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Early Risers.


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Good evening all. Did you miss me? Have I missed much? Not been able to post on ER for quite some time due to an acute case of BTitis (aka now internet!) As you know we moved on at the end of last month. BT were supposed to connect us on the 9th July. The engineer arrived, did nothing and disappeared stating that there was "no line". The call centre could not provide an answer that evening and, despite promising a call over the weekend, Open Reach failed to do so! When I finally tracked them down the following week I was told that BT have yet to lay cables on our new estate. The next work date was 31st July! Now wouldn't you think they would know that? Thankfully they swallowed my response that I had spoken to Citizens Advice (I hadn't!!) and I had been told I could cancel the contract with no penalties as they had failed to provide a service. So we will be reconnected soon by Virgin, who already have fibre-optic lines connected! The irony is that we have got the internet sooner by going on holiday! Our accommodation here in sunny Hunstanton is fitted with free Wi-Fi so I am back online at last.


 What has been going on since I last posted? The school year has ended with an emotional farewell to our retiring headteacher. That was a very hard day! Another disappointment has seen me try to fit my smaller layout into the spare room of the new house. That did not fit in its present form either. There will need to be some negotiation about how we can sort that one out, but the plans need to be passed by the powers that be!

 Today has seen us travel to Hunstanton, a long and hot journey but worth it when Amber saw the sea and the beach for the first time in her memory. We have collected shells on the beach, built a sandcastle, and fish and chips and won a number of teddy bears from the 2p machines on the pier. Today is our 4th wedding anniversary and there is a bottle of champagne awaiting opening in the fridge. We had a meal out on Wednesday, travelling on the wine and dine special on the Great Central. A four course meal, wine and the red 8F on the front! A nice way to celebrate - not only our anniversary but the fact that Wednesday was the day the school holidays started!


 Mentioning the school holidays - it is time for me to play my little game again. Each summer I indulge my autistic (??) side by seeing how many steam hauled miles I can accumulate during the 6 weeks. Of course school planning, family and finances sometimes have a part to play. My record is 334 miles which was a few years ago now. The GCR trip has started me off 15 and a half miles I make it so far!


Hope to catch you all again soon!

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If any of your relatives are D-day veterans, even in support, the French Government want to award all surviving veterans the Legion d'Honneur. See here for details https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/d-day-70-application-form-for-award-of-the-legion-dhonneur


My father in law, now 87 and nearly blind, was a radar operator on HMS Orion which was in support of the landings. We're making sure his application goes in.

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  • RMweb Premium

Look away now if you're squeamish. 


Wondering if these photos would make the ER wildlife calendar?! About 4' from my back door. 


I can name one bird - a pigeon. Any idea what the other one is? A pigeon-hawk?







Are you looking at me?






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  • RMweb Premium

Reminds me of 1992 when, having suffered from numbness in my hands, I ended up having similar tests.  Asked if I were right or left handed I said, "Right-handed".  A series of progressively stronger shocks were passed through my arms, but the tech still wasn't sure.  He called in his supervisor (who looked and sounded like Rosa Klebb from the Bond Films) she cranked it up to max and it lifted me out of the chair.  They still couldn't understand the results.


Then I weakly said, "I was originally left-handed, but my wretched primary school forced me to become right-handed."  "Ah, that explains it!", she said and promptly transferred to shocking my left arm!  They then proposed carpel tunnel operations on both hands, which would have meant I wouldn't be able to use either for about a month consecutively.  As I was sculpting model figures professionally for Britains at the time it was hardly an option.  Then a friend recommended a chiropractor in Ludlow to me and three sessions later everything was back to normal and working OK.


Moral of the story:  Do remember to tell your left from your right!


Yes, it's about that sort of thing, alleged carpal tunnel but it isn't, it is probably a nerve in her neck or shoulder according to our consultant here.  The torturer in chief was totally uncommunicative, and basically couldn't have been more unhelpful or less caring.  Walton Hospital, hang your head in shame. When patients are facing painful and worrying investigations, this is not good enough.


Debs herself noticed differences side-to-side in the test, when she asked him if that was a sign of the issue there wasn't even a grunt in reply.  Nothing.  I am ashamed to have been an NHS manager if that is as good as they can do. /rant.  I get annoyed when people hurt my wife.  We know it is neccessary but there are ways to go abou tthings.

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  • RMweb Premium

Accompany her next time Neil, looking at them as they approach your wife as if you are weighing up which way to kill them tends to result in a lot more talking and more consideration of the patients feelings/pain.

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  • RMweb Premium

Accompany her next time Neil, looking at them as they approach your wife as if you are weighing up which way to kill them tends to result in a lot more talking and more consideration of the patients feelings/pain.


Gets a bit too expensive Mick - she gets to go free but any accompanyment we have to pay for.  I've been over 6 times in the last year.....bl**dy hip.

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Good to see my sheepish namesake back. Get a good tube of glass from the Virgins and it's great. We've had less than 45 mins down time in 6.5 years.


As many have surmised I too am sinister. <insert cheesy laughter here> In the bad old days they'd tie my left hand to force me to write with the wrong hand. They failed.


'Night all

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  • RMweb Premium

My Dad was left handed and made to write with his right hand, for years I thought he could only do his signature. I realised later that he would have had to fill in his drivers logbook every day.....

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  • RMweb Premium

My old man could bowl left arm spin and right arm seam up.. he could write with both hands but was pushed to use his right hand... Now my youngest Herbert bowls right handed but bats left handed... confused - yep we all are!


have a great Saturday ... me I am off to Doncaster to umpire....



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Batting can be driven by the leading eye, rather than the leading hand.  An example is right handed Graham Thorpe; a good club cricketer batting right handed, test cricketer when turned around.  Whilst I could bat either way, I was better right handed and found out I was left eyed, so I was batting the correct way.  But then I only bowled right handed, yet preferred to throw left handed.  



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  • RMweb Premium

Look away now if you're squeamish. 


Wondering if these photos would make the ER wildlife calendar?! About 4' from my back door. 


I can name one bird - a pigeon. Any idea what the other one is? A pigeon-hawk?







Are you looking at me?


I had a similar 'incident' on my patio a few years ago, again it was Sparrowhawk 1, pigeon 0. Mother nature red in tooth and claw.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening all. Did you miss me? Have I missed much? Not been able to post on ER for quite some time due to an acute case of BTitis (aka now internet!) As you know we moved on at the end of last month. BT were supposed to connect us on the 9th July. The engineer arrived, did nothing and disappeared stating that there was "no line". The call centre could not provide an answer that evening and, despite promising a call over the weekend, Open Reach failed to do so! When I finally tracked them down the following week I was told that BT have yet to lay cables on our new estate. The next work date was 31st July! Now wouldn't you think they would know that? Thankfully they swallowed my response that I had spoken to Citizens Advice (I hadn't!!) and I had been told I could cancel the contract with no penalties as they had failed to provide a service. So we will be reconnected soon by Virgin, who already have fibre-optic lines connected! The irony is that we have got the internet sooner by going on holiday! Our accommodation here in sunny Hunstanton is fitted with free Wi-Fi so I am back online at last.


 What has been going on since I last posted? The school year has ended with an emotional farewell to our retiring headteacher. That was a very hard day! Another disappointment has seen me try to fit my smaller layout into the spare room of the new house. That did not fit in its present form either. There will need to be some negotiation about how we can sort that one out, but the plans need to be passed by the powers that be!

 Today has seen us travel to Hunstanton, a long and hot journey but worth it when Amber saw the sea and the beach for the first time in her memory. We have collected shells on the beach, built a sandcastle, and fish and chips and won a number of teddy bears from the 2p machines on the pier. Today is our 4th wedding anniversary and there is a bottle of champagne awaiting opening in the fridge. We had a meal out on Wednesday, travelling on the wine and dine special on the Great Central. A four course meal, wine and the red 8F on the front! A nice way to celebrate - not only our anniversary but the fact that Wednesday was the day the school holidays started!


 Mentioning the school holidays - it is time for me to play my little game again. Each summer I indulge my autistic (??) side by seeing how many steam hauled miles I can accumulate during the 6 weeks. Of course school planning, family and finances sometimes have a part to play. My record is 334 miles which was a few years ago now. The GCR trip has started me off 15 and a half miles I make it so far!


Hope to catch you all again soon!

Glad to see you back Andy. I'd stick with Virgin if I were you. I've always had good service from them and prompt as well.

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Evening all,

Andy, great to hear you had nothing more sinister than a lack of internet - if you do read back you'll find a few posts wondering where you were. Look forward to hearing more soon and maybe some steam pics?

Ian and Sherry, stick in there - alcohol often loosens the tongue but for sure the problem is all hers : don't let it become yours! I'd have been tempted to show her the door Sherry but I understand how difficult it is when family are involved.

AndyB, as an amateur twitcher and bird photographer I'm happy to confirm that you did indeed see a sparrow hawk. Sold a picture of one years ago but mine was eating a starling - can't say as I've seen one eating a sparrow. What is incredible to observe (I have only seen it once) is their attack method. They fly low behind a hedge with a flock of small birds on the other side and when they get close, just like Second World War aircraft going into battle in the movies, they soar up suddenly and execute a barrel roll to fall amongst the prey with talons extended.

My junior school in Scotland always required writing to be executed by keeping each letter inside a box which was angled to the right. A large percentage of our clan are left handed and so I ended up being able to get by with either. Very handy when RSI struck from over-use of the mouse at work, switched everything to the left side of the desk and very soon recovered!

Terribly sorry to hear of Debs distress over her treatment Neil. I guess that I've just been lucky, the 'Mr' that I see on Monday afternoon is a softly spoken Irishman who, despite his elevated status, is only too happy to explain things in layman's terms. If I have the operation, it is he who will wield the scalpel and he has already given me confidence. Sadly MickB is right, I normally have Joanna and my 'nursing sister' daughter along - possibly because they don't trust me to remember all that was said! I truly hope Debs gets sorted soon, these enigmatic problems are possibly the hardest to bear.

Lewis has got it right so far for the weekend - can he keep it up?

Hoping you all have a good weekend,

Kind regards,


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