don't worry about getting supportive votes. Where the Big C is concerned, we all have a story to share, all know those who struggle with the wretched thing. Sympathy/empathy are automatic, really. Your surgeon sounds like the right sort, and while losing a kidney is trivial for most of us, apparently, it may make an enormous difference to your prognosis.


SC - more fine pics, TVM. A part of the world I haven't seen in 40 years, but found very relaxing when I passed through and did the two little railways. A couple of years later, a friend stayed for a fortnight in Pertisau, and she loved it.

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Good news Jock - onwards and upwards!


Bluebottle I hope your kitchen conondrum is solved quickly - failing that it's a great excuse for a barbie.


I must go and weed the veg patch but first the final installment of non-train photos


I spent my third day on a trip to the Achensee. S Bahn to Jenbach, Achenseebahn to Seespitz and then the 'steamer' round the lake getting off a couple of times en-route. The Achenseebahn is expensive (my ticket including the boat cost 45 euros) but well worth it.


Achenseebahn loco being prepped




Rails up the mountain (I was sitting on the front platform of the carriage - great fun (they take a relatively relaxed attitude to health and safety, the guard goes along the running boards of the coaches checking tickets whilst the train is in motion and they've got a nifty coach slipping trick)




Eben, the high point of the line, where the loco runs round








The 'steamer'




Looking up the lake towards Achenkirch




Museum of Tirolean life in Achenkirch




Pop up restauraunt at Achenkirch, run by something like the Lions I think




Oh go on then




Looking back down the lake towards Pertisau




Sailing boats at Pertisau, the water is a wonderfully bright blue-green which this photo doesn't really capture




The clouds descend





When I got back to Seespitze it was very, very wet. Thus no pictures of the ride back to Jenbach.


I took the train back to Innsbruck and the bus back to Zirl. The following day it was home via an afternoon in Munich.




In summary a beautiful part of the world and an excellent destination for visiting with people who don't like trains. Masses of freight movements and lots of interesting passenger stuff for you (plus the Achensee and Zillerthal) and plenty of interesting sights and beautiful scenery for anyone else.

The "foodstall" is the WinterSportVerein-Winter sports club.



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