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Well as promised a couple of photos of my "de-Winton" alike... currently sat on two pairs of wheels... chassis will have to wait until I get new workshop set up at GF's  apartment... thats assuming that my (our) plans come to fruition next year.  Just hope my  family  dont create to many problems !  


Now the photos have shown up some corrections I need to make.



I was going for a walk,  got as far as the compound gate to find the road outside is flooded....now another tropical downpour has started....bu^*er, that means more modelling! 








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Andy Y has rearranged the front page of RMWeb, that will confuse some of us!


Next door are putting up a new fence - the nail gun is getting on my nerves but on the other hand my security is being improved for free,


Hope thing quieten down for Sherry,



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Morning all from a very dull Clacton,

Sherry, I'm very glad (as I'm sure Ian is!) to hear that there appears to be some easing of the pressure on you. The new apartment sounds like a proper little love nest! Joanna is now very keen to downsize in view of my condition and I have suggested an apartment as a good fiscal move although she would require it to be ground floor with outside space for the other love of her life, Archie the Westie! She would love a detached bungalow but in such a retirement area they are ridiculously over-priced. Hope the next few days run smoothly.

Ian, we are never shot of the tax man, even in retirement and after paying in fortunes over the years! Taxing monies which have already been taxed is some sort of sick joke is it not?

Motters, looks like a fantastic birthday present to me - I've made sure that Joanna has seen it as a very large hint for next year (there's confidence for you)!

John(CB), sorry to hear of your holiday hiccup - we found that having Archie with us on our recent Cornish trip really enhanced our enjoyment of the break. We both hope that it turns out to be something trivial and you and Sandy recover from your sleepless night. At least the Cornish pace of life should work in your favour!

Debs, I've seen at close hand, but luckily never experienced, just how debilitating a migraine can be. SiL and No1 Grandson are sufferers and it looks awful - get well soon.

Dom, safe journey and keep the pics coming, very interesting so far.

Off to get ready for this afternoon's hospital appointment - apparently Joanna and Karen the 'nursing sister' daughter are going to join me for the consultation as I don't think they trust me to remember all the questions I need to ask! Fooled them however by preparing a bullet point list to take.

Have a safe day all,

Kind regards,


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Andy Y has rearranged the front page of RMWeb, that will confuse some of us!


Next door are putting up a new fence - the nail gun is getting on my nerves but on the other hand my security is being improved for free,


Hope thing quieten down for Sherry,



Guess all the weed killing wagons have sold then?

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, well just about, families? hmm not going there given the antics of my sister in law over the last 4 weeks in relation to her mum and dad!




Sherry, hang in there visitors will depart soon.


Things are starting to get back to normal well as normal as they can be and I can now restart work on my layout and maybe have a game of tennis.


Had a scan thro hundreds of posts which led me to the Bachmann thread, had to investigate given the comments on here.  In one word unbelievable!!


Enjoy the sunshine and the day

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  • RMweb Gold

And I shortly to head North up the M1 and A1....for an impromptu barbecue on a warm Tyneside night and then tomorrow South a little to a renowned rail museum in County Durham ,sadly by road and not rail for the culmination of a famous..or infamous,depending on your point of view....railfroth.

I AM looking forward to this......

A 'dynamic' duo will fly the RMWeb flag.....with diplomacy and dignity.

Edited by Ian Hargrave
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Gruss Gott!


I have returned from the Tirol (and Liechtenstein, Germany and Switzerland) bearing chocolate, haribo and several hundred pictures some of which will find their way into one bit of RM web or another. My apologies for not reporting live but I don't think it's possible to transfer pics from camera to kindle (I avoid internetting on my phone) and the hotel wifi seemed to find RMweb a bit much anyway.

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  • RMweb Premium

Well as promised a couple of photos of my "de-Winton" alike... currently sat on two pairs of wheels... chassis will have to wait until I get new workshop set up at GF's  apartment... thats assuming that my (our) plans come to fruition next year.  


Oooh, she'll have your guts! Brave man, was nice knowing you....

:butcher:  :butcher:  :butcher:  :butcher:

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  • RMweb Premium

Rest assured folks, my GF has already put aside room for  desk / work bench for me , even to the extent of disposing of some of her furniture!  Am I lucky or what?   



Sounds great. 

But I wasn't thinking of your GF, I was thinking of.....you know who!

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Let's try this again:


Passenger information displays switching between travel information and current speed...





Must feel like flying, but without the pre flight security hassle!

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I have a boy who would love those. Almost his favourite part of our recentr holiday to Majorca was the screen in the plane displaying various bits of data ; the outside air temperature was minus 61 is something he recalls when asked about the holiday (and his first flight)

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Back from vets, with anti-sick and antibiotic injections, pills and stomach bacteria replacement (which she's had before and hates). Heart's OK, no tenderness in the abdomen. We have to take her back for x-Ray if she's sick again, but seems OK thus far.


So it's small amounts of bland food, fish, rice and so on, so I'm cooking for her tonight.


And now back to the task in hand - trying to repair the malfunctioning caravan loo!

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  • RMweb Premium

I have a boy who would love those. Almost his favourite part of our recentr holiday to Majorca was the screen in the plane displaying various bits of data ; the outside air temperature was minus 61 is something he recalls when asked about the holiday (and his first flight)


At my old lab we used to do guided tours for visiting Drs and dignitaries etc.

Taking them into our cold climate lab at -60oC was always amusing, especially if they came from SE Asia!   :jester:

So cold the vapour in your nose would freeze. That even happened at -40oC.

They always looked bemused when I accompanied them in wearing shirt sleeves.

The secret was not to move and disturb the boundary layer around oneself!

I kept a pair of gloves to make sure I could open the chamber door handle without becoming attached to it though. :)   


I'm with your lad the moving map is fantastic. Have you showed him http://www.flightradar24.com/ ? That'd keep him absorbed for hours!


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I have a boy who would love those. Almost his favourite part of our recentr holiday to Majorca was the screen in the plane displaying various bits of data ; the outside air temperature was minus 61 is something he recalls when asked about the holiday (and his first flight)


Agreed. I remember a flight from Gatwick to the US with young son. We'd been in the air about 30 minutes and he spotted from the real-time map that we were heading north. My son insisted I go and tell the pilot to turn around as we were going the wrong way... "We need to go south-west Daddy! Pleeeaaaasssssse tell the pilot he's going the wrong way!!!"... After another 20 minutes or so we started to turn. The rest of the flight was uneventful.

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The Austrian Railjets have maps in their info screen cycle as well as speed and next stops. Mind you they are definitely trying to be plane like, they have first, business and economy classes.


Am I the only person who finds the moving map far more interesting than anything else on the IFE on a plane?

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I have a boy who would love those. Almost his favourite part of our recentr holiday to Majorca was the screen in the plane displaying various bits of data ; the outside air temperature was minus 61 is something he recalls when asked about the holiday (and his first flight)

On a relatively recent flight, the plane had a ground facing external camera which was displayed on the TV screens at some points, so we could see what we were passing over - but it wasnt very clear!  Probably as a result of the TV screen quality, rather than camera quality.

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Visitors to The Prince Bishopric of Durham tomorrow can expect a dry but cloudy day of about 22c . . . .

If I'm wrong please direct any complaints to BBC Look North . . . . .


Today is glorious sunshine . . . I'M HOT ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Edited by Two_sugars
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Back from vets, with anti-sick and antibiotic injections, pills and stomach bacteria replacement (which she's had before and hates). Heart's OK, no tenderness in the abdomen. We have to take her back for x-Ray if she's sick again, but seems OK thus far.


So it's small amounts of bland food, fish, rice and so on, so I'm cooking for her tonight.


And now back to the task in hand - trying to repair the malfunctioning caravan loo!

Good to hear that she's being treated, any idea as to the tentative diagnosis? I find it difficult to effectively assess Schotty when he's under the weather, I can't seem to get the necessary objectivity (like recently when he was having constant low-grade diarrhoea. The abdominal palpation seemed to be OK, but perhaps......).


Treatment, on the other hand, is a doddle. It's amazing what I can get Schotty to ingest if I bury it in enough cheese or mix it with enough chopped bratwurst. And when he needed eye drops for a scratched cornea (due to him charging through the undergrwoth at high speed, regardless of obstacles), the promise of Custard Creme biscuits got him to come for his therapy but, alas, even Custard Cremes couldn't get him to stop wriggling (and the HM would do almost anything for a Custard Creme [preferably Tesco's own brand])


Oh, the joys of pet ownership :no:


A quiet Monday, I'm pretty much done and have signed off. Now for a pint of Red Beard


Have a great evening.



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